So ...
... based on what Android said, the more we s-t-r-e-t-c-h and smooth things out near the centre, the more gets bunched up at the extreme R and L ends.
The total steering travel has gotta go somewhere, right, so the smoother the centre, the more compressed and twitchy the extreme L and R positions? Bad news!
So, with that setting in place, if you swing between extreme R and L in an attempt to correct a slide for example, you end up flaying around in the 'compressed' R and L ends. Bad news!
Have I understood that correctly?
If I have, then maybe just a little reduction in steering lock (nothing too drastic so it messes up the lock-to-lock in a big way), might take away the tank-slapper effect of over correction at the extreme ends?
Phew, my brain hurts now - I need to lie down!