What a joke... Gotspeed why don't you stop talking and go write a quick demo of this easy smoke, tailored to LFS' performance/platform requirements. You can come back in a week or a month and prove everyone wrong. Till then it's all talk.. Vaporware.
Nope.. The game'll be done when it'll be done.. That's all I care about. The longer it takes the better it'll be. I have plenty of crap to do to keep me busy, so to me 2 years ago when I stopped playing is like yesterday.
The only thing I'm disappointed with is that there's no sign of a big block road car and/or MR-engined GTR. The FR roadster is one of the (if not the) simplest staple designs in motorsports. It belongs in LFS.. People would be all over it. I frankly can't see any negatives in its addition. An MR Ferrari-like would concievably be more tricky to do right - the balance and finesse etc. But something like a ZR1 Corvette is dead simple. And they don't even have to do a replica, it just needs to have that same simple, fire breathing character.
Yeah, Scavier are doing voodoo magic to force people to speculate. It's really all their fault that people gossip like a grandma's knitting club.
Anyone know where to find that very high resolution slow motion clip of a (Le Mans?) red and white Porsche going over a curb, with the camera zoomed in on the curb/tires/lower bodywork? Was filmed a couple of years ago and was hard to find back then because youtube & co didn't exist yet.
And given the new tire physics coming, curb flips ought to be a little more difficult to trigger.
The reason LFS forum threads turn to that, Woz, isn't that everyone else is a troll or somehow not at your high horse level, but that everyone says that same thing when someone disagrees and that everyone just walks off when someone pulls an ad hominem or other ridiculous argument out of their pants instead of pointing it out for the nonsense it is.
Lotta people like to egg Tristan for being a prick, supposedly, but the real problem is that he nails people with cogent and on target arguments - regardless how much he rubs it in - and that leaves the nitwits with nothing but falling back to trolls, ad hominems, etc.
I'm not spinning or wrapping anything in any semantics. Points ladders like WRC aggregate standings, and league and championship standings, and hotlapping competitions aren't achievements, they're distinct and separate; you're conflating them.
I just don't see how achievements are a positive addition to LFS. The "achievement" format just does not fit what the game is about, IMO. That's my opinion and I'm only giving it because you insist I'm ignoring your suggestions. While they're ok suggestions, they're not that compelling either because you can do all of that yourself right now. So the real problem that this solution is looking for is people with ADD or amnesia or something. People who don't care enough about the game to think about or notice, or chase after these things.
I don't think they're a negative. They're just kinda pointless. They'd only be worthwhile IMO after LFS had gotten much further in development. Like final Sx beta or so. The only positive I do see is getting people to try out less common combos, but it'd be a bandaid fix. It wouldn't be a durable solution to that drought of combos.
You're bowing out because the discussion is this big and it's this big because there's so much BS in it. You can dish out the quote'o-matic but you can't take it.
I have played Il2 on near- and full-real since the days it came out and I have stick time in real plane. I also know real pilots who fly Il2 and other flight sims, including simmers dating all the way back to '93, among them a few people in the aero industry (e.g. restorers) who have studied and interviewed WWII pilots, one pilot from the real topgun, and a number of experienced military pilots. The criticisms I made about Il2 are accurate. The flight model isn't the most accurate there is... That alone shows you're clueless. The strawman that I played Il2 only in arcade mode is BS. Almost sounds like fanboy BS.
The vstab anecdote happened as I described and even the guy flying the plane in question said it was BS afterwards. I replicated this on a C205 in a full real server. Had it happen with a Ta 152H as well. The combat ACM without a vstab was a P-63, also full real physics (icons and engine controls not full real but that's got nothing to do with it).
It's obvious there's no cop killing in LFS, so the question refers to what analog to GTA cop killing or turkey choking there is, in the regular racing part of LFS, for novel takes on the free roaming allowed therein such as achievements would bring out of obscurity for players to explore.
WoW was brought in as an example that games could keep your attention for as long as ten years. Followed the assertion that since WoW did it thanks in some part to achievements, it should be true for LFS as well. Which is an apples to oranges equation because WoW has completely different gameplay mechanics, namely free roaming sandbox coop/PvP roleplaying as opposed to <64 players racing cars on a single-path track as sole objective - aside the cruising and drifting where I said clearly enough to anyone with normal reading comprehension that achievements would make a lot more sense.
That's fine. But you could have that in the post-race results table. Like a red helmet next to his name or something.
