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S2 licensed
In so many words, Scavier should turn to politically-correct newspeak for any and all PR items, should ask for the forum community's permission to do anything, and LFS should also be committee-designed by the forum community.

Anything else?
S2 licensed
There's no need for bloom or any other eye candy for eye candy's sake.

I'd take better sound esthetics to go with what's already great functionality (inarguably better than e.g. iRacing's), before any major graphics updates. Graphics wise I'd only add small functional bits, e.g. brake glow, sparks, bodywork damage.

Overall I'll take new physics with corresponding placeholder graphics, rather than new graphics and consequently delayed physics updates. Driveline elasticity that you can feel as well as we feel the chassis today, tires that snap like real ones, and so on... All these functional things are better than eye candy. Each truly functional bit that's added improves players' interface with the virtual car and track. That's more important than some shallow graphics improvements.

Having a sim like LFS that's got physics pushed to the max that our consumer computers can handle, running on our current "outdated" graphics, would be easily a huge success. Because this audience that LFS caters to is savvy to realism already. And with that success LFS could go on to then add the eye candy varnish... But switch things around - fancy graphics and middling sim physics - and what do you have? The same thing every other racing game offers. Nice graphics and physics no better or worse than every other racer and sim racer out there. Physics not good enough to clearly set LFS apart from them. Fancy graphics wouldn't save LFS in those circumstances.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
And again proving my point: this thread is now definitely boring and not likely to attract any further debate on the OP topic. In fact I'm only replying cause I lack discipline.

1) Tit for tat

2) More tit for tat. That was sarcasm and it ain't dribble cause it's cogent: "go play NFS" type replies miss the point.

a) I do play some other games. None of them are both sim racers or sim racers that give me the same fun as LFS does when LFS is done justice. I said this already, but I guess I have to separately repeat this to you, in this reply, for you to get it.
b) Hosting another server that'll go empty does no good. I said this already and anyone who's looked at the server list in the last couple of years knows this already.
c) Another unrealistic because uncomprehensive solution. Diamonds in the rough and all. Plus, how do you know the fridge light is off when you close the fridge?
d) "Not valid, why" - See above

Quote :for me, what makes LFS boring is threads like this. full of moaning and bitching.
you're dismissing other peoples points of view simply because they don't match your views.
so what if they come across as childish, i hate to inform you but children also play LFS.
the reason i called you selfish is because it seems that now you've gotten your point across, you feel there is now no further need for this thread. so only your opinion matters? sorry dude, that's not the way it works.

Why are you reading and replying if this is so boring? Cura te ipsum.
I ain't moaning or bitching. Or maybe bitching a little, but not the moaning kind. The hungry for a fix, anxious for a proper solution type of bitching. Others can't be held responsible for your misreading.
"Children" - You don't hate to inform me, you love to. You get off on this little obsessive not-seeing-the-forest-for-the-trees argument. If kids read this forum and make childish arguments, what responsible adult would not set them straight, given a chance to? Whether or not I like them or their immaturity is immaterial to the fact that the arguments they make are childish, IE naive, inaccurate, biased, unrealistic, inconsistent, and so on.

Show me where I dismiss anything just because, by principle, it don't match my views. If you actually believe this you either never got out of school with any useful reading skills, or you're actually trying to goad me into another reply to this retardedly convoluted and useless tangent.

Yes, now that I've both gotten my point across and gotten the feedback/reality check I wanted, AND since this thread ain't attracting any further feedback to the OP (since OP is wrong and no one cares about OP), I do expect this one's run its course. Maybe someone can argue with you about that once I stop replying.

Quote :and having a thread titled "LFS is boring" will help increase LFS' usage?
come on man, you're talking the talk, but you're not walking the walk.

It's one thread title written by one guy. Said guy clarifies that it means LFS is as boring as its players, and that's a fact not an opinion. Yes it was ambiguous. I'm selfish enough to exploit that ambiguity. Sue me.

Quote :again, opinions are like ****s......

It's like you can't help but be as vague and obtuse as possible so conversations keep going on and on. I don't have the patience for it.

Quote :so if you include bigger words onto your mindless dribble of LFS bashing then it's ok?

