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S3 licensed
ya boo hiss to number 78 . . . . . I thought number 4 was bad with how he was with the full course caution. But then 78 . . .. Tch tch tch . . . . I bet you loved it when you held it on the outside of the fast left hander (you didn't lift that time, I was listening . . . hehe) and left him out to dry on the start finish entry . . . . . Nicely done and nice race. Man those carts are quick.
S3 licensed
Heel/Toe is just another technique in the quiver of the drivers skills. When your coming in somewhere hard and fast and you wanna drop straight down a couple of cogs then you need to do it just to save the engine and give yourself beter control in braking. But if your in a long sweeper then heel and toeing might unsettle the car with torque pull or wheel locking/spinning. You'd make your own judgements when to use it, just as you would with left foot braking, handbraking, looking out the window, checking your hair in the mirror, giving that cute girl the eye! . . . . .

You know what I mean, it's down to the driver at the end of the day.
S3 licensed
Dear god. They are videos. They are on the internet. Two reasons right there that makes them dubious by their very nature.

Get outside, have your camera and go looking for the sounds. Bet you won't find any, hear any or find anyone that gives a shit.

And if they are real sounds, then they could come from anything, anyhow. Probably something really mundane like the nextdoors neighbours kids trying out some really cool noises over a really loud stereo. Yes, life really is that dull.

It's probably a spoof viral marketing campaign. We'll find out in a month or two when all the gullable gudgins make this twaddle hit the headlines.
S3 licensed
If you read that in the Dailymail. Then it must be true. They've probably got the magnetic poles and field as both a cause, and cure, for cancer.

But yea, the poles do change and in geological terms they change every five minutes. We are due a pole change, but like it's been mentioned already we don't really know how it happens, why it happens or what happens when it happens. We just know it happens. So with so much happening happening, I suggest we all get down the pub and drink beer before the world get 'flipped turned upside down' - (Fresh Prince).

And anyway.

I dun it. I dun it all. The last time, and this time and the time before the last time. I dun it. It was me.
S3 licensed
I made it move. I also made it stop moving. Such is the power of a small Funny Bear.
S3 licensed
probs something to do with control rate input.

onthe console, everyone has the same roll rates and turn rates. On the PC, everything is different depending on mouse and/or controller setup.

Which is a complete bitch if your multitasking and having to keep changing your mouse sensitivity depending on what vehicle you are driving.

A very basic and elemental fix I would have thought, and one that should have been patched long ago to allow for multi sensitivity settings.

Another reason why Idon't play anymore.
S3 licensed
Not Well deserved. Stupid, yes. But tragic still the same. That was horrible.
S3 licensed
Looks pretty good. I think the model was a little inaccurate with the spring rates and the vehicle weight, thats why it looked all springy and like it had no weight behind it. But it still looks pretty good.
S3 licensed
Yea, I use the metronome. I use that to get all the timings right with a basic sketch of the tune, and then record over all the bits I want, and then remove the base layer when all is said and done.

I mean, you know what it's like mixing, your messing around with stuff all the time, but I always use the same foundation to come back too when laying new stuff down, then the timings will always be spot on.
S3 licensed
Got it all working through messing around with the Asio Drivers in Cubase. I got a choice of four. Asio4all has the best Latency, but only works with the usb in and out. But thats ok, I can do all the recording over headphones and then swap the Asios around for playback.

As for the click track, I know cubase can generate a basic drum pattern, I just ain't worked out how too. But most of my tunes are piano based, so I use a rough guide with good timing to then lay all the right components over the top and then get shot of the guide . . . . . It works for me.
S3 licensed
I'm beginning to see that Soundblaster ain't all that cop in the real 'audio' world. Yes, it is an audio interface. It's a Yamaha Audiogram. I can't get the soundcard to recognise it anyway, it looks like Soundblaster arn't up with USB interfaces just yet. What I've done instead, now that I've worked out how Cubase recognises inputs, is use one of the other Asio drivers that only see's the usb interface. It doesn't see the external speakers but it does route the audio back out the interface where I've got the cans hooked up. Virtually no detectable latency.

