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Quote from Boris Lozac :Nice.. what level do i need for that, i'm still 16.

Over 20 for extreme races, not sure on the exact number

Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Can you change the rotation or not? :\

not ingame, some wheels can change it on the wheel itself
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Cheers, guess i'll do that race then to grind money when needed for new cars..

Here's a better one

Quote :
A-Spec Extreme
Indy Super Speedway (First race)

98,000 for 1st place.

Using a maxed Corvette ZR-1 RM you can run a lap in 43 seconds.
Winning the race in about 4 minutes.

ONE hours grind = JUST OVER 1,000,000cr

Demo licensed
Quote from senn :wasn't that patched out in 1.03???

It works, but it can only be done once a day per account, so deleting a save doesn't work anymore. Need to delete the account to try again, it's hassle. It tried it just then with 1989 and all I got was a Eunos Roadster.... at least it was premium, so I'll gift it to my main account
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Does it have to be new PSN account every time, or the PS3 account? For example i have a second account for my brother on my PS3, along with PSN account, so i can just delete the PS3 account, and use the same PSN login details every time, or does it have to be completely new PSN account every time?

Once you delete it you can reuse the same details I think

but it's definitely not the most time effecient way to earn money

Race cars you get can't be sold, only traded, but if you want those expensive cars, it is a way to get them
Quote :Seriously, its not hard to level up.. then once you get to level 17 you can re-do the event "turbo challenge" in expert series... which gives you about 36,000 every 3 mins.

The birthday glitch takes about 10min each time, and on the best year, only gives you about 40,000
Any of the more expensive cars have other little cheap ones aswell... so your chances of getting 250,000 car to sell are about 1 in 15.

I tried it, takes too long, too annoying and takes all the fun out of playing the game...

Quote :1989,

2x chance of getting concepts which sell for 90k each.
3x chance of getting one of the 3 race cars for trading .

Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Just once a year? As i understood you can do this every day on the fake account.. so i change the birthday every day on that account or what?

You need to create another account I think, with a birthdate year set on when those cars were made, but set the day and month to current date.
Then boot up GT5 in that account, go into GT life and you'll get a birthday car gift from that year the car was made.
Add your original account as friend, gift the car across.

Delete the account and repeat as necessary

I think that's how it's done. They patched it, so you can only gift 1 car a day per account.
Cheapens the game though, I'm not going to do it, plus creating an account is a hassle
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Still haven't tried that, i have that other "set date and time" glitch, where the hell am i suppose to set that...

It's in the settings section of the XMB, first menu, date and time, select use internet ... /settings/index_date.html

When your birthday comes up you'll get a gift, a car from the year your born
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Turn off abs, are you on a wheel?

@ CoolCol

It probably woudn't work but i'm kinda hoping I will try everything to avoid grinding it and playing those hideous career races.

Just do the birthday glitch and gift yourself all those 20 million credit vintage racing cars and sell em, you should get at least 1 million back I think
Although I think PD may have patched it out now
Demo licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Great now my ps3 decides to die on me.

With pink and blue asphalt and al that sort of stuff.

Sounds to me like the Thermal paste is failing on the GPU.
That's what causes the YLOD on the odler PS3s, bad thermal compound, not enough space, and too much heat,
Best to open it up and apply some better thermal paste while you can now.

GT5 is 1 game in a while that relaly taxes the PS3

Quote from Boris Lozac :I wouldn't know, i'm still not 'playing' it as a game.. getting gold in licences and special events is not something i would call easy. As for the AI races, i only did a few of them, gathered enough money from special events to buy the cars that will hold me for months, while waiting for some downloadable game saves from other people, or money from online races

Good luck using other people's saves in your PS3. They might remove the copy protection but it might be account locked

I'd like to transfer my GT5 save to my other account, the GTP_CoolColJ
since I'm I'm thinking of transfering all my game cars to that account,
but I may have to replay the game from scatch on that account.