Don't see those excessively big words in anything I've said, if you mean that.
Don't see where I said that using big words makes valid arguments that otherwise were dribble, if you mean that.

Quote :some people will actually see your comments as LFS bashing.

They're wrong. Too bad.

Quote :here's the problem LFS does not revolve around you.

Never pretended or thought so. Does the forum revolve around you? And yet many other people replied to your posts.

Quote : you are not the only user on this forum. you will not be able to agree with all of the other users.

WTF does this truism have to do with anything?
Quote :you can't ask for a thread to be locked just because it didn't flow as you expected.

Incorrect, see above
Quote :this thread will die it's own death when it's ready, you can't hurry that up.
*cue "circle of like-Elton John*

Incorrect, the thread is worth locking if all anyone adds anymore are "go play NFS" snipes.
And it occurs to me now that if someone else doesn't post something back on topic soon and I keep hammering your bullshit for what it is, it'll get locked presto.
Quote :you can help steer a thread but you can't really control where it goes or who posts in it.

Again putting my name to things I didn't say.

Quote : dismissing comments as mindless dribble just because you don't agree with it

Is this where I point out I never said so? That's what I did previous reply. You didn't get it then and you're probably not gonna get it now or in any future replies.

Quote :the fact that you're bored and doing nothing about it is actually your problem and nobody elses.

Seriously? You didn't read any of this thread. Meaning what preceded this excuse for a side argument.

And looking at this post, it's way too long for way too little useful or interesting content. Over & out
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
It stands to reason you'd quote the guy you're replying to, to make it clear who you're talking to if you reply with other people tween you and that other guy.

The context to "having fun" was RE: the state of LFS and why I made this thread. You actually chopped up that quote yourself, so that it fit your reply to what you wish I'd said. Can't blame me for that. Or for probably not replying if you keep convolving and derailing this topic into this here irrelevant tangent; which BTW has nothing to do with the topic nor is interesting to anyone else reading this and thus probably qualifies as "something to do over email or skype".

Quote :let me get this straight. it's ok for you to be sarcastic and have a little giggle at someone elses expense. but as soon as somone else tries it, you have issues with it. sorry buddy, it doesn't work that way.

I have no idea where you read what you describe.

Quote :so are you just ignoring the posts from users that have discussed their points in a valid way? remember, this is a public forum, if you want a private discussion, use email or skype.

Huh? I replied to everything, salient and bogus.

Quote :even if you ask nicely, this thread will not get locked. simply because the thread has not completely run its course. other users have points to add, they have their opinions and experiences to share. so to say you are going to get this thread locked is actually quite selfish.

I'm selfish, like everyone. My selfish interest is for an LFS with more variety, more good racing, for a forum with less childish bullshit, etc. This thread's title was purposefully worded (actually I just wrote it that way carelessly, and didn't edit it cause I retrospectively saw it worked that way) to kick people in the pants about the sorry state of things (nothing but demo/drift servers populated, etc), this impetus being a kind of guarantee that I'd get replies. It's an ambiguous title that fits both what I really think (LFS is boring because players make it so) and what anyone else wants to read it as (LFS itself is boring). It catalyzes debate, which I can't see turning out any other way than concluding LFS is a great game that's underused - provided there's actual debate, not bonehead stuff like "so stop playing" or "go play NFS you noob".

And I said no longer ago than my previous reply that if this thread turned into yet another mindless dribble of LFS bashing, or anything not-constructive, I'd point it out to mods so they'd lock it, just like every other previous useless waste of space on the forum. Explicitly said constructive comments included dissent; I.E. I implicitly say I'm done with the thread (since I found fun in LFS again) and welcome people to carry on as they see fit, incl (esp.) dissent, provided it's done right. In fact you can probably pick any post I've made in this forum since day one as all-inclusive and actually encouraging proper debate, not just token bulshitting. Except for a few very obvious exceptions.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Assuming the more variety, the better, this is what I'd suggest:

1) The LRF class almost completely requires advanced driving skills. So the new cars ought to be as easy as possible to extract speed from.
2) In LRF we've got an RR, an FR, and an MR. So the first obvious addition would be an AWD car. In all of LFS there's no V8 road car, so that's another one. The most different car that this leaves, that'd also be user-friendly as per 1) is a naturally aspirated MR, one that's as agile as the RAC but less dodgy. E.G. something like an F-430 tweaked to be as docile as possible.

