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S3 licensed
Octavarium - Dream Theater

aaaaaaaaand I have tickets to see Dream Theater the day after tomorrow!!! A couple bands I haven't heard of, Redemption and Into Eternity, are the scheduled openers. So freaking excited!

:banana: :drummer: :bannana_g :bannana_p

Whoa... I just previewed my post, and these ****ing bananas are dancing in time to the music. WTF
S3 licensed
Great idea, +1. Smoke screens and land mines too, thanks.
S3 licensed
Reset is better how it is now, and servers that don't allow reset are better than those that do. If you crash, game over. If you want to "test your limits" without regard for consequence, do it offline where you aren't going to screw up someone elses race with your reckless driving. Resetting is for little girls driving their Barbie PowerWheels.
S3 licensed
I drive home from work and play LFS. That's good enough for me.
S3 licensed
Well it's true... It was a pretty shitty skin to begin with
S3 licensed
It needs buses driving through it at regular intervals. That would spice it up.
S3 licensed
Crappy graphics lol. The cylindrical screen would be sweet though.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :WINKEY+SysReq also!

What he means is [Windows Key]+[Pause | Break]
S3 licensed
Works for me.
S3 licensed
Those are probably just specialized setups for drag-racing (straight line acceleration) or drifting (sliding all over the place), and probably won't be ideal for actual racing.
S3 licensed
I'd just like to point out that Chuck Norris drives with default cockpit view.

(As does Bear Grylls.)
S3 licensed
Cool! So it'll be an alpha then?
S3 licensed
Cool idea, good execution 8/10, but seen it way too much in this thread so 5/10
S3 licensed
The thing about all these non-conformists are that they're all the same! (I think I ripped that off of a t-shirt or something)

Based on similar experience, I think your friends are probably being a bit hypocritical because though they're harrassing you for liking music just because it's commercially successful, I bet they are (whether consciously or not) just forming these opinions to jive with a similar trend. Like others have mentioned, it's "cool" to dislike whatever happens to be popular, and vice versa. I wouldn't worry too much about your "friends'" snide comments; they're either just going through a phase and they'll learn to appreciate a wider variety of music based simply on its musical merit - or they're not just going through a phase and you probably won't want to hang out with them much in the future.

Personally, I have an enormous library of very very different music styles. I appreciate many different flavors of music that conventionally wouldn't co-exist very well. I enjoy everything from old-school jazz, melodic death metal, classical, some cheesy pop music, classic rock, electronica, and even some particular rap artists. The only genre I can think of that I absolutely can't stand is the modern "country music." Here, I'll shuffle my library and list the first handful of songs that pop up: Down in a Hole - Alice in Chains; California Uber Alles - Dead Kennedys; Concatenation - Meshuggah; Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Cake; Mr. Krinkle - Primus; Father Lucifer - Tori Amos; Die Entführung aus dem Serail, opera, K. 384: Overture - W.A. Mozart; Phoenix - The Prodigy; Cousin Mary - John Coltrane; Felonies of the Christian Art - Old Man's Child. Admittedly though, I'm a metal-head at heart. When I pick up a guitar, metal comes out. But when I'm on the piano I end up playing jazz/blues or classical stuff. On the drums though I tend toward latin-style or metal beats.

I don't know, I guess I can see both sides of the coin. I mean, being a musician who's never made a significant amount of money out of it I most certainly do become frustrated and a bit angry when I see/hear groups in the top 40s or whatever who really have no musical talent - and I see it a lot! It seems to me that there IS a significant cross-section of the industry that is based solely on an IMAGE or banking on a particular style that happens to be selling. I mean, there are people who claim to be like "Image Managers" and will help bands in LA decide what to wear and everything - WTF? But the way you talk about the music you like, I can tell you're not just another sucker that buys whatever MTV says is hip at the moment, but that you actually appreciate music for its inherent value. That's great. While I can't stand to listen to Linkin Park for more than the time it takes to change it, if that's what gets your blood going then that's cool with me! (I will admit to owning an Ace of Base album though ) You mentioned Barry White too? Rock on! While of course his music has been popular, I wouldn't say it's like "mainstream" or "commercialized" or whatever... It's just good music!

Ok well this is getting overlength, so anyway, just tell your friends to suck it. They're just being dumbasses.

EDIT: @ jayhawk: Yes, the bebop era is the greatest imo!
Also, anyone into Dream Theater? My tickets to go see them in Berkeley in a couple weeks just came in the mail this afternoon!!! Be jealous! (Though I do need to study the new album a bit more...)
Last edited by Dumpy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :I did not know that I could edit the Wiki.
I did not mean to offend, only to point out your poor use of the english language.
maybe "appauling" was to strong a word to use

Did you mean: Appalling

Last edited by Dumpy, .
S3 licensed
Rush - The Trees, from Hemispheres (1978)

I'm in one of my classic rock moods, and there isn't much better than Rush!
S3 licensed
I took the courtesy of censoring your skin for you - it is now G rated!

PS: that was a lot of shit!
S3 licensed
Har Har Har :d
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :DEATH: CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN

A good effort at drawing should have been harder to guess

Bingo! Yeah, a little too obvious maybe
S3 licensed
The "other guy" is easier because he doesn't have hair hanging down into his forehead.

Here's one:
S3 licensed
Maybe new features are evolving into the software without actually being programmed... Sweet!

(Hm, I guess that's what we call "bugs")

Ontopic: You're tripping dude.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Yeah, definately way too easy, although I don't think this is particularly hard either:

I'm going to have to go with: Rose by A Perfect Circle

Ok I'm being a little presumptous here, but *just in case* I'm right, here's a new one... (I even busted out the drawing tablet for this one!! [Not that I can actually draw ] )
Last edited by Dumpy, .
S3 licensed
Here's one!
S3 licensed
Rolling starts sound fun, but I can't imagine an entire parade lap being enjoyable for anything outside of a league race context.