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S2 licensed
How about:

Options > Graphics > Full size textures = Yes ... ?

EDIT: or, Options > Misc > Dynamic LOD reduction = 1.00 ...?
Last edited by dungbeetle, .
S2 licensed
Quote from choxaway :
... I also changed tyres to Michelin roadsports and that made a difference in road grip - either that or I just think the tyres grip better now and that's why I'm driving more successfully feeling more confident I won't lose it quite so easily.

Hmmm ... I've often wondered if the different tyre brands have different characteristics, or if its just a tyre wall graphics thing ...

Quote from choxaway :
Think I'll upgrade to an S2 licence now and try out the other cars and tracks.

Good move. Lots more variety! Enjoy
S2 licensed
To make races between drivers of differing abilities closer and thus more interesting - the same as any other handicap system, e.g. golf
S2 licensed
So, for those of you who've tried other sims, which one has (or ones have) the best AI so far, in your opinion?
S2 licensed
Also, try turning the tyre noise volume up to maximum (and the other sound settings down a bit if necessary) so you can hear when the tyres start to scrub more clearly.

This should provide useful feedback for you in the absence of g-forces, until you become more familiar with the handling characteristics for each car.
Spot the Legends
S2 licensed
Aaah, the good ol' days

A bit of nostalgia for the older members and a bit of history for the younger ones.

How many Legends can you spot?
S2 licensed
Wow Nick, that's some list!

OK. How 'bout rolling back your Nvidia drivers to a previous version?

i.e. Did the start of the problem coincide with a driver update?

EDIT: Also, how's your power supply? a) Is it healthy and b) Is it sufficient? (graphics cards can play up sometimes if they're starved of sufficient power and driven hard).

b.t.w - What temp is the graphics card runing at (I know you've taken off the casing, but my Nvidia card only got better when I cleaned out all the dust from under the fan cover and around the cooling fins )
Last edited by dungbeetle, . Reason : Another idea
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Yep, counter steering can be a problem...I guess one needs to find a balance between the .cfg setting "speed steer reduction" and wheel turn compensation....I know its all very niggley...we need a user friendly way of setting these different variables with a nice gui AND MORE STEER SMOTH imo

Yeah. Plus, when a bend tightens and you need more lock for example, that could induce a spin 'cos the more you turn with the stick, the faster it turns as well!
S2 licensed
So ...

... based on what Android said, the more we s-t-r-e-t-c-h and smooth things out near the centre, the more gets bunched up at the extreme R and L ends.

The total steering travel has gotta go somewhere, right, so the smoother the centre, the more compressed and twitchy the extreme L and R positions? Bad news!

So, with that setting in place, if you swing between extreme R and L in an attempt to correct a slide for example, you end up flaying around in the 'compressed' R and L ends. Bad news!

Have I understood that correctly?

If I have, then maybe just a little reduction in steering lock (nothing too drastic so it messes up the lock-to-lock in a big way), might take away the tank-slapper effect of over correction at the extreme ends?

Phew, my brain hurts now - I need to lie down!
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :... no it's not, its just plain lazy

I meant the sentiment (but I think you knew that already , eh?) :splat:
S2 licensed
I think you might also need to select separate brake and throttle axis in the LFS control options.
S2 licensed
... when I'm new to a car and track combo and I tentatively ask if anyone can send me their setup. Next thing I know, my names panel lights up like a christmas tree ...

Now that's nice.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Probably would'nt be worth worth his time to dungbeatle, how many people use a pad with the sim? maybe a dozen...tis a sim, and real drivers dont use pads lmao! really how can Scawen be expected to work on an area that we as gamepad users don't even understand for the lack of information the 'two options' thus lack of propper testing

Tis a trickey one; he might not want to touch this whole gamepad area as at the moment they don't work with the sim, and he probably feels they have no place within the sim.

Yes, this is a good point, but ...

Don't forget that a lot of newcomers who try out the demo won't necessarily have a wheel. The first thing they'll do is plug in a gamepad just like they do with their console racing games, to give it a try - that's exactly what I did.

Wouldn't it be nice if these players could realise how great the game is just by using a correctly calibrated gamepad?

If the gamepad control sucks, they'll probably become frustrated and annoyed with the game instead of becoming totally hooked like they should!

So it could still be in Scawen's interests to maybe tweak the gamepad compatibility a little.
Last edited by dungbeetle, .
S2 licensed

Just as a thought, apart from parallel steer, what other adjustments could we make to the car setup to slow the steering down a little?

Y'know, things like toe-in/out etc.

I take your point on the disadvantages of reducing steering lock but maybe altering steering geometry somehow could improve things.

It would be a bit like just tuning the car to suit your own style of driving in a way.
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :
Dont tell me to use a wheel, I just dont like wheels...period. Not my cup of tea TBH. I have nothing against wheel players however. I enjoy playing LFS & Car games with a Analog Pad and Chase view the most. Heaps fun IMO.

I like pads too. I changed from the PS2 type to the XBox 360 pad a while ago 'cos I wanted separate analogue controls for throttle and brakes and I found I enjoyed the game even more after that .

I even tried a wheel with Gran Turismo once and I consistently got better lap times with the pad than with the wheel, although I do appreciate that GT doesn't have the same sophisticated level of control that LFS does.

I just hope that if Scawen gets the chance, he might take another look at sensitivity tuning for gamepads.
S2 licensed
Ahh, so it seems us 'high-setting-gamepad-twitchers' (or HSGTs for short?) are not imagining things then!

Well that's something I guess

Thanks for checking it out Jason.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :yes jason I still using that same brand.

btw, are you setting paralell steer to 0% in the pits so steering is non-linear?

My current settings:

Steer lock 90 degrees.
turn compression .92
steer smooth .90
paralell steer 0%

Hey CSU1,

Can you explain what 'turn compression' does?
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Perhapse its only affecting certain brands of controllers? ... dungbeetle: could you post your brand of controller?


An XBox 360 controller using XBCD drivers (v1.07) on Windows XP SP2.

Last edited by dungbeetle, . Reason : Added XBCD version number
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :being as obvious as that is it's not good enough as some tracks have slow corners where all of the .set steering lock needs to be used

Yeah, I know what you mean and I take your point.

The problem is, its the only way I've been able to reduce the twitchyness with my gamepad controller since Patch X
S2 licensed
Erm, is there an echo in here?

Oh no, I see, XR
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :
Do you think the best lap should be included in the standard layout or is that rather something for a later stage where the pitboard is customizable?

Oh, when it's customisable, for sure! I do appreciate that it's certainly not someting you'd normally see on a pit board and I can understand that not everyone would want it .

Quote from Vain :
I plan to work on the customization features for the next release.

Thanks Vain. A best lap option in the next release would be bloomin' marvellous!

And thanks for taking people's requests into consideration.

S2 licensed
Wow! Thanks Vain

Just a quick feature request if I may.

As the program already tracks best lap times, would it be possible for the board to also display your best lap time so far? (This feature was removed from the main program in Patch X and you now need to hold Ctrl + Shift to see your best lap time).

Last edited by dungbeetle, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Put something heavy on both Ctrl and Shift key.


Now THAT'S what I call lateral thinking!
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Ctrl + Shift

Thanks Scawen.

Trouble is though, it's real tricky to press and hold Ctrl + Shift during a race, especially if you're a control pad player like me.

Is there a way to keep it displaying permanently?
S2 licensed
If Carlsberg made add-ons, they'd make PitSpotter. :drink:

PitSpotter ... probably the best add-on in the world!