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S2 licensed
LFS technically doesn't allow more than one path. That means nothing else than closed, single path circuits. IIRC that's the official answer
I don't know why such a city area couldn't be treated the same way as an autocross area is now, only much larger and with permanent (building) objects scattered.
S2 licensed
Never play. Waiting for new patch.
S2 licensed
Tamagochi says FEED ME
S2 licensed
Quote from unseen :Hang a seat over the rear end. Get your fattest mate to sit on it, and tell him to make like a racing sidecar guy, shifting his weight over into the corners, and it could really be something sweet.

Or drive it into corners as if you were exiting, and drive it thru exit as if you were entering.
S2 licensed
That's because it drives like a Barbie doll car. :static:
S2 licensed
Quote from Asphalt Scream :Thank you. If I was the author I would not explain it after this thread reached page 50...
I red the thread again fast because I thought it was the same all over again and missed the very important small line with the solution.
I apologize but anyway I could get an answer like this in the very first time, I got mad becxause I dont like to be addressed like an ignorant noob.

This thread is two pages long. You must be confused.
S2 licensed
Quote from hotmail :and now that Rockingham is announced they can compare it even more. This means that the car / Sim needs to me as realistic as possible. and like we all know this is costing time.

It had to happen sooner or later.
S2 licensed
Quote from hp999 :First up, the topic he brought up has been going on for years(even though I haven't been here for 'many years'), due to the fact that RAC is very unstable in LFS, not speaking about the fact how unrealistic the setups are. Speaking of which, RAC is the least used car in LFS(since S2 was released). Now, I don't see, why people wouldn't complain about it, since it's a hard car to handle. I was assuming he is new to LFS(which he is), so he came to the forums, and made a thread about it. Probably the scenario was - he some of the cars, found RAC to be the hardest to drive and then made a thread. Not being a dumb idiot about his postcount - most of the cases it is all about it , which brings some others to the thought the driver is a newbie.

Secondly, this is LFS, not rFactor. I'm quite sure RAC isn't featured in any other simulator, correct me, if I'm wrong.

RAC setups can be found at, if there is a need.

All that because of a hasty conclusion. Fancy that.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Hey Mutt - Why the long face?
Winners don't do drifting.
S2 licensed
Remember kids. Drifting is baaaaad.
S2 licensed
There might not need to be more than one or a few iterations of each car and track type, but LFS is still missing a number of those types. I'm curious what it'd take to pick Scawen's brains on this with just a couple of questions.
S2 licensed
Those are real cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajcham :This is an interesting point. Do you think enough people would be motivated to create a design even if the competition had no guarantee of bearing any fruit in terms of actual LFS content?

I don't think it's incredible if you're capable of trusting Scavier's word that LFS isn't dead, S3 will come out, etc. Of course this speculation's on the premise that Scavier would be interested in such a contest.
Quote : If so then surely an unofficial competition could be organised by someone in the community?

If Scavier's interested and approves yeah.
Quote : If as a result of the competition we get some really good ideas/designs then it is up to Scawen and the guys whether they want to take any of them further.

Of course the designers give up all rights to submitted designs.
Quote :The key issue is, as I say, whether enough people would be interested in expending time and effort creating the designs on the speculative off-chance that the guys might consider using them. Unless Scawen releases a statement saying that there is absolutely no chance they would, it could be an interesting and potentially valuable project.

I think it's worth it. This is just my speculation, but I don't see any reason for Scavier to oppose such contributions if everyone understands that there's no promise any of it will make it in. The way I see it, creative work like this is healthy activity for the "community". And as an artist, the satisfaction of creating a nice piece of art is the best reward, not so much fame or paycheck. Either way submissions could (ought to IMO) be shown on a website; no need for anything fancy, just a clean showcase of submissions so far.

One way to set the thing up would be to suggest a few categories, corresponding to what cars LFS could use. E.G. (as separate, non-mutually exclusive categories) a certain drivetrain, or bodywork (sedan, convertible, etc), or era (e.g. 80s boxy, 60/70s hotrod, etc), or "national" influences (e.g. Italian or Japanese or German or American trends), and aimed to either fit inside new or existing car classes, or be stand-alone models.

It should probably start with a brainstorm thread for consensus on categories, deadlines (if any), where to host it (this or another forum, or independent website) etc. Then take the final draft to Scavier and see what they think of it.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
It'd sure be cool. There's plenty of talent out there to do it justice. But somehow, at some level at least, it doesn't seem to jibe with Scavier's minimal-manpower formula.

Which'd be a shame. LFS could certainly use more variety in bodywork esthetics, drivetrain config, and wheel shapes too. We already had a skin competition. It's too bad there doesn't seem to be interest in a repeat for the above three, even if conditioned by no guarantee that any submissions would or wouldn't be used.
S2 licensed
Quote from lolzol :If you keep locking the "good" people away in private leagues only, then LFS will surely die, because not anyone is good enough or patient enough to play between some idiot 12 year old while trying to improve to join a league...

