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S3 licensed
What.The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Watch!
S3 licensed
I had a go on BF3 for the first time in ages yesterday. I gotta say, I do still actually like the game, even if I'm desperatly trying not to give EA anymore of my time and money.

But it did get me thinking . . . Half the reason I went on was to see if it had been updated in any way. I honestly havn't played it for so long that I thought it might have been. And on seeing that it hadn't my suspicions of corporate shenanigins was comfirmed (in my mind anyway). No more work to be done on BF3, every man and his dog are working on BF4 which I reckon the release has been brought forward since they knew just how crap Simcity was going to be.

So whilst Simcity is lame in the water, it's all hands to the pump to get BF4 out and making money before EA go down like the sinking ship it is.

If anyone here has pre-ordered BF4 then you really havn't been keeping up with the news and your kinda dis-honouring the gaming community.

Whilst I won't say never, I really don't want to buy it. Not so soon after the Simcity debarcle. And as it's the same engine as BF3, I can't really see how it's going to be that much improved as all it will be is a vehicle for next gen consoles that will be released this autumn.

Oh well, back to World of Tanks it is then. Still, World of Warplanes is coming out soon. The teenage modeller in me keeps creaming himself over that.
S3 licensed
Do tell me more.

I have been utterly devastated by the appalling way they have treated the Simcity Franchise. But I love the concept.

Is this Lincity any good?

If what EA has done to Simcity is the mark of the future as far as big name titles go, then I'm boycotting everything done by a main stream production house. I don't know what Valve are working on, as I've always been a fan (but then, I was a fan of Battlefield and Simcity) but I shall be waiting for a good while before purchasing anything released from a large publisher now.

Simcity is a blatent sellout in the most biblical of ways. Commercial pressures from a marketing led strategy that will ultimately see EA fail spectacularly. But which in the mean time will rake in millions from the die hard fans of titles that they hope against all experience will be the one that comes good.

Simcity had so much potential, and you can see that in the game. I feel for the programmers and developers (those that didn't sell out *cough cough* Quigly/lucy *cough cough*) as you can see that inside this mess is a glorious game just waiting to be let out. Maybe in six months we might see it patched to one such game, but I doubt it.

I would love to buy BF4. I might have done even though I knew it was just a rehash of BF3. But not anymore.

So yea. I'm looking for a good city sim. I've pondered Cities in motion, but it doesn't really do it for me. And Cities XL . . . . . Well. Lets not go there shall we.
S3 licensed
There is an update available that utterly fails to fix pretty much anything. Jus tin case someone was A) still playing and B) at all interested.

I've still been spending a few random hours in the game, and it still amazes me . . . . . At just how much they have completly failed in making a suitable heir to the Simcity name.

Utter disgrace.
S3 licensed
Yea, I've been watching Arma III. It does look good, but could end up being a little 'too' heavy for my casual gaming nature.

Been putting a few more hours into Simcity, and it is getting very infuriating. I've ditched Ind for just purely Com and Res, but I still can't get the traffic sorted and I've run out of power and room and I've a never ending need to upgrade sewage and water (which keeps running out) and I don't have the room, and I can't upgrade my City hall to get mass transit because I can't get the people, and I don't have the room and even if I start a neighbouring city I can't garantee it's going to support this one properly and I don't have any room and I can't get enough tourists in because there is no room for an airport and I DON'T HAVE ANY ROOM!

It is very pretty though.
S3 licensed
I mean, don't get me wrong. I've spent a few hours playing around with it, and it is very very pretty. But you do get to a point when you start to realise that it's not doing or behaving how you think it should. I'm not a programmer or even that much of a geek, but I do have enough of a feeling for games to know when they are not doing what they really should be.

It's hard to really pin your finger on it when your playing it. E.G. You can't get your zones balanced . . . . You can't get your multiple cities to support each other properly . . . . Your specializations arn't working as you think they should . . . . And no matter how much you try you just can't sort out your Traffic without seemingly extreme solutions. And the City limits, why oh why did they make them so small? Your not building a city, your builing a small hamlet in the cotswolds. My own back garden is bigger and has far more interesting things in it.

Having now been reading around the forums and press I gather these are quite deep seated problems that might/might not be addressed . . . .

