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S3 licensed
Quote from Erazotropa :De-Install vlfsdash, and remove and manualy delete the vlfdash folder if still exists.

Then reboot pc, and re-install again.

The ocx files are installed in the application directory itself..

It is recommended to reboot after every de-installation, when installing a new version.

Hi, thank you!

I uninstalled the Dashboard. There was no folder to delete in the programs folder - so I just restarted my computer.

Then I downloaded V0.2.1 freshly from here and installed it.

But after the reboot I got the same error
S3 licensed
Well all versions worked well under XP. Now I switched to Vista 32, re - downloaded version 0.2.1, installed it and got this error:

Component "isAnalogLibrary.ocx" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Well I didn´t have this file in my system32 folder and copied it from my XP installation... but is does not work...

Any clue??
S3 licensed
Correct me if I am wrong, but in my opinion you have to run this program locally. This means you have to connect to and a port of you choice.

But you need to type the admin-password for the server you want to connect to...

The way you try it would - if it works - give ALL users the buttons to send messages!
S3 licensed

I am running Relax and Virtual Dash at the same time without any problems!

I am using "OutgaugeGateway" for it: ... 950&highlight=gateway
S3 licensed

Did you edit the config? Does it work if you use the original config?

To edit the config I suggest to use PSPad! I have had the same problem after editing the config with Windows editor...
S3 licensed
Quote :Question is what you mean here. If you need more messages to be sent at different intervals (e.g. one every 10 minutes and other just once an hour), well, that is not currently possible and I'm not sure if that would be really useful.

I mean something like that:

TimedMotd1= Visit our website at ...
TimedMotd2= Please say sorry if you cause a crash!
TimedMotd3= Type !event to see our planned events!
TimedMotd3= /unban Admin1
TimedMotd3=+/unban Admin2
TimedMotd3=+/unban Member1


Quote :Good idea! I'm already thinking about a flexible framework to make this possible. When it is done, I'll also remove the limad !open and !close commands (and maybe some other as well), because you can always define them yourself.

Yes great! exactly what I mean
S3 licensed
Really great application! Congrats!

But I would like to be able to create some own commands and then sort them either to limad or admin. I am thinking about some commands pointing to a track and / or car change e.g. ...

Maybe like that:

!car car1+car2... is doing /car=car1+car1 - only possible for admin

!qu is doing /qualify possible for limad ...

also some wired joking commands like:

!hello is doing a /rcm Hello world!; /rcm_all and after a defined time a /rcc_all (this also could be done via buttons of course)

Another great thing would be to be able to define more than one timed messages - unlimited maybe?

Thanks for this App
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Thank you! I am using eclipse...
S3 licensed
Under Vista you have to execute the installer as Administrator. Otherwise it will not work...
S3 licensed
Ok, digging out this dusty thread... but I am not able to get it to work

If I use Soulhunta´s versions (both tested) and then switch to the fake resolution both displays become black and nothing happens... I have to quit LFS with the taskmanager and on the next start I get an errormessage about some grahical errors.

Using Jules Version does not give me any resolution to choose - only LFS jumps to 1024x768 at the 1st screen - the second one stays unused... (my point of view is moved though)

I am using Patch Z (no testpatch yet), Win XP with all available updates, Nvidia 9600GT 2 TFT with 1280x1024 32 bit, 60Hz and the latest Nvidia driver...

any clues?
S3 licensed

I think it would work!

It is a "normal" small Display and could be connected at every Computer.

You only need a 2nd free port on your Videocard. The most modern Videocards only have 2 DVI ports - so you also might need an adapter which is about 3 Eur...


Are you using the Tripple Head on one port on your Videocard and your 8´´ on the other or do you have 2 Videocards installed?

How did you manage to run LFS over 3 Displays?
S3 licensed

The update works great - although I until now did not test it on a replay...

But there is one thing to mentioned:

The "low fuel" warning... At driving a normal short race with about 5-10 laps I usually use low fuel - so the warning sign always is on...

Perhaps you could change... I think it is ok when it flashes on if only 3% fuel is available...

