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Allow Private mods for participation
S3 licensed
In Lislon Drift Challenge, it is allowed to specify private mods in sign up, in addition to the mod name you need to specify version number in the car tab, you need to write PM to me or or Discord - Alexey#7004 or Foch#0570 with the mod ID and you need give access to me, the mod must comply with the specified restrictions:

Max lift 0
Max Drag 0.400
Max Side Drag 0.800

Wheel size
Diameter no more than 18 inch
Tire width no more than 265mm

Location Front only
Up to 500hp

The weight
Weight distribution from 60/40 to 40/60
Not more than 1200kg dry weight
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
I can add that I have already judged a lot of competitions, and I have seen many different other competitions, and if you ask the participants, there were always people dissatisfied with judging, partly because out of 32 people there is only one winner, and those who did not win usually remain dissatisfied, but in judging there is also a factor of errors, and the fact that it can be very difficult to separate the error from the truth.

When participants come to me asking why that decision was made instead different one, it can be very difficult to answer, and this is not because we do not know how to judge or what the participants need to do, or what the task was, but because judging is a subjective thing. And there are difficult and controversial situations when the judges themselves cannot agree on a joint decision.
Judging theory. Objectivity. Part 1.
S3 licensed
Foreword. I wrote this article in Russian some time ago, now I have translated it into English, and I cannot be sure that in our context things are understood in exactly the same way. But I will still try to make the most accurate translation, although my English is far from the best (I didn’t studied it even at school and at the university, I studied German instead) So I apologize in advance.

This article is not a strict guide on how to judge in drifting. This is about judging in general, and the importance of objective thinking in the judging process.

I tend to think that for most people it is a self-evident statement that every judge should proceed from the fact that he evaluates the participants as objectively as possible. This is a key point in judging in general, it is clear that this assessment should also be effective throughout the judging, judges must be concentrated throughout the judging, not change, need to be consistent, and so on. We understand this as obvious things and will keep in mind but now we will discuss something else. For now, we will focus on the importance of objectivity. (If you do not agree with this, then I would like to see your opinion and its rationale on this matter, in the comments to the article.)

Let's break this argument down. Why is it important to judge objectively? On the contrary, for example in drifting you can do it based on your emotions or some show effect - who smoked more, who is louder than everyone else, who showed the show, who has a better car, who has a beautiful livery, who we like and who we dont like, etc. But everyone has different ideas about it. How can we agree which is more important? How to determine these things empirically and consistently? Obviously, it is important that the estimate scores of the participants be universal and consistent for all. But how can this be achieved? This is where objectivity comes into play.

Many people often like to use the term "objectivity", but I do not know how many people are able to fully disclose this term. And as Richard Feyman said, if you are not able to explain something in simple terms, then you most likely do not understand it yourself. Here is what I am trying to do now.

In this case, why not just say "objectively" instead of "unbiased"? Isn't it the same thing?
No, these are different things. unbiasedly is not the same as objectivity, but objectivity includes unbiasedly. Objective thinking is a more general concept that includes, among other things, the fact that all judgments are made strictly without emotionally, without expressing one's position, and is demonstrated in statements about facts (descriptive judgments), and not in statements about what should be (prescriptive judgments) Objective a judgment is a is true for everyone and in all circumstances. So, the laws of physics are objective and work regardless of whether we know about them or not. But due to the fact that there is little room for objectivity in life, there are very few objective judgments. Often, many replace them with subjective ones. And here lies the secret that must be understood in everyday life.

We are all used to judging people by ourselves. Hence the resentment and discontent. And all this is only because we consider our subjective opinion to be objective. We have developed our opinion about the people around us based on our emotions and follow it as an objective one. Even the attitude to the events surrounding us is subjective. And so, in order to change the world, it is enough to understand that subjective opinions are easy to change. But the world will never be different as long as we have a bad opinion of it. The world cannot be bad or good just because we wanted to think so, the world is neutral about our emotions about it and the surrounding world cannot change, which means that our opinion about the world and the world itself as such is fundamentally different, which is our subjective and objective, respectively. And I also want to make a warning. Do not try to define subject and object from the point of view of subjectivity and objectivity. These are slightly different categories, despite having the same root of the word.

The subject is a being with consciousness and will, the ability to purposeful activity aimed at a particular object, a person who knows and changes the world around him. The subject to which the practical or theoretical activity of a person is directed is an object. First of all, material thing and phenomena of the real world act as an object; their reflection in consciousness can also be an object of study by the subject.

Objective judgments can only be about objective reality.
Objective reality is a world that exists independently of a person and his consciousness. The idea of ​​the world as a surrounding reality, independent of the position, understanding and perception of the subject. This is what makes objective judgments universal for everyone in any situation.

But when it comes to the fact that a person would make statements about reality, then everything is not so simple, the fact is that a person cannot just take and turn off emotions, turn off his understanding, turn off his position on the reality that is given to him in sensations, and interpretation processes visible to him. Because that's how human nature is. Evolutionarily, mechanisms are built into a person that interpret the visible, because this is the only way a person could survive. For example, if we are a primitive man, and we see a trembling bush, then it is most advantageous for survival to interpret this as the fact that a predator is hiding there that is preparing to eat us, and run away, instead of going and checking what is really there. It would be more objective, but more rational is to survive and continue your kind. That is evolutionarily gave rise to our emotions.

