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Quote from Racer X NZ :What really concerns me is that about 80% of the US population would probably be as stupid,

An informed opinion if there ever was one...
S2 licensed
Some of you just can't help but lot together any and all "americans", "America", and its government together. Enjoy the smugness, it must be bliss.
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I'd donkey punch her.
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With a few digits to tell each gear's top speed, displayed next to each ratio or something, yeah.
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S2 licensed
The last two years? For one thing, republicans haven't been right since Goldwater.

And Hillary as president? She's a nutcase, like most other in DC. That much socialism would make secession an improvement.
S2 licensed
Preachin to the choir Hank.. mostly
S2 licensed
Paul isn't in the wrong party. Just about everyone else in the party is.
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Just tried VR again after all these years, and the physics are pure crap.. I don't know how I or anyone managed to beat this thing with the most difficult settings on a keyboard.

The tracks are great though, they would make really great inspirations to base new LFS road race tracks from.
S2 licensed
Education trumps all of those.
It's high time the species got a clue and got off this tiny rock, before a few spoil it for the rest.
S2 licensed
The ignition sound is a sample that you can replace already.
If by flipping you mean the elastic barrier launches, that's possibly being worked on for the next patches. If you mean the very high speed recoils from permanent concrete walls, it isn't the physics but the simplified damage mapping. The cars' frames, bodywork, and the rest of their anatomy aren't modeled yet. If they were, crashes would absorb a lot more energy.. depending on the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Well a pwn Scawen!

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Dano, do you take custom rims for the render? I might have time this weekend to draw a set. What program do you use?
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Was way too careful in the first corners of the race as usual, letting a few past me. Had a good fight with Loco, also as usual I was afraid of burning out my tires (they did get slippery before halfway into the race), when in fact I could have gone a lot faster... In the last few laps I just decided to ignore the dread of making a mistake, and relaxed into a gradualy faster pace.
Too little too late, although I probably would have had a chance at passing Loco if my fuel hadn't run out at the end of the last lap.
Championship podium chances are toast for me, now, so from here on out I'll be racing a lot more relaxed, just for fun.
See you guys at Fern Bay.. RACs are going to have a good shot at all out revenge
Definitely not boring
S2 licensed
The AI, physics and landscapes were awsome for the time.. I spent a few months playing the final season over and over until one day I finaly beat Nusbaum (or whatever his name was)... It was such a great game.
Imagine those tracks in LFS? Especialy the red desert track. Eric would make it so beautiful. Imagine having a tight race like LFS makes on that track.. Man, that'd be incredible

And we need the MR exo car from VR Same handling and engine character. If that game didn't get your race fluids pumping, you needed medical attention
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Ain't the internet great?! Makes experts and armchair politicians of all of us- free reign to speak our wisdom. Sadly the opportunity goes out to fools and bigots as much as it does to informed and educated people. Far less comeback for expressing opinions here - not like getting involved in a heated debate in a public place.
Long live free speech.

Who said they were experts? The expertise common people don't have is in special cases such as the exact interdependencies of crime and punishment. What everyone does have is common sense, and that's what we're doing: debating the pros and cons of capital punishment in principle.
Everyone is free to say exactly what they want, and that's exactly how it should be. Ideas are the precursor to action, and here we are in a free for all. What better place to find out which idea is best? It's a perfect sandbox. I haven't seen anyone proclaim themselves King of the sandbox yet.. Idea is the quintessence of debate, and here it is reduced to text which is at least as good as someone getting all red in the face or being distracted by anything from the arguments themselves.
Anyone, regardless of age, social standing, race or whatever, can type in the solution to any given debate and be recognized for it as he/she deserves. That's a whole lot better than you can usualy count on in most debates in the flesh. Most people don't make good debating company, in the flesh at least. Stick a blade of sharp logic in em over there and they'll cry foul play.

Quote from Albieg :I'll mantain that the only G8 Country which has death penalty is the US. If you can't live with this fact, it's none of my business. I can live with this easier than you think.