So it appears I might have wasted 60quid or however much it was on a broken toy . . . Which is a shame. I thought I was more careful with my cash.
S3 licensed
BF3 did have server issues on release . . . . actually, it had a hell of a lot of issues on release. Still does have a hell of a lot of issues but I've enjoyed playing it, although the last lot of maps arn't really up to much.

But yea, I got Simcity nearly straight after release with high high hopes as I've always loved the series. I played it without forum watching or twitter reading so I went into it with no preconceptions.

But man, it only took a few hours for me to work out it is a broken game.

Just basic things like the emergency services not using empty lanes and stopping for red lights. That's just play testing 101. But the more you get into it the more you realise just how broken and how utterly badly implemented the fundemental core of the game is.

It's such a shame that A) Publishers think that is a viable marketing strategy. And B) We the consumers keep falling for it.

It's a pretty screensaver but pretty useless as a game atm.

Wait for the major patch update before even considering buying it. And then make sure they've actually fixed the important stuff.
S3 licensed
So. Who got it?

And who feels this is another example of EA forcing a release before a game is finished?

So many glitches and bugs that it's almost a broken game regardless whether it was released or not.

There is only so far that a 'larger than anticipated player base' can get you. They said the same with BF3. Didn't learn alot did they.
S3 licensed
scavenger is the worst game mode I've ever played ever . . . . I like the maps, especually the market place, but yea, badly implemented yet again. I so love Battlefield, but with every update and dlc I just feel it's loosing it's mojo.

What else is there chaps? I've tried planetcrap, with sony's station credit pay to win crap . . . . I don't mind paying, but I want a good decent game to play with my money. I'm actually rating @World of tanks over BF3 atm. Thats how bad it's got. BF3 had lovely graphics and it's great at times. But it just doesn't marry up to BF2, and it's not rose tinted glasses. BF2 was a classic, and they sold it down the river. But I guess such is the world right now. Bring in the new boss, same as the old boss.
S3 licensed
Idiots in suits always ruin everything. But the shareholders have alot to answer for too. Who's the majority shareholder?
S3 licensed
Look, It's a war of symantics. My mate works for lotus, can't tell you in what position, but the stories he tells, it makes your blood boil.

The sheer amount of money and tie-ins that are involved is incredable.

Of course every team is trying to get the fastest car possible. And maybe rather than me saying the Red Bull cheats, what I should be saying is that they take unfair advantage of unclosed loopholes, rule omitions and undertake in gamesmanship.

Just going back to basics, just by looking at the timings over the course of the year. Sure, you come in at the start of the year with a strong car, but by the end of the year the times WILL have levelled off. At the end of the day, the big teams are proffesionals, they know what they are doing. They all know what they need to do to get in front of red bull, but it would either be unfair, cheating, or blatent rule breaking. The only genius Newey has is how to bend the rules. The only driver skill that Vettel has over other drivers is that he won't blab. He doesn't care whats on the car, so long as he can win with it.

The FIA have told teams that if they introduce any . . . ANY aero parts or improvements that allow them to become competitive this year . . . Those parts will be banned immediately, whether they are legal or not.

F1, now by definition does not allow for close racing. From the tyre deg issues, to the massive aero that impedes anyone following.

They can't race anymore. Watch the first three laps for shits and giggles. watch the last one, just to have your guess ratified.

And I didn't know the triple eight would be Redbull. But as it's Vodaphone at the moment anyway its on level pegging as far as evil in the world is concerned. But they ain't done so well this year. Some brilliant racing though.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :It really ticks me off when teams are accusing of 'cheating'. eeerrr... this is F1, this is how the game works.

For sure, the FIA should make sure it does everything it can so all the teams play by the rules, but in my book once the car gets through pre and post-race scrutineering that's all that needs to be done.

So cheating is fine so long as it's not found out?
S3 licensed
Red Bull win, because Red Bull effectivly cheat. Lotus has the fastest 'effective' car within the scope of the rules. And even they arn't allowed to use 'legal' updates because they've been old that even a .5 advantage will see that 'legal' advance banned.

Red Bull use soft options that can't be officially brought to book, because there can be no definative proof.

