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S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :He's 11. Not 3 and a half.

EDIT : Damn you phil taking my credit, next you be takin my women.

Toungue. In. cheek.

God, you guys take things so literally. Get out more often.
S3 licensed
How on earth can you lot go on about that kid being disrespectful or even to critisize him at all. He's only about 3 and a half for goodness sake. He could barely contain himself with excitement. He probably needs that sport just so his parents can get him into the house, let alone sat down at the dinner table.

He was waving at his Mama and Papa and his big sister who have to come to watch the boy race on a sunday afternoon. Bless him, I just thought he was a kid with a bit too much Redbull in him. Great to watch, wouldn't want to take him home. His neighbours are obvioulsy used to him, they didn't even seem to notice his antics.

And anyway, it could have been a she.
S3 licensed
I think Button got three or four laps all at exactly the same pace. And therein lies the rub. Now whilst I'm not saying that I am in anyway an F1 driver, I will say that these cars are right on the edge of what is physically possible within the rules. Which means that if you did a round robin of the top six drivers and the top six cars, threw all of them up in the air and swapped them around a bit, you'd still get pretty much identical lap times from them all. In some races the gap from pole to sixth is done in milliseconds. If you watch the comparison laps on the coverage, you couldn't slide a gnat whisker holding a cigerette paper between them.

We have found the edge of the performance envelope, and it's quite a crowded place. They need to wind back the Downforce, reduce the tyre widths and get those cars dancing again. Because whilst they stick to the road like glue, with tested to oblivion aero, you'll never get the true measure of man in harmony with machine. I've got fed up of Brundle pointing out the 'dirty' part of the track. The 'dirty' air. The 'dirty' tyres. . . . . Get dirty, get sideways, get close, get past, get repast, get past again. Get control, loose control, get control again. Lets see a full field of 20 cars all on the same damn straight, let alone on the same damn lap. Cap the team budgets, cap the drivers salary's, Cap the sponserhip deals and pop a cap in the arse of these hideously clinical and over designed tracks. Above all, get back to bloomin racing.

Phffft. Now where did I leave of in the Aussie v8's . . . . .
S3 licensed
You bought F1? But you don't want to buy LFS?
S3 licensed
I don't think Petrov can be completly held accountable. Yea, sure he was behind the wheel but again we see the failings of DRS. If neither of those cars had DRS they would have known where to brake, what was the late breaking point. Alonso pushed that move because he was going to use the runoff come what may, that left Petrov with such massive closing speed to schuey that he had no chance. Sure, Petrov should have been wary of the effects of DRS coming into that corner, when you see the closing speed, The back of shuey's car travelling about 50mph whilst doing his own racing, only a 100 metres in front of a car just starting to brake from 200mph being outsighted by Alonso who knew he was going to go cruising into the runoff anyway.

Just another example of how these cars are just not designed to run together. There has to come a time when the technology is actually detrimental to racing. and I think we passed that years ago. Sure these cars are at the pinnacle of motor racing. They do things that no other car can do. But at the end of the day, If I want to see the fastest cars on earth go point to point, I'll head to Santa Pod for the day. Now, when I want to see Team racing, I'll watch Aussie V8's. Big, Low DF, Skilled drivers and some of the closest racing you'll see on the planet.
S3 licensed
Meh. I just kept getting the coke advert on repeat. Thought he was being knobby. But he wasn't. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.

I really hate adverts.
S3 licensed
I do appologise. I feel I slightly got out the troll hammer prematurely. Sorry.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cornys :Straight shot into the wall at around 160 mph

Who the **** are you? That was just a coke advert. Get a life dick for brains.
S3 licensed
Your missing the true point about DRS. DRS isn't about racing, it's about allowing the faster cars a chance to get past the slower mid field cars when they are caught out in Pitstops or bad starts, thus allowing closer run finish's for the top teams. This has always been a bone of contention for the fast teams in that qualy setup cars are not the same as race trimed cars, and with the the current qualy to race system they have they needed a way to 'balance' the field slightly. I think the actually 'race' overtake aspect is second to giving fast teams a legitimate way to overtake a slower car.

