Regulations of Drift Competitions:
1. General Provisions.
Lislon Drift Challenge is a drift competition with an unlimited number of stages in order to identify the strongest drivers on a specific track or layout configuration. In qualification 3 judges will each be responsible for their criterion: Style, Line and Angle. The competition is held in the format of qualification + pair runs (top 32\16 or top 8)
In qualifying: participants have 2 attempts to drive according to the judge's task for best result, оnly one best attempt counts. Maximum score in qualification - 100 points. This value consists of Line - 40 points. Style - 30 points. Angle - 30 points.
Paired runs will be formed - top 32\16\8 (in the format 1 with 16, 2 with 15, etc.)
In pair runs, judging is carried out by simultaneous (blind) voting, in the chat of each of the referees, for one or another driver or OMT - one more time (in cases when judges can’t choose the winner) to eliminate the suggestibility / influence factor.During practice runs, those who cannot drive on full configuration without straight wheels or spinouts, or who drive poorly in general, can be disqualified.
2. Event walkthrough.
Practice is all the time before qualification while the drift layout of the event is on the server. After that, at the appointed time, qualification begins.
During the qualification. After the organizer calls you in the chat, you need to enter on track . Drive to the start lane if necessary. After that, you will be shown in the chat an indication of the start by a traffic light. you have to go on green. Accelerate, drive through the configuration according to the judge's task. And after the finish (red line) you return to the start line, through the boxes or along the track (depending on the task, it may be necessary to return strictly along the track, if this requirement is not there, then in this case there is no point in wasting time and you can return to the start line through the boxes).
Before the start of the competition, an online results table will be issued, which will display your points for qualification and position in the tournament grid. Lislon Drift Challenge Tournament grid
When you have passed qualifying attempts, a table will be generated with your result according to your position in relation to the results of other players. After the end of qualifying runs, there will be a top 32 or top 16 tournament grid formed with pilots. ... MOf-sM/edit#gid=174702695
In pair runs you will be called according to the qualifying standings. The leader in pair races is the one who is listed above in the tournament grid.
The leader's run should pass as well as the qualification. the follower should be as close as possible to the leader and follow the leader like a shadow, smoothly without corrections and changes in line. Synchronized transitions are also appreciated. All attempts by the leader to be "sully" and break away from the pursuer will be additionally punished (minimizing the angle to increase speed, sluggish "accelerating" transitions (which are not spelled out in the task), strong adjustments with gas, brake, handbrake, etc.) will be noticed. The judges will monitor this and take it into account in their judgments. After the first run, the leader changes and becomes the follower and the follower becomes the leader.
Based on these two runs (hit run), the judges choose which of the two pilots deserved the win.
3. Judging.
Judging process of qualification:
● The participant is given 2 attempts for a valid run according to the judging task. Among the results of which the best (with a bigger score) is selected.
● After each qualification run, each judge will independently set his score within the limits that are given to him. Judge of the Style - 40 points, judge of the line - 30 points, judge of the angle - 30 points. The maximum total score is 100 points. For each deviation from the judging task, the judges will subtract points from their maximum score.
During qualification, one judge is responsible for the
● Style – Style will look at how the vehicle behaves throughout the entire course. Style is separated into 2
categories Fluidity and Commitment.
● Commitment - Commitment refers to the forward momentum of the vehicle throughout the course.
Ideally the vehicle should maintain momentum outside of the decel zones while approaching walls &
course outlines with confidence and dedication. Sharp initiation on a single move, aggressive transitions and in general, how much the driver tries to take risks and go on the edge. (pressed against the walls / borders of the track)
• Off- or part-throttle prior to initiation
• Initiating beyond the latest initiation point
• Slowing outside of the decel zones
• Timid approach to walls or course outlines
● Fluidity - The style judge will be assessing how quickly the angle was achieved, how smoothly the driver
achieved the angle and whether or not the driver achieved the desired amount of angle. (no adjustments of steering, gas, brake, handbrake (handbrake can be allowed inthe deacc zones), etc.
• Slow rotations
• Stepped rotations (controlling the steering wheel to add small amounts of angle at a time)
• Inaccurate rotations (achieving a degree of angle, then adding or subtracting angle midcorner)
• throttle or brake corrections.
