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Forbin - it's off-topic, but has a bike sim come out since GP500 that's worth getting?
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Quote from Breizh : And "just to fight" is maybe 90% of the remaining reason for my playing. Everything else is really negligible (performance tests, etc).

And the real achievements, in this flight MMO, are community made. Not in the game structure itself. Equivalent to LFS' leagues. There's dogfighting, historical, and off the wall stuff equivalent to cruise and drift in LFS. But no achievements other than how many kills you landed in a sortie, which in LFS translates as the race results board.

And I completely disagree with the scenery criticism. The tracks in LFS are excellent variety for how few of them there are. Adding novel tracks or cars like hill climb, B-road courses, mid-engined GTRs and LMPs and V8 road cars, etc, would be what LFS needs.
It simply sounds like achievements are there to keep you playing longer than you should.

And Il2 is also crap. You can get combat performance maneuvering with just two stubs where your vstab used to be. The flight physics feel like various flight regimes all stitched together.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :

Well breizh I dont play MMO because I dont have time.
But whether you play "Lock on" IL-2 or WoW you never just fly, or fight.
Flying, fighting, driving is a mean to do something.
Just driving or just fighting, flying would be a brainless entertainment without something behind it.
Even Chopin said that the most disgusting thing is music created just for entertainment without anything behind it .

Platitudes and truisms. Where's the specifics?

Quote :So for example you don't play flight sim just to flight, you always have something to do like drop bombs on enemy airfield, convoy ailed cars to base, destroy the enemy ships.
If you play online your mates play as a aliants and someone else play for axis but you still doing something, dogfights bore ppl very fast.
You newer play to just flight cuz it would be boring.

I don't need achievements to do any of this. And like Dajmin said, actually I do fly just to fly. FS caters to this. There were others too. And "just to fight" is maybe 90% of the remaining reason for my playing. Everything else is really negligible (performance tests, etc).
Quote :When it comes to World of warcraft you don't just wander trough this island or what ever it is and fight.
You do some quests, find a bunch of ppl to do this quests, looking for treasures and much more that only WoW players know what more in that game so its not get boring
And now imagine you just have sword or axe and go kill some noob, in optimistic version you have level up and you go kill another noob or get killed, then respawn and go kill another noob.
You have to agree with me that vision of WoW where you don't have even quests and the only ting you do its fighting its not very atractive as a MMO and it wouldn't last long.

The same goes for racing games.
LFS its a good game with a potential but its kinda boring with a few tracks and a few cars.
Consider the fact that from tracks only Fern bay and south city are somehow interesting the rest is just green.
But still south city looks like a deserted city without signs that there ppl living, just some buildings standing.
Its lack of climate
(And by the climate I mean, well chosen colours, something like screens with adds and billboards or anything that give you the feeling that this city its not deserted.)
but still the way its done show that LFS have potential to be a nice visually racing game.
But for now there is only a few tracks and a few cars it would be good if there would be something more, even achievements.

Well to bad I am a total noob i have no time practising and I lose most of the time.

Don't see why achievements are the solution to this. Give some suggestions for good LFS "Achievements". LFS isn't WoW. Different gameplay mechanics. Flight sims are more comparable. A sortie is much like a race.

Quote :Wanna tell me what I am interested in and in what I am not interested?

Sounds like this is your problem.

Quote from Woz :
Is that enough to show you the benefits?

I don't care. I'm just trying to get the conversation to the critical points. What good achievements LFS could have. I personally don't care about them though. None of the ones you listed would do anything for my fun.. I'm not bitter or jaded or anything. They just don't mean anything. That's my 2c.. Just drive what you like and like what you drive. If you need achievements to "clue you in" to what's fun or not, you frankly have some kind of fun-sense malfunction.
If you need achievements to race clean.. And wouldn't on your own.. I dunno, that's a different issue IMO. The essence of racing that grabs people's passion is probably not there and you're playing the wrong game.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
But it does serve well to teach someone the basics of the car they'll be driving. Like those girls who, somehow, "don't get" how to steer one pair of the four wheels to parallel park a car.
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz :Look, we know you just don't get the idea. Have you ever played a game that has them?