Fear - not to be eaten by a predator and save their genes.
Sympathy - to take care of your environment and offspring and transmit your genes further. (This is why we consider our children and all small animals and babies cute, because this is an evolutionary mechanism so that we strive to keep our offspring alive and can pass our genes through them)
Antipathy - to avoid ill-wishers and increase the chances of preserving their genes.
Aggression - to repulse ill-wishers for the purpose of self-preservation.
And so on.

This is just a brief description of some of the states on the emotional spectrum, but all of them are evolutionarily conditioned to survive and pass on their genes to the next generations. In addition to emotions, a person has an interpretive apparatus that also helped him to survive, and using which he made conclusions about reality. Not always true, but effective for survival. This has been the main mindset throughout our existence as primates. That is why a human cannot be objective, but he can only strive for objectivity through its correct understanding.

Given such a wide range of subjective foundations on which our thinking is based, a person who strives for objectivity essentially renounces his nature, which is often very difficult for many, and simply impossible for some. It is necessary to some extent to step over oneself, through the usual way of observing the surrounding reality, in order to make at least to some extent objective judgments.

Therefore, based on the nature of a person, judging is subjective while a human judges, and not some kind of automatic, computer system. Human can only strive for objectivity, but he cannot achieve it while he is a human. And if one day he reaches it, then he will cease to be a human.

Therefore, judging should be based on clear principles that accompany objective thinking:

Certainty - the criteria for judging should be as objective, capacious and complete as possible, that is, the least conditional and far from interpretation and interpretation.

Reasonableness - Any conclusion must be verified and supported by facts reflected in reality and based on the judging criteria described above.

Мateriality - The facts / actions that took place in question should be maximally objectified. Likewise, any judgment should be based only on what actually happened.

Logical validity - the judge's statement should not contradict the basic principles of logic.

Independence - Judicial statement should not depend on other people/other judges.

Evaluation - based on the conclusions made and the most complete and specific criteria of judging, and other principles of judging described above, the participant should be given an assessment for his performance, which most capably and accurately reflects his result.

Occam's Razor - entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.

These principles are only there to minimize the inevitable mistakes in judging that will show up during the of the participants. But judging for example in drifting is too complex a task to entrust it to an automatic system at this point in time. And we have no other choose.

I would be glad to know your opinion and discuss this issue.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
Lislon Drift Challenge - Stage 2
S3 licensed
7 May take hold second round of Lislon Drift Challenge.

Password: lsndrfch2
Tires: Normal / cold
Judges: RDC Alexey, and some others
Regulations: ... t-Challenge---Regulations
Server Rules:

Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Because Lislon Drift Challenge has an unlimited number of stages, I have an idea to make a rating list instead of a personal standings for the season, Rating list that takes into account that the driver can skip some stages without a strong loss of points. It will be calculated in a similar way as in drift championships. But only for the last 3 rounds, for example.

And thus we get the rating of the strongest drifters.

How do you like the idea?
Questions / Sugguestions / Discussion
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You can ask questions here, suggest some stuff, or discuss things within our leagues.
Lislon Drift Challenge - Regulations
S3 licensed
Regulations of Drift Competitions:

1. General Provisions.

Lislon Drift Challenge is a drift competition with an unlimited number of stages in order to identify the strongest drivers on a specific track or layout configuration. In qualification 3 judges will each be responsible for their criterion: Style, Line and Angle. The competition is held in the format of qualification + pair runs (top 32\16 or top 8)

In qualifying: participants have 2 attempts to drive according to the judge's task for best result, оnly one best attempt counts. Maximum score in qualification - 100 points. This value consists of Line - 40 points. Style - 30 points. Angle - 30 points.
Paired runs will be formed - top 32\16\8 (in the format 1 with 16, 2 with 15, etc.)

In pair runs, judging is carried out by simultaneous (blind) voting, in the chat of each of the referees, for one or another driver or OMT - one more time (in cases when judges can’t choose the winner) to eliminate the suggestibility / influence factor.During practice runs, those who cannot drive on full configuration without straight wheels or spinouts, or who drive poorly in general, can be disqualified.

2. Event walkthrough.

Practice is all the time before qualification while the drift layout of the event is on the server. After that, at the appointed time, qualification begins.

During the qualification. After the organizer calls you in the chat, you need to enter on track . Drive to the start lane if necessary. After that, you will be shown in the chat an indication of the start by a traffic light. you have to go on green. Accelerate, drive through the configuration according to the judge's task. And after the finish (red line) you return to the start line, through the boxes or along the track (depending on the task, it may be necessary to return strictly along the track, if this requirement is not there, then in this case there is no point in wasting time and you can return to the start line through the boxes).

