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Quote from 5haz :I had some superb times drifting back in demo land with the XRG, you just have to make the cars grip less so that they can drift despite the lower power, nothing that can't be done by making a simple setup

you mean "grip more in the front"?
jeez, drifting is not about slipping...
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Quote from Hankstar :Yeah, why not muddy the waters even further?

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Quote from Ole_kristian :A skyline R34 4 door sedan with 4x4 og rwd

the ER34?
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Quote from K. Tsuchiya :Well, the way it looks is though NOBODY thus far that has replied has even come remotely close to even explaining a thing about what drifting really is. The whole concept has been missed and the topic has been turned into another "I LIKE IT", "I DONT LIKE IT" things.

The guy was not asking for eveyone's opinions on this subject, he was asking for an answer. All he got was more reasons to ask questions.

I really would like to explain this to you, I would. But the whole thing would take some time. Not to mention everyones corrections of what I KNOW to be true.

I will send you an IM, i'll try to keep it short, but I know I can at least give you perspective from a RL drifter such as myself. If anyone else here can at least give a small reason why we do this in real life, it might help to shed some light on why we all flock to LFS to practice.

manji???? More like choku-dori.

hey! it's mr. Dori-Dori himself! and he speaks english!
but, i thought that manji= swerving and choku=straightline
and choku dori is where you pull the ebrake on a straight to initiate even before you hit a curve, so that you would be holding a constant angle for a long time...

and manji is where you see cars doing pendulums on the straights
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Quote from frokki :cheapskate

yes, sir! i am!
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :To do what? Race it? why would you want to race it?, it's took an ok car and made it horrible it won't be as fast at the race car or as nice to drive, so what would you do with it? say the devs implemmented that car into the game (standard) than we got thte race car and that ricer version so thats 3 cars based around 1. When we could of had 2 completely different ones, it's never going to happen, EVER so stop suggesting.

actually, since we already have a turbo class and GTR class of cars...
why not have an Evolution class?
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^where is the picture of the owner saying"hey, get the hell away from my car!"
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hmm... i wonder where babys come from if LFS was applied to reality...
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how about having the hand be permanently ON the shifter like Dr. Toshiya Joushima (AKA: god hand) from initial d
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Quote from Gekkibi :Yes, I know there are videos on youtube, but what do I do with those vids? Does those help me continue my project? They don't post schematics and/or source codes on the internet, so I'll have to build it from scratch.

oh, right, but i don't know any computer language :P

here's a solution: spam their email with requests!
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Quote from Luke.S :Tristian i guess you didn't read the white writing that has been there since i posted it.

please don't joke like that... and use sarcasm tags around your words when you reply jokingly saying "it was a closed stretch of autobahn"
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oh, btw, everybody, the drifting you see people do on drift servers are powerslides, those are people practicing initiations and trying to hold it. read drift is where the rear end is loose the WHOLE TIME on the track, they would link everything together, and manji in the straights.

and, btw, a powerslide around a corner is one thing, linking several together is another
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Quote from m374llic4 :honestly rice is summed up as someone who mods their car with non functioning or useless things. Like unnecessary gauges that they dont need (like a boost gauge on NA car, or neon shift knobs, hood scoops on a hood with no hole in it)

Stuff like that : P

yes, that too, but idk if you guys have seen "johny ricer" on youtube, he explains what being a "ricer is" pretty well

Satire, FTW!
thank God for Mark Twain!
Xbox360 Controller guide
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Hi, fellow LFS drivers out there, it seems that the XBox 360 Controller is fairly popular among the racers out there who can not afford a [good] wheel!

I have searched around this forum about the controller, and finally pieced together a solution, i just want the next newb that comes around to have an easier time with this game pad...

so i am going to make a thread to sum it all up!

now first of all, by reading this thread you probably realize by now, the original microsoft driver is utter, complete, rubbish! time to get you a new driver!

but to start, you have to have the microsoft driver installed

when your finished, follow this link and download the XBCD 1.07 software:

after you downloaded it, go ahead and run the exe

Then download this packet to patch in some missing files so your computer recognizes the driver!

unzip that packet then run install.bat

go to the start menu and right click on my computer

go to properties

go to hardware tab

go to device manager

expand "XBOX 360 Peripherals"

right click "xbox 360 controller for windows"

click update driver

select "install from a list or a specific location"

select "don't search, i will choose the driver to install"

select"XBOX 360 GAME PAD" and then click next

when a popup ask about driver certificates, ignore it and click "continue anyways"

restart your computer and you are good!

now, open setup utility in "all programs/XBCD"

now in the setup utility...
For separate triggers on the XBox360 Controller:

LT- slider(-)
RT- RZ (-)

For the analog sticks:
Left analog stick: set deadzone to 18, because anything larger would make your analog stick bi-polar!
Right analog stick: no deadzone, and have the 2 axises be on one axis
so that up=right, down= left; you will see why in a sec

set rumble to 80, i find anything harder will make you loose blood to ur hands
and get blood accumulation somewhere else *wink**wink*
now, to have this properly saved, just click "apply" THEN save... or else you would not have saved your settings
now that you have the controller configured...
go into the game and you can set the control scheme!
here is a setup that i find very effective!
X- horn
A- ebrake
B- personal message
Y- personal message
start- ignition
select- Car Reset
left analog stick(side to side)- steering
right analog stick- clutch
back- look back
left- look left
right- look right
up- a personal message synonymous with "get the hell out of my way, n00b!"
left shoulder- shift down
right shoulder- shift up

this way, when you have to pull ebrake or ignite car... you can reach the button while you have the clutch depressed! and note: you have to pull the clutch back to disengage the clutch!