Look at the timing values race after race. Free practice times invariable go to Mclaren, Ferrari, Lotus and Mercedes. They are your benchmark and when you look at their lap times it's only a few hundreths between them on any given sunday. Whilst Red Bull will continuously post sunday times .5 and above of a second faster than the competition.

They are known in the industry to cheat, the governing body knows they cheat. Lotus is arguable the first 'honest' team out there in the standings, and they are not allowed to become competative by honest means.

F1 is dying. F1 is rigged. Roll on V8 Supercars. At least they are actually racing, even if the politics is the same.
S3 licensed
Sorry. Didn't realise you had an s14. I thought you where on about the M20 engines.

The s14 is a good little engine. Go for it.
S3 licensed
Then your better off with the 1.8 I think. The 2.0 engine really doesn't give you the power or torque you need. Not for the weight gain.

At least thats the impression I get from researching my engine upgrade. Looking at upping my 2.5 to the 2.8. It's a relativly simple operation with many stock bits from the engine range. Plus as mines a cabby, I don't want to be giving it too many beans at high revs. They have a tendancy to twist. Not something you want at speed.

The 2.0l engine is a donor for the 2.8 strokeing of the 2.5, so even if you don't use it for racing, you can always use it for that.
S3 licensed
Quote from Klouczech :I finally uploaded video from the Race.
There was crash in T1 and
As you can see, some drivers overtook me under safety car period and didnt get any penalty even though I reported them.
Especially cars from my class S-2000 (Clio and FTO).
I need money to get my 320is engine ready... ... =UUL-y3cQyOlYKXeyuXP33gaw

Don't go for the 320. It's a high comp, short throw, high revving lump that will drink your fuel and give you little back.

Go for a 2.5, which you can then stoke out to 2.8, or more if your racing. It's more torque and will give you more bang for your buck.

The 2.0 litre is not a well regarded engine. Seriously mate, go to and check out the engine threads. Seriously informative.
S3 licensed
I got me a convertable one of those. DOn't hink it's any good for racing though on account of it having no roof and about 200kg extra in stiffening. There are some track ready ones out there for a couple of K though.

If you like them and fancy a pop at one have a look at and check out the cars for sale. Some nice motors in there.
S3 licensed
I got on the premium bandwagon early. Even though I slag it off a lot, and it frustrates me immensely I will still be playing it through all the incarnations it delivers.

The AK maps, with the possible exception of Armoured shield, are actually really good. They suit different game modes in different ways. But Bandor desert is a well crafted, if a little dull, map for all game modes.

I'm currently working on all the medals, so all I have left is the new conquest and Tank superiority ones. So when I go back to normal game modes .i.e. Rush. Then I'll be able to see how they mix it with the others.

If there is one thing about AK I don't like, then it is Tank Superiority. Badly implemented, badly designed, bad physics and incredible frustrating to play. Especially on large pop servers. They really should have included quads and/or jeeps just to allow people to get to the frontline at the very least. And possible a transport helo, not a little bird or AH, just a bog standard transport that you could rage around in. They missed a trick by not putting a blackhawk in, it's not like they don't have the models already.

And the tank physics. Jesus. The amount of times I've been swearing at the computer because the damn tank is jiggling around like its being blown by the wind. These things are 20-30 ton behemoths and yet they can't sit still on anything other than extremely flat ground. And oh, for the option of a handbrake.

But still. I payed for premium. And a few niggles aside like the gunship in rush, I like the game.

Don't like EA, but I like the game.
S3 licensed
Sod a focus. Go old school. Get an E30 Touring. For 2k you'll get a really nice and clean 325i for that money. Plenty of space, plenty of poke, plenty of potential.

Rust is always something to look for, but do your research, know what your looking for and you'll easily get a few years trouble free motoring. Get an old enough one and it's tax free too!

Sod modern cars. They rip you off selling it too you, they rip you off servicing it for you, and they'll rip you off re-selling it to you. And then you can't do any of the damn work on them yourself, because you need to plug it into something so the mechanic can scratch his head whilst muttering under his breath 'We used to just hit that bit with a hammer!'.
S3 licensed
Known issue with the patch update. Alot of people had to 'repair' install. But that was cool. The 3gig dwld is the new content as well.

