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If they're going back to US, they should find a better track than Indianapolis. Oval in-field doesn't really make for F1 level racetrack.
S2 licensed
Quote from Red_Scorpion :So, based on the latest physics updates, the new lap times are supposed to be faster or slower?

There's still some work to do with current physics, there's some discussion going on about tire pressures and how cars seem to benefit from running with "too high" cold pressure. Ofcourse it increases lockups but looks like reduction in rolling resistance is maybe bit too much.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Blackflag rule really needs some work, currently cutting the track gives you some sort of "half-black" that you need to clear off by stopping the car. Corkscrew on Laguna Seca seems to be really strict on enforcing this rule and situation where you have cars stopping on the road just after zero-visibility corner like that is just dangerous.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I know, i was just saying that you will never be able to make a valid comparison between RL laps and sim-laps (although if a guy gets a 4 min lap on the 'ring you know somethings borked!)

Are we arguing about something we both agree on?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Does the "laser scanning" also see how much grip each different section has, and how the various skid marks / oil / general crap etc affect the amount of grip?

Didn't think so...

No, but even if those were possible to calculate in future sims, it still wouldn't make a valid laptime comparison. There won't be a sim that will be 100% accurate with tracks, cars and laptimes. Guy sitting infront of computer will always be little bit faster than the one who's sweating in his racecar.

But speaking of which, laser scanning has nothing to do with measuring the grip levels or dynamic changes in track condition (oil spill, driving line rubber)

Edit: I think I've become a fanboy, please shoot me.
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :I wonder just how realistic iRacing is....

There's no way I can be as fast as Gan San after a few laps especially when he's in a faster car.

I can't imagine a slowstice being faster than an rx-8 at laguna.

In sims you don't have to be afraid for your life, so lap times can't be 1:1 between real life and sim.
S2 licensed
I think the best way to purchase stuff is to get those that you need for the season.

Just realised there's nothing more frustrating than have 3rd guy smash both you and 2nd guy out of the race, winning it and gaining Safety Rating
S2 licensed
Have to say that Laguna Seca is pretty tricky. On LRP I'm only ~1sec off the pace compared to what top three is usually running but on Laguna Seca I can only manage steady 1.55 pace when faster guys run 1.49
S2 licensed
This is getting bad... I'ts 01:40 and I'm waiting to join for one more race so I can achieve my goal by having both Road and Oval SR over 4.0 by the end of Summer B serie.

Btw, one thing that really impresses me is how involved devs are with racing community. It's not uncommon to find them chatting with people on pre-race chatroom, answering questions and taking feedback straight from racers.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I really just suck, I'm currently in a race (pulled out cuz I'm outright dangerous) and I was in 5th, spun, started last, got back to 6th, spun, started last again, got to 7th before spinning and pulling out.

My quest to improve my safety rating is just resulting in it getting worse... 15 laps and... 6 incident points... Hurrah!

EDIT: hilariously enough, my safety rating actually did improve

Don't worry, you'll get better. Just keep trying and don't push yourself over the limit. My stats for first day were "66 laps, 46 incidents"

Just finished a Solstice race on 2nd position with 10 and 30sec gaps, 0x incidents and got my SR to 3.92. Wasn't all that eventful tho, couple laps before finish Solstice wanted to go sideways as it can get on T1 but somehow I managed to keep it steady. After that I drove reeally carefully, lapping in 1.08 range...
S2 licensed
Quote from Cawwa :Search for Bertil H and me comes up and add me as friend ...

Added you to my list, you can do search "Kumo" to find me.
S2 licensed
You are gaining/losing it already but it's not being displayed during rookie season because the focus is on getting through the race with good SR.... atleast that's what I've been told.
S2 licensed
I think we'll see many beginners off the track on that fast left-hander before included.