Before the start of the competition, an online results table will be issued, which will display your points for qualification and position in the tournament grid. Lislon Drift Challenge Tournament grid

When you have passed qualifying attempts, a table will be generated with your result according to your position in relation to the results of other players. After the end of qualifying runs, there will be a top 32 or top 16 tournament grid formed with pilots. ... MOf-sM/edit#gid=174702695

In pair runs you will be called according to the qualifying standings. The leader in pair races is the one who is listed above in the tournament grid.
The leader's run should pass as well as the qualification. the follower should be as close as possible to the leader and follow the leader like a shadow, smoothly without corrections and changes in line. Synchronized transitions are also appreciated. All attempts by the leader to be "sully" and break away from the pursuer will be additionally punished (minimizing the angle to increase speed, sluggish "accelerating" transitions (which are not spelled out in the task), strong adjustments with gas, brake, handbrake, etc.) will be noticed. The judges will monitor this and take it into account in their judgments. After the first run, the leader changes and becomes the follower and the follower becomes the leader.
Based on these two runs (hit run), the judges choose which of the two pilots deserved the win.

3. Judging.

Judging process of qualification:

● The participant is given 2 attempts for a valid run according to the judging task. Among the results of which the best (with a bigger score) is selected.
● After each qualification run, each judge will independently set his score within the limits that are given to him. Judge of the Style - 40 points, judge of the line - 30 points, judge of the angle - 30 points. The maximum total score is 100 points. For each deviation from the judging task, the judges will subtract points from their maximum score.

During qualification, one judge is responsible for the Style:

● Style – Style will look at how the vehicle behaves throughout the entire course. Style is separated into 2
categories Fluidity and Commitment.

● Commitment - Commitment refers to the forward momentum of the vehicle throughout the course.
Ideally the vehicle should maintain momentum outside of the decel zones while approaching walls &
course outlines with confidence and dedication. Sharp initiation on a single move, aggressive transitions and in general, how much the driver tries to take risks and go on the edge. (pressed against the walls / borders of the track)


• Off- or part-throttle prior to initiation
• Initiating beyond the latest initiation point
• Slowing outside of the decel zones
• Timid approach to walls or course outlines

● Fluidity - The style judge will be assessing how quickly the angle was achieved, how smoothly the driver
achieved the angle and whether or not the driver achieved the desired amount of angle. (no adjustments of steering, gas, brake, handbrake (handbrake can be allowed inthe deacc zones), etc.

• Slow rotations
• Stepped rotations (controlling the steering wheel to add small amounts of angle at a time)
• Inaccurate rotations (achieving a degree of angle, then adding or subtracting angle midcorner)
• throttle or brake corrections.

The second judge watches over the Line, which includes:

● Correct trajectory of run due judge task, which implies adherence to the driving line set at the briefing.
● Departures of the wheels of the car beyond the border of the track.

And the third judge watches over the Angle, which includes:

● Angle of the car, which means observance of the maximum possible given angle of the car (relative to the trajectory of movement) which will not slow down the car unnecessarily at a specific point of the scheme and the general pace of run. The larger the average car angle, the better the score.



• Run a 100 point qualifying run
• Run a chaseable lead run
• Follow the Judge task.

• Less angle than the ideal qualifying run
• Tighter line than the ideal qualifying run
• Poor transitions
• Trying to get away from the chase driver in any way that compromises line, angle or

A lead run filled with compromises will be a run with a disadvantage, all other things being equal.

• Initiate no later than the lead driver
• Maintain close proximity to the lead driver with as much duration as possible
• Match or better the lead drivers angle
• Mimic the lead driver’s transitions and line throughout the course
• Remain in drift until the finish line has been passed
• Have knowledge of your competitor’s tendencies in competition. Including but not
limited to: Grip level, speed, general angle, general tendencies, vehicle condition (if
wrecked or if there is a known vehicle issue) and/or anything pertinent to reasonably
adjusting to the fellow competitor

• Cheating the line compared to the lead vehicle
• Less angle compared to the lead vehicle
• Timing and location of initiation
• Timing of transitions and overall driving compared to the lead vehicle
• Chase driver not preparing or having proper knowledge of the lead driver’s grip
level, speed, general angle, general tendencies, vehicle condition (if wrecked or
there is a known issue) and/or anything pertinent to reasonably adjusting to the
fellow competitor

3.2. Judges in Pair runs with the leader will first of all evaluate:

● Angle and speed
● Line
● Throttle and brake adjustments
● Compliance with the judge task
● Everything that can interfere with the person walking behind, show a beautiful drift, any tricks with a narrowing of the trajectory, angle corrections, etc. - will be carefully monitored and punished with penalty points in paired races.
● Anything that can help someone behind to show a nice drift, "openings", a good and stable angle, predictable shifting, a sufficiently wide trajectory (where it is needed), no angle and throttle adjustments - will be carefully monitored and encouraged.

3.3. Judges in the Pair runs at the back going in the first place will evaluate:

● Proximity from the leader (For the follower, the main task should be as close as possible to the leader without the rest of the mistakes described below.)
● Repetition line of the leader (so that the pursuer is the shadow of the leader, it is not necessary to unnecessarily climb inside the trajectory, or ride wider than the leader.)
● Adjustments (This includes everything, angle corrections, accelerator, handbrake, brake, everything that will make the race look not smooth.)
● Synchronous transitions
● Touches of the leader that do not affect the trajectory / acceleration / angle of the leader - will be encouraged from behind to the driver. In the event that a noticeable effect has been exerted on the trajectory / angle, the judge will be punished by the judge from behind.