Or to make it professional create a list with all fuel consumption for all tracks and set the percent for every car/track combo individual if the fuel only is enough for 2 laps...
S3 licensed
Ah! Ok, working now

Err... is it possible to store the port I use afer exiting the program?
S3 licensed
Quote :And Fuel digits are already implemented take a closer look...

?? I have version 0.1.6...

have you upgraded it?

The fuel is shown analogue here... I mean, "12.6%" fuel... Instead of an arrow - so you know if you can finish the race or not... you cannot see if you have 2% or only 1,5%...
S3 licensed
Quote :Affortunaly this is not possible, since the OutGauge packet is not containing such data.

Ah, got it! Outgauge does not provide the same informations as Insim...

But additional indicators for pitlimiter, traction control and flags are possible. So perhaps it would be possible to to add 4 more indicators in your panel: A light for the pitlimiter, a light for the traction control, a light for a yellow flag and one for a blue flag...

Well in this case I would suggest creating a kind of server collecting insim data and then send them to you beautiful gauge...

Ok, much easier said as programmed... I did a few very little programs in Python with the help of Dark Times - and I believe that I am not able to help you with that

But displaying the fuel in digits - or numbers would be really great!
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Thank you!

Working quite good, but I suggest to display the fuel in digits too. So you better can see hoe much you have in your car...

Well and if you manage to size it to fullscreen... awsome!


Perhaps you also are able to add some timing and position informations - actual position, actual ranking, laps to go, split times, best lap, gap to front and back etc...
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Dark Times,

Does pyinsim0.1.6 also run with python2.6 or do I have to sty at 2.5.2?
S3 licensed
Dark Times,

again and again... Thank you

works like charme

Next aim will be the button things... Do you have a usefull manual for creating buttons - I mean either I will need a mall button which opens a bigger button to type text in (which could be used later) or I will need a small button to display a clickable drivers list which gives me the licence name into a variable...
S3 licensed
OMG... there is the next idea I need your help for:

Is it possible to place a small button file which opens a list of all connected racer as buttons?

But only connected racers in a special config file should be able to see this button..

Then I can click on a Racer Name and a code will be executed with the racers licence name?

I would like to add the licence names of racers I clicked on to a text file to handle lapper options with them...
S3 licensed
Thank you! Working great

Have to test a bit now...

But for now I have 4 improvement suggestions:

- I would like to have the fullscreen option up to 1280x1024
- There also is a bug I guess when I swich to fullscreen it is displayes on my 1st display... But I would like to have it fullscreen on my 2nd display - the 1st is used by LFS itself
- A adjustable RPM would be nice to - thinking about the BF1 - 19000 rmp
- last for now I would suggest to stretch the graphics when switching to fullscreen - now I have the grey border around it...
S3 licensed
Hi, Dark Times - or others!

Again I have a little problem to be solved:

I can connect to every host specified in a dictionary and then I can send a message to the host.

But what I would like to do is to send a message to every host in my dictionary every lets say 5 minutes...

I tryed doing it with a timer but it only works for the last connected server - but the message is not sent to all connected servers, it is sent e.g. twice to the last server if I have 2 Server in mx Dictionary:

def timer_message():
for socket in sockets:
sendmessage('/msg Welcome'
timer = threading.Timer(300, timer_message)

an other way I tried was:


for socket in sockets:
if socket.Connected == True:
socket.SendP(Pyinsim.Packet(Pyinsim.ISP_ISI, Admin=Adminpass,
IName='^3app', ReqI=1))

while a == 0:
SendMessage('/unban ' + unbans)
a = 0

but here it only connects to the last server - which is sounding quite logical because the program has an endless loop...
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Hmm... sounding Interesting, but I am not able to install it

I always get an error (translated from German) sounding that the validity of this program could not be reviewed...

