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S3 licensed
Well I found a bug in the German translation:

TrackNext=Nächste Strecke rückwärts

Translated that into English would mean: Next reverse Track

I would suggest just to write: Nächste Strecke

All of you using a German language file can correct this with a normal editor.
S3 licensed
Quote :You mean notifying? He must connect himself. Some chat (and messages) can be in fact redirected/sent between connected servers, but it would be rather for fun that for some useful aim. Still, allowing textual communication between servers (e.g. via private messages) is a planned feature.

Yea typo... I meant "contacting"... lol

Well ok, let´s see what the future brings
S3 licensed
Err.... I discovered some texts that are not translated in the language files yet like: Acceleration Data, Support Points e.g.

There are only language files with the version 18f online. Does that mean, they are for Airio V1.8 ? Well we are now at 2.2.4... so could you please upload an updated English language file so that the remaining language files could be updated too?

Or better just upload the changed texts since the last version and after translating them we just can copy them into our existing language files...
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Great Great Great!...

Quote :I guess e-mail support would be easier to add, but you'd risk being flooded with help requests several hours or days old.

You are right... this would cause too much spam.

Well if there is a MSN library: Great!

Else contacting an Admin (or at least a limad) on an other by one instance controlled server would be nice.

btw... inst´t it possible to send a message to a racer, no matter where he is online? I think I have seen something like that in LFSworld somewhere... But I may be mistaken.
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Hi EQ Worry!

Could you please shortly explain how the safety (rate(s)) work? I have no Idea what I should do with it...

Another suggestion:

I really like the Idea of the !admin (!ad) command... but we don´t use IRC... Would it somehow be possible to use MSN instead? - I guess no...
Or would it be possible to send an E-Mail? - Could work: enter SMTP and a list of E-Mail addresses....
Or best would be to send a message to an Admin (or LIMADs since a level 3) who races on an other server... I dunno if it is possible to reach someone racing on a server somewhere else... but if a Admin or Limad3 is online on one of the by Ario managed servers it should be possible...

Last suggestion:

RestartBtn and QualifyBtn are both showing up for 10 sek. ... Well for the RacestartBtn it is too long... Could you shorten this time or just create it adjustable?
S3 licensed
Ohoh... once I start thinking...

Well another suggesting came up for me:

We often change our combos since all members have Admin rights on our servers.

But this means that Airio should be adjusted in some points to a new combo....

The !cfg command does it temporary until a !rld or !aini was given. Do you see a chance to create a commend to permanent change the config? Best of course would be that olny let´s say limad5 can do it... I meand although I am an Admin I cannot change the config permanent if I am no limad5...

It is quite complicated to change the Airio config because only one - or two members of our team have access to the 500servers control panel.
S3 licensed
Well... can´t say anything more for the moment... Everything seems to be clear now...

Now: Testing, Testing and again Testing

Thank you!
S3 licensed
Just an other question to because it is not clear for me:

In the file Airio.tcd.txt I don´t find any answer how to set the General options.

E.g. MaximumSpin=-1... What does -1 mean here? I would like to spec spinning cars on every track/car combination. Of course I might need to adjust this option later car/or track specific to allow more spin...

And - sorry for that question - what are Knobbly tires? Are these rally tires? And how to allow them on rally courses?

How do the 3 timed messages work?

I mean I changed some few things on the config and instead of !rld or !ani I quit Airio and started it again. After about a few seconds timed message 1 and 2 were displayed at the same time although Timer 1 is at 15, Timer 2 at 20 and Timer 3 at 30...

In my opinion the first message should be displayed every 15 minutes, the 2nd one every 20 minutes and the 3rd every 30 minutes... But not at the same time... When does the time start counting? Does it start when Airio was started, does it count when I conect to the server?

Ok... last Edit for today

I found another problem: I have a Track rotation from BL1 > AS2 > KY2 > SO6. But if a Admin changes the the track to e.g. FE5 the rotation stops working. Ok... I could reset the server to default once no one is connected, but I think it would be better that Airio "stores" the last RotateTracks track and will rotate to the next one after RotateRaces is done...
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed

Here is an other suggestion I have:

Imagine you see a guy parking in the middle of the road while you are drivig. As limad you have to type !kick badguy or even spec or ban to get rid of him.

