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S3 licensed
Quote from luathas :Still working on the VW Scirocco textures

This time around, I've tackled the seatbelts

I fear that once you're done with the pack, only a handful of people will bother to use them - this much detail in a full field of cars has to drive framerates down to a crawl...
S3 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :Nah most TVs still use TNs, I would guess a 32" full HD panel doesn't cost much more to make than a 24", perhaps less even.

Eh? Just by looking at the screen in the showrooms you'll notice that most TVs DON'T use TN - test it, if the image doesn't get dark when you watch it from a higher or lower angle, it's no TN... Those which do use TN are the cheaper, completely unknown brands... LG.Philips has IPS panels, Samsung PVA ones and AUOptronics has usually cheap(ly) copies of one of those two and those three share about 2/3 of the whole panel market...
S3 licensed
Unlikely... You see, all those RL car deals have been made by someone establishing a promotion without having to start from scratch... I don't see Monza or one of its affiliates wanting to promote the track - it's famous enough to be recognized by every race fan in the world...
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :the next fool to drive past my house with a bean car exhaust or a v8 gets run off the road...

Oi! If it's a real V8, they did a good job... Don't scare V8-drivers, invite them!
S3 licensed
Quote from Ikaponthus :What a dumb comment. Give me one example.

You had a point at the beginning, but your dismissive comments about the quality of anything besides rFactor and LfS quickly buried whatever good intentions you had starting this thread... Those comments are based on the errant believe that no other controller than a wheel is worthy of a sim... It is the best controller, that's right, but in the end it's just an interface, not a measurement of quality...
S3 licensed
Quote from Tim_J_23 :Too bad that I dont think the XRT can match the torque which the Mustang has.
Or am I wrong?

Peak torque maybe, but a turbo-ed 4pot is never going to have the torque curve of a V8... There are other things wrong too, which have quite an impact: tyre dimensions, track and suspension geometry (a McPherson strut isn't exactly the same as a live rear axle) are just three off the top of my head... Also, those setups are more like guesses how they might feel to drive rather than actual data put in...
S3 licensed
Quote from BoyGTA :Very nice man. The only thing I don't like are seats.

That's the only thing I'll take, I've got pretty good textures for the rest already...
S3 licensed
For watching TV - you don't need Full HD (yet)...

For games and as a computer moniter - get Full HD if you can... Seriously Jakg, do you work with 800x600 on your laptop? No? Why suggesting 1280x720 on a screen twice the size then?
S3 licensed
Quote from Jertje :I think you're underestimating the complexity of making a hydrogen bomb out of a hydrogen fuel cell, I mean... all you need is a fully functional hydrogen bomb, strapped onto the hydrogen fuel cell...

No, but I imagine ripping a pressurized tank full of hydrogen with lots of sparks flying through the air is quite dangerous...
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Oh dear.. a NUCLEAR?! power car.

Unless they want everyone to die every time someone has a ding in a car park, I suggest they stick to hydrogen fuel cells.

But DAMN it looks nice.

Yeah, because the potential energy from a hydrogen explosion is so much better... :doh:

Anyway, it doesn't say whether it's fusion or fission... The former doesn't quite have the problems of the latter...
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Can i run Win7 through a CD or USB stick and make games work?(just asking to make sure)

Unless you go a 9.something GB stick: No.
S3 licensed
Quote from xaotik :That's a good question really - I thought you guys were against nuclear energy...?

Exactly... A lynchmob burning those towers down - now that would depict us in a way...
S3 licensed
How are cooling towers for atomic reactors a stereotype for Austria?
S3 licensed
Quote from RIP2004 :@s14

Nobody will disagree.

But for simulating traction control and ABS these issues get important somehow, to make these systems useful and demonstrate the increased safety ...

I get the distinct impression that you want to fudge LfS' slip curves to be fudged away from reality to give Stability Programs a better stand...

Longitudinal slip is wrong, yes, and so is probably force combining, but either your exaggerating the problem or you believed the marketing departments of ESP-makers a bit too much... Applying brakes to wheels to counter spinning tyres isn't the philosopher's stone they like to make their products out to be...

Oh, and there is quite a difference between spinning and locked wheels...
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :which is a problem of lfs not yet modeling rapid tyre temperature changes of the contact patch which should be able to heat up and cool down much faster than it currently does thanks to the relatively bad thermal conductivity of rubber and therefore low thermal capacity of the outer layer of the tyre

It is modeled (Shift + Ctrl with open F9 display), it's just completely wrong... It's just 2-3° C ahead of the rubber core shown in the normal F9 display...
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :He was referring to the "lack of AA" in the posted screenshot, resulting in the wheel (tyre) being uhm... not very round

If you and shiny_red_cobra knew anything about AA then you could tell that that's no AA problem (it's maxxed out in fact), but just the model that simply has no more polygons than that... :doh:
S3 licensed
56 something seconds...

On the other hand, if you mean the FBM: didn't do any laps on that combo...
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Drifting with automatic transmission? No way.

Might be tricky, but why not initiate the drift, put the gears in 2 and hold it?
S3 licensed
Shift + "-" will get rid of any chat messages, be it normal chat or system ones, like pitting or PBs...
S3 licensed
I'm proposing a completely new way of handling tyre changes:

Get rid of this tyre wear percentage thing and the hidden "do/do not want to have repairs done" and have it done by a popup... LfS already recognizes when you're crossing the pit entry line, so why not capitalize on that?

Here how I think it would work (screens attached, excuse my crude paintings):
1. You decide you have to pit, and so you cross the pit entry line... In the moment you do that, a menu box like the old F12 menu pops up where it graphically displays what you can change... In my view it should all be red (for do not change) everytime you drive into the pits - this would make it more memorable since it's more likely you'd only want one or two things and be outta there already and after a bit of adjusting, you'd manage the pitmenu by body memory rather than consciously looking... Plus, I'd tie the pit menu options to the numpad keys - a) they're not used thus far and b) it would only need one hand to change the options, keeping one still on the wheel...
2. You've decided you need new front tyres and a refill (will go into that later), but wouldn't bother with repairs... So that would be 7, 9 and 5... The part that should be changed now lights green instead of red (colours configurable in interface menu?)
3. You stop and your crew is doing exactly what you ordered when you crossed the pit entry line...

Now to the issue of refuelling: I propose two ways...
1. The amount of fuel that goes into the car is still managed by garage/F12-menu, or
2. 8 and 2 on the numpad would become an increase/decrease fuel amount button, with the exact amount shown over the fuel icon and the repair-option moved to 4 or 6...
Personally, I'd prefer how it's done now, since pitlanes can be quite short - too short to adjust the fuel greatly in time before the stop...
S3 licensed
Haven't changed anything in the Profiler except set it to 540°... In the game, I set FF effects to minimum, reassigned brake and throttle (SimBin's default calibration seems to have a deadzone in them even if it's at zero - don't know why)...

Oh, and if you use anything over 270° for steering, crank up steering lock in the setups - those 14° of lock are ridiculous...
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :+1 for little nice feature

Here, have a flame resistant suit, as someone will surely attack you for searching and posting into an already existant thread...
S3 licensed
Quote from majod :The official ISO is called 7 Beta 1 X64 Build 7000 0 081212-1400 client en-us Ultimate-GB1CULXFRE EN DVD

How the hell do you have a torrent when it's not even officially out?
S3 licensed
Quote from Sponge :Anyway... it's 'early-January'-ish so.. how about a nice update with Scirocco?

Where the hell does this come from now? All Scawen said was early 2009, there wasn't even a month mentioned... So by that logic, he still has more than 5.5 months time...