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S3 licensed
How can we access our old servers?

I see the new servers in the control panel but still stopped. I also see the Airio config on the new server, but still not running too.

Might be because one of our affected servers is quite busy.

However, the Airio config on the new server is an outdated one!!!

How can I access my current Airio config to backup the current files?

Or do you copy them again just before you restart the new servers?

Else changes and hotlaps might be lost!
Introducing Redline Racing's new VIP servers
S3 licensed
Hello racers,

We, at Redline Racing, have created 3 VIP servers to provide a safe and enjoyable racing environment away from the new and inexperienced drivers who tend to cause many crashes, especially on the way to T1, and give rise to a lot of frustration. We hope that the quality and careful approach of the drivers we have selected will ensure that crashes remain at a minimum.
The severs are not private and anyone, as long as the servers aren't full, can connect and spectate but only those on the VIP list can join to race.

Here are the details and benefits explained:

Benefits of being on the VIP list.

You can access all 3 VIP servers:

GTR VIP Racing: RR8
GTR racing server on tracks that also rotate every two weeks (track decided by VIP vote).

BF1 VIP Racing: RR7
Formula 1 racing server on tracks that rotate every two weeks (track decided by VIP vote).

Custom VIP Racing: RR6
On the custom VIP racing server we have given our VIPs the complete freedom to select and change combos at any time as it suits them when on the server. You will be able to change tracks/cars/laps and qualifying periods to suit. You will find the list of admin commands you can use in the welcome thread in the VIP forum. We look forward to seeing which combos you choose to set up and race on.

ALL Redline Servers:
On some of our servers we also require people to earn rank points to drive the faster cars. Being on the VIP list means that not only can you can access any of the VIP servers, but you will also be able to drive any of the restricted cars, regardless of rank.

Joining the VIP servers:

We have created a list of "allowed" drivers on the server. If you are on the VIP list you will be able to log in to the racing server and get on track without issue - no need for a password.
If you can not join the race track you are not on the VIP list. You will be able to spectate a race but not join in. If you would like to be added to the VIP list please see the "Joining the VIP List" thread in this forum.

Voting For Tracks on the VIP servers.

As you will see in this VIP forum, we have created a thread for voting on a new track selection. You will have the opportunity to vote for a new track every two weeks. Read more in the track vote thread.

VIP Events:

Each track voted for by our VIPs will run on the server for a period of 2 weeks. At the end of this 2 week period there will be a fun racing event of about 30-40 laps. At the end of the event we will change the track to which ever one won the fortnightly vote. Results for events will be posted in the forum.


If you are unable to join the servers and you feel you really should be able to, then please don't be offended, just make a post in the relevant thread on our forum and we will look at it. Until then, thank you for coming along to see our VIP servers.
We hope you enjoy the racing... and see you on track soon.
Visit us on

If you have any questions or suggestions about being a VIP we are very happy to answer them for you. Drop along to our VIP thread (here: and put a post in and we will do our very best to answer it as quickly as possible.

It would be helpful if you could ask questions in our VIP forum rather than in this LFS forum thread. Other vistors may have the same questions as you and will not find the answers here once the topic has moved to the second page.

S3 licensed
really strange... However I can except a bad connection here because my server was not visible in the Airio server list while other servers were visible...

Well perhaps it was a scheduled reboot or something like that...
S3 licensed
Quote :What you basically need is to manipulate with LimitToRegistered item in SRV file. There are several ways you can do that: Using !cfg command manually for temporary change. You may also put such command into a SET file together with other settings required for an event and call all at once using !si x. Scheduled commands (in FULL version) will also work, both !cfg and !si. Just beware that doing !rld reverts server settings back to defined defaults, erasing all changes done by !cfg commands.

Ah, right... But even if I use a SET file to execute all commands at once it only works if I use the !cfg command to modify the LimitToRegistered item, right? Well this should work, but as you said it will be set to default if I do some config things on an other server and need to use !rld... So - sorry for the more work - a new command to turn event mode on/off would be nice and helpful for the future...

Another thing that could work an may be very usefull would be the possibility to be able to load another server config file - simmular to the !si command... !scfg x would load and activate a Airio.srv.x.x.txt file...
S3 licensed
Thanks for the update, EQ

But well... just to give you some more work I had some brainstorming yesterday...
  • To prepare an event it would be handy to be able to turn on/off the RName lock bye time - just as it works with the "normal" lock too. So I could prepare the event settings a day before and activate them automatically - or could this be done bye a scheduled command?
  • Using and LFS-Admin Slot would require the admin pass. Couldn´t this be done by Airio too? Checking new connecting guest if they are a at a decent limad level, and if there are no more slots left then the guest would be kicked for "server is full"
Ok, and there is one question I have - had not time to test it yet:

If I lock the server by the RName, are limads able to drive too, or are only RName listed guys are allowed? (Limad is set to "allow join") If I lock a currently running server by RName, will currently racing but not listed guys be speced or does Airio only check if someone wants to join the race?
S3 licensed
Strange - just as I typed the prior post, service came back again...
S3 licensed
Hmm... Strom Servers are completely down.

I neither can connetc to the FTP nor to the control panel. Also Airio dos not work and the LFS Server is down too...
S3 licensed
lol... I already guessed you are working on something "special"

Well to make it usefull for everyone I would say to create some config items in the SRV file for allowed actions the RNames can do - like it is in the CFG for Limads...
S3 licensed
Quote :Also I would like to suggest that you change the message from "Spectated/kicked for repeated joining" to "Spectated/kicked for joining on last lap" when that is actually the case.