3.4. Judging process of pair runs:
● After both pilots have passed the chasing and the leader (makes one hit), all judges must independently decide who won and cast their vote for him. If the judge cannot decide on the winner, he appoints the OMT (One more time) Re-run so that the judge can make a decision. Among the 3 judges, the winner is appointed by a majority vote of the judges.
● If 2 judges bowed to one pilot and the 3rd judge voted for another or for the OMT, It was declared the winner for which 2 judges voted. Win by Majority Vote.
●If all 3 judges completely disagreed. 1 judge voted for one pilot, 2nd judge for OMT, 3rd judge for another pilot. Then the winner is not identified and the OMT is appointed.

4. Markings on track.

● The last white lines are the border of the track. If the track boundaries conflict with the drawn white or clip zone lines, then the drawn lines take precedence.
● At the start there are markings for the leader, white line in front, and for the chaser, white line behind.
● There can also be 2 options that serve to delay the acceleration of the leader. Either a chekane made of cones that the leader needs to go around, or at some distance from the start is a blue line | - Respect zone, to which the leader needs to wait for the chaser.
•Bypassing the respect zone, drive without drifting, until the blue line leader is waiting for the chaser and do not cross white lines. If after the blue line there is more than one car body between cars then restart and one strike for the leader. Full throttle after the blue line.
● White line before initiation is a restricted line for the leader; the leader can't cross that.
● Single yellow line | - Initiation. (after this line there should be a significant angle of the car)
● Big yellow rectangle ▯ - Outside zone. (You need to fill it from beginning to end, the closer to the border of the track, the better.)
● Small yellow rectangle □ - Touch and Go. (Here you need to show only one wheel in this zone)
● Three yellow lines ||| - Clip Zone. (There you need to show maximum filling in this zone (best is wheel after last line) In other words the closer to the border of the track the better)
● Red poll - Inner Clip, do not hit the pole. But be a close as possible. Chaser can hit the pole.
● Single red line | - Finish.

5. Scores.

● In pair runs, all attempts by the leader to "sully" and break away from the pursuer will be additionally punished (minimizing the angle to increase speed, sluggish "accelerating" transitions (which are not spelled out in the task), strong adjustments with gas, brake, handbrake, etc.) The judges will monitor this and take it into account in their judgments.
● In qualifying and pair runs, the pilot's style is always assessed, which includes: the sharpness of setting and shifting, the maximum or excessive angle where it is possible / acceptable (without unnecessary loss of speed) and maximum smoothness (i.e. no corrections by the rudder or throttle and step setting / re-positioning)

6. Estimated by 0. (Critical mistake)

In Qualification:

● Drive off the track with 4 wheels.
● Opposite drift - Drifting with the opposite angle required at that point on course
● Spinning Out
● Loss of drift - Straight wheels

In Pair runs:

● Spinning Out
● Drive off the track with 4 wheels.
● Opposite drift - Drifting with the opposite angle required at that point on course
● Spinning Out
● Loss of drift - Straight wheels
● Collision with the other driver that is considered “avoidable” or unsportsmanlike
● A chase driver intentionally not chasing the lead driver after an INCOMPLETE was scored on the previous run.
● Three consecutive restarts from chicane cones or an official’s call
● Performing an Illegal pass - results in an INCOMPLETE for the chase driver
● Getting legally passed - results in an INCOMPLETE for the lead driver

7. Abnormal situations.

● In cases when in a Pair run one of the pilots makes a critical mistake (spin out, going out of the track 4 wheels, critical deceleration), the Co-pilot must continue the race and reach the finish line according to the qualifying task if it is possible.
● In cases where the leader makes a critical mistake (spin out, going out of the track, critical deceleration, continuous straight wheels), then the follower can overtake the leader making sure that his maneuver is safe.
● In cases where the leader does not fulfill the qualifying task but is still drifting and not making critical mistakes, the follower needs to continue to chase the leader.

Passing is allowed in Lislon Drift Challenge battles. Passing is not required, but is legal for the chase
vehicle to do as long as all four of the following conditions are met:
• The lead driver must be offline or completely off course
• The chase driver can only make a pass on an inside clipping point.
• The chase driver can only make pass on the inside of the lead driver.
• The chase driver becomes the lead driver once the chase vehicle has fully surpassed the lead
driver’s vehicle.

8. Requirements for pilots.

● Selected specific car from list -
● Normal tires

9. Rules of conduct during the event.

Strike penalization, three strikes - disqualification.
● False start - one strike
● Knocked clip at the start/non-compliance with the respect zone - one strike

● Chat message during qualification / pair runs. - warning, disqualification.
● Entry on track into the race during qualifying or pair runs - kick / ban
● Swears, insults, rudeness, judge flaming, provocations, any message during the event - kick \ ban
● Since there will be a limited number of seats at the event, please note that a certain driving skill is already required to participate. During training runs, the admin will watch how you drive, and if the admin considers your skill level to be insufficient for the event, then he will have the right to exclude you from the game through a kick/ban with a premature explanation of the situation.
● Leave all claims to the organization of the event to the organizers in PM. Claims that have arisen specifically on the judging of certain runs should be put forward only in the form of an appeal. with a phrase like "I have an appeal" or "I submit an appeal for consideration" All other verbal constructions will not be taken into account. In the form of an appeal, state as briefly as possible and at the same time specifically argue why the decision is not correct.