So putting this all together I get:
The XFG as a rally kit car, e.g. 1600cc, strong turbo, AWD, and slicks on wider-tracked wheels so the car doesn't flip over so easily. I don't have the tweak file anymore, but this is what it looked like:

It basically was the most agile car, with correspondingly less top end. Later I managed to find tweak settings for LRF laptimes without the oversized wheels, but they definitely needed to be about that far out to deal with the extra grip and high COG.

One of the two XRs basically as a Corvette/M3 FR roadster. Main design cues are very easy V8 throttle-ability and simplest possible handling character. Weight/tire size adjusted to keep it competitive.

The other XR as F-430. I'd copied the real F-430's specs to Tweak, and Flotch made a base setup for it. It was pretty easy to handle. The only difficulty was learning the feel of MR weight distribution, but it was very easy to control without the skinny RAC tires and larger NA engine.
I'm pretty sure I still have that setup by Flotch, so narrowing it down to only tweaking the car's max potential performance thru tweak to fit it inside LRF performance area should make it pretty easy to finish this one.
LRF+ Tweak league/events - brainstorm
S2 licensed
The idea's to race the LRF set along with extra cars tweaked to match, preferably easy ones to drive. This is generally a brainstorm thread to suggest/work out the best solutions, from what Tweak app to use, to any other helpful apps, to what the tweak car configurations should be. Anyone's welcome to suggest anything. There's no criteria other than squeezing the most cars out of LFSTweak to best match them with the LRF group. Overall this would add some novelty to the LRF class by addressing the reason for most players' reluctance to use LRF: how difficult they are to drive to their full potential.

Design of actual race events/league/etc can follow once the cars are ready.

First question is how many cars the current usable LFSTweak(s) allow? If only one, it might not be enough to attract interest. Two ought to be enough and three would definitely be enough.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
That makes my point.
Valuable opinions are those that actually resolve contention. To wit: I replied to your previous post by a proper argument whereas your reply above is just some truism. An "****" opinion would be me replying with another meaningless truism that "seems" to contradict; tit for tat.

What I care about is having fun with a game that I know can be fun, but (when I wrote the OP) is under/misused. If all there was to it was giving up, i.e. "not playing" like a couple of geniuses pointed out, I wouldn't have started this thread. That's not all there is to it (I still love the game). I already said this and that. I don't think I have anything more to add. I found what I was looking to trigger with this thread.
Thanks to those that supplied it.

I'll PM a mod to lock the thread if non-constructive (incl. dissenting) replies keep bumping this up. Those are part of what's "boring" about LFS.
S2 licensed
To you: inadequate reading comprehension. The reason your reply is bunk is clearly explained before your reply.

I've said my piece, considered and replied to apparently every proper argument, and though the OP problem seems to have no solution I found a couple of things to keep me satisfied in the mean time thanks to replies in this thread. I have nothing else to add to the topic, and if nothing constructive but another string of these bonehead kneejerk replies is all anyone's got to say anymore, the mods can lock this thread as they see fit.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
I reckon Scavier are on their own especially to avoid that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :Big company doesn't make the sim better in any ways.

Though, bigger company with much more workers have mmmuuch faster work rate, so they can publish all stuff much quicker.. They might do stuff much more easily than scawen by himself, because they have many heads thinking over the one thing - scawen is doing everything by himself which makes the job much harder and takes a lot of time. We should respect the work he puts in to this.

That leaves out a reality of the large majority of big game dev houses: the idiot execs who force the actual content/feature developers to make idiot content and features because "it'd be so cool". E.G. A relative of mine who's worked in a few major studios reported the same thing. This is why you have major blockbuster games nowadays with some bugs/features/false notes that any amateur knows at first sight how to do better.
S2 licensed
Ruled by one or three Jong-Il; what's the difference? And what's this broken analogy supposed to demonstrate?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Why release visual updates for a short term fix when you know you've got to do them all over again to accomodate new physics. Why work twice as hard goin over the same ground when once over when the new physics is done is a far more sensible option.