I'm a happy bunny now.

It has made me wonder if thats why all my click tracks seem to be after the beat, when I'm sure I've recorded them spot on. Gunna have a bit of a session and see if it all works out alright. I've wanted to up the current track from 100 to 110 anyway, so nows as good a time as any.

Cheers again.
S3 licensed
I might have gone some way to improving the situation. As my suspicions where confirmed that Cubase wasn't seeing the SB. So after muchos menu trawling I finally got windowz to agree that I do in fact have a soundcard installed and that it should try telling a few other programs about it too.

Then, in Cubase, I found the creative driver settings, got them started, worked out which socket to plug the speakers into and by the looks of it I might get 20ms latency . . . . Hopefully thats not too low. I heard that 20ms is pretty much impercetable for practical purposes. I've yet to try it in anger.

Cheers for your help guys.
S3 licensed
Speaker out put shouldn't matter should it?

I see it that Cubase has latency, and no matter how hard I try, pushing it through the sound card, I ain't gunna get rid of that. I need some way to pull off the mike feed before it hits Cubase so I can monitor it without hearing the latency.

I'm gunna need more boxes aint I. The girlfriend will be pleased. Hehe.
S3 licensed

The thingy is a Yamaha Audiogram3. I bought of spec as we all have to start somewhere. It was bundled with AI5 so thats what I'm using for now. I've got a soundblaster card, but I'm not entirely sure that Cubase is using it.

All I need is a way to get the direct feed from the mic into the headphones whilst overlaying the track play. It's starting to bug me slightly, but I'm all for suggestions on different hardware and bits of kit . . . . . .

This is all new to me.
S3 licensed
For me it was either BF3 new content, or Diablo 3. I've had enough of online cheating in BF3 so I went for Diablo instead. It ain't that bad really. It's kept me entertained for a while.
Cubase Mixing and engineering.
S3 licensed
Hi guys and gals.

I've just bought a Yamaha thingy that connects my piano whatsit to my deskytopycompy. It came with Cubase Ai5. I knokw it ain't the bee's knees, but I ain't here for a flaming. I'm just messing around with stuff till I know what I need to get properly. But, I'm struggling to get a live monitor going for the headphones. I've got the mike connected to the DI box, and that is connected to the computer with usb and thats all fine and dandy. But Cubase obvioulsy has a delay so anything 'live' is out of sync so I can't use it as a monitor.

I could use the DI box, but then I can't play the backing at the same time as I monitor, unless I cut up my expensive headphones and run seperate cables to each ear.

Is there any way that you guys know of that I can run a monitor straight out cubase without the delay? It's starting to bug me somewhat.

Cheers peeps.
S3 licensed
Act 3 Nightmare at moment with my Barb. Not sure I'd fancy this in hardcore, but I guess that completly changes the game. You think your done when you've played it through once, but hell no, way more gear, way more levels and way more dungeons . . . . Not bad bliz, although the completly online crap is a tad annoying. Not done much co-op, but it should really be optional . . .
S3 licensed
Having just watched it from start to finish, one thing struck me. Very bad track design. I know car's evolve and the track can't, but quite frankly for a track that was built tailored for F1, it really does not do the cars justice. From bad exits to that stupidly long straight. You had pretty much all the top ten nose to tail at the end of the race, and whilst for some that may be a result all I saw was processional racing. Yes, some great moves where made and yes it's F1 and these things are do be expected. But how much better that would have been with a lot more give and take on the corner exits. There was just no room for manoeuvring there, once the overtake was made and made to stick that was it. The 'overtaken' where put on so much of a back foot by being forced out of position that they had no chance of keeping up or even of defending from the guy behind. Whilst Raikonnens tyres where obviously well past their best he was completly mugged by being forced defensive and that was reflected time and time again especially at turn six with the following sweeper that if you managed to keep alongside you lost it all on the marbles as Alonso and Hulkenburg demonstrated.

