Well you could create a set file for your server (Airio.set.1.1.txt or example) and then you could load this file with the !si 1 command.
The set file should contain these commands:
!ban time name (e.g. !ban 10 badguy).
but perhaps EQWorry could create an extra config option in the CFG or en extra file to disallow guys to connect to the servers. It could work like configuring the limads: e.g. unwanted=badguy...
If I understood it right I am able to load the settings in this file by typing !si.
The settings of THIS file are going to server 1 and they are version 0 of a settings file, right?
Is this the same file that is loaded if I turn on the EndResetTime? - I guess so!
Well we have activated a Track rotation with several tracks, but we often change the track manually. If we choose a track that is not in our rotation list, the rotation stops. - OK!
So I set EndResetTime=30 and added the command /track=as2 into the Airio.set.1.txt.
But If I connect to our server - and it was empty the last hours - another track is active... and the Quali time I set by /qual=10 is something different too.
Ok... I was just playing around with the Nickname filter...
Does it work for Jap/Chin etc. characters too? If I set all team mates to a limad level and copy/past our team Tag to PName=xxx I am able to connect although I deleted my own limad level and I also did not connect with with the admin pass...
If I delete the jap character and the colour of our Tag too the filter works.
Question 2:
How does Airio behave in the following:
We have 8 servers, 4 are at one blade (same IP, 4 different ports) and 4 on an other blade (same IP, 4 different ports). If we connect Airio to all 8 servers and one blade goes offline for some reason... Does Airio still work for the 4 remaining servers?
Another suggestion:
It is possible to disallow more than one connection from one IP. Would it also be possible to ban a player by IP? You know in Demo you can get thousands of licences... So a ban does not work here as it should...
Ok.. changing the IP is easy too.. But perhaps it helps keeping our servers clean if it is possible to store the IP of a banned guy for 24 hours...
Suggestion 2:
It is possible to define custom settings for each server by using Airio.serv.1.txt etc. ... It would be nice to use the same with the Airio.cfg.txt and Airio.tcd.txt too...
So I would be able to e.g. define a limad only for one Server (e.g. to help us as a Marshal during an event). Or I would be able to define another spin control at the "advanced" servers than at the "beginner" servers...
Oh, no... I mean connecting via InSim to the local running LFS. If you are connected to the server with the admin pass you have the right to reorder the grid too if I am right.
Your install method:
Well as I said I don´t like it although it may help you updating your app. I would suggest to provide your kind of installing it AND also provide a link to download it without automatic install. For my case I see a great security probem here since I don´t really know what is being installed on my. computer
But wouldn´t it be better to connect via insim to LFS? So you don´t need to know the server IP and Port... Only Admin pass is needed then.
An other thing:
I hate letting my Internet doing installs.. I really would like to download the whole program and install myself. - I have my own system where to put my programs...
Where does the program install? I did not find the exe anywhere in my virtual box to copy it over to my real system..
Well I would suggest to be able to select which files to be sent unpacked to FTP until you find a solution. In my case I only need the Airio.sta.un.txt file which atm is as small as the zip of all 4 status files... So the traffic won´t increase much.
Ok, I don´t know if it is a bug, but I have problems extracting the zipped stats files Airo sends to my FTP every hour.
I always get an out of memory error if I try to extract them with this script:
$zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open('Airio.sta1.zip') === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo('./'); $zip->close(); echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'failed'; }
I asked my hosting company if there are any restrictions on the server to prevent running this script.
They answered that the zip file is the problem: "The included values for the file size in bytes are wrong. So the function is trying to return a way too big amount of data which caused the excess of the available memory" (Sorry for bad Englisch - translated from German to English here)
Once you are back from holiday, EQWorry, it would be nice to have a look at your zip function.
If I download the ZIP Airio created I am able to extract it with WinRAR. Then if I zip the 4 files again using WinRAR I am also able to extract them using my script...
I am trying to display some server sats, PBs, Points etc. on my homepage.
Ok, I got Michele´s Airio PHP script to work. But Airio uploads the Stat files as ZIP to my FTP and I´m trying to find a working code to extract the ZIP file to get hand on the stat files since days...
Any one here to help me with a working code?
Another thing is this one:
I really would like to use it... but I am a PHP noob... Anyone here who already has a code to display live stats? I did not find anything about JoRuss to take a look at his script..
Strange... worked for me, but I also did a complete new config since 2.2.0...