10. Results.

According to the progression in the standings in the tournament grid, the pilots who take the first 3rd place will be formed. After that, they accept congratulations and go to the improvised podium of the winners.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
Lislon Drift Challenge - Stage 1 - Results
S3 licensed
The first stage of the Lislon Drift Challenge took place on Saturday, April 16, on that day there was a judge task.

General rules on the track.
• The last white lines are the border of the track. Curbs - outside of the track. If the track boundaries conflict with the drawn white or clip zone lines, then the drawn lines (white or yellow take precedence.
• Everywhere after initiation except the deacceleration zone go to full throttle.
• The handbrake and the brake are prohibited for the whole length of the track for the leader.
• Red cones for orienting swiches points or outside zones. What would be better seen.

Judge Task.
• Acceleration on start, bypassing the retarder. Without knocking down the cones.
• Initiation after the yellow line, after this line there should be a significant angle. But you don't need to show a backward. This will be penalized in doubles. Before initiation do a little flip is ok. But dont need to going to slide before initiation line. Handbrake will be mistake.
• Before the first outside zone there is a deacceleration zone, here you can go without gas, or with full gas, as you prefer. Handbrake is prohibited.
• The first outside zone, you need to fill it from beginning to end, the closer to the border of the track, the better.
• Then we move inward and go to the touch and go. Here you need to show only one front wheel in this zone.
• After that we shift and get into the clip zone 1, the closer to the border of the track the better.
• After switch we get to the outside zone 2. You need to fill it from beginning to end, the closer to the border of the route the better.
• After that, we shift next to the approximate red cone
• We arrive at the inner clip zone 2, the closer to the border of the track the better.
• After that we get to the clip zone 3, the closer to the border of the track the better.
• After the repositioning we get into the third outside zone. You need to fill it from beginning to end, the closer to the border of the route the better.
• And we finally going to the last clip zone 4, the closer to the border of the track the better.

Results of the Lislon Drift Challenge.

Qualification Winner:

Personal account:
1. Graph 🥇🏆
2. default 🥈
3. R.D.C Foch 🥉

There full list of results - ... MOf-sM/edit#gid=174702695

Thank you all for participating!

Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
Lislon Drift Challenge - Description
S3 licensed
Lislon Drift Challenge is a drift competition with an unlimited number of stages in order to identify the strongest drivers on a specific track or layout configuration.

In qualification 3 judges will each be responsible for their criterion: Style, Line and Angle. The competition is held in the format of qualification + pair runs (top 32\16 or top 8) Participants have 2 attempts to drive according to the judge's task for best result. Maximum score in qualification - 100 points. This value consists of Style - 40 points. Line - 30 points. Angle - 30 points.
Paired runs will be formed - top 32\16\8 (in the format 1 with 16, 2 with 15, etc.)

In pair runs: judging is carried out by simultaneous (blind) voting, in the chat of each of the referees, for one or another driver or OMT - one more time (in cases when judges can’t choose the winner) to eliminate the suggestibility / influence factor.During practice runs, those who cannot drive on full configuration without straight wheels or spinouts, or who drive poorly in general, can be disqualified.

Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Slava Ukraini it was used in the same tone as by the nationalist

oh..sorry. I didn't read it right. You spoke about the same tone, (I thought about the same full phrase) yes, most likely you are right. This is not the same tone as the nationalists in those times. obvious

upd: unless it's being said by radical nationalists or Nazis. Which are a minority in the modern bandera movement.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Yes i know that if glory to the heroes is also said with it then it can be linked to the nationalist, its something that i and others never add to slava ukraini.

dfgjkl was trying to imply that by me saying Slava Ukraini it was used in the same tone as by the nationalist, where it quite obviously is a different thing since it was used long before.

I don't agree with dfgjkl on many issues, I think you could see me arguing with him. But he's too brainwashed. I don't want to waste my time on it. but rather spend time on a person who knows how to listen and analyze, which you seem to me so far. I see that you have studied Wikipedia, but here you already need to have real experience in communicating with Ukrainians.
But I can't argue with this fact about which you write, just because I talked to many Ukrainians and saw many Ukrainians from outside. I speak Russian as my native language like all Ukrainians (or almost all idk). Many just do not say "Glory to Ukraine" in the first place. But when they say this, I have not yet seen a Ukrainian who would condemn the phrase "glory to the heroes." Most Ukrainians (I would say all of them, to be honest.) saying "Glory to Ukraine" expect to hear "Glory to the Heroes" in response. But I'm not saying that this immediately means that they are nationalists. Maybe some of them don't know what they're talking about. Someone is trolling. Etc.

For example, the top Ukrainian blogger EeOneGuy (17m subscribers on youtube) who made his content in Russian (all kinds of children's content, like minecraft let's play, all sorts of slimes and challenges) He thinks that Bandera is a cool guy. And this is not only EeOneGuy, this is an opinion that was shared by many Ukrainians before this situation. But here the propaganda of the state is already involved, which brainwashed many that Bandera is just a dude who fought for peace in Ukraine through her freedom, againts Hitler and communists..So ukranian propaganda making Bandera a good guy now.