I hope Bernie takes a few things from that race, whilst it was great spectacle wise, racing it was not. Too much marbling making off the racing line just undrivable meaning that no driver in his right mind would make a go of it except for in a very few 'safe' places. And when they found themselves in a fighting situation, as Webber found himself, there was nothing they could do. And better corner exits, let the cars and the drivers battle out of the corner as well as into it.

And just get rid of that ridiculous turn one. You could fit another Grand Prix into the time it takes for them to get around just that one corner. Might have been alright if they could drive out of it, but your face to face with a bus stop at the end . . . .

And I think DRS was less successful purely because of hitting the top seventh ratio limit. Don't matter how little DF you have if the gearbox won't give any more, you ain't going any more. Maybe if it had an earlier activation it might have made more of an effect, but it was too little too far down that stupid straight when the cars had already maxed out before they even reached the DRS line.

Good race let down by the track and the marbles.
S3 licensed
Too much variation in temperature on the surface, depending on what your runnin gover. You want to know if your setup is good and how that is effecting the tyre temp overall, that means going into the carcass to give you an 'overview' of how the tyre is performing.
S3 licensed
If your using that example from Albert Park then that's not really fair to say it rolled. Have you ever tried to push a slick tyre laterally across tarmac? And with the pointy snout of a Holden pushing into the unloaded side, I'm actually more impressed that the thing didn't get completely turned over, all credit to the drivers for not pushing through and responding right even in a 'out of control' situation.

Those V8's have an exceptionally low roll centre, it takes a lot for them to go over, and that one did have an awful lot of help.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Best of Julien Bidaud

Time trial? Too mainstream. He loves driving and definitely doesn't give a crap about his time.

That man is now my hero. I have one of those. (bimmer, e30. Although Mines a cabby with a 2.5 straight six and I reckon his is a 4 pot (higher revving)). My own car even shares the same rims as he's running on and looks like the same ride height too.

But the fact that he's using a road legal car (circuit e30's often have at least one main beam light punched out so you get more air across the engine, normally on the left hand side, because thats where the induction sits), one that I drive on a regular basis (certainly not like that, couldn't afford the tyres for a start) so I know how they handle (well, generally. Just don't push it into a corner too fast, big lump of metal out front, rear wheel drive. slow in, survive the out!) The guys obvioulsy knows the course, but **** me, can he drive. And the fact that that looked like his missus as co-driver. Fair play to him and her. I watched that all the way through and might even watch it again . . . . and again.

And again.

Possibly one more time.

And I think his bonnet is flapping because e30 bonnets hinge at the front. So if you pop the bonnet you get more air across the engine without running the risk of the bonnet flipping up, but maybe I'm wrong there. Because on second viewing it might be racing bonnet with clips.

But hey, he's still my hero. We both wear glasses.
S3 licensed
Its one of my gripes that you can't set vehicle sensitivities seperate from mouse. Makes you have to specialise from the off which sucks if you then can't get the vehicle you need.

I just got low level cloak with the attack helo's. Makes so much difference. People actually have to aim their guns at you now.
S3 licensed
Having lived in houses with Sky with a plethora of the different packages and tech add ons they offer on and off since it was first introduced and now given the choice being the principle bill payer in my current house, I would never choose to pay on top of the licence fee for sky. 900 channels, all of which are pretty much pap.

In my last house you could have renamed sky the 'two and a half men' box. Because that was really all that was watchable for any amount of time.

For me, it's not the content per se, but the adverts. Can't stand being told what to buy in the comfort of my own home. I have kids and a missus for that.

Plus I'm already paying for a very reasonable and comprehensive service and can receive enough FtA channels already without paying out another half a grand a year. If i had been the principle bill payer for sky for all the years I've been around it then they would have over 8000 quid of mine. I will not give anything Murdock related any money willingly.

Look into what your putting your money into, it's not all about your selfish indulgence to be entertained.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I watched a RL vid from a car cam of the proposed circuit layout. I hope they keep the speed ramps in. Just for sheer amusment purposes.