I would have liked to be present, but I'm on holiday starting tomorrow...
Anyway, two points that should be clear really but I think are worth reiterating just to remind everyone:
1.) Remember you are one place lower than on qualifying, so there is no need to retake a place - that's the Safety Car! As soon as the SC pulls in, you'll be at your rightful starting position, so stay where you are... Overtaking under the Safety Car is a PUNISHABLE OFFENSE and it will be punished!
2.) What you are experiencing prior to the green flag is completely the same as driving on a motorway with heavy traffic... So act like it, the rules are exactly the same here! Don't stare at the rear bumper of the car directly in front of you, look ahead! What the third car in front of you is doing, you should be doing... You have a track map on your screen and know the non-winged safety car is coming up to a bend, so don't be surprised when it has to brake to make it through... In reality you should have 2 seconds distance between you and the car in front - I know you won't leave that space, so I'm not evenn gonna suggest to do that, only be reminded that if you rear-end someone, it's completely your fault for not being aware enough and not leaving enough space... It will most likely get you a penalty too...
As a sidenote, if you want to fight the "accordeon-effect" (the stretching out and bunching up of the field - drivers with a real driver's licence will know from aforementioned motorways) there is one simple trick: brake as soon as possible, but only as light as you have to...