Why release S2 when S3'll eventually replace it? It's a theoretical/philosophical argument, that. But even speaking only on principle rather than specifics, you might have a development issue if your plan for a gradual release roadmap takes you at some point to something like two years without any release.
S2 licensed
GT5 is 350 bucks, compared to 40 for LFS.
The wife beater analogy is so badly chosen it ain't funny.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :the people who are bored with LFS have only really used 5%-10% of the game

Wrong. And it's not a pertinent argument when almost all online servers with more than two tumbleweeds racing are either demo, cruise, drift, and the only exceptions are overused combos. Even if you've just started on LFS, those combos will get old quick; the state of things leads to exactly what you denounce those "5 percenter" players for. Nothing that hasn't already been said further up-thread.

That said, I finally caved in and tried the cargame server, and it's not hard to see why it's popular. It has much of what LFS is missing: lots of variety so that you're almost guaranteed to find at least one or two others racing something in the class you want to race, and almost everyone gets to make passes (gratuitous gratification). There's enough quality that most people care enough to drive sensibly.

On a tangent, I think this proves something I argued a while back: You don't need perfect class balancing, given a dense enough car class. With a dense enough performance cloud, everyone in the car class stays in touch enough that you feasibly can catch up to some faster cars in the class duking it out ahead of you.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :you get to play any combo you want. if the combo is a good one, then drivers will join. that's usually how it works.

Not realistic. You know the saying. Peace sells, but who's buying?

Now I've done what I think is the fair thing: made my point clearly enough and constructively (problem and solution are found in the thread). I didn't post & run, stayed around to frankly answer most refutals. If no one else can think of any useful suggestions of how to fix this (the utter lack of public server variety - as of last eve/night US/EU time there was still an overwhelming majority of demo servers with the rest being about equal parts drift/cruise/tired ol combos) or add anything else that's insightful or useful in some way, I'm going to rest my case.

There's some large number of possible track/carset combos in LFS, and in public servers you have something like >95% of them demo or cruise/drift or a completely overused combo.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Not trying to be commercial at the moment.

But if you are seriously looking for a nice FO8 league, try the Historic F1 Series 2010/2011 for one race.

I have pulled back as a driver, and will try to stream and commentate.

Could use some help from experienced broadcasters and maybe another commentator.

Wish I could. I've got a terrible accent and only have patience for driving, not talking. I'll check out the league. Best of luck with coloring, though.
S2 licensed
Quote from degraaff :What are you complaining about? I've been playing the DEMO for three years! (Though I'm currently in the process of finally getting an S2 license, it takes a while when using Moneybookers)

non sequitur
Quote from dadge :rinse and repeat

One more empty server. I don't see how this is any use.
S2 licensed
Love it (still dream of slow motion suspension travel and tire deformation)
Going away rather than burn out on it, unless I can find an LRF or fun GTR/F08 league.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :To the original poster

Sure the servers have changed, dont get stuck joining the most populated servers, thats a common mistake.

That's what I do. Unfortunately that means e.g. LRF server where there's only 3-4 people on, and then only for 20min or so. You could argue that I oughta stick around and wait for new ones to join, but that's not feasible. I can't justify standing in front of the computer waiting for other players somewhere on the net to connect. "If" everyone did this, it'd work, sure. With some luck this thread will make this point bounce around in enough players' heads to put things back on track. But personally I suspect way too few players really care to learn or have the patience for anything but the easiest and/or already well-worn tracks like those I mentioned in the OP.

Quote :But the thing what gets me is why you think LFS is boring.
You say its the combination available to drive, but this has always been the case since s2 (so much more choice)

No. I remember LX/LRF servers, more GTR servers (a couple AS3, and at least one other track), occasionally F08, etc. Arguably only marginally more than what we've got now, but that marginal extra was enough.

Quote :Yet people like to join the busiest (usually same old same old multi-class crash fests)
When the best racing experiences takes usually just one other driver
Some of the best racing I have ever exeperienced is with small grids short sprints, with equally matched racers in skill and mind.

Yep. I'll happily take ballast or a slower car, or start from the back of the grid.

Quote :Maybe alot of the old crew you raced with gave up and left? I know how that goes.

