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S3 licensed
If you prefer to setup yourself then reading the guide is very important in giving you the basics knowledge to adjust what you need to adjust.

There are many things you can do straight of the bat depending on if you are a 'mouser' or a 'wheeler'. If you want hints and tips then just state a problem here and someone can give you some advice (Actually many of us can give advice, but only some of it will be good advice). The setup process can be taunting at first and many will opt for downloading a set or pawning from others in race. I like to make my own and learn how the car reacts and behaves with the things that I do . . .

But as always one of the best ways to learn is just play around with settings. Take them too extremes, see what happens and try and work stuff out from there . . . . It's part oif teh fun for me. And I feel better if I start dropping my Pb's on a set I made rather than others . . .
S3 licensed
Mate. Start using the S2 servers. We where all beginners once and we all generally recognise a good noob and a pain in the arse Noob, so come up to the Valhalla of S2 and start racing proper like . . .
S3 licensed
Was flicking through those Google movies and came across a 7 min crash mix on F1. Man some of them looked really bad.
S3 licensed
Are we still Hugging?

It's just I kinda need the loo.
S3 licensed
Na, he is actually working on new stuff. His been doing a few standups around the country to get his act together. I think Ch4 don't cover him like they used to so he's having to go independant on go on tour.
S3 licensed
Every 'demoracy' needs a Michael Moore. We have one. His name is Mark Thomas. Been a bit quiet of late, but's he's working on new ways to severly embarris the government. And boy does he have teh amterial.

You see, thats the thing about the Michael Moores of the world. Governments just can't help but give them all the ammunition they require, those 'documentories' pretty much write themselves. Michael Moore and Mark Thomas et al are very brave men. They fly in the face of the establishment and long may they continue. I am for one a fan of Michael Moore. I'm a fan of his work, his bravery, his erudite wit and his comprehensive unashameded slagging of George 'W' Bush. (Gosh, that super computer that moniters all communication everywhere up on Goon Hilly down must be having a field day with us. Nobody mention assasination. (Shit. I just did) Or Ji Had. (Shit, did it again.) Oil and the Bin Laden Family (God damn) or Pretsils (Awww, I'm going straight to Quantanimo for that one!)) I'm not a huge fan of the man himself, he's big, where's a baseball cap and he's American, but hell I'll let him off just this once. He mat rattle a few cages but hey, guess what, thats the plan! Would the world at large now about the nine minute stare or the Bin Laden flight or the Haliburton bid to control the entire Middle East or the ammended PATRIOT act. Do any of you yanks actually know what is contained in the Patriot Act? Would any of the points that Moore raises have been seen at all? Would Fox show anything bad about Bush and his Cronies? Or should that be the Cronies and their Bush?

Not to say we've got it perfect. Far from it. Our very own lovely British government has been extremely busy in stripping our civil liberties from us. I.D. Cards, Law reforms, Stop and Search tactics, Imprisonment without trial, New Police powers and them wretched Mp's and Bloomin Gorden 'wannabe' Brown are busy passing an ammendment to get their Pension raised whilst symultaniously slashing the entire countries. They must have really chuckled over their Gin and Tonics about that one. The're escuse is that it brings the pension payments in line with industry. Well News for you boyo's, Government is a vocation. It's a job you do becasue you care about your fellow man and your country. It's the definition of a job that you do for teh love not the money. But it's not anymore. It's big Business.

So roll up roll up. Come spend your millions at the game show Government. And you never know, you might just win yourself a peerage . . . .

For god sake, someone shut me up. I'm ranting.
S3 licensed
I think this thread has actually shown how grown up some of us are. I second the motion that this is one of the better Forums around. The last thing we should do when issues such as this arise is hide from them and sweep them under the 'this is not LFS related' carpet.

Unfortuanatly it is LFS related because it occured whilst playing LFS. Hopefully The BlackRabbi dude (What a curious name btw.) can come back on, read through and feel that A: something has been done about his grievence and B: that the community understand his feelings and C: We have feelings and advice of our own.

All given in a grown up and sensible manner.


Let's have a group hug.

Not too hard, I'm only little.

Aww, man. I feel so blessed.
S3 licensed
How crazy and how much time must you have spare to come up with such a beast. That really was a metal coffin waiting to happen . . .
S3 licensed
Thats not strictly Remembering though is it Dan. That's just routine.

And for the Limey question . . .

During the naval days of the Great British Empire (Another expantionist, empirical, tyranical, do gooding nation if ever there was one. You gotta watch those Brits.) scurvy was a common problem abourd ships. (Scurvy is Vit C deficientcy. Causes rickets and a whole host of other problems.) To combat that the British Navy and long voyage ships would carry Limes as they are high in Vit C. Thus limes . . Limeys.

Not really a derogatory term I've always thought. More of a 'hey, thats a good idea. Why didn't we think of that' kinda name.
S3 licensed
lol. Like watching that Volvo video from Sweden. That was just nutty.
S3 licensed
We're working on it . . .

He said that ultimate judgement belongs to god (Or something). Kinda like he was saying na na na naaa naaaa and poking his toungue out ar all the other humans who share the planet with him.

He is pushing (kinda) for enviromental reform though. But I guess only god will judge him on that too after he's ****ed with all creation.