Nice to hear that u got it sorted, tho as someone else said; try a different PSU and/or RAM stick(s).
As for the overclocking, i dont think it will give u anything tbh.. a p4 is so old, and tbh crappy, so it might give u like.. 5 fps, which in my pov, aint much. So i think u should run on this comp and start saving for a better one They aint so expensive now aday, so ull get away pretty (read: most likely) cheap..
here in sweden its called positioning lights.. they light up as part of the "let prople know where i am, without my lights on" thingie.. when u just turn ur ignition on.. if u get what i mean? :P
Tho they should work in lfs too i think..
tho we also need a ignition button (we have starter now), and we need "3" changed from highbeam to lowbeam, and have "G" as highbeam as ussual..
What Bob said, dont need any explaining. He said it honestly and in the right way, i understood exactly how he meant it, and if someone takes it the wrong way then let them.
And if u think of it, how much doesnt it cost to laserscan an entire track? I dont think they get so much money left after everything is payed..
yeah do that :P i think it would give this project much, much more views/hits if u did. And i also dont think the mods have anything to say about u making a new thread about a "new" app
maybe not the best, but its one of the best.
i recently switched from gigabyte to asus, and now i cant play GTA4 because the mobo screwed up my CPU so i get artifacts in GTA4 :P
Tho mobo's are differently good at different things