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S3 licensed
Privacy. Privacy . . . . . Privacy. You ain't got a lot with W10. Just sayin'.
S3 licensed
Stock brakes? Shiiaaaaaatttttt!
S3 licensed
Shame the online racing is so crap. And the car set up screens are atrociously badly designed.

I've been trying to get into it, even got the dream pack. Love racing at spa, but the online side of the game from the confusing server listings, to the downright horrible netcode and online car physics. No race can ever start properly from everyone warping everywhere and once you get going you can't follow anyone closly for fear of lag warp smashing you off the track.

Let alone the fact that the wheels never leave the ground, that's not realism. Got really fed up with it the other day and it's horrible power usage. Gunna head back to LFS for my online racing fix me thinks.
S3 licensed
If anyone is going to get a shock from these cars it's the ground car if they go around touching metal bits. Inside the car it is highly unlikley unless they've done some really silly wiring. Most of the high voltage stuff will be at the back of the car anyway.
S3 licensed
How many cars did they break making that advert? Every jump must have written every car off.
S3 licensed
Because thats what everyone else does. And that's why Scavier isn't.

(Arg. Ninja'd. Refers to post above the post above).
S3 licensed
I second that. Becky can do anything. Becky secretly rules the world from an underground bunker in deepest darkest Wales whilst stroking white kittens and sating her Marmite fixation.

I know this to be true as my Mum told me it was.
S3 licensed
Or your trying to induce a spin.

Brake and throttle are common control methods if the driver wants to use it. It doesn't do the car any good and does nothing for longevity in the race if your continually using it. And it's also inefficient use of fuel. You should be either braking, or throttling. Not both at the same time. But sometimes, if you want to balance the car, or you have found the car/tracks responds to that input at a certain point, then it's another tool in the drivers arsenal. Damn difficult to do if your not a racer. Not that you would want to do it on the road.
S3 licensed
When you watch that prost move on Heidfeld in slow mo, you can actually see the car snap under braking. Now whether Prost should have been more circumspect is a different matter, but I don't think he actually meant to turn into Heidfeld. I think the track was bumpy just as he got into the serious braking zone.
S3 licensed
I want to watch the whole damn race like I used to be able to on You tube. Damn FIA. Anyone know anywhere I can view complete V8SC races?
S3 licensed
I've literally just watched the BBC coverage. Nothing. Absolutley nothing was mentioned untill you can blatently tell that SKY had got the footage and the reporting already in the bag. The FIA footage shows cuts, and editing whilst the Beeb comentators where floundering around looking for something to say. Coultard knew something was up, and he knew it was serious. Shameful broadcasting from the FIA and from SKY. The Beeb editors should have just gone with it, never mind legal, some major shit just went down. That race should never have been run. We already know what has happened with Shoe, Senna et al with major head injury's. Media contracts just make a complete mockery and sensationalise a sport we all feel very passionate about. That's it for me and F1. This year has been a bag of shite and this Suzuka just puts the whole thing into perspective. Hope the poor man is ok, those JCB's are built rock solid at the back. That's where all the counter balance wieght is, and by the look of some of those photo's you can see exactly where the Marussia hit and you can only imagine how Bianci's head played a role in that. Nasty, nasty stuff.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Along with the difference between there, they're and their.

S3 licensed
Finally got everything working together properly and all the settings as good as they could be. And I have eventually got this game to feel like I assume it's supposed to. And, I gotta say. Epic.

Those Pagani's. What monsters. That Zonda R around Silverstone is just amazing.

I can manage the oversteer, I'm getting consistent laps in. I can't wait for a proper Tyre wear app and the MP racing.

After seeing improvements in the input lag after doing that pre startup AA reduction, or whatever it is, I'm getting between 65-75 fps and by opening up the Steering degree's in the settings it really makes the cars come alive.

I still think the 'snap' catch as the car returns to it's longitudinal axis after catching oversteer seems too harsh, trying to catch a tank slapper feels more difficult than it should. If your off the power with centred steering I feel the cars should have more grip as they centre on theirr axis. But maybe thats just my settings still not quite there yet.

And I really want to be able to 'look' into corners. It's quite difficult to see with some of those A pillars them supercars have.

But yea. What a nice little game. Can't wait to see how it pans out.
S3 licensed

Not stricly a racing video. But I much prefer Chris Harris to them on The beeb atm.

I loved the bit just before they cut to the circuit when he hears the Turbo's dump. I was grinning as well.

'It's the Sharon Stone of the car world'.
S3 licensed
Yup, Done the pre-framerate thingy in Nvidea, dropped everything that was pretty and got my FPS above 60. Removed all vestiges of a 'driver' and steering wheel and I can now catch over steer.

Sometimes . . . . . . .

At least now it feels like I'm actually connected to the cars, whereas before I was more of a passenger.

It really is rather nice. Can't wait for MP. The AI is an absolute bastard to race against.
S3 licensed
I am really getting into this lovely driving simulator. But I do find catching oversteer an absolute bugger. Even in cars like the e30 where you should be able to balance the oversteer it's a night mare to catch, and then you've got the pendulum effect and around she goes. It makes the f40 virtually un drivable.

Is that just me? Is it known about? Have I got really shit setttings? (Yes, the last one was rhetorical).

I've been playing around with the car settings in the pits (rear toe in, camber etc etc.) and that makes a difference, but having come from LFS at least you had a chance to catch oversteer if set up right. In this game you just don't get that chance. Or at least thats how it feels to me. I'm sure it's been discussed already, but as a previous poster has noted, you guys have clocked up alot of posts to go through.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :Hmmm.

Just looks like he does a lot of 'useless' handwork.