Did you forget to mention the common obsession with banning abortion in the US? Don't you think you ought to account for Americans' (a sizeable portion of them anyway) holding embryonic life sacred in such a way? Don't you think it incongruous to focus only on the death penalty (which you've yet to precisely demonstrate why you think it's not defendable) and not reconciliate such a humane disposition with your accusation of inhumane punishment? Or holding the right to survive so sacred as to allow everyone to have an equalizing but lethal means of self-defense even at the risk of criminals having guns more readily? These sorts of things are what you need to account for if you really mean to make a comprehensive assessment of the American context of things.
You're more on about how well you (I said already I'm only interested in a dispassionate discussion) can or can't cope with 'hideous' this or that which you suppose is going on in a brain trillions of electrons away than about the pros and cons of capital punishment. I'm done replying to anything but arguments towards that debate.

Quote from Blackout :US politics is a very interesting topic Breizh, but I think my English is preventing me expressing my thoughts as I liked, I can try though. I think we can agree that the "winner takes it all" -voting system eventually leads to two party system which doesn't work. One problem I could imagine with only two real options is that there is no middle ground because the minorities have no chances as the one with the most votes wins, even if more people had been against the winner i.e. voted someone else. If there is no middle ground you are either on their, or on our side, I see that kind of situation very difficult. Basically, if you don't agree with either of the parties, you can vote for the lesser bad, or not vote. I would also imagine that it will make the two parties very passive eventually, they don't really have much motivation to make things better to prove they are worthy because there is only one competitor.

That's very close to what most people in the US are getting to grips with Blackout
S2 licensed
He doesn't live for free, he leeches his life support from the same people he preyed on.

Albieg, if I were so inclined, I'd feel offended by your holier than thou statistical pigeon-holing and stereotyping, which is exactly what I'm illustrating with that sarcasm. I personaly don't see the rethorical value of "being offended" etc. I don't feel I'm superior or that you're inferior or any of that crap, so you yourself could probably take your own advice.

Blackout, the political landscape has gotten as deep into the two party groove as it has only because the people's vote has allowed it to. There are plenty of alternatives that just aren't getting votes, mostly for the wrong reasons.. they don't have the connections, the money, or the sort of charisma that resonates well with the media. People just aren't doing their homework (with regards to the candidates and political process in general), but that doesn't mean American values are condemnable.. those values need to be taken in their proper context, not in that of a rotting apple cart.
There have been a number of candidates outside of the two parties, but they have been ignored, not least because too few people want to risk their vote on a 2 percenter.
With some luck, though, the recent trend towards a large enough amount of people being just fed up with the BS that passes for government in Washington will yield enough good people being elected before those same people settle down into complacency again.

My 2c.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Axus I agree, but that's not limited to the US. There's plenty of absurd legislature in every other country. And there's plenty of unreported (read: not sexy enough for headlines) cases where ridiculous accusations are treated as they ought to be, in the US.

Blackout, I don't understand what you mean by the last part of your second sentence.
My reply to Axus was meant to say that the government is not who the public ought to look for for advice on who to vote for. More often than not, politicians are more interested in staying in office than actually serving their functions to a tee.
I agree (if you meant that) that a two party setup as polarized as the US' has become is bad news. By and large most politicians have drifted too far away from the Constitution.
S2 licensed
I think Niko sees it pretty accurately, on the pertinent aspect anyway: he's being slandered unduely and it's affecting his right to racing normaly like everyone else. I agree that his personality and username and maybe his racing (I haven't seen it) all sum up to do him disfavor, but I disagree he deserves it.

I don't remember the names, but it was just small talk for effect, rather than seriously accusing you of anything.. Something hollow like "OMG LFSNoob can't show up or I'll pee my pants".
If they don't have the balls to tell even such a petty thing to your face, don't bother with it.
S2 licensed
Spankmeyer, those stripes look great on the FZ. Let me know if you never want to use that skin again

I'm pretty sure this is the one I use in the RSSC races.
S2 licensed
No kidding...
Another thing that's been going on is illegals being brought in to vote... as far back as in the 60s.
S2 licensed
The government gets in by votes from the public. Who do you think the elected will tell the public to vote for?
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Like others said, it looks like multiple exposure HDR work. Ferrari makes a lot of studio pics for PR that look unnatural to some people.
S2 licensed
The username doesn't mean anything.. there's a lot of other ridiculous names on par with Napolean or BloodVampire or whatever.
I've seen players talk about Niko (in his absence) like he's a hazard, though. It sounds more like banter for its own sake.