Here ist the log file (sorry only in German):

Windows : 6.0.6001.65536 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.1434
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.1434 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.1434 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.1434 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.1434 (REDBITS.050727-1400)

Bereitstellungs-URL : file:///C:/Users/xxx%20xxx/Desktop/simVBnet_1016/setup/simVBNET.application
Anwendungs-URL : file:///C:/Users/xxx%20xxx/Desktop/simVBnet_1016/setup/Application%20Files/simVBNET_1_0_1_6/simVBNET.exe.manifest

Bereitstellungsidentität : simVBNET.application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=565b5cb8fc7842c5, processorArchitecture=msil
Anwendungsidentität : simVBNET.exe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=565b5cb8fc7842c5, processorArchitecture=msil, type=win32

* Installierbare Anwendung.

Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung der Fehler. Details zu diesen Fehlern werden später im Protokoll aufgelistet.
* Die Aktivierung von C:\Users\xxx xxx\Desktop\simVBnet_1016\setup\simVBNET.application führte zu einer Ausnahme. Folgende Fehlermeldungen wurden entdeckt:
+ Die starke Namenssignatur ist für die Assembly 'DevExpress.Utils.v8.2.dll' ungültig.

Es wurde kein Transaktionsfehler festgestellt.

Während dieses Vorgangs gab es keine Warnungen.

* [12.11.2008 10:34:45] : Die Aktivierung von C:\Users\xxx xxx\Desktop\simVBnet_1016\setup\simVBNET.application wurde gestartet.
* [12.11.2008 10:34:45] : Das Verarbeiten des Bereitstellungsmanifestes wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
* [12.11.2008 10:34:45] : Die Installation der Anwendung wurde gestartet.
* [12.11.2008 10:34:45] : Das Verarbeiten des Anwendungsmanifestes wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
* [12.11.2008 10:34:47] : Die Anforderung der Vertrauensstellung und die Ermittlung der Plattform sind abgeschlossen.

Folgende Fehler wurden bei diesem Vorgang entdeckt.
* [12.11.2008 10:34:48] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (SignatureValidation)
- Die starke Namenssignatur ist für die Assembly 'DevExpress.Utils.v8.2.dll' ungültig.
- Quelle: System.Deployment
- Stapelüberwachung:
bei System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyStrongNameAssembly(String filePath, AssemblyManifest assemblyManifest)
bei System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.StrongNameAssemblyComponent.Verify()
bei System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyComponents()
bei System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
bei System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp)
bei System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
bei System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension)
bei System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)

Es sind keine Transaktionsinformationen verfügbar.

S3 licensed
Hi, DarkTims!

Again thanks

Well the timer in this way seems to go in an endless loop and crash the whole program when executed in IDLE... So I changed it pit and it now closes all InSim connecrions one after another after 10 Seconds...

So I am able to use Windows Scedule Service to open the program when I need it...

Because of this I only took a short view on the current_time thing... But I saw that I can get the current system time by including Year, Date, Seconds and Miliseconds as a list... So I first have to strip out only the thime etc.... Well this is done by the Windows Scedule Service too
S3 licensed

Have been some busy these days... But now I have time to go further

Ok, as I told you everything works as mentioned... But now I again have one Question:

Is it possible to do the "SendMessage(Command)" to a special time or lets say every 10 Minutes?

In this way I could make this program sending some "news" every 10 Minutes as message or a "Time to sleep" warning a 00:00h every day...

like this:

for socket in sockets:
if socket.Connected == True:
print 'connected'
socket.SendP(Pyinsim.Packet(Pyinsim.ISP_ISI, Admin=Adminpass,
IName='^3XXX', ReqI=1))
SendMessage('/msg ' + News) #every 10 Minutes
SendMessage('/mag Time to sleep now') #at 00:00h every day

# TODO: Write rest of program.

for socket in sockets:

S3 licensed
Ok... I solved this problem:

The ports are unique. So I changed the order in the dictionary to {port: host} and it works...

Thank you!

But now there encounters an other question:

By using this technique: Is it possible to use your RollingStart and FlagMessages program - or even other progrmas to work on more than one Server at time? I mean if I let the insim.connect loop over 4 or more server Do I have a rolling start option or a displayed blue/yellow flag message at all Server or do you think the program will become messed?

If I will work I would recommend that you use this option to your next programs. So teams and leagues are able to use them by only starting one app instead of one for each server..
Last edited by Crady, .