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Bernie is fond of messing with people's heads isn't he? Look at this quote from the AutoSimSport report:

"I am sorry that we could not have helped Silverstone to raise the money to carry out the circuit improvements and run Formula One. I believe that the government should have supported them which would have cost probably less than .002% of the government's commitment for the Olympic Games."

Pessimistic Olympic games estimates are running at about 10 billion pounds. So, let's see: 0.002% of that is only 200,000 pounds. For the price of a small house, if Bernie's been quoted correctly, Silverstone could be fixed up? Bernie has that much money lying under the cushions on his sofa. (Presumably a decimal point got moved and Bernie meant 2 million pounds, but that's still peanuts compared to the sums of money involved in F1.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :So in other words, there's a lot of Americans trying out real racing.

Come on Mazz, there's no need for that kind of divisive talk. And here's a slice of historical perspective:

S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :my lfs folder is 4,7gb

I could play "Stairway to Heaven" when I was twelve. Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was twenty-two. I think that says quite a lot. (Vim from the band "Bad News".)
S2 licensed
BBT, great review, really useful, thanks a lot.
S2 licensed
Thanks, guys, for the balanced comments. Good to see rationally presented pros and cons. I will be giving it a try and expect to like it, but will try not to talk myself into it too hard.

S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :why do you have an american flag in your profile if your german?

Many non-Germans live in Germany.
S2 licensed
Allan, I'm not an American, and I totally see Gimpster's point of view. I'm not yet in iRacing, but I will be shortly when a new system arrives, and the reason I haven't been frequenting LFS for a couple of years is very well summed up by Gimpster's comments. Sure, iRacing is a financial commitment, and if it doesn't turn out to be worth it, I completely agree that LFS is the almost the only other game in town, really, so I might be back.

But my point is that Gimpster's not alone. I think there's a whole demographic out there who will lean towards trying iRacing for the exact reasons G. outlines.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Similar thing has happened to some xbox360 DLC, released at a certain price point, then after some time it gets reduced, or even made free.

However, this is how pretty much everything works in retail, be it software, CD's, DVD's, clothes, food etc etc, discounts after a certain time, special offers, etc etc

Of course you're right Danowat. Retail games are a great example. I just feel there's something different about the iRacing content because of the strange combo of paying a monthly fee (stop paying that and you have no access to anything) plus the one-off charges for the license to use a particular car or track.

A retail PC or console game gets cheaper if you wait six months after release, and then cheaper again after a year, etc. People seem to accept that because they're now buying something that's no longer "cutting edge", etc. But in iRacing, you've bought a license to use that car or track in perpetuity, including updates and improvements to that object (at least that's how I think it works.) Add the ongoing monthly fees into the mix and I can just see it generating more resentment from loyal customers than the downward slide in price of a console game does.

Xaotik's suggestion that they'd probably sort it out via rebates in iRacing dollars is a good one; I think that would be the smart way to handle it.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :The only thing standing in the way will probably be the pricing policy and who knows - that might be adjusted as well...

The pricing policy has an interesting feature that might make it hard to adjust: they could certainly shift the monthly or yearly rental fees up or down without much trouble and without too much resentment (assuming it wasn't a massive hike upwards relative to inflation). But the one-off pricing for extra tracks and cars is a tough one: if they decided they had priced this too high, and were tempted to move it down to get more people to sign up, they risk alienating their current customers, surely? I wouldn't like to buy Sears Point for $20 and then get told a few months later that it was now going for $10.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :nuff said

S2 licensed
Quote from Batterypark :Threads like this are so much bearable to read when tristan is on your ignore list...

Tristan is on your ignore list? Wow. Add Jakg and then there'll be hardly anything to read.
S2 licensed
This is going to sound ghoulish, but I always assumed that spectators were killed fairly often in rallying and it just didn't make the news. When you look at the way people line both sides of the road, even on corners, in some WRC rallies it seems hard to believe that deaths are not frequent. If I'm wrong and this death in Argentina is the first spectator death for several years then that's good news. Anyone have any figures?
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I like the foreign people. I like most of them anyway, except the Spanish, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian, Estonian, American, Swiss, Austrian, Canadian, Russian, Danish and Australian ones. And of course the Norwegians...

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
S2 licensed

I can't tell you how often I used to do this in GPL, even (especially) when racing the AI.

Mooning also welcome, but that would just be icing on the cake.
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Some hippies planted a bomb at an abortion clinic...

Yes, the long antipathy between hippies and freely available abortions is well documented. Not. WTF?
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn : A little rub here and there is fine, but tapping other's off track at t1 and moving on up or making a heroic inside move when you 5 car lengths behind at the corner.... not acceptable.

Completely agree, John. Perhaps you could have a word with your countryman Mr. Coulthard.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Frankly, a bottle of aftershave would do. What time will you be arriving?

Sadly I'm in the process of moving from Leeds to Southampton, otherwise I might actually have taken you up on this, particularly as it sounds like an old bottle of screenwash would qualify as in-car entertainment.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :...and bring a bottle of a nice single malt to entertain me on the way there, then I'll come.

Would Macallan do?
S2 licensed
Irishnoob, it's not really my business, but would you mind giving a brief summary of your assets and how you spent the last, say, 1000 UKP worth of income you received? If it all went on food and shelter, then sure, I have some sympathy for you, but somehow I'm guessing it didn't.
S2 licensed
I don't think the thread starter's suggestion is inherently evil. Consider the old Monza, pre-chicanes. That would be fun in the right car wouldn't it? GPL suggests so anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :
I watched the BTCC at Rockingham on TV yesterday, for the first time since getting LFS. I was thinking 'Banned...' 'He's banned.' 'Banned.' 'Ban there.'


Some good psychological differences between sim and RL mentioned so far. I think another big difference between real racing in any form and casual pickup races in LFS is the amount you have invested in the race, and how long it will take you to get into another race if you screw this one up. In online racing some people clearly feel it's OK to make a desperate turn one move because if it all goes wrong they can either vote for a restart or switch servers.
S2 licensed
Dan, I enjoyed your FE Green guide a lot. If you're prepared to write more of them, that can only be a good thing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :Of course they should stay unchangable! Just that they should be better set in the 1st place. Could be done in the next patch too.


As Jamexing points out, this is really important for how LFS is perceived by new players.

GPL had a similar problem that made it seem even harder than it really was.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :It's not my side of the issue, it's the logical outcome of thinking about all of the possibilities.

I'm sorry, Gunn, but repeatedly insisting that you've done all the hard thinking and have reached a firm conclusion that constructing such a program is impossible (and note that you've said impossible, not just "really hard") does not an argument make.

Quote :Becky's proposed system isn't about applying penalties as incidents occur and therefore does not fall inside the scope of this discussion.

No, fair enough. But it points to the possibility of thinking laterally and coming up with automated systems for policing driver behaviour
that are perhaps more accessible and more reliable than we might have imagined.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Out of intrest where do you pay for S2 ??? and how do you recieve your username and so-on ??

Surely your friend has told you these important things?