And it's not just in the media. Streets are named in honor of Bandera, many monuments are erected to him. And there really is a big movement in support of Bandera. But since the representatives of this movement believe that since they are for Bandera, this does not mean that all of them automatically mean that they are against the Russians. Although this is a more complex issue. And the radical part of the nationalists is also there.
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :It first became popular during the Ukrainian War of independence between 1917 to 1921 , it was then used by Stepan from around the 1930s which then had the response Glory to the heroes.

Another variation dates back to the 1860s from a poem by Taras Shevchenko, with saying Glory of Ukraine

Yes, just like I said.
Therefore, I singled out the full phrase "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!"
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Slava Ukraini , all the way. glory to Ukraine ! I don't get your point, i've made that quite clear from the beguinning Shrug

I want Ukraine to be victorious in defeating the invaders of its land, nothing more nothing less. Its just a shame that whatever the outcome is, many Ukrainians and Russian soldiers have and will die.

It boils down to what is right and what is wrong, and the invasion was wrong, just as the majority of invasions are.

When people talk about nationalists in Ukraine, they usually talk about the movement of Bandera and Shukhevych. Stepan Bandera is a Ukrainian nationalist who created the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) movement which tried to cooperate with the Third Reich and was involved in Jewish purges. Shukhevych, one of the supporters of Steban Bandera, collaborated with the Third Reich during the Second World War, and also participated in the Lviv pogrom, along with Bandera people, which claimed the lives of many Jews. Shukhevych's name is in the documents of the Nurber trial.

"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!" This is a phrase that was coined by these nationalists. And it was often used by those people after which it became famous.

When they say "Glory to Ukraine!" and expect to hear in response "Glory to the Heroes!" (which is always the case when it sounds from the Ukrainians), then this is often a hint at the Bandera movement.
This is why a lot of people don't like it.
S3 licensed
Quote from : (downed by older type of BUK rocket, only been left in service @Ukrainian army according to Dutch safety board)


Do I need to explain this as well? I went voting myself and I voted against. The reason of voting against is precisely because I already suspected what was going to happen, which is happening now!

So do you still think its a joke that some Dutchmen is involved in a discussion about Ukraine? My personal inner circle already drove to the PL/UA border twice and back to get and arrange personal shelter for refugees. I think its quite risky as I personally do not fully trust these type of people but on the other hand who can be trusted nowadays. This is the bigger LFS-type of question. Before you know it you get canceled because you do not have a mainstream opinion in the *cough* free *cough* west.

Oh my god..Schwitz I didn't argue with you. I didn't ask for any arguments. Because I didn't even understand your position..
I wrote in the same comment to which you answer that there is nothing wrong with you discussing this. I dont want offended to any of you. Why didn’t you want to pay attention to it? And quote only what is get points to you? I just said that you do not have enough arguments, you just exchanged links without sufficient explanation. Exactly the same thing that is happening now. Because I don't even understand why these links are needed. I did not argue with the fact that you do not understand the topic. A only said - is funny That many Americans or some Europeans (Americans in most) did not know anything about Ukraine, and after situation, everyone in the public field became certified experts in this topic. Don't take it personally. Why does everyone here get so offended so quickly?

I don’t even understand what you are arguing with.. With the fact that some Americans and Europeans did not even know where Ukraine is before the conflict? But it is so. I didn't say it was you. This is argue for the sake of arguing.

I encourage you to start thinking rationally. And not getting emotional. Because statements based on emotions can easily be wrong. Answer only to what is in my text. And not inventing to me what I did not say. I didn't mean to offend you with jokes. Oh, this is a society with freedom of speech...
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :I'll assume your making a joke. Wave


It's nice to see someone who doesn't get offended by jokes.Thumbs up

Quote from Racer X NZ :

IDK, some are determined that I'm ultra right, other think I'm ultra left.... Clearly a middle path confuses people.

And if this is true, then people like you are rare, cuz a lot of people don't like people like you. If you start to say something that is not in the mainstream, that quickly turns into a hate to you. But I also try to follow this path. Because I never cared about someone else's opinion based on emotions.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Il refrain from reading past this part due to the FACT you're wrong. We're not arguing at all. Were having something that's called a Discussion.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, it just looks a bit funny to me. I start to write my comment where is that comment was last. Where you exchanged links without much explanation.

I would also like explanations with arguments where I am wrong, and where my argument is not enough.
S3 licensed
Quote from detail :That's simply not true.

You quote my part of the paragraph, started arguing with him, and arguing with the same theses that I described later in my text, which you didn’t consider it necessary to highlight... strange. And how i need to answer on this? Shrug

When you argue with someone, it is important to understand what thesis you are arguing with. Now I do not understand this, given what you write.
If you read my text, you should have noticed that when mentioning Ukraine, I leave Western Ukraine behind brackets. I didn't take it into account. I myself said that in the western part the language is mixed because of Polish .. This is literally the same as what you said about the continuum of languages ​​.. But you didn’t highlight this paragraph .. so I’m not sure. You don't seem to understand what I wrote. In your answer, you did not say anything about Tatar, so it is not entirely clear what you were answering.