Very good maps. Not sure about some of the game modes and not played enough to get the most out of them, but they are very pretty.
S3 licensed
99.9% of the population of Earth are moderates. It's a human condition. It's how we have reached the point in civilisation that we are at now, and have done so throughout history.

We have a civilisation because we get along together. It's what us humans do best. It's biology, it's simple, it's fact.

but then there is 0.1% who go and ruin for the rest of us. And I'll put politicians, Bankers, anyone from the BNP and any other Nationalist parties, Flymike and his ilk and anyone who uses their religion as an excuse to kill people. And I include Christians, Muslims, Jews, Bahai . . . Whatever theistic life choice you make and then use as an excuse to hurt other people. Especially Bhuddists. You gotta watch them Bhuddists. They come around pretending to be all nicey nicey and kind to animals and WHAM!!!! They've destroyed the world and everything we hold dear.

Damn Bhuddists, taking over the world one quiet word after another. Them and Ninja's.
S3 licensed
I can't work out on who's side Mike is . . . . Is he a muslim with some radical views? Or a right wing nationalist who's scared out of his tiny little mind?

And as for that pole, give me the breakdowns of the 'old,young, male, and female' as well.

that pole seemed to contradiuct everything I've read that mike was trying to argue aobut.

I don't understand.
S3 licensed
Don't worry mate. Come next year, you'll be learning all about Austerity as well. Because state-side ain't far behind. In fact, your ague-ably ahead.

Life goes on. Savers will save. spenders will spend. People who spent to much will continue to get into debt and savers will continue to complain about low interest rates. Employment has actually stayed relatively stable and the tax burden hasn't changed a great deal. (Not here in the UK anyway)

Governments have screwed up, they rode the wave and over reached themselves. Macro economics are pretty much the same as Micro economics. If you spend more than you have, your going to get into trouble.

If the whole global economy collapsed tomorrow it won't actually be the everyday person who will suffer the most. We'll muddle through like we always do. The ones with the most to loose and have the least value to society are the ones who don't want something like that to happen. As they know that they, when push comes to shove, the chickens come home to roost and the merde is the fan, that they have no intrinsic use in society at all.

when money is worthless, do we need high finance banks?
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 : So you are disagreeing that white European birthrates are below replacement levels or that the Muslim immigrant birthrate is much higher? How quickly do you suppose birthrates can turn around?

Within a generation if you allow women the choice.

Quote from flymike91 : Why else would Europeans decide to replace children with immigrants if not because they choose not to propagate their great culture? It can't be purely economical because no positive effect on the European economy is evident and the social effect is too negative.

Really? Work for immigrants, roles filled by the Eeropean middle class who don't want to get their hands dirty. Immigration is PURELY economic. On both sides of the argument. From immigrants searching for a better life. To governements who see new tax dollars.

Quote from flymike91 :2. Of all the talk of a large peaceful Muslim majority I ask, where are they? .

Looking at you and praying probably
S3 licensed
Declining Birthrate is about biological imperitative and the empowerment of females to make their own eduacated choices.

When populations of any species reach a point of overcrowding they either migrate, die from starvation . . . . . Or CONTROL their birthrate. In high density urban populations of all races, nationalities, skin colour and ethnic origin, Birth rate is down. The national statistic (GB) now stands and something like 1.6 children per family, whilst only 15-20 years ago it was 2.4.

I would argue that the case you put about Muslims populating themselves into western culture is less about subversion and preaching than it is about female oppression and expression of freedom of choice.

I ask you, my faithful muslim friend, would you allow your wife(s) to go on the pill? To use any contraception of any kind? Is she allowed access to education, both health and socio-political.

And regardless of faith and teaching practices. The bare facts of the matter are that we are over populating the earth. We have pushed it to the limits and having large families now is both irresponsible and down right negligent. This world would be a better place for having far less people in it. Generally speaking the more eduacted you are in the demographic the less children you will have. Large families area relic, a throwback to a bygone age where space was abundant, resources where great and large families meant support in hours of need when the clan Mcdougle wants a bit of the clan McDuggle's land.

Any preaching or doctrine that encourages birthrate is, in this day and age, inherently wrong.