Right now I just use to give me more paint chips by gifting cars to that account and back to my main one.
Or I can just gift all the cars across, and just redo all the other stuff, which isn't that hard, just takes time


Listen to the rev limiter and tell me if it sounds right to you? It changes pitches and slows down as you go up the gears
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :Thanks for the videos
Looks good, wish there was more damage to the car bodies tho. Bumpers get smashed and such, but seems there is no damage to the actually car shape?

Only slight deformation. My Stealth Mclaren F1 got T-Boned on the Top Gear track at the crossover point and the side did get deformed and decals got scrapped off

Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :Can someone makes some videos or pictures of the new damage effects?

Well this is what the effects of damage are when online for a normal premium street car. I made this video did a few weeks ago, can't believe it's got 20k views already

I also totally smashed the rear end and wing of my LFA when I cart wheeled on Daytona, but normal crashes don't seem to do as much damage
Demo licensed
Yeah it's handful, but a beautiful car

Finally finished off the Kart stuff, and the final race on Autumn ring mini was heaps of fun, and felt really good, the other tracks not so much. The curbs really upset the balance of the karts.
Now I'm itching to try it against humans online

Motor Sports land from GT4 would have made a nice kart track
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Quote from JJ72 :they need proper class restriction or at least some PP restriction until public racing will work, and enable all tires online as well, it's very often someone has to log off because he doesn't have the exact same compound, plus buying all 9 tires for all your cars in the garage is just too expensive.

Yeah, I just did a SuperGT race on Fuji and Suzuka with some Japanese guys, in my Stealth NSX GT500 and I'm on racing Hards, and wondering why everyone is pulling away... turns out they must of been on racing mediums and softs...

Since racing hards was all I had, that's what I used.
The arcade cars have all tyres available though
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :To be perfectly frank, i don't think i will ever get some serious online experience from this game.. in constant doses, like i did with lfs. There's just something in the air about it that people don't take it seriously online, that sense of never having damage prior to this version certainly had an impact. And it just doesn't work like i thought it would in the beggining There was practically NO lag, now more and more i'm seeing funny movements from the cars, as soon as there's more then 4 or 5 people in the room..
Hope i'm wrong and there will be some organized leagues and stuff in the feature..

I had some awesome races in Prologue, this year, once all the casual crowd moves on, or once people finish up the single player side of things, online will pickup. Especially with Japanese folks

A lot of the laggy aspects are due to either people running in Wifi mode, wired is much better, and they just don't have the bandwidth to do it.
Look at the quality settings - the stars, you want this to be full or 1 star down, this determines how many packects are sent.
And the bars on the right show the latency to you
Demo licensed
Or play online
Demo licensed
Quote from LineR32 :I guess so.

PD messed that car up in GT4, I'll have to buy it next time I see in the used car lot on GT5.

Don't bother you win it, that's how I got mine


re Damage - online only for the moment, and cosmetic for offline
Demo licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Is this the 1st time you've actually driven that?

It was a lot better in GT Concept.

Yes, but you know the physics are better in GT5, so it's even more interesting here.
Demo licensed
Acura DN-X concept '02 car is a pretty awesome hybrid
The battery recharges when you brake or go off gas

You get it from winning some event. Feels interesting, torquey because of the electric motor. 4WD but handles and drifts more like a MR car

Looks OK once repainted to rid the car of the dual tone paint. White seems to suit it nicely


AI takes me for a ride
Demo licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Well i got it : |

First it wouldn't eject so i looked on the internets and couldn't find anything, after 15mins i looked at the PS3 again and realised it didn't have a tray :doh:

System update is taking an age...

One of my triggers keeps popping off.

Can't get the HDMI to work.


You monitor/TV needs to be HDCP compliant, otherwise HDMI won't work.
I use component for that reason, or you could buy a HDCP stripper, not cheap, like HD fury
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yeah... i started playing now without abs on all cars, brake bias usually 5:3, and it's much better! ABS ruins the game imo, it just works too well, and beeing that you can have it on cars 40 years old, kinda makes me feel it's not working like the real abs but like another unrealistic driving aid..
And Force Feedback at 3.. i actually have MORE feedback now, i think the higher you go the more fake effects you're getting and they kill the real feedback, pretty much like those fake effects in Control Panel..

