Can of worms, yes, if people expect it to be feasible (i.e. customize handicaps to make all three cars even over a certain set of tracks, race lengths etc) without any effort. But we would find a few effective rules of thumbs soon enough, I think.
The settings wouldn't vary that much.. I don't think any car would be wearing much more than the FZR is now, and the FZR as is can easily cope with (sometimes the positionabe ballast is actually helpful) the extra weight.
At best it would mean public servers where no one car is overly advantaged/disadvantaged, at worst those servers with unplayable handicaps would get no traffic at all. There's plenty of those already.
In any case we are already much better off than we used to be. The biggest criticism I would make is that the turbos are still not great.
The LRF class would next best benefit from handicaps. It would be a shame to see the LX6 lose power, though. An updated (e.g. 2006) RAC and slightly modified (lighter/stronger?) FZ would be preferable. [/ot]
I would make it serverside too. Public servers not following any particular scheme would use the present overall handicap settings, but league admins could change them to fit the particular track(s) and race length(s) and/or pitstop rules their league runs.
In the mean time you can go to the track selection screen and see the track configurations in their numerical order there, or by pressing F8 while on track and online.
If cone collisions are client-side, then ping doesn't matter and there should be nothing odd about the cones' behavior... I would wager the server's extrapolation, if collisions were server-side, would make for a lot more mistaken collisions.
There's a fuel gauge on the dashboard, and the F12 readout.. way more useful than some light. A low fuel light would only be interesting if it would light up at a custom fuel amount.. and even then you have all the info you need in the F12 HUD: fuel/lap consumption and fuel remaining. You don't even have to do any unit conversion operations.
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There could be either a check that the custom view is within realistic boundaries, or an additional custom view restricted to such boundaries and allowed under the new forced cockpit rule.