I'm also getting little worried that I'm more looking forward to next oval race than road courses :S
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :I have no problems with their business-model, I just want to know if the sim is worth it. I spend more money on ice-cream every month than I would on iRacing

I'd say LFS offers more in terms for gameplay for it's price, but so far I've been very impressed what iRacing has to offer so I can see past the pricetag.
S2 licensed
I don't think they're even bothering to cater offline racers, to me rFactor seems better choise if that's what you want to do.
S2 licensed
The thing is, there's no offline play in iRacing. For every session you are connected to iRacing servers and statistics are being uploaded to your racer profile. If you decide to take a break and unsubscribe for a while, your account won't go anywhere and I'm pretty sure you can even access forums and all that stuff except race. To get racing again you just go to account management page and setup new payment plan.

I think I can understand why there's no offline play because it would make pirating way too easy. I suppose it can be done but that gameplay experience would be severely limited without all online functions. It also helps to fight against other common problem with racing sims and that is illegal conversions to over to other titles. Considering how well everything is done, it can be a big target for reverse engineering and have bits and pieces ported into other sims which I doubt would make dev crew too happy. Point I'm trying to make is that if game is not accessible through P2P networks, it will be so much harder for people to convert stuff over if they don't have legit account in the first place. And even if they do, I'm pretty sure it's against Terms of Service and reason enough to get your account suspended.

As for pricing, I don't completely agree with track and car prices but I can live with it. Your monthly subsciption also gives you some "iRacing dollars" to spend on extra content and I paid 2$ or something for Skip Barber due to extending my subsciption.

In any case... 2000 posts later we're still debating about the pricing :P
Last edited by Crommi, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I got my credit card just for buying stuff from internets, may it be nkpro, ebay or amazon, or iracing. I don't need it in my daily life at all, never have, but in internets it is quite usable barrel of cash. Basically I have never paid anything in Finland with my credit card but everything I buy "internationally" is paid with it.

On the otherhand, I don't use cash at all. I don't see it being very efficient to walk 2km for nearest cash machine and then all the way back to store which is next to my house

Besides, I just hate standing there on the counter counting those coins...
S2 licensed
Visa, Visa Debit and Visa Electron seem to work just fine.
S2 licensed
Quick question, I've been running Solstice Rookie serie and I'm little interested in testing my feets on Legends, but will it affect my standings, SR or any ratings if I change to Legends serie for one day?
S2 licensed
Just had my first podium finish and it couldn't have been on more exciting race. I must have held my breath for half of the race and heart rate was through the roof. Had P1 for few laps but messed up on last corner damaging my rear quite badly on pitwall. From there on out it was just a struggle to keep the car on track and somehow managed to limp over finishing lane on 2nd position.

On top of that, my SR actually improved in that race despite how the car looks
S2 licensed
I just realised how much of a difference it makes when people have to drive and write on forums using their real name. That or just the subscription model is working as a barrier of entry, keeping the retards away.
S2 licensed
My driver profile can be found by doing driver lookup for "Samuli K", should come up with only one name. Currently there's only one other guy with same first name in the system and his SR is ~4.9, so that's definately not me
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :One big plus for me is the damage to the suspension in Iracing. T1 at Lime Rock, I have a habit of going far to fast, and end up spinning and crashing big style..., now the wall does'nt do to much cosmetic damage, but the fact is that I strugle to drive the car away from the wall, let alone back to the pits. Unlike in LFS were driving back to pits with huge suspension damage is fairly easy.

In LFS you could have front wheels on your bonnet and still drive
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Another thing that pisses me off is the lack of info.

I have to trawl through threads filled with shite like that because there is no public area on the official forums, not that I can find anyway.

I suppose it's because game is not public yet. I would assume part of the forums being opened once it's officially released.

Edit: Just had my first screwup free race. SR got nice boost although I got rammed before green lights and had to restart plus serve stop-and-go for "jumping" the start.
S2 licensed
As for netcode, got no problems so far and latency is suprisingly low ~100ms since I recall ~150-180ms being the standard on most other games when I play on servers located far away in Americaland.

There's no need to get worried if you see 0 signups for a race, you can't signup until 30min before the start and most people prefer to join during last 10mins so they have time to do some qualify. Lowest count I was was ~30 around midday GMT+2 but on last race I had it was ~70.

Tristan: Shadows make huge difference but also cost alot of performance, you could also try lowering other details since there's no time to enjoy the scenery when you're racing. (Unless you take a field trip out there every other lap, like me)
What kind of system are you running on?