i stole the setup from Forza and modified it to accommodate a clutch and have the shifters be aligned on the controller like a paddle shifter

the benefits of using this control scheme is that you get to have all four essential controls(steering, clutch, brake, and throttle) on a car to be analog on the controller.

note: there are several reasons why i didn't chose to have an analog control.
a) if i where to include it as an analog control, the only place i can place it is the horizontal axis of the left analog stick, but that would disturb steering, since you have to have the stick at the absolute top or bottom to disengage it
b) the technique of slowing down the rear wheels[to regrip] when you are slipping is so advanced that your brain wouldn't be able to handle so much data output on top of using 6 digits to control a WHOLE CAR... so it's useless anyways.

Hope this helps you, and good luck with driving with your fingers!

ps: please sticky!

Wireless Controller Guide Section, comming soon

i now have the xgi file for the xbcd uploaded, so if your lazy, you can now just download that and rename it .xgi and boot it up in XBCD
Last edited by atlantian, .
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well, the thing is... people race cars for excitement not for practicality, if you want practicality, then no cars would be high powered... and everyone would be driving smart cars around town...hey, it gets u from point a to b, that's all you need!
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sorry about the mis-read...

btw, i never knew that the gutter hook was a legit move in tarmac rallies... ... F-LQs&feature=related
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Quote from lizardfolk :A lot of people who like rally do like it for the "extreme" atmosphere. But in my opinion the people who view rally as a form of RACING instead of just a show made up of death defying stunts are real rally fans. Racing should always be more important than the glamour.

no, people like rally because it's HARDER then other races... to finish...
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Quote from Gekkibi :Please, help the community. Start to pr0gram. I bet scawen would appreciate that.

And if you are that good programmer, can you make me software that interprets outgauge from memory buffer and sends it through XML to NI-software what routes it through USB-port to external logic prosessor? After that I can make external speedometers, rev-meters etc.

Have you done that program already while reading this post?

there already are external gauges for lfs... try youtube...
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Quote from Gekkibi :Exciting to escape death? If I would almost die in a race, I wouldn't be excited, I would be terrified!

"Wov, I almost hit that wall at 200km/h. I feel so lively! This is fantastic! I will try to touch that wall at higher speeds tomorrow!"


"Oh my god, I nearly killed myself! I should quit racing and concentrate my energy to my family. For God sake, I have a 5 years old daughter! What would she think if I kill myself?"

Idiot vs humane...

obviously, you haven't skateboarded in your earlier days... it goes more like this...
"whow, GOD DAMN! THAT WAS ****ING CLOSE!!! I WOULD HAVE LOST AN ARM THERE, THAT WAS A MIRICLE!!! THANK YOU GOD!.... now i am going to get back to driving again..."

i have actually done mountain biking off of cliffs back in middle school till freshman year.

actually, once when a car hit me, while i was going to school, i tried to run away from the scene... since i don't wana be bothered with the hassle of going to the hospital(no insurance)... idk what i was thinking... they had to chase me down with an ambulance, and have a medic tackle me to get me to the ER... it turned out i had a fractured shoulder and 3 splinter ribs, 2 of them where about to puncture my lung, lol ... it was okey, but i still mountain biking and other sports after the incident... and i tried arguing about the incident with the driver before i ran... he was talking on his cell...
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Quote from ajp71 :Franky did you actually look at it or just type a generic 'other sim' response? It's about as dull and matte as it gets. Graphically it does look a lot like N2003, not that I care TBH I liked that look but certainly wouldn't call it shiny. Although many people will have a problem paying huge amounts of money for a game that looks average for 5 years ago.

went to their website... that's all, but i think that should be enough
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Quote from Stang70Fastback :Headline on the CNN website this morning... ENJOY!


that is NOT me
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Quote from Klutch :Not sure about you, but hitting a barrier and going 500 feet in the air flipping isn't very realistic...

well he said that it's not good until LFS can simulate getting air, well, hitting the barriers is one way

btw, have you tried Cross Racing Championship 2005?
it claims everything that SHOULD be in a sim

and let me get this straight...
these games are the only demo worth sims on the market right now...
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Quote from franky500 :looks like they have not spent much time on it graphically, its way too shiny imo..

too shiny? what are u talking about? it look about as shiny as clay and plastic props from an animated children show in the late 90's

look at GT5; there is so much shine/bloom and blur that it looks like your high every time you try to play the game, now THAT, according to the press, is revolutionary, breathtaking, and realistic!
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Quote from March Hare :So if you, once, take your riced up shit mobile to a track day it magically is not "rice" anymore?

Try the site Moose linked. Great for inducing beverage related problems for your keyboard and screen.

well, the engineers who did those cars at track days all say that the fins and stuff are all functional
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Quote from scania :L don't like the super high turbo power car

i love large boost to displacement ratio!