Last thing you could try is to copy all of your config files to you computer (as Backup) and upload the basic config files from the Airio 2.2.0 Archive:
You also should try to exchange the Airio.pdb file too (I hope you are allowed to) if you update! Perhaps Franky missed that at 500Servers
Try to create a working version on your homecomputer (You only need to adjust the Airio.con.1.txt with your server IP (not, Port and password. Once it works upload the config files to 500Servers.
Could you please give me a hint how the Airio.sta.un.txt works? I am not able to see any PB data... So I don´t know how phrase this file to display some information...
Else I see you work with a mySQL Database. Would it be possible to just display the points and/or PB using the Airio.sta.un.txt file? I could upload this file to my homepage periodically using the FTP function Airio provides.
But well to be honest I never wrote a PHP script so far so I really have no Idea how to do it...
If you or anyone else is able to write such a scrip - as simple as Michele´s no graphics are needed I would be happy...
I the 500servers control panel click on the file explorer and edit this file. At the bottom of this file you find the texts for FAQ, Infos and rules.
But EQ Worry changed the whole config files so I would suggest to create a working config on you home computer and then upload it to 500Servers once you have finished.
For 2.2.0 you need to put the text for ruels, FAQ etc. in the Airio.cfg.txt file now.
And the "+"... Well you need either put "++" in a row or you write separated lines. First line starting with nothing, all others starting with one "+".
I would ask Franky to upload to 2.2.5 since there are a lot of great changes and improvements so far...
Hmm... EQ Worry is too busy to post that he has finished Airio 2.2.5, is working on 2.2.6 and also has updated the language files...
Nice!! Go on EQ
Btw... The Airio server list in www.airio.eu does not show special characters... is it possible to do? Our Server does not look very nice
Well never mind... PHP limitation I guess...
But another suggestion... It would be nice to implement the option of a rolling start, if you find some time... You could specify a speed all cars have to stay at and you might spec racers that overtook and do not get back to their place in a given time... - just if you are bored...
Hmm... another idea would be to give a message 2 options:
1st option after how many minutes the message is displayed the first time
2nd option after which period of time the message is displayed then.
Message one:
start 5 minutes then every 30 minutes
Message two:
start 15 minutes then every 30 minutes
Message three:
start after 25 minutes then every 30 minutes
This would mean 5 minutes after Airio start the first message will be displayed, next after 15 min., 3rd after 25 min. then after 35 min. it starts again....
Well I think a good way might be to start counting the time when Airio was started.
Then TimedTime1 gives the 1st time a message is displayed. TimedTime2 gives the time AFTER TimedTime1 to display message 2 and TimedTime3 gives the time time AFTER TimedTime2 to display message 3.
Then it starts again...
So if you e.g. use 5,5,5 the message 1 is displayed after 5 Minutes, message after further 5 minutes and message 3 again after further 5 minutes.
Then after further 5 minutes it starts again with message one.
Hmm... I still have no idea how to setup the timed messages...
I still have the problem, that 2 messages are displayed at the same time... I don´t know why.
Am I right that Message one should be displayed every 7, message 2 every 12 and message 3 every 17 minutes, right? Or is it so that after 7 min message 1 is displayed, 5 minutes later message 2, again 5 minutes later message 3 and then it starts again??
Sorry... did not stop the time yet
if point one is right then at min 7, 14, 28, 35, 42 etc. Message 1 should be displayed, at min 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 message 2 should be displayed and at min 17, 34, 51, 78, 95 message 3 should be displayed. I see no time at which 2 messages should be displayed at the same time...
But I really would like to be able to create some short rules (5-liner) at race start - such as the "normal" rules are displayed instead of having (up to 5) BIG buttons covering the whole screen then....
But for ppl who like that large button it might be a good solution to be able to change the button seize by an integer. Maybe 3 values, big (as now), middle and small (as the rules are displayed now)
The race start / qualify start button: At the moment there only is one big button in big letters displayed.
But we would like to display some basic server rules (3 or 4 lines) instead. Do you think it might be possible to add an integer in the config to adjust the font size and the possibility to add more than one line of text?
Another suggestion:
It would be nice if it is possible that only the first time a guest connects a kind of welcome screen is displayed (simmular as the connect button, but more than one line in smaller letters - like the rules e.g.).
At the moment every time a guest connects - no matter if it is the first time or he connected 1000 times before - a big button is shown :" Press shift+i for your personal configuration" and he has to click the OK button. This might be annoying doing it 1000x...