For this case it may be helpfull to just type !kl - for kicklist and you see a list of all connected racers and can kick him by mouse click...

Like this example a banlist or speclist would be nice too!

Real admins can kick and ban by mouse click limads cant...

Also having such a list for giving or removing penalties could be nice too.
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
Sorry for my late answer, Dark Times!

But GREAT one! Works as it should! only need to create a exe from it to use it on my main PC without Python... but that hopefully should be no problem...

Thank you
S3 licensed
Oh, thank you! Then I will try to shorten some translations

An other suggestion came to my mind though:

You still have implemented the !sini (!si) command which is a very nice Idea, but not very useful for our servers...

To explain:

We normally have a standard config like Midracejoin = off, canreset = off, vote = on etc. however in some cases our team members (all Admin rights) change these settings for different reasons. But sometimes they leave the server without changing back to stadard.

It would be nice if it is possible to send lfs and/or Airio commands stored in a textfile (like the !sini funktion) in a special time interval configured in minutes.

So e.g. I could create one set of commads to set the server back to standard setup every 5 minutes and perhaps I could create one that e.g. restarts the server with all standard setups every 24 hours...

Another thing comming to my mind is the ban handling of LFS...

Well I hate the following: I try to connect to a server and only get the message "Connection refused"...

What I would like is an Airio controlled ban system... E.g. a text file is created with all guys that are banned. When the ban ends either by an unban command or when the ban time is over. this licence name will be deleted from this "black list".

So even a banned guy can join the server, gets a message that he is banned untill whenever and that he could contact the server owner on his webpage / email if he was wrongly banned. Then afer let´s say 10 or 15 sec. he will be kicked...

I think this is a great advatage because this "black list" would work on all connected servers and you don´t have to use the bann all command.

In oposit of this creating a "white list" might be usefull too to only allow guys listed there to come on our server...
S3 licensed
Oh... thank you... dunno why it didn´t work... but now it does

I think I am done with my config for nor and it seems to run quit good!

But I have some improvement suggestions / whishes:

- it would be nice to configure the track rotation via insim if you are connected as Admin
- else it would be nice to start/stop the track rotation by a command
- well especially the German translation has some too long words or sentences... So they are cut off Is it possible to increase the number of allowed characters or to automatically split a text in 2 lines if it is too long?

Well.. if I find some more time I will try to make a improved version 2.0 of the German language file.

But for that I need to know the current possible amount of characters....

@Raphsn: Don´t worry! I really admire your work to translate it so far!
S3 licensed
hmmm strange... this is a part of my config:

# ================= LIMITED ADMIN RIGHTS - LIMADS ================= #

# In this section you can define people with limited admin rights,
# including the commands they can use and actions they may take at
# different levels.

# In FREE version you may use the following levels: < 0 = everyone,
# 0 = team member (only can have any name), 2 = mid limad, 4 = admin,
# > 4 = no one. FULL version supports finer limad tuning by adding:
# 1 = low limad, 3 = high limad.

# --------------------- Limad Names and Levels -------------------- #

# Usernames (registered) of limited admins aka limads. These names are
# checked upon connecting and exact case insensitive match is required.
# Default rights: Level 0 - can use prohibited names (good for team
# members), Level 1 - can kick, Level 2 - can ban anyone connected,
# Level 3 - can ban and unban anyone.


# ---------------------- Managed LFS Commands --------------------- #

# These commands are further managed by Airio, simplifying the usage
# or grouping several server commands into one. Specify limad level
# for which (or higher) the command should be available. The commands
# will show in !lhelp1 (or just !l1) and !lhelp2 (!l2) output.

# Restrictive commands: !ban (/ban), !kk (/kick),
!se (/spec) + !pit (/pitlane)

When I type !players I am shown as limad2 but !lhelp2 does not work for me and I am not able to !kick, !ban or !spec... Or is it not possible to kick another limad2, an Admin or myself for testing before going to public with this server?
S3 licensed
Oh, yes... that works... I guess I have a lot to read to get to know what changed until 2.2.0...

I still have problems with the user rights... I would like to configure limads with the right to kick and ban. Which level should I take in the Free version? I have chosen level 3 and 4 but both are showing me Level2 in "!players"...

Also it is not possible for them to perform kick or ban as limad2...