What achievements would you suggest for LFS?
S2 licensed
He means some peculiar achievement you likely wouldn't have thought of unless it were pointed out.. Like...
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :
But others are great tracks that nobody ever uses. There must be a reason for it.

This pattern in other games and reality is known as "path of least resistance".
S2 licensed
Thanks for that post Android.
S2 licensed
I've been busy and don't want to burn out on LFS. Is that so unimaginable? Whether someone plays or not means absolutely nothing for whether what they're saying is true or not.

Second, you do have some fundamental problems with a racing sim if racing itself isn't enough to keep your attention. Knowing all the racing permutations in the game (car, track, setup, etc) down to the smallest subtleties should be enough to keep any real racing enthusiast hooked on LFS.

I don't agree that the tracks are tedious. They're varied enough IMO, even though I wouldn't say no to a 100% increase in track choice. Cars I'd agree are tedious (where's the freakin V8 road cars, etc? :shy.. But I don't see how achievements will fix either of these issues. What I'd do with current cars and tracks is update them. Some of the car models are too old.. e.g. the FZ5 mufflers.

Quote :Simply there is no such game which can be entertaining for a long time without anything to do except just driving, shooting, fighting or flying.

Dead wrong. Plenty of historical examples.. I've been playing one particular MMO combat flight sim for 10 years now. Just like in LFS or any racing sim with a thriving online activity, every fight in that flight sim is as fresh a "fix" as any other in the previous ten years. Just as having good races on my fav car in LFS with a good grid doesn't get old. Don't take my word for it though.. Countless others agree in the flight sim or racing community. Look at GPL, World of warcraft, etc.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
You've got some other problem if you need achievements to keep playing the game.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jason1984 :Can i ask some thing, this goes out to everyone who moans about the game.. Don't you play any thing else other then LFS? I'm thinking no! It seems you don't have lifes other then check LFS front page to see if they updated anything. Well look at the release dates for the front page, you see they months apart. So when you look at the front page and nothing new is there.. Then don't ask or moan about new releases. The people behind LFS will update it when it's done!

I reckon one of the prime obstacles to "understanding" Scavier is that most players are just kids.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Like I said, We shouldnt make war here, Were are One community. Members are here to help each other like I also said before but oh no, there are more fanboys coming toward us (like we didnt have enough of them). There is totally no point in what we are discussing right now.

So you're saying you can dish it out, but not take it? I'm no fanboy, but consider this before you rant on delays:
Quote from Victor :a quality product developed by 1 programmer.

S2 licensed
Shoulda put the labels right near the curves.
S2 licensed
Or you could just not launch yourself off of it. Or ride it only after you're done pulling so much lateral G.
S2 licensed
Your replay looks just like what a stuntman would do if he wanted to flip his car over. Live and learn.
S2 licensed
It would be great if it did work, though. Especially in leagues.
S2 licensed
Thanks a bunch NZ.
S2 licensed
Doesn't work at all. No error messages, says it recognizes LFS, but neither reads info from the game ("refresh") nor applies anything correctly.
Using vanilla Z patch.
FZ5 tire specs - simple tech question
S2 licensed
Anyone know what the FZ5's tire dimensions are? As in e.g. 290/35R19.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Is that question aimed at me or another Bob? I'm not aware of what issues you are referring to?

Yep. A while back (maybe 1-3 years), you'd said tire physics were the deal breaker for drag racing tweaks.

edit - My bad, I think I'm remembering your saying LFS needed drag tires, not specifically the physics.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Bob, can you say if this'll fix the drag racing tire issues?
S2 licensed
Quote from Aid :trust me i did.. but take this as a worning to other drivers before gloryfying him

Glorifying what? Everyone in the game is yanking a wheel in front of a computer monitor.
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :The XFR has a rear wing and splitter in the model, but there's no adjustable down force settings. The UFR is just a Mini with flared wheel arches. No wings/spoilers/splitters.

Thanks pik.
S2 licensed
Well dang.. I coulda sworn I'd seen wings on those GTRs.
S2 licensed
I only got to try that once a really long time ago, but IIRC UFR/XFR vs LRF is very track dependent. Works on a few tracks and everywhere else the R's walk away where slicks and downforce matter. It's fun while it lasts though.

Isn't the VWS slower than the FXO?