To understand what I'm talking about, I propose to start from the beginning, with something simple, my thesis was - "Purely linguistically, even now there are fewer differences between Russian and Ukrainian language than between Russian and Tatar language"

You can start with this. And for the sake of interest, I will not even talk about that Ukrainian (not including Western Ukrainian) that I spoke about. Because then I'm too obviously right. And I will talk about the modern generally accepted Ukrainian language.

My argument is that - Russian and Ukrainian are in the same language family, and it has the closest linguistic common ancestor. Tatar is the Türkic branch of the Kypchak group, the Volga-Kypchak subgroup. It is genealogically located much further than Ukrainian. Just like the Chechen one.
No "arbitrary grammar feature" is needed here. Only genealogical connection.

And it's not clear if you are appealing to the "arbitrary grammar feature" and at the same time you started your comment with the fact that I'm wrong. Not a reference to what specific Ukrainian I am talking about. And apparently when you wrote that "That's simply not true." you meant a specific Ukrainian language. Apparently modern, or something else. This is not so important. The important thing is that the "arbitrary grammar feature" works equally well in your favor. And in this case it is not clear how anyone can be right or wrong.

UPD: idk why but now i see that you highlighted that I'm talking about mixed languages, earlier it seemed to me that you are highlighted only half of my paragraph, strange, maybe some kind of bug. then it's still not clearer what you talking about.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Briton, Dutchman, and New Zealander are arguing about Ukraine and the USSR. To me, this looks like the start of a good joke Big grin
No offense. You can argue about it. But you have no arguments, but only baseless takes and links to Wikipedia. To be honest, I don't understand what you mean by that. It looks like you not quite understand what is written there, what causal effects were about the events described there.

Before all these events, when Americans or even some Europeans were asked to show Ukraine on the map, they could not show anything, or they said that it was somewhere in Russia. It always amused me that when somewhere Ukraine or Belarus is mentioned, and if they wondered where it is, who it is, then they had one answer, these are Russians. And for sure, those who consider themselves smart people tried to argue with them and say that these are different countries. But that's not quite right. Yes, formally, after the collapse of the USSR, these are different countries, there are different flags and anthems, and they even said that there are different languages. There really wasn't that much difference between Russians and Ukrainians and Belarusians.

For me, when politics did not interfere much in business, Ukrainians and Russians have always been one people (if we are not talking about "Western Ukraine", but Polish in fact) With slight differences in language. What is usually called a dialect. And it began simply with a change in the sound of some phonemes. Purely linguistically, even now there are fewer differences between Russian and Ukrainian language than between Russian and Tatar language. And Tatarstan is a republic of Russia. Otherwise, we have the same culture, the same traditions. But during the formation of the USSR (and still after its collapse), politicians began to create separation between peoples, and then was followed by the people due soviet propaganda, Ukrainians began to look for new literature for themselves and call it the Ukrainian language, borrow even more words from Polish, but happened naturally due to the geographical reasons, and ofcource cuz of the seizure part of Polish during the Second World War, that is territories which are now called Western Ukraine. Formally, some part of Ukraine began to speak Polish, and the language in the western part of the country began to mix even more.

The fact that someone refers to the USSR and the borders of Ukraine.. is ridiculous, the borders during the times of the USSR were formed in the same arbitrariness as it was done with the states in the USA for example. And there was no "Ukraine" before the USSR. During the formation of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic some not smart politician found a map and started to drive random lines. This is how the borders of the republics were formed during the Soviet times, where there are clear ethnic and linguistic differences, it was easier to draw borders. But this was not always the case, as, for example, in the case of Ukraine. No ethnic differences of peoples in the formation of borders were taken into account, because these differences are so ungrounded and incomprehensible that no one could appeal to them.

After the end of the Civil War, she became a co-founder of the USSR and became part of it as a union republic. In 1939-1940 part of the territory was annexed from Poland during the cooperation between Stalin and Hitler during the Second World War. And after that, added Transcarpathian Ukraine and Northern Bukovina. And then Khrushchev gave the Crimea to Ukraine. And that had no particular reason to do so. (Some consider this moment the beginning of the subsequent conflict) Because of this, it turned out that in all these territories there were only those who spoke pure Russian and knew nothing about Ukraine (as a subject of the territories). And this division of people happened. Residents of western Ukraine were more willing to be exposed to propaganda about Ukrainian identity and they perceived it more easily, residents of the newly made eastern Ukraine did not perceive it. And most of them spoke Russian and they still (at least until February 24) called themselves Russians.

But now Putin has done a lot to make this Ukrainian identity appear. Because even many residents of eastern Ukraine no longer want to speak Russian. If always Russians and Urkains were about one people, then in 2014 the first political reasons for the division into a real Ukrainian identity began. On February 24, 2022, these reasons became even more. very ironic, but Putin did much more for the emergence of Ukrainian identity even than the politics of the USSR.

This is what Ukraine is today in my own words without any links to wikipedia and youtube.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :(Not a Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist...)