Last thing is that in 2.1.3 I somewhere found a point to configure own commands for several limad levels. Is this option gone in 2.2.0? I would like to configure "!hi" and "!bye" to print out a defined text when typed by a limad...

EDIT: I just discovered a little "cosmetical" problem: When I connect to my Server I get the message "PLAYERNAME, welcome to SERVERNAME". But if the servername is quite long it will be cut off... Perhaps just do not print out the Playername (I know my name) or print the servername in a new line...

Thank you for now
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
EQ Worry, thank you for all the work!

Ok.. I had a working config for 2.1.3. Now Our hosting company upgraded to 2.2.0 and texts in several lines do not work anymore

If I write:

UsersMotd=^7Welcome to ^1M^7y^1D^7emo2^3 Patch Z^1! + ^7Please type ^3!help ^7to see commands. ^3** ^2UPDATED! ^3** + ^3PLEASE ^1read the rules ! ^7(^3Press Shift I^7) + ^3We may kick/ban for breaking rules, ^1DONT DO IT!

I get a "Out of Array" error and if I shorten the text into 2 lines the "+" is written as message in one line and the message stops somewhere in the middle of the text.
S3 licensed
Hmm... will try that, thank you!

But I downloaded the language files from and just uploaded them untouched to our server...

I also have another question:

Is there a config file with already defined areas to prevent racers cutting? BL1 is pre-definded in the basic config file, but a config for all other tracks would be nice too.
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed
I have some problems with the Language files:

In German we have characters like: ä,ö,ü and ß. But they are not displayed properly...

Any clue?
S3 licensed
Ok... I found it ... VLFSDash_v0.2.1_setup.exe

Sorry for Rapidshare, but I have no own server to store it.
S3 licensed
I think I still have the 0.2.1 somewhere on my HDD... I am going to mirror it this afternoon...
Last edited by Crady, .
S3 licensed

If I am connected as admin do a server I am able to type /spec xyz ...

So if the insim connected to my local LFS is able to list all current connected player or to display an extra "S" button in the "N" display, it only need to type "/spec xyz" which definitely is possible with insim.

Of course if you are connected to a server without admin rights this app wont work...
S3 licensed
sure... but while racing?

I know there are a lot of racers who are able to chat with 3 different guests at the same time while driving WRs...

Idea / Reques for a spec button
S3 licensed
Well I tried to code a bit with Python and Dark Times great InsimLib, but to be honest - my skills are really bad and my time is limited very much...

But I have an idea / a request for an insim app:

I would like to press a key that is not assigned in LFS of course (maybe configurable by a config file) to show up current guest list like the "N" key does in LFS itself.

But if I click on one of these listed names the guest will be send to spectate.

When I hit the key that shows me this list again, the list will disappear.

It would be nice if this app connects to LFS locally. So you don´t have to configure it with server IP, port and password. Of course it will only work if you are connected as Admin...

So you are able to get rid off crashers, blue flag ingnorers or whoever apart for kicking or banning them while you are racing and not being able to tye "T /spec guestname Enter ... oops misspelled ... again... oops crashed myself" ...


If someone has time and does not know what to code next...
Spec button added to Admin´s kick and ban button...
S3 licensed
Well I used the search and did not find anything fitting to my suggestion. So I hope I will not become burned again!

I really hate banning guys from our server! Kicking them I don´t like too. The guy being kicked or banned only disconnects from the server and does not know why....

As Admin I would like to have a "spec" button. We mostly run our server with "midrace=no" to prevent crasher messing up our races by joining in the middle of the race. So a possibility to spec a guy ignoring blue flags, parking in the middle of a turn etc. would be great if you are driving and not able to type "/spec whoeversshouldbespeced"...


Is there an insim app giving me the driver list and a spec button I could use for that until the devs might implememnt my request?
S3 licensed
Well to be honest I am sorry then that I did not read the Z10 - or any other Test-Patch threads yet...

Just saw it while watching this guy doing donuts while others were trying to qualify... I wanted to spec him but did not hit the "T" key so my view jumped to custom view as I typed the "V" in his name. Normally I use the cockpit view so this "problem" might never got to my attention...
S3 licensed
Dunno if it is a bug or wanted...

If you turn in hard the rims are invisible from the inside. As you can see the outside is ok.