This could easily be done by editing the MSG file.


I have a suggestion I - and I guess some others organizing events - would like to have:

We are running more than one server. If we want to drive an event on one of our servers I don´t want to make it private - Others should be able to watch the event.

So atm I add all signed racers as Limad0 and lock the server to have a PB equal the WR to be able to drive.

That works, but the Limad0 level goes to all servers - not just the event server... I don´t like having 30 Limads on all servers for 2 weeks of training...

So I would like the be able to add VIP drivers to the SRV file which can be different each server. Somethig like VIPName=EQWorry... Only guys listed here - and Limads/Admins of course are allowed to drive here - others only can watch.

VIPs also should be allowed to wear every name and skin they want.
S3 licensed
Hmm... is the lapper PB.txt in UTF8??

I had to change all our team tags before importing our old lapper PB.txt files to Airio...

Also some German charcaters did not show correctly (ä,ö,ü,ß). I had to change them manually too.
S3 licensed
Hmm... was around 5:30 this morning...

As I said website was down and this causes the control panel to be unreachable too, at the FTP I was not able either to overwrite the existing Airio.exe nor deleting the old version after renaming it....

The LFS server - and Airio itself seemed to work as they should.

However now both, CP and FTP are working fine.
S3 licensed
Service is available again, thanks!
S3 licensed
Hmm... Storm - Servers Webpage is offline, the control panel is not reachable too and the FTP has some problems too...
S3 licensed
lol... have the same errors since days and always though it was because I ran Airio remotely on Storm servers to connect to our servers at 500server (because I have no rights to upload exe files at 500Servers)...

Well then I need to update again...
S3 licensed
The new lic file only works with the new Airio version...

You need to update both in order to use it.
S3 licensed
Thanks VoiD!

Already is activated - but was at default values...

Trying to use yours now.
S3 licensed
No, as far as I know LFSTWEAK doen not work online...

BTW... checking the log again he also did some way below WR laps:

1:32:87 and 1:32:70 ...

09.08.17 01:28:18 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Split 1 : 0:29.98
09.08.17 01:28:55 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Split 2 : 1:06.19
09.08.17 01:29:21 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Lap 2 : 1:32.87
09.08.17 01:31:25 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Split 1 : 0:30.03
09.08.17 01:32:01 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Split 2 : 1:06.13
09.08.17 01:32:28 #1 C39P44 cathai50cc - Lap 4 : 1:32.70
S3 licensed
Hmm... cutting is not possible since there are some restricted areas in Airio settings.

Of course he MIGHT can drive... but on the other had this name often came up as "NickName thief" - even his license name is a "stolen" one!

The "original" license name is "cathal50cc"....
S3 licensed
yep... banned and deleted from the stats... but he can´t be THAT fast! There must be a hack...
Are there any Hacks out atm?
S3 licensed
Well I just had to delete a (better a few) guys from our stats because of using offending names.

However these have been kiddies being registered only a few days as Demo racer and got a 1:33:10 with XFG at BL1...

Well ok, it IS possible, but with THAT splits: 30:40, 1:06:62 ??? I hardly believe this might be possible...

Also see the screenshot of this "time"


Added LFSW stats of this "master"
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Yes, you are right!

#1 is the server number connected to Airio, "C52P01, C25P31, C50P45" are the Player IDs...
S3 licensed
Well I hate denunciating but as I fond this in our Airio log...

09.08.15 02:07:57 #1 C37P12 floky666 - analni delikvent : GuidoBR2009 - i f***ed your mother

09.08.15 02:15:54 #1 C05P00 soxx - good : GuidoBR2009 - i f ***ed your mum with knife

The problem is that these are Demo users coming back in less than 30 seconds because they have thousands of licenses - So in my opinion there really should happen something with the Demo license system...

For sure they are lifetime candidates at our servers - and will become at other servers too - but who cares? As I said: They will come back with other licenses

There really needs to be done something with the Demo ban system - perhaps reading and banning the MAC address - IP would not work too because a lot of ppl share one IP or they get a new one by restarting their router...
S3 licensed
Nice program! I think I will give it a try...
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I am not able to access the game server control panel atm...

Is it just me or is there a serious error?
S3 licensed
Quote from jmari :Hello,

I try to setup the licence ranking system, with points only.
I setup this value in the file Airio.tcd.txt :

it's correct ? how to see the level of licence ?

Thank's for your help


Looks good to me, but as fas as I know you need the full version to use names for different ranks.
Quote :
Eq, one confirmation.
I my server i need that only first 12 start in reverse in 2nd race, other no chance.
Here the srv settings:


# ---------------------- Starting and Ending ---------------------- #

# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be connected for the restart to happen - integer

# Use below defined custom start grid ordering - boolean
# This allows to create grid ordering schemes using last race results
# or achieved lap session times or both in any combination.

# Primary method used for ordering - string
# Available values are 'RR' (previous Race Results) and 'ST' (achieved
# Session lap Time).

# Maximum number of cars to which the primary method applies - integer
# For remaining people the secondary sort is used.

# Reverse primary method results - boolean
# Using this you may have e.g. first 8 cars of previous race start in
# reversed order.

# Secondary method used for ordering (RR or ST) - string
# Reverse secodary method results - boolean


Is it right ?

But what about in setup.cfg of LFS Server ?

I need use:


Thanks a lot.

looks good to me too, Airio does not care the config of the LFS server. but if you use reverse in the LFS server settings, then all cars behind place 12 will be reversed too: 12 cars controlled by Airio, other cars by the LFS server settings.