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S2 licensed
Hey, it's ok - Companies are evil.
S2 licensed
squidhead, the pirates care about the buyers?
Rights owners not "caring" about buyers trumps copyright?
S2 licensed
Andylec, if it doesn't take too much time, could you add a right-click>insert scalar function, for the value sliders?
As in LFS.
S2 licensed
You don't need a handbrake to drift.. just plan your lines ahead more.
S2 licensed
It's your forum, I apologize for questioning your motives.
Thanks for being so transparent.
fair enough, then
S2 licensed
It's not a matter of hurt feelings..It's just a picture that my 18yo brother painted for fun.
tbh the only thing that frustrates me is you calling it cheap, which is not the mindset it was painted in.

I did get the impression you singled me out. My mistake.
This is just some text forum for people to share ideas on this or that, and you guys call the rules. I have no problem respecting those rules.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
patch v exe.
S2 licensed
I have no problem taking responsibility for what I do or post or think out loud.
I do have a disagreement about merely subjective paintings being said cheap, and real life gonzo gif animations of mammary squeezing ignored... This is in the name of "taste" right?

You could've just told me the avatar had to go personally, and I'd've complied, so my guess is this is some example making to satisfy some poor ol woe-is-me offended user... you're not even being impartial about it. You're making it personal.
Don't you think that's cheap?
S2 licensed
The funny thing is he can call a rolling parts bin like the Atom good looking, but not the DP1.
S2 licensed
I know you spend some time doing that.. but I have nothing better to dream up even more work for ya
Make similarly user-friendly tweaks for the XFG, XRG, and XRT to get them to equal performance with the LRF class.
= 6-car class races
S2 licensed
You guys race Volvo tweaks?
S2 licensed
Well I guess that's one item off the wishlist
S2 licensed
Android, you mean we can set an entry point while editing any LFS track with the layout editor, and restart from that point any time with shift-r?
S2 licensed
A respectable number of the difficult corners likely to get use from this sort of training aren't reproducible on the autocross surface.
And it just isn't the same to train with cones as with the real corner.

There's no better training for racing other people than racing other people, but it does eliminate everything else and stack the odds that much more on your side.
S2 licensed
All's well that ends well!
S2 licensed
Get a second monitor and run that stuff there.
S2 licensed
LFS is for everyone with a mouse and keyboard, gamepad or wheels and/or pedals.
S2 licensed
Well, I dunno, you coded the thing.
I just saw something while spectating that got me thinking of whether you could just change the gear settings at any other time than the pit-out check.. and sure enough I tried a few different ways, and finished at least one race at the LRF server with the forbidden settings using that exploit.
No more than 2 days ago.

I might not have been auto-kicked as mentionned in the previous reply, though; my connection is flaky at the moment.
S2 licensed
Becky, join race in legal settings.
Bring up Esc menu, change settings to illegal.

There weren't any penalties last time I checked.
My suggestion was to ask the devs to make this the same as driver position (left/right), which only updates changes after a pit-in.

edit- I just checked and there is a check in place as SamH told me was forthcoming, so you did and do know what this was about.
Thanks for keeping things in shape.
S2 licensed
As opposed to morning.
S2 licensed
no text, just need this picture hosted somewhere.
S2 licensed
Much ado about nothing.. You need to not have much to think about to actually be distracted by it.
S2 licensed
The ergonomics are rather bulky, but once you've gotten used to it, the triggers and analog sticks are quite good. I'd say 7.5 or 8/10 overall.
What other gamepad has 14 buttons, 6 axes (+1 that LFS doesn't recognize), including nice springy triggers like the xbox's?
The latter emulate the sense of pedals pretty well.

The drivers have never given me any hint of lag or bugs, over about 4 different PC configurations and probably a dozen windows installs.
What other gamepad can do accurate, separate throttle, brake, and steering axes, as well as a second center-returning joystick to use for freeview?
The XBox controllers certainly aren't perfect, but they do the job quite well.
S2 licensed
Danowat, I would bet most countries would favor the common sense of not impeding the flow of traffic.
Lane hoggers aren't upset about the law, they're intent on getting their way in spite of others'.
S2 licensed
What planet do you live on, where kids have no sexual inclinations?
Early on, they can be naturally pretty hardcore. It disappears afterwards, commonly from repression by the parents, but that doesn't mean the interest has disappeared.
What kid that is old enough to pay attention to this mostly text based forum isn't old enough to know pathological sexual themes from healthy ones? Are you saying kids of, say, 13 years of age would neither feel indiferent, nor somewhat to very interested in a soft playboy mag left open by mistake for them to see, but actually be corrupted from innocence? That they'd actually feel some sort of trauma?
The only trauma is repression void of understanding.

Kids' first encounters with sex (let's say their parents, as most of the time) can be a bit shocking because of the (from the kid's point of view) relatively aggressive latent vibes.. but that is to passive sexual (and even that's subjective) items what the mousetrap is to the piece of cheese.

The piece of cheese is harmless. It should either attract or leave indifferent, but if the kid gets upset at seeing it.. then he's the one with issues.