When it comes to WoW achievements, the comparisons are invalid. Apples and oranges.
Vertical stabilizer. 1C did make military sims earlier, but that means nothing for this Il2 game running on consumer level hardware. And there's no context to saying a WWII pilot feels the game is great. Warbirds had vets saying the same thing and enjoying flying in the game along with other players, etc, having a great time, even though that flight model is now as outdated as its racing contemporaries. Sims pretty much always have someone backing it, saying that it's great for a game.
The fact is Il2's FM feels the same for all planes near departure, the different flight regimes feel stitched together like I said rather than consistent and emergent from a single model, it has those weird loopholes like the no v-stab combat-performance maneuvering, or the .50cal planes rocking all over the place when firing, or the continually fluid performances due to players complaining that their fav plane is underperforming - with a distinct bias in favor of russian planes, and so on.
Argument from authority/ignorance.
Fine I guess, but you'd already know unless you were amnesiac or something.
Still waiting for such substantial extra flavor to the racing thanks to achievements. Seems like you guys are so in love with achievements in other games that you fail to engage critical thought on whether you actually need an achievement system to gain that "missing" extra flavor. Like the beat the record holder or contact-less race things. No need for achievement for that. The only reason for achievements then is to point it out as bragging rights after the fact. It only really makes sense when you're in a sandbox-enough environment like drift or cruising.
Woz, I'm not on any bandwaggon. You must be 14yo or something to love reading between the lines and crow about it so much. There's nothing horribly bad or especially excellent in your suggestions. And I don't care either way. I'm just pointing out the uselessness of some of the suggestions in the overall achievements arguments. That's the main fault with this suggestion and where the debate should be. Failing to recognize that I'm only working to make or break this suggestion is typical of the reasons why people usually don't value forums much.
The only one in your previous post that's not right is the clean racing one. There shouldn't even be an achievement for that. And how do you implement it? You could have player A racing perfectly clean but repeatedly wrecked by player Z, while player B who doesn't even care about clean racing or clean racing achievement who by chance never made any contact. Why reward player B over player A?
The other suggestions are nothing special. You can keep track of those yourself by memory or using LFSW. Some virtual ribbon or medal isn't going to make it any more special.
Second post- The licensing in CTRA was a one-deal thing. A single achievement, if you have to call it that. Using CTRA as proof that LFS is made to have achievements is grasping at straws. It doesn't offer anything different from leagues, and in fact the reason CTRA was popular was the accessibility of participating in the ranking ladder. There was no novelty or diversity in its features that achievements are supposed to bring, other than the color of the medals you had and the multiple class racing.
Again, the blind MMO comparison doesn't hold water. Gameplay mechanics in an MMO game that's completely sandbox is nothing like such a channeled gameplay environment as the qualify/race world of LFS. In a setting like the cruise or drift servers it makes more sense. In the regular racing setting these achievements would have to be very tightly related to racing performance. And LFSW already serves this, and those that LFSW doesn't manage or display would be where you'd find worthwhile achievements.
2) SHOW HOW achievements keep the game fresh. Saying something is true because it's true, or because you say so, is nonsense.
3) WOW got pulled into this in a very specific instance where you said there was no reason to keep playing a game after as long as 10 years. To which I replied that there's many of them and while WOW might do so thanks in some part to achievements, WOW's gameplay is nothing like LFS, and thus the equation of achievements' validity in WOW to LFS is invalid. Follows valid note that many games that ARE comparable to LFS which show no need for achievements CAN keep players attention for at least 10 years.
4) See above.
5) You don't know what stabs are and you're telling me I don't know about flight physics? Seriously? Can you show support for "all WWII pilots agreeing Il2 is most realistic"? edit- That's incorrect. So you found one pilot who thinks so. Is this your unbiased sample? A single-data point sample?
6) Your english is unclear. You repeated what I said. Achievements are what're telling you what to like. I believe the opposite. Hence "drive what you like and like what you drive". You might've picked up on this if you weren't out to ridicule others instead of seeking what makes the most sense.
7) I am indifferent to achievements but have yet to see one that's not already available in LFSWorld, or that's not useless like longest drift or wheelie, and that actually conforms to what LFS is meant to be. If you need a clean racing reward to attempt it, you're playing the wrong game.
8) Ad hominem. Others said as much and I don't read these forums much at all, so it's hardly a coincidence or far fetched notion.