5:3 is probably too much unless your running race tyres.

I find 4:3 or 4:2 ok for sports tyres and heavier cars down to 3:1 for lighter cars and less grippy tyres
Just watch your tyre indicator and you'll know when it's right

Cars definitely slide more if try and trail brake with ABS off.
With ABS set to 5-10 you can trail brake deep into turns and keep control but you lose braking power

4:3 works perfect for the Veyron I was testing today on High Speed Ring right after I won it
The brakes won't lock until your under 50kph
On this setting with my squash ball mod under the brake pedal, the rears will lock a faction later after the fronts do.
IF you brake on the slope of the turn after the straight, the wheels near the top of the slope lock up first - nice touch
The unweighted side of the car


nice tip

Quote : If you want to preview your car in several different colors all you have to do is go to the paint shop and start painting. Try as many colors as you want. Each time the chip disappears and you lose $2,000. But none of this is real until you exit. So once you decide what paint you want, use the ps button to exit the game WITHOUT SAVING. When you restart the game the car is unpainted, the chips are still there, and so is your money.

Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Playing GT5 back to back with iRacing - to test the squash ball under the DFGT's brake pedal mod (which works rather well!) - GT5's force feedback and physics is not a miles apart from iRacing at all. GT5 even has all the bumps and chatter like iRacing, depending on the car off course. Some tracks and cars have it more so then others, stiffer suspensions will feel it more.

Both games feel quite similar IMO

You need to squeeze the squash ball in and push it as far down under the pedal arm as you go

In iRacing when you calibrate it first without, and then put it in, and leave the calibration as before, you can set the brake curve to 1, ie linear and you'll never lock your brakes again

With GT5, because it is calibrated it every time you start the game, by fully depressing it, you need to remove the ball and then put it back afterwards. Or you can leave it in, and press as hard as you can, but then you won't have the full range. You'll still have much better feel either way


testing the RUF RGT (new purchase) on Indy road couyse was in interesting. It has loads of grip if you feed in the accelerator, I guess due to the rear engine layout. I was expecting more back end swing, but I didn't notice anymore than usual. Front end feel light though. Need to drive it differently.

Once you get a custom LSD with 60% locking, it just hammers out of turns! Plus a good suspension setup with more camber at the rear. I drove it around this track faster than my LFA :o

Replays look like crap though - standard model and not one of the good ones :/
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Anyone unlock the warehouse/hangar and wind tunnel photo mode locations yet?

They're both shown in the Apex book, on p.186

I just finished B-Specing a Super GT race on Fuji. I entered my best driver and a rookie in my Stealth NSX GT500. So it was a fairly even race. Talk about a battle to finish line, finished in first by 6 seconds, and my lead driver had no strength and mental left, tyres were worn out and he was sliding on every corner

I could have entered my Mazada 787b, but where the fun in that?!
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
DLC is region specific, so I doubt they will work on EU and US GT5s.
I don't think the Japanese didn't got these cars in their special edition

You can get the XJ13 from the Facebook promo thing, for EU GT5s
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Somebody was asking about the Lime Green colour of the real Ford Focus RS

Well the Ford Mach 1 premium has a similar lime green colour - I think
It looks more staturated on my PS3's side of the monitor, not so on my calibrated PC side though
The Dodge Challanger RT10 premium has a brighter version
Last edited by CoolColJ, .
Demo licensed
Something is wrong with the Caterham Fireblade in this game.

It's specs suggest it should be much faster than it is, but the engine is so lethargic, like maybe the flywheel is too heavy or something....
Demo licensed
Prologue also had PD sponsored monthly online time trials for tuned cars. Usually with either a PP cap or a specific car and setup on a certain track.

And races as well, I expected these to be in GT5, hope they will be soon