Being drunk in LFS is a bad sign: you drink alone! LFS must ban you for 12 hours immediately and tell you to call your friends or go to bed.
Once I rode an MTB being drunk. Just came to a friend before that, and then we drank a couple of beers. I had to ride from his home to mine. It was a warm summer night, and I had a headlight. So just for fun I rode through some paths and xcountry ski track in a forest.
That wasn't much fun. You ride down a path, see a big pinetree root, and feel like you'll ride over it smoothly. You don't raise your ass off the saddle,and ... BOOM ouch!, your ass hurts. Then another root there, and you don't want to stand up again, and again it hurts!
"Too many physics objects" is also in English only. This happens quite often, as in the pink "Destruction derby" server when cars pile-up in the tire-barriers @ T1
I think it will make sense to add a help entry for all those settings. For example, a "bezel compensation" parameter is not self-explanatory. Some other parameters and strings as well.
It would be useful to explain what to expect and what not to expect from these settings. I wish I could sketch a text, but I have a vague idea of the multi-monitor setup possibilities in LFS. For example, I expected that it were possible to add a small monitor and set it up in backwards view, to work like a mirror. Only reading carefully the forum revealed that it's impossible.
Most of the measurement error is in horizontal plane. If the laser is 2m above the ground, just in 10 metres from the laser, vertical measurement error will be 2mm*2m/(2m^2+10m^2)^0.5=0.19mm
I saw DTM gradually becoming F1-wannabe since 2004. Pitstops and fuel strategy instead of face-to-face fight on track. Pit-stop window in 2008 that made everything predictable. Too much aero. Commentators always speak of F1, like of an elder brother. Scandals like in F1 (when was it that Audi quit a race, 2007?).
WTCC is much more worth watching. Still, DTM cars look and sound great.
- there is an LFS account with money you can put there (right now used only for hi-res skins, if i don't miss anything).
- there is a strong community pretty under devs control
- people are hungry for new tracks
why not introduce some pay-for-use content?
Join race - 0.01£, make 1 lap - 0.01£ (+- depending on lap time, or just pay for time being on track). Attract 3rd party makers to make tracks and give them 90-95% of this income.
Make virtual racing clubs with groups: random visitor pays about 0.05£/lap first day, regular visitors pay 0.02£, those who passed some benchmark pay 0.01£/lap or less. (Prices must show up to the user before he presses "join", of course).
Paid racing could co-exist with free, as it is now.
Groups of users (like those in social networks) and abuse reporting (to host admin and racer's group admin) together with paid racing can solve pretty much the issue or bad behaviour and wrecking for fun. (Of course, report-w***ring should be punished as well). All this could reduce amount of wreking and bad behaviour a lot. [added: group membership as a measure of racer's good reputation is much better than any voting/benchmark system which can be abused. Eventually, good groups that care of their members' quality will get a proper reputation.]
LFS could take the best of X-Plane and go even further.
(A group manouvre) To pull a Coronel-Tarquini (or WTCC if you like): 3-4 cars go in a row to T1, then pile-up in sand trap. (Can have both positive and negative meaning)
I remember in 2004 I tried a version of GPL updated to run in windows xp. It was 6 years old then, looking old, it reminded me the cartoon made with pieces of paper. Next year, LFS S2 will be 6 years too, and I don't want to be like those snobbery GPLers in 2004
Is out there anything new worth playing? Something with multiplayer and online community, reasonable physics and with little additional downloads.
This is on the same level as exhibitionism. Not fun, because it doesn't make the target person have any fun or other emotion, just embarassment. It takes little skill to behave weirdly or spass. Making fun, making the other person feel and be involved (and not offend, nor make angry) is much harder.
Instantgib is not a good starter in any fp shooter. I play OpenArena that also has such instantgib hosts, where everyone has very powerful railguns, and nothing else is available. Not recommended unless you are good at railing.
If you need a curved edge running along another curve (like a saddle), try making both near each other and then use "follow path" tool to make one curve run along another so that it makes a shape. It's shown in video lessons on youtube.
Good start, Sponge. Though its not clear for me what you want to do with this. If you want just to make a good model of a pitlane or a track, then try adding more detail to this building. Just fly around a pit lane in LFS and see what's missing. Are the railings on the roof volumetric, or just lines flying in the air?
I also discovered Sketchup recently, and in 2-3 weeks was able to do some complex stuff. I used it to draw and design furniture for myself. Its interface is a breakthrough: I tried other 3d editors twice (max and blender) and both times it appeared too painful and labour intensive to do anything even very simple. In Sketchup you can start doing things very quickly, then just learn some techniques to make it quicker and make more sophisticated things.
What I liked most is dynamic components and their properties, calculated like in an Excel sheet.
Well, the main idea of many people who posted here is that if you're yong and have nobody to support, get as many skill and experience points as you can, rather than money.
In the department I left, there are two guys who are younger than me and single, graduated last year. Both are also pissed off with what they do, but stay. I believe they'd better earn experience and skills at this time.
Also they need to learn how to behave at work, how to propose things and convince others, what to do if others do wrong things, also how not to get pissed off and to stay calm, and so on.
Maybe also a separate study in schools: girls schools, boys schools? What do you think will teach people living in real life if not life itself? Ask people who had troubles in their life and took responsibility: this taught them a lot of things.
Someone says "ruined their life". That's bs. By the age of 20~21 the girl and the real father will be much more mature than college graduates unless their parents or social services put them in kinda greenhouse, or the buzz around will make them crazy.