Not credible.
Quote from tinvek :
don't judge all s2 holders just by the ones you've met so far, i'm sure someone could probably work out how many you've raced against compared to how many s2 licence holders there are but rest assured it's a very small sample group to make sweeping judgements on all S2 holders abilities.

Read this. It's only after months of sustained play that you'll get a sense of the real odds of finding good and bad races. When I used to play a few years ago, I'd sometimes go a week or two finding nothing but good or bad races. And league racing was definitely better than demo or public licensed racing.

Quote from Inouva :First You suck, seccond you cant talk about shit,

I`m tired of post like this, talking crap when the S2 comunity in game is more friendly "Mature" and competitive

When you have stats like me in lfsw or a bit ore that you have, THEN you can talk

Pure crap. This is the kind of childish dribble that's no help to the LFS "community", the kind of **** attitude that the OP (erroneously) characterizes all licensed players as. If you can't stand it, either do something useful about it (not throw fuel on the fire) or stop complaining.
Last edited by Breizh, .
Just a neat pic
S2 licensed
Thought it'd go here rather than off topic general forum, because it's the same thing LFS cars do and specifically it looks like what the FZ5 could've been.

by João Ornelas
More here
S2 licensed
The only rot going on in LFS is users' attitude.

From my outsider perspective, with experience (>10 years) in another sim community where realism is at least as essential to gameplay, and where there's arguably much more importance to community bonds, it's safe to say that racers are by nature cocky and that the critical point in avoiding "rot" is tempering that cockiness. Keeping competition healthy. Unfortunately, driving and racing cars is easy enough, and LFS is so well designed from an accessibility standpoint, and racing itself is so popular, that you have a much larger proportion of young users who are inarguably more immature on average. So that they don't yet grok that notion of healthy cockiness. Instead of airhead cockiness for its own sake.

That's the root of it. Not LFS' development scheme or whether you get banned or not for (intentionally or not) acting like a prick. The inability to entertain and accept the idea that even if this is a sim, it's a game beforehand - you're playing with other people - is what precedes all these "rot" issues. You can't play LFS (race, other than hotlapping) without those other people; you can't poop where you eat.
S2 licensed
You're both arguing the same thing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Well, I guess I'd probably be burnt out and unmotivated if I was working every day on the same project for this many years too. It all makes sense now!

That was easily the most ominous post Scawen's ever made.

Why ominous?
Quote from Macfox :This would satisfy your financial needs and the communities needs.

This doesn't overrule Scavier's MO.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Can't find it, but I'm fairly sure someone posted showing the trend. Maybe it was in one of the threads discussing license numbers.. And someone went and checked LFSW more thoroughly for the data.
This is all I found, don't have time to look further

If you go to LFSW and open 'Racers and hosts online', select History and select '600 weeks' at the far right, you see hosts numbers flattening recently, but racers still on a shallow but clear upward trend.

edit 2- Never mind, you already saw that data. I only have to say that another very experienced game developer said that games like LFS can be relied on to have a population continually in flux. New users replacing old ones. Only a small proportion of players do stick around for very long. There's no way to tell from just those LFSW graphs whether that's the case. I reckon it's not likely to be a totally static population.
Anyway, considering how much complaining there is, and how truly little updating the game has had, it's not so bad. Once a major update does show up, things should pick up pretty good.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Didn't Scawen answer this question a while back, showing shallow but clearly positive trend in user numbers on the long term record?
S2 licensed
Quote from Skytrill :Ok.. so you blame the speed of development of LFS and things such as "the GTR interiors for like 2 years", while, after 4 years of playing, you are style on Demo, therefore proving that you obviously use a cracked version of LFS and you dare to come here on this forum using bandwidth and services that you haven't contributed to help in any sorts of way to ask for more contributions from the dev? You are the reason why they couldn't hire any more personnel so stop complaining.

You provide no counter argument to the accurate note that output's been lethargic regardless what the development speed is behind the scenes, and, for all you know, that "demo" forum user is using separate forum and game accounts. Self righteous pontificating rants like yours are what's wrong with LFS. It's a great game but too much of the "community" is made of cocky, whiny, immature kids.

Quote from ATHome :Sorry, but some parts are far from perfect. Collision physics, damage system, turbo simulation, and some more aspects of the game.

And that aren't features to add in some time in the future, they are there, but they are half baked.

By Macfox' metric you can't judge a placeholder element, only a finished one - one that received Scawen's "perfectionist" attention. Modular "WIP". Those half baked placeholders are half baked because they're placeholders; it's intentional and temporary.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Quote :GIVE UP


S2 licensed
Forget altering the cars we have. A new RWD street model roadster with a V8, along with a GTR variant is the way to do it. The extra lightweight XRR with its peaky i4T and skinny tires is worth keeping.

Next is needed an MR model for the GTR class. Either a race version of the RAC, or a new pair of road/GTR models. E.G. an exotic V8/10/12 for variety.