Think he was struggling with his co-driver. She wasn't really keeping up. Plus her mike came detached.
S3 licensed
The game feels great so far. Just been messing with different cars and tracks. Still struggling to get around all the settings. Is there a way to remove virtual steering wheel? I never used it in LFS, and it's seriously off putting now. And, something I miss from LFS is head turning with steering imput. Is that an option somewhere and I just can't find it?

Also, is there some way I can get Tyre temps displayed in game? I can see them on the setup screen, but I can't find any way to show them when I'm running around, which surely, is the only time you want to be looking at them.

But. It's pretty, it feels pretty responsive and I was really getting to grips with the e30 at the 'burg. Once I remembered how I'm supposed to drive the game really came to me.

It's nice. Tracks look quite narrow and small for MP, but we'll see. I'd like to have some good races, as I can't seem to get more than one AI going atm. Which is a shame.
S3 licensed
I've just bought it today. Had a quick thrash around with the e30 (I have one) and I think I need to go through the settings, the steering seems very 'snappy' and I'm over compensating leading to more crashes than neccesary.

But my daughter had fun learning to drive the Abarth.

Gunna give it a thorough going over tonight, so of the GT's and supercars look interesting.

Any tips on setting up a G25? I'm finding the ingame setup a tad confusing.
S3 licensed
It was much better in 2008 . . . . . .
S3 licensed
The LFS racing line was never right. Especially with some of the faster setups it actually put you off more than it put you right. Learn the tracks the mans way. No aids whatsoever. Drive it your way.
S3 licensed
I'm reading it's a DDOS attack from everywhere. But maybe they've fixed it.

Nearly three day's now. Even Steam wasn't down for that long.
Origin issues
S3 licensed
Anyone else getting Origin log in issues? It's grinding my machine and it won't log in at all. Then try's to restart multiple times.

Seems to have started happening after the last update, but I've also heard rumours of a ddos attack.

Yet another nail in EA's coffin.
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :That's part of the system (along with possibly using KERS). However, many/most teams were using cylinder cut this season and the KERS system explained above isn't against the rules either. Hence why I was asking if Funnybear had any proof that Vettel's car was illegal, or if he was just crowing along with the mindless drone of repetition.

Firstly, thankyou for lumping me together with the mindless drones. Oh, no, hang on, they would be the ones who think that NO LAW is ever broken by anyone anywhere in the F1 world championships.

But anyway. I base my assertions on the fact I got a mate working for one of the big team who where mildly successful last year and who are based in the Golden Triangle of the Thames valley in the UK. Not only where they running a 'soft' traction control (which, like has been expanded on, most other teams where trying with the reduced cylinder use etc etc. I don't limit all my fire for RBR, but they are the worst.) but also adaptive temperature related aero, they where running illegal defusers whenever they felt they could get away with it along with some rather natty and smart, but also illegal tyre rim aero along with other temperature/brake/exhaust clever gizmo's. It's an open pitlane secret, most of which can't be proven, but doesn't stop me using them to slag the team off.

But like I said, the biggest thing that had the teams goat up was the use of the RBR technology centre whilst everyone else was having enforced breaks due to union rules. RBR isn't part of the union, the only team that isn't. The use of technology to over come rules and regs is only to be expected. All the teams do it, and some push it more than others. My mates team actually had to make that choice for this last season just gone, just to be a viable and competitive team. Before that, they played by the rules and where proud of that, but the gap has grown to big between those that don't and those that do. And to maintain large corporate sponsorship you have to run with the pack. That was an executive desicion to push certain boundary's. RBR have no such conscience. The team is based on winning at all costs.

And anyway, Webber didn't get all the trick bits Vettel did. There is a reason he doesn't race with them anymore. And there is a bigger reason why he signed a non-disclosure contract for the foreseable future, although knowing Mark, that might not count for much with him.

So, yea, you might think I'm talking out of my arse, but it's arse talk that comes from an inside perspective. A perspective that noone will ever talk about too much in the press, because they all like their jobs too much.

So slag me off if you like, don't really care. The seasons results and timing figures speak for themselves. If you consider every team is trying to be as fast they possibly can, and they are all professional manufacturers, strategists and drivers then you get an expected timing spread from the second fastest man back. Vettel and that car are outliers. And they can be discounted as such. I don't believe he's worth four world titles, and I think you could take the slowest driver on the grid and within a few races get him as fast as the lead pack in that car. Vettel might be able to get the most from it, he knowns whats in it for a start, but the car is still the fastest 'car' regardless who is behind the wheel.

Sorry. Rant over. I shall return to being a member of the mindless drone prolitariat.

Ciao for now.
S3 licensed
Saucer of milk?

Anyway. The budget cap has been ratified by the big teams (except, RBR (I think. Though I may be wrong. Keep reading)) to alienate RBR even more.

RBR is the only team who doesn't operate under the constructors unions rules. RBR technology's (as someone alluded to earlier by saying something about whatsisfeatures wife opening up a suspension company) is open all year round, has million upon millions of dollars poured into it whilst it works on all of RBR racing technology, quite a proportion of which find itself onto the F1 car. What the teams are trying to do is to highlight this fact (although I shan't for one moment say any of them are whiter than white, but RBR is by far the worst at this) even more than it is apparent now.

If the other teams can start shouting loudly that RBR is breaking the Budget cap rules by the end of the season, then things are going to start turning very ugly. Vettels car from last season was already in a different class (I mean that literally not figuratively) by using various amounts of strange and wonderful and not altogether legal technologies *cough* traction control *cough cough*.

RBR play outside the rules. And the it's the back of house 'Constructor' side of things that have been pissing the other teams of the most. Hence this ratified budget cap.

It won't work. But at least it gives them something to shout and scream about late in the season.