Sorta. They did, but I also played about as much on random public servers.

Quote from JohnPenn :Driving the boring GTI/BL circuit for 6+ years... still not boring, exciting as ever and I'm not joking,
I Don't think I've seen a bigger gulf between the crap that gets posted here and what LFS still represents .

Public racing is very healthy, jump in the water's lovely

This is partisan BS. Plain and simple. There's barely any variety. Something like half the active servers are demo = not just microscopic car variety but also capped at 12 players. No LRF servers. No GTR variety. And so on; no sense repeating what I'd already said up-thread.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
The serious men bit is just a quip. I think that one instance I saw was ridiculous, but I totally empathize with the practical concern behind it.
Quote :And the "it's not dead" was at others, not you. Sorry for not making that clear in the first place.

Don't be sorry, my misread, no sweat either way. I'll bookmark your leagues along with ITBRTI's, thanks.
S2 licensed
Yes, this same thread again. Except it doesn't argue that iRacing is better, because it ain't. Nor that LFS will never get better - it will with the patch and hopefully more content after that. Nor that people must read this, because all you have to do is skip the thread if it don't float your boat.

What it does pour some fuel on the fire: the "community's" apathy at putting this great game to use. Cruise isn't freaking racing. If I wanted cruise I'd go play GTA or something. Endless XRG/XFG/FBM or GTR@AS3 monotony is not fun, any way you spin it. And that's saying something about how overused these are, because outside this here context, the current state of things, they're really fun combos. Just not after a million times.

Quote from mcintyrej :I didn't touch LFS for about 2 years, came back + people were still posting on the "When will... be released" topic i voted on before I left, it was clear to see no progress had been made.

Quote :iRacing is much more interesting, to be honest. If it takes a giant company of people working very fast to keep a game constantly refreshed and new, then that's what it takes.

Good for you, but LFS is my thing.
Quote :LFS is a great game, its what I base all of my new driving game experiences on.. "Oh, this feels quite a lot like LFS, I like it" - but LFS itself is just..... Same old same old.

+ The community is full of grump children who set out their day to purposely flame people for no reason.

Yep. Major turn off. If I recommend LFS to anyone, it won't include checking out the "community" forums, outside of league listings.

Quote from Inouva :You must be blind, cargame s2 use all tracks with all cars ( Exept single seater )

and have other servers with all tracks with single seaters, and s1 server and demo server

and if you dont like or think lfs is boring, then uninstall and go to play a crappy game like NFSS or NFSHP3 and enjoy stunning gfx with crap physics or go to play rCraptor where you need 2349820948093284 mods to race 1 track,

Exactly the type of mindless drooling crap that's helped LFS get where it is now.

Quote from AcesHigh :I like pointless threads like this one... its so fun to see people make fool of them selves.

To be honest i dont see any reason as to why we need to know that just YOU dont like LFS and that you are going to stay away for 3-4 years. Just do it and dont think about it.

As i tend to think i have a life nowdays i dont spend all my time on LFS. And TBH i think more people should try it, any game will be boring if you spend to much time on it. I still enjoy 2 practice/fun sessions with my teammates and 1 league race a week in LFS.

If i feel like playing LFS i just go online and do it, or if i dont feel like doing it... guess what??? im not doing it, i just play another game or do something useful. And i dont write stupid topics about it cause nobody gives a damn about what I think if LFS.

/end of rant.

But, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
"To be honest" - No. Way. You mean you can actually be straight forward honest on a video game forum? What a crazy thought! And people will actually tell you what they think in response? Incontheivable!

Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Honestly, I don't play LFS anymore either (lack of new stuff really). But I don't go around making threads about it.

Your point's lost in what vaguely sounds like an assumption that your MO is my MO. I think I can get away with one salient and well articulated rant. I don't make threads every other day. I didn't play LFS for years, barely looked at the forum and much less posted. Now after a few years I check in with my feedback: It's a single thread, not two or ten or fifty. I'm doing what the forum is for, not with stupid teenage airhead meme parroting
Quote from aroX123 :

but with what I consider fairly made points.

As much as the lack of updates' a calamity, I'm arguing against what could actually be done, what's feasible. Not what can't be helped. My beef ain't with the lack of updates.

Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Not to self-promote or anything, but I have an empty LRF server looking for some love.

Thanks, nothing wrong with the pimping, it's exactly what I'm after and what LFS needs more of. I'll check it out.

Quote from Mogar :
On LFS, I've spent $36. Got a lot of fun for a while (while it was the best sim around). But I personally think that it is as good as just one programmer can get.

Scawen is very talented, most don't have a clue about how hard is to code a simulator, but making a step further on LFS for a more realistic driving might be a impossible task for LFS team. At least, to keep it up with other simulator offerings.

Not the point. Aside the fact that I don't want to pay such a fortune for iRacing for what's probably only marginally better (tallying all the pros and cons), and aside whether Scavier could or couldn't take LFS that step further in realism, if most players do nothing more with the game than some trite cruise and drift servers, and put no effort in hosting/populating a good variety of public servers, the best sim in the world won't be worthwhile.

Quote :I'll eventually try LFS once a new patch comes out, and if S3 is going to be ever released, I'll buy it. But it still depends heavily on the leagues to have nice races, while on iRacing you can expect good races everyday (at least once you pass the rookie license).

I would say that LFS did worth the money I spend, as well iRacing.

Well, good for you as far as iR goes, and yes the crucial point is good leagues and public races. The latter certainly isn't there.

Quote from skywatcher122 :
On Topic: Do we need to get bother on this thread about slowness of the devs cmon guys don't take it seriously

That ain't the topic.

Quote from dekojester :This point is perfectly arguable - there was never a promised release date. A planned release date is not a promised release date.

It's late. What the heck do you call over a year of zero developments? No cockpits, no new cars to put some flavor in the current mostly-4banger models, nothing. Not even Bob's NASCAR Tweak.
Quote :I will concur that the state of things is miserable

I don't actually get all soppy about it. Calling it miserable is just blowing steam.
Quote :, but I will currently challenge anyone saying LFS is dead

Not saying so. It's the sheer lack of any racing variety on top of the long dearth of updates.
Quote : - the leagues I run still have participants - this keeps the sim alive for the time being.

Thanks for the effort, but is it an LRF league? F08? GTR without a billion pages of rules and pedantic pretention like "we are serious men seriously racing; follow these anal-retentively meticulous rules that make no difference to the ACTUAL RACING" ? -- that's only slightly exaggerated from a few "popular" GTR leagues I've checked out.
Quote :Until the new patch comes out, I will continue working with what I have, and I'm not dissappointed in the delay, because I was not anticipating the release - I will only anticipate it once it is released.

Delay isn't what's disappointing to me, but utter blandness of active server choices, and no LRF racing that I can see. Scavier made this great game and it's barely exploited.

Now to counter the above negativity, I'll point out the one positive I did come across; and without which I'd have accepted that nothing can be done and that it is a dead horse not worth beating (and gone back to a few years off LFS without posting this) - FM (whatever that clan is that came from FPS games and started with 24/7 ovals a few years ago) FOX junkies: Consistently full-ish grid, admins present, continuous track rotation (and by vote too).
Now that's how it ought to be. LFS servers wouldn't be so empty if they were more like this.

Quote from e2mustang :...or play girlfriend

Check mate.

So that's it, I shot my load. Going back to lurk mode.
"Good race"
Last edited by Breizh, .
LFS is boring [Not]
S2 licensed
LFS is boring because there aren't any hosts other than
1) cruise and drift - lazy drivers, except for very few exceptions on drift servers who actually do wring the cars at or near 10/10ths
2) demo - XRG and XFG are demo cars for good reason: they're castrated econoboxes, and FBM @ Blackwood offers zero novelty
3) GTR@AS3: this combo's been on since Day One. The day S2 came out, I was racing AS3 on GTRs already.

There aren't any LRF servers, no GTR servers on less-used tracks, only a very small handful of TBO/LX4 servers, absolutely no FO8/F1 servers, etc.

The state of things in LFS due to the lateness (inarguable) of the physics/VW/Rockingham patch is miserable. Compounding this is the apparent incapability of LFS hosts/players to play anything but the very most boring track/car combos.

I might just give up for another 3-4 years and come back once S3 is out.
Last edited by Breizh, .