The main thing here is not to refer to the Right Wing people. Ofc, how it can be? Are we going to take into account different opinions? Thats is nonsense. Believe and listen only leftist.
S3 licensed
I think many people want to choose several options, but you can’t choose too many at once. I limited the choice of 3 items in the poll.
Favorite feature request in mod system by most of players
S3 licensed
There will be an explanation above each option. Read before making a choice.
But first, I want to say that these are not only my preferences, I choose some suggestions from the Mods System Suggestions forum and wrote them down in a poll. I did not add the options that will be added in the next update with graphics, like new shadow maps, new specular maps, bump map, etc.. As Blender is the best choice for modeling what is verified by all available competitions at the moment, therefore, I will take all hotkeys and tools from it in examples below.
I hope this poll helps to give developers an understanding of what players want the most in the mod system.

More configurations.
We currently have 4 configurations available. That's not much considering how many different bodokits options you can come up with.
I also know mod makers who created mod packs based on one car with dozens of different options, for expanding the body, bumpers, spoilers, hoods, all sorts of details, etc. And they are very indignant about only 4 options that need to be applied to one mod.

Mesh animation with collision.
Various animations that mod makers can add with collisions. i.e. adding animated collision objects that mesh can follow. Apart from the obvious things, like working levers, buttons, door, trunk, hood. For example, can be create a tow truck that can lift and carry a car on itself, or It will be possible to do with a attach trailer to the truck, or a lift, or even a crane.

Ability to change tire and tread marks texture.
Tire textures look a little too gray compared to the real world where they are blacker, In my opinion now it makes the car look worse. And this will allow the texture of the tread and tire marks to change.

S_CLOCK texture with alpha channel.
In this case, making dashboards would be much more convenient and they would turn out much more beautiful.

Different wheel offset for different configurations.
Self explaining name. (

Changing values in different configurations.
Changing the mass, aerodynamics, for different configurations, so that you can change these values ​​depending on different bodykits, spoilers, and so on.

Obj export from LFS Editor
also self explaining name.

Working Lights/mirrors on subobjects
This will be very useful for any two-wheeled vehicle. with a steering fork (front wheel), as mirrors and headlights are installed there. (

Add New Modeling Tools.
I know some people who modelling mesh in the modeller, I don't know why, but I would like to make it easy for them. And that they have modeling tools that have become industry standard long time ago, such as, lup cut (in blender shortcuts - ctrl+r) normal extrude like in blender, bevel (ctrl+b) knife (K) and more hotkeys modelling workflow in general to speed up modelling. It is also not necessary to make a button in the interface for each tool limiting the view of viewport, it is enough to make one button that will show hotkeys for all other tools.

New mesh selection types for modeller
In order to do mapping or editing a mesh, you often have to select polygons one at a time, this is not convenient when there are a lot of them. For example Circle paintbrush by only viseble triangles, loop selection. (

More driver animations.
To make the driver look more alive he need to gear change, pedaling, controll the levers and buttons. etc.

Special reset for two-wheeled vehicle
We had a race and unlucky 4 of us were down close to each other, not being able to reset as we could hit another vehicle. Frown If server settings could allow a "2wheelreset" it would be great. Thumbs up
Even better would be to have another setting as well, like "turnbike". Sometimes a bike faces a wall or similiar after reset is done. (

6, 8, 10 wheelers vihicle layout
For a greater variety of mods, and various vehicles such as multi-wheeled trucks, or for some fun cars.

Moveable Object vihicle layout (with animation)
Even if an object can move without an engine, for example, as a walk, this will help to make a variety of things realistic: people, animals, insects.

Merge the tri, point and build mode tabs.
This will make the modeller more user friendly. And make the selection divided by type point, edge, triangle (as in blender) so that you can assign materials and build a mesh in one tab.

Of course, I would like to see all these features in one form or another sometime in the game. But it is impossible to get everything at once.
Choose what is most important to you.
And I would like the developers to pay attention to the most popular feature request if it possible.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Interesting...

There is an idea to make the name of "Upcoming Events" clickable for follow the link by default browser
I also found out about the availability of this convenient calendar much later than I started playing, it will be convenient for new players.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :For the idea of having a calendar shown on the entry screen of LFS, here's a first version of that.
It can be changed, I'm posting it to see what you think.

Currently "event name" and "more info" are intended as links to an event page in the leagues section.
The "Server" name takes you to "Join Specific Host".

Looks nice, great job for quick time. In fact, that for several years after I starting to play LFS, I didn’t know that competitions were taking place here at all. And something tells me I wasn't the only one. So this is very handy. And bring new players to the competitions.

but why gray background? Imho that looks a bit boring.
And buttons and info tabs looks the same, not intuitive that is can be pressed. if button tabs could have some kind of outline, maybe with blue color it would be clearer.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
S3 licensed
Now it becomes obvious that the Track editor is the most anticipated feature for most players. It would be great if, after the patch with new tire physics and graphics, the developers paid attention to the Track editor. But maybe it is to much S3 content for short time (Vehicle mods and tracks) Dynamic weather would also be a great update for all license types that could bring in a lot of new players.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

Event Name / Season / Round
UTC Time & Date UTC / Local Time & Date
Short description of event
Race Organiser / Vehicle / Track
Link: Sign Up / Link: More Info / Link: Live broadcast

Question 1:

Can you think of any missing data / buttons?

Server info, or button for quick entering will be nice if its possible.