The second judge watches over the
Line, which includes:
● Correct trajectory of run due judge task, which implies adherence to the driving line set at the briefing.
● Departures of the wheels of the car beyond the border of the track.
And the third judge watches over the
Angle, which includes:
● Angle of the car, which means observance of the maximum possible given angle of the car (relative to the trajectory of movement) which will not slow down the car unnecessarily at a specific point of the scheme and the general pace of run. The larger the average car angle, the better the score.
• Run a 100 point qualifying run
• Run a chaseable lead run
• Follow the Judge task.
• Less angle than the ideal qualifying run
• Tighter line than the ideal qualifying run
• Poor transitions
• Trying to get away from the chase driver in any way that compromises line, angle or
A lead run filled with compromises will be a run with a disadvantage, all other things being equal.
• Initiate no later than the lead driver
• Maintain close proximity to the lead driver with as much duration as possible
• Match or better the lead drivers angle
• Mimic the lead driver’s transitions and line throughout the course
• Remain in drift until the finish line has been passed
• Have knowledge of your competitor’s tendencies in competition. Including but not
limited to: Grip level, speed, general angle, general tendencies, vehicle condition (if
wrecked or if there is a known vehicle issue) and/or anything pertinent to reasonably
adjusting to the fellow competitor
• Cheating the line compared to the lead vehicle
• Less angle compared to the lead vehicle
• Timing and location of initiation
• Timing of transitions and overall driving compared to the lead vehicle
• Chase driver not preparing or having proper knowledge of the lead driver’s grip
level, speed, general angle, general tendencies, vehicle condition (if wrecked or
there is a known issue) and/or anything pertinent to reasonably adjusting to the
fellow competitor
3.2. Judges in Pair runs with the leader will first of all evaluate:
● Angle and speed
● Line
● Throttle and brake adjustments
● Compliance with the judge task
● Everything that can interfere with the person walking behind, show a beautiful drift, any tricks with a narrowing of the trajectory, angle corrections, etc. - will be carefully monitored and punished with penalty points in paired races.
● Anything that can help someone behind to show a nice drift, "openings", a good and stable angle, predictable shifting, a sufficiently wide trajectory (where it is needed), no angle and throttle adjustments - will be carefully monitored and encouraged.
3.3. Judges in the Pair runs at the back going in the first place will evaluate:
● Proximity from the leader (For the follower, the main task should be as close as possible to the leader without the rest of the mistakes described below.)
● Repetition line of the leader (so that the pursuer is the shadow of the leader, it is not necessary to unnecessarily climb inside the trajectory, or ride wider than the leader.)
● Adjustments (This includes everything, angle corrections, accelerator, handbrake, brake, everything that will make the race look not smooth.)
● Synchronous transitions
● Touches of the leader that do not affect the trajectory / acceleration / angle of the leader - will be encouraged from behind to the driver. In the event that a noticeable effect has been exerted on the trajectory / angle, the judge will be punished by the judge from behind.
3.4. Judging process of pair runs:
● After both pilots have passed the chasing and the leader (makes one hit), all judges must independently decide who won and cast their vote for him. If the judge cannot decide on the winner, he appoints the OMT (One more time) Re-run so that the judge can make a decision. Among the 3 judges, the winner is appointed by a majority vote of the judges.
● If 2 judges bowed to one pilot and the 3rd judge voted for another or for the OMT, It was declared the winner for which 2 judges voted. Win by Majority Vote.
●If all 3 judges completely disagreed. 1 judge voted for one pilot, 2nd judge for OMT, 3rd judge for another pilot. Then the winner is not identified and the OMT is appointed.
4. Markings on track.
● The last white lines are the border of the track. If the track boundaries conflict with the drawn white or clip zone lines, then the drawn lines take precedence.
● At the start there are markings for the leader, white line in front, and for the chaser, white line behind.
● There can also be 2 options that serve to delay the acceleration of the leader. Either a chekane made of cones that the leader needs to go around, or at some distance from the start is a blue line | - Respect zone, to which the leader needs to wait for the chaser.
•Bypassing the respect zone, drive without drifting, until the blue line leader is waiting for the chaser and do not cross white lines. If after the blue line there is more than one car body between cars then restart and one strike for the leader. Full throttle after the blue line.
