Read the OutSim and OutGauge sections of the InSim.txt file in your LFS/docs directory. This explains the differences between the two and the formats of the data for each.
Bit of a long shot from me. Looking for a '90s pop/dance song with a female singer. The song starts off with a kind of electronic sound of bubbles then some kind of vocalising like "Ding digga ding ding ding ding ding, digga ding digga ding ding ding ding". I think the first actual lyrics (the start of the first verse) are "Oh Lord" or "My Lord". As you can probably imagine, trying to Google for these 'lyrics' is very difficult and I haven't got anything useful yet. I appreciate this is probably a bit needle and haystack, but I'm hoping it resonates with someone out there.
An overheating clutch is more likely than a throttle problem, IMO. Turn on a HUD view with the clutch temperature bar (e.g. F9 for tyre view). If the "CT" (Clutch Temperature) is filling up with red or orange then it's overheating. Try lifting off for longer when you upshift and see what effect that has. Try leaving the F9 view on from the start of the race and watch the progress of the clutch temperature over a few upshifts to see when you're shifting quickly and cleanly.
Making a mistake and running off track during the first lap of the Turkish race in 2009 wasn't good fortune for him. He lost the lead to Button and ended up finishing 3rd in that race. That didn't necessarily cost him the 2009 championship, but it certainly cost him overall. He's made other mistakes that he's certainly paid for too (e.g. Canada & Spa 2010, which didn't end up costing him the championship but they could have).
I find it very difficult to believe that you don't believe at least some of the things you post. So, you're not gonna answer my questions above then?
Also, the argument that we don't live in the US therefore we shouldn't care about the US doesn't hold any water. The fact that we live in such an inter-connected world where actions of one country impact on many other countries around the world means that the rest of the world really is (or should be) interested in what the US is doing. To pick one example look at how US foreign policy (e.g. the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the escalating tensions in other countries including Iran, Israel and Syria) impacts the world at large. For another, look at the impact of the global financial crisis (much of which was contributed to by financial institutions in the US). When so many US-based, but globally active, banks and financial institutions either completely fail or require massive bailouts there's a knock-on effect all around the world. To simply say "you don't live here so what right do you have to complain" is representative of an incredibly naive outlook.
Can I ask you some serious questions and can you please give me serious answers?
Why is it that you have a habit of making statements which are quickly shown to be false (such as Romney winning the popular vote or Republicans not supporting the stimulus plans) then you fail to acknowledge you were wrong and continue to make more inaccurate statements?
Are you purposely avoiding acknowledging that you're wrong or do you really think the sources which disprove your statements are wrong?
You also seem to have a habit of ignoring answers anyone gives to other statements you make (which I have tried to get you to address before, to no avail). Why do you do that?
edit: Incidentally, in response to the quote above, why do you think it's important to note that the US is 'better' than other countries in terms of national debt per capita? It's true, but why do you think it's important? Surely the fact that this statistic, on its own, doesn't take into account the ability of people to pay off the debt is much more important. What percentage of the US population is currently below the poverty line? What happens to the US national debt per capita when you remove those people? Where does the US rank globally if you remove people below the poverty line in every country?
Yes, as the banking and US auto industry bailouts proved. Just how far would the total amount spent on those bailouts go if it were directed to welfare instead?
This story is a perfect distillation of what's wrong with allowing religion to dictate terms of society. Sadly this isn't the only tragic story left in the wake of religious 'leadership' and it won't be the last. The only hope is that it can cause enough outrage in communities to abolish these types of institutional stupidity and bigotry.
There should already be laws against drug driving (on marijuana as well as other drugs which may impair driving ability). The issue with people driving while impaired (on alcohol, recreational drugs or other medication) is surely about enforcement. If there were to be an increase in the number of drivers who drove stoned (and I would agree with you that this may occur, at least in a small number of cases), do you really think that's enough of a reason to keep marijuana illegal? If we were to follow your logic to its conclusion we could draw the same parallels for many other cases.
For example, there are tens of thousands of gun-related deaths in the US every year. Should they all be banned from public sale? There are thousands of deaths each year from prescription medications such as aspirin and paracetamol. Should these be banned because they cause deaths? According to this Washington Post article on a National Safety Council study 28% of traffic accidents in the US happened while drivers were using mobile (cell) phones. Should they be banned from sale?
Do you wish to give us any reasons for this viewpoint, or are you happy just to repeat it without any justification (as you seem to do with the vast majority of 'your' opinions)?
You still haven't really answered the questions properly, but from the above it seems like your stance on killing has changed from "its still immoral to terminate any life" to apathy towards tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of civilian deaths which could have been prevented.
Do you want to take another chance at answering those questions?
I realise it's a bit of a long shot, but have you tried looking through lists of synth pop bands to see if any stand out? Wiki has quite a collection, and I'm sure you could find similar lists on sites like and
You still haven't answered the questions for the quotes in my last post directed at you. Are you totally against all killing, or just when it suits your worldview and/or the religious dogma you believe?
If the choice is limited to drones spouting religious dogma flying in the face of logic and reason and saying things which are blatantly lies (such as Romney winning the popular vote) and someone who occasionally (OK, maybe more than occasionally... ) comes up with far-fetched theories supported by questionable sources I know who I'd rather listen to. At least Racer X is somewhat creative and tries to find those sources (questionable as they may be).
Just re-watched Touching the Void. I'd forgotten how gripping and visually stunning it was in the ~9 years since I first saw it. I see it's already been recommended a few times in this thread, but I have to add mine to that list.