The thing that DX9 support aids greatly in (other than driver bugs) is with recording/streaming of LFS. FRAPS seems to be the only application that can record LFS in DX8 mode. Most streaming applications won't operate in "Game" mode (which is more performant) with DX8 applications, so required a DX9 proxy DLL or to run it in Windowed mode (which is slow).
Your snark about the tyre physics is (as per your posting norm) counter productive and quite useless! Especially because we already know that it will be done when it's done.
The amusing part is that the reason it's "broken" in Windows Vista/7/8 is because they improved their handling of multiple monitors. XP treats multiple monitors simply as 1 gigantic surface, where Vista and newer actually recognize the display boundarys.
The nVidia drivers do have "nVidia Surround" which does allow you to create 1 giant surface. Just like ATi cards have "Eyefinity".
Maybe we need to provide all our information on little overlays over images of war. So a B-14 with an overlay "Canada is in fact its own country."
Or pictures. Americans love the pictures. Especially with patriotic symbols like flags, eagles and fighter jets. Oh, can't forget those patriotic guns too. Maybe a Desert Eagle as it combines their favourite things of eagles and guns and war.
Considering the twitter account was created after that quote was stated. Also the LFSRacing twitter account has a follow button on the main page.
That shouldn't matter as Paypal does have several options to pay without credit card. I purchased LFS when I was 12, and used Paypal attached to my bank account. There's other options like Moneybookers which (AFAIK) doesn't require a credit card either.
They may require more work, but are not impossible. LFS is, fortunately, very easy to purchase and offers many solutions. They could even mail a money order to Vic directly to purchase.