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It's plagued us quite a few times, last season in the 24 hour Joona had it twice in about 12 hours in and had to pit in and hand the car over to some useless aussie dude, it 'allmost' cost us the win.
S2 licensed
Slow and steady wins the race, congratulations to the winners and the podium finishers.

Massive commiserations to 3id, they drove a perfect race and deserved the win. Though the only thing I will say is that a similar accident happend a few years ago with ocrana, though it was the other way around, he couldn't see anyone else, because he continued and caused an accident they recieved a penalty.

Obviously it was differnt situation since you could see the other cars and it should of made it safer, in theory.
S2 licensed
The problem never occurred before though, i've been on W7 for about 8 weeks now, done 2 hours in a row on LFS with not so much as a tiny drop of frames.

I'm thinking more mobo problems now, but tbh, I wanna burn it, seems reasonable.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Nah no onboard GFX, i'll give the card an update, if there is any.
S2 licensed
Well I was just in the 24 hour of MoE, managed to get about 1 hour into my stint when I was put down to 10fps, once I got my replacement driver to join to take over it went back to normal. So I carried on, it happend again after about 5 mins...

This is on the 3800 2ghz which at it's hottest was 42deg.......

Feffe, sure taking it apart is a good thing to do if your trying to find a part which is broken, but it doesn't help when the only way to create my problem is to be using every component that is plugged into the motherboard.
S2 licensed
The temperature has never been anywhere near it's operating temperatures simply because of the bigass cooler.

What's the point in disconnecting stuff and seeing what happens? The problem occurs when the PC is under load, IE playing a game, so I wouldn't be able to do anything like that to test it.

Well it might be a feature on my Mobo that when it's underpowered it drains power from the PSU or graphics card, i'm not sure now whether it's actually throttling or not, but it'es definetely draining something, like the graphics card.

Before I had an old ati 128mb card and moved up to a 8800gts 624mb card the pc done the exact same thing, would play for a while then would drop to around 10fps. I put in a bigger PSU and it was fixed, now I have the exact same problem and putting in a slightly bigger PSU actually helped the problem but didn't cure it completely.

So i'm pretty sure it is the problem, I was speaking to a pc boffin friend who said every PC he's been building or helping build has had no less than a 600w PSU in it, simply because the new processors are so power hungry.

Anyways, i'll try something, maybe find a bigger PSU to try in it and see if the problem persists.
S2 licensed
I was speaking to my uncle whos a bit of a pc boffin tonight, he says all the PC's he's been building lately have had 600 or 650watt PSU's minimum. I'm gunna have a test later, plug in the old PSU and power the everything from that except the motherboard, leave that to the 500W PSU and see if the results are the same.

Anyway, i'll give some results soon'ish.
S2 licensed
Surely if the problem was that my motherboard wasn't compatible and it couldn't keep up with the power usage from the new CPU then it would fail as soon as any load was placed on it, not after 15 minutes?

It ran sweet as a nut on CoD with full resolution, until the inevitable.
S2 licensed
Back to the scummy 3800 now, maybe I should just set myself on fire.
S2 licensed
Tried it anyway, with no joys, I wonder if setting it on fire would work...
S2 licensed
Tried all that allready
S2 licensed
Asus MV2 TVM motherboard, it's apparently compatible with all amd chips to date.

The reason I think it's the PSU is because before the problem would start after a few minutes, now it takes a good 15-20 minutes for the frame drops to begin, but once they're here, they stay.

Pecky, a processor doesn't jump from 1ghz to 2ghz every half second on idle, I understand when it's constantly at 1ghz, but not jumping up and down.

I "know" it's linked because when it was doing this I started LFS and straight away it was giving only 14fps (Because it had just been running MW2 for about an hour)

A little theory could be that problem comes when under heavy load because of the fans, once the processor and 8800GT heat up both fans obviously have to work harder thus draining power from the processor.

As I said i'll try get a 550w or 600w tommorow. Btw Pecky in the 15 mins it's been since I started writing this post the processors clock speed has been at 3.00GHz the whole time, no throttling or anything.
S2 licensed
Ok, same results again, though i'm still pretty sure that it's the PSU causing the problems because with a 50W stronger PSU the drop in frames takes a lot longer to happen, it's like it takes some time to warm up, even though it's definetely not a cooling problem.

I'll see if I can get a stronger one tommorow.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Reseat your heatsink. Did you use fresh thermal compound? Is the fan spinning? Check your voltages in the BIOS. Your CPU voltage might be too high.

Quote from MijnWraak :Turn "Cool 'n' Quiet" off in the BIOS.

I used fresh compound and yes the fan is spinning, heat isn't an issue, well it's actually running a lot colder than what it should be, I guess thats a result of it not working at 3Ghz all the time...

I just turned off Cool n Quiet, there were 3 voltage options for the CPU 1.35 1.40 and 1.45, I set it at 1.35 now.

Will try some testing in a while, thanks for the suggestions.
S2 licensed

So after about half an hour or so of CoD it started again, now the processors are constantly throttlling from 3ghz down to 1ghz, even when on idle....
S2 licensed
I think they were both over 60% because LFS was open?

Anyway I called a guy I know and he got me a ocz 500w gaming PSU for £15, reconditioned, not bad. It's in now and running sweet as the dogs nuts.

Had CoD running smoothly at 1280 x 1024 resolution and most things on high, thanks for the help.
S2 licensed
The CPU temp is shown on the picture, very low from what i've heard about this monster heating chip....

My old one was a AMD 3800+ 2.00GHz, that was the only change I made, so the video card hasn't been touched since it was put in a while back.

My specs are
nvidia 8800 GT 512mb
AMD 6000+ 3.00GHz
2gb ram
300gb HD.

Thanks for the replys.
Drop in frames since new processor
S2 licensed
Yaow, so yea, I got a AMD 6000+ AM2 3.00ghz processor with a big ass cooler and fan.

Origionally my BIOS didn't recognise the chip so I updated the BIOS (Windows still worked) So I tried it ou on CoD and it was quite stuttery, I figured this was just down to the out of date BIOS.

Anyway it still runs like pewp, so I tried it on LFS and sure enough the frames start out at 170 or so and drop to about 15.

A year or two ago I updated the graphics card and had similar results to what i'm having now and it turned out to be the PSU not being strong enough. I now have a decent 500w (Or 450 I can't remember now) and didn't think the new chip would be too much for it, I think this is the problem but i'm better getting some answers from the clever boffins first...

Yea, I guess it's supposed to but when the pc isn't really doing much the clock speed goes down to 1000MHz, I thought if the processor was throtting during heavy load it would show up on the CPUZ but it sticks at 3.00ghz all the way...

S2 licensed
See you later aligator.
S2 licensed
I've just got the Arctic cooling freezer 7, good old ebay, thanks dudes.
Heatsink and Fan for AMD 6000 3Ghz
S2 licensed
Hey, I recently baught this CPU but it has no heatsink or fan, Just wondering which fan and heatsink would be best for it, i'm pretty much going for the cheapest option.

It's the 125w version.

S2 licensed
I'm quite pissed atm, havn't seen my roof in ages because of the snow and just today I notice 4 or 5 seperate dents along my roof, hopefully they will pull out but hopefully whoever done it while try again when i'm watching, cock sucker.