Good question. I don't know for sure, but I believe it's because it would be hard to get an accurate reading anyway given the constant sloshing about of the fuel under cornering.
The scientist is held to a somewhat more rigorous standard than the televangelist when it comes to evaluating results. I would say there's a lot more of a basis for trust here.
Yes and no. Do you feel we're likely to get access to knowledge that's any more solid than stuff than can be intersubjectively verified through experiment? If so, how do you think this might come about?
If you have serious interests in this area, you might enjoy reading "What is this thing called science?" by Alan Chalmers.
Just to get this straight, Linsen, are you saying you think the guys on Top Gear are funny?
I know it's a popular show, and so presumably some people think they're funny, but personally I've always found it to be a really sloppy, undisciplined, self-indulgent and incredibly un-funny show, in terms of the writing anyway. Some good cars I guess.
I like the enthusiasm in the article, Dan. If you cleaned it up (and there certainly seem to be plenty of people offering helpful advice on how to do that) it would be great to see it submitted to one of the relevant publications.
I hope this doesn't sound too condescending, but if you ever wanted to write anything else, can I suggest getting a copy of Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style"? It's only about a fiver on Amazon, and it would be perfect for someone in your position who wanted to improve their writing skills.
<typo nit mode> You seem to spell "their" as "there" a few times. </end>
Hmmm. When you say "re paint" I assume you don't mean walk in and do your own new painting on top of the old canvas, right? But have you been to an art gallery lately Greb? I always see art students in there sketching or painting away, copying a painting that gives them some sort of inspiration. No copyright issues, i.e., legal issues, as far as I know, and in my opinion no ethical issue at all.
I have to say that I'm with Dan on this one.
To the OP, it sounds like these people have been impolite to you, and should certainly have acknowledged your work, but I would find it really stretching things to accuse them of theft in this environment. I don't want to put you on the spot, but just out of curiosity: if I was to scan your hard drive, would you come up squeaky clean in terms of "borrowed" digital content?
Excellent idea. Access to the server limited by post count, I take it? Then we could have multiple servers for people who are increasingly forum-addicted, culminating in a server which features only JakG and Tristan locked in an eternal battle.