● White line before initiation is a restricted line for the leader; the leader can't cross that.
● Single yellow line | - Initiation. (after this line there should be a significant angle of the car)
● Big yellow rectangle ▯ - Outside zone. (You need to fill it from beginning to end, the closer to the border of the track, the better.)
● Small yellow rectangle □ - Touch and Go. (Here you need to show only one wheel in this zone)
● Three yellow lines ||| - Clip Zone. (There you need to show maximum filling in this zone (best is wheel after last line) In other words the closer to the border of the track the better)
● Red poll - Inner Clip, do not hit the pole. But be a close as possible. Chaser can hit the pole.
● Single red line | - Finish.
5. Scores.
● In pair runs, all attempts by the leader to "sully" and break away from the pursuer will be additionally punished (minimizing the angle to increase speed, sluggish "accelerating" transitions (which are not spelled out in the task), strong adjustments with gas, brake, handbrake, etc.) The judges will monitor this and take it into account in their judgments.
● In qualifying and pair runs, the pilot's style is always assessed, which includes: the sharpness of setting and shifting, the maximum or excessive angle where it is possible / acceptable (without unnecessary loss of speed) and maximum smoothness (i.e. no corrections by the rudder or throttle and step setting / re-positioning)
6. Estimated by 0. (Critical mistake)
In Qualification:
● Drive off the track with 4 wheels.
● Opposite drift - Drifting with the opposite angle required at that point on course
● Spinning Out
● Loss of drift - Straight wheels
In Pair runs:
● Spinning Out
● Drive off the track with 4 wheels.
● Opposite drift - Drifting with the opposite angle required at that point on course
● Spinning Out
● Loss of drift - Straight wheels
● Collision with the other driver that is considered “avoidable” or unsportsmanlike
● A chase driver intentionally not chasing the lead driver after an INCOMPLETE was scored on the previous run.
● Three consecutive restarts from chicane cones or an official’s call
● Performing an Illegal pass - results in an INCOMPLETE for the chase driver
● Getting legally passed - results in an INCOMPLETE for the lead driver
7. Abnormal situations.
● In cases when in a Pair run one of the pilots makes a critical mistake (spin out, going out of the track 4 wheels, critical deceleration), the Co-pilot must continue the race and reach the finish line according to the qualifying task if it is possible.
● In cases where the leader makes a critical mistake (spin out, going out of the track, critical deceleration, continuous straight wheels), then the follower can overtake the leader making sure that his maneuver is safe.
● In cases where the leader does not fulfill the qualifying task but is still drifting and not making critical mistakes, the follower needs to continue to chase the leader.
Passing is allowed in Lislon Drift Challenge battles. Passing is not required, but is legal for the chase
vehicle to do as long as all four of the following conditions are met:
• The lead driver must be offline or completely off course
• The chase driver can only make a pass on an inside clipping point.
• The chase driver can only make pass on the inside of the lead driver.
• The chase driver becomes the lead driver once the chase vehicle has fully surpassed the lead
driver’s vehicle.
8. Requirements for pilots.
● Selected specific car from list -
● Normal tires
9. Rules of conduct during the event.
Strike penalization, three strikes - disqualification.
● False start - one strike
● Knocked clip at the start/non-compliance with the respect zone - one strike
● Chat message during qualification / pair runs. - warning, disqualification.
● Entry on track into the race during qualifying or pair runs - kick / ban
● Swears, insults, rudeness, judge flaming, provocations, any message during the event - kick \ ban
● Since there will be a limited number of seats at the event, please note that a certain driving skill is already required to participate. During training runs, the admin will watch how you drive, and if the admin considers your skill level to be insufficient for the event, then he will have the right to exclude you from the game through a kick/ban with a premature explanation of the situation.
● Leave all claims to the organization of the event to the organizers in PM. Claims that have arisen specifically on the judging of certain runs should be put forward only in the form of an appeal. with a phrase like "I have an appeal" or "I submit an appeal for consideration" All other verbal constructions will not be taken into account. In the form of an appeal, state as briefly as possible and at the same time specifically argue why the decision is not correct.
10. Results.
According to the progression in the standings in the tournament grid, the pilots who take the first 3rd place will be formed. After that, they accept congratulations and go to the improvised podium of the winners.