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btw, speaking of anime, did you watch the live action Initial D movie with jay?

and are you going to watch speed racer?
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"man, that car is so cool, i wish i can drive it at home, they should add it to euthanasia!"

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Quote from zeugnimod :He should try "enthunasia".

please don't drag jokes all over the forum...

btw, my friend is listening to polyphony's PR department... about how realistic it is, how it's a new benchmark, and milestone in sim technology...
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Quote from tristancliffe :6 hours of googling later, and atlantian finally gets the joke...

'ey! i was at school!

btw, i am always in a rush, and i "forum" on my iphone... it's like when you scan over things and "apparatus" turns out to be "apperatus" or "industrial" turns out to be "indestructible",
Last edited by atlantian, .
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HEY! what the hell are u guys talking about?!?!?!

Euthanasia is a very good sim!

here's a comparison video of euthanasia vs real life
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Quote from Gekkibi :You claim that GT5 is more realistic than LFS?

no, but my buddy refuses to play LFS because it's "not realistic enough, and gimicky"
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Quote from atlantian :
say... can anyone make a video of a real Mitsu Starion and an XFG trying to do identical autocross formats? just for comparison's sake. since noone has done an "LFS vs. Real life" video

what about this?

btw, my friend is NOT a dog... why would that even be considered funny?
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=.="... i am missing something ain't i...?
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it's the best one yet, but... it just feels like it needs to be more real... so that i can sucker my GT5 fiend of a friend into getting LFS
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does 90 degree rally slides count as good drift? lol
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and yet a much better game then any console sim, right?
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because, lfs has a worse car selection?
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damn, they had some good Top Gear collections...
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thank you! *bow*
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^thx for the advice hare, we might check out catholic churches(i'm not being sarcastic) too.

but I am trying to get some perspectives from the family and friends(as a bonus)
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Quote from niall09 :Go talk to one of your neighbours, i'm sure they claim to be irish...

no actually, my groupemates are going around and phoning irish bars for employees(that are recent immigrants) that we can interview... i just hoping to get some more insight from you guys, and maybe someone who has family that immigrated,

you know, a different perspective, from the family or friends of immigrants.
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oh, we are doing a contrast of 4 groupes:

a)early asian american(research online)
b)recent asian american(interviewed my mom and my friend's moms)
c)early irish immigrant(online research)
d)recent irish immigrant(i am inquiring about this now)

i need to talk to someone over skype or msn(with mic) for this project, i posted on this forum for this inquiry because it seems like there is a decent irish population here
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Quote from Gekkibi :What controller are you using? Keyboard, mouse or wheel?

Try these ones:
1) Shift+g
2) shift+c

i am using an xbox 360 controller, but apparently it's not the problem, because i tried the shoulder buttons in other games, and i tried testing it in XBCD and i tried testing it in the control configuration menu in LFS. and i tried shifting with the default "s" and " x" shift buttons of the keyboard...

thx, btw, i will try that when i get home!
european-american immigrants
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hi, i am doing a project for my humanities class about american immigrations, and we are in need of some information about peoples of Irish decent.

Is there anyone Irish on this forum who knows people who immigrated to America and could maybe tell me more about it? or is there anyone who immigrated themselves?

and it would be nice if we can get a phone conversation(since we are making a "podcast" and we would need people's voices)
shifter stuck....
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hey, i am playing patch y online one day, i have never used the bmw racer, but i liked it and played it for several games...

but... the thing is, when i switched back to the normal sports cars... my shifter doesn't work... i tried reconfiguring my controls but nothing worked... so now i am stuck playing the bmw car...

can anyone help me?
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^i would choose drift server, but i would choose a good one

and i would drink vodka in the bath... i would drown faster

salmonellae or arsenic poisoning...?
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so would you guys recommend this wheel over the g25?

is the extra 40 bucks worth it?
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horse tranquilizer

Blind or a Midget
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"ah... regenerative braking..."
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XRG cuz that's all i can get ... and it's a well balanced car for beginners like the corolla and the miata!

margarine or butter?