And personally, even though Japan wasn't the best placement for DRS, it does show what it can do by allowing the top six, who are (arguably legitimatly) the fastest cars not to get bogged down behind the merc's and all finish the final lap within seconds of each other. It's not very often you see that in F1.

Plus it keeps the sponsers happy. Which the cynics amongst you could construe was more important for certain management aspects of F1.
S3 licensed ... ll_Raceway_-_F1_1974.html

Please can we have this track in LFS . . . Pwetty pweetttyy pweese!
S3 licensed
Quote from turbofreak : ... p;feature=player_embedded

He was on two wheels and still got a gear change in. I reckon he was trying to drive that to the finish line . . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :No idea about this kids skill.. but I just really enjoyed watching the kart move about in the wet in slow motion haha ... CXXeE&feature=related

Don't know what all the fuss is about with these carts. I could drive one faster than what they where.
S3 licensed
Quote from PartyBoyU :Raymond Porter - Northwest 200

that frigthens me, and I'm only watching low fi. I don't get bikes. Or rather I do, and I know I would, and maybe thats what frightens me more.
S3 licensed
Those poor e30's, they shouldn't be subject to such behaviour, not at their age. I love the fact that as you go around one corner, there is a truck parked. Love it.
S3 licensed
Took me about a minute into that to realise it was not only speeded up but that using a gyrocam on a bike, is really really odd looking.
S3 licensed
Quote from simme181 :A new movie from Denmark is out

Wow mate. Good save on that right hand kink and was that a hand gesture I saw after you got the pass on the car you had been fighting? I assume he was trying to push you off again? Hehe. Nice driving though.
S3 licensed
This might not be taken very well, but you will come to realise this the more you play LFS. The problem, might be you. If you find your being crashed into or that you just can't get a good lap in sometimes can mean that you just ain't being fast enough. And expericanced racers know how to get past you whilst causing the minimum of impact on their race and causing the maximum of impact on yours. They don't want anything to get in the way of thier hotlap.

You'll get to learn the tracks, the pinch points, when to move, when to block, who to move too, where your likley to get in the way, where people are likely to get in your way. One of the biggest issues is the closing speeds in corners from someone who is set up right, to someone who doesn't have a clue. Your going slow where everyone just isn't expecting a car to be going slow.

But on the whole, once your off the demo servers people get a whole lot more patient with you and will share setups and hints and tips to get you up too speed. And when you do get up to speed, then the real racing begins. Keep at it, patience is rewarded in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :Sure thing, but only if you do the same, right?

Didn't read my post properly did you.
S3 licensed
I'm sure his protfolio will keep him afloat for a while without governmental help.
S3 licensed
Why is it frightening that it leans further left than it does right? I'd be frightened if it was the other way. And the Mirror? Left? I must have missed something in Rag Top politics 101.

The UK is a left of centre country. It has a welfare state, it has a free at point of use health care system. I do not begrudge my taxation going to help those that need it, because one day I might pay for that ambulance that picks you up from the road. I might not like your politics, but I'll pay for that.

Sometimes you just gotta except that the money you pay into something sometimes does not make it back to you as your desire. But, if that money goes to someone else, which eduacates them in a certain way, that then influences their work choices, which dictates the tax band they are in which then gives the government more tax revenue to put back into the economy and re tarmac the shocker of a road that I live on, then surely, its a good thing.

Feel free to live your life on your own, pay only for which you want to pay for. But could you stop spending my money, like, don't drive on the roads, don't go use the GP, don't send your kids to a state school (Or a subsidised private one for that matter), don't look at the flowerbeds, don't take advantage of your local park, don't use the footpaths, the buses or the trains, stay of the motorways, don't go to museams, leave the internet alone, oh and leave the country too please. Ta.

If we didn't pay for the beeb the way we did, we'd still pay for it through taxation. I'd rather keep paying for it this way and have the old girl semi autonimous than have it completly in the hands of whitehall beurocrats.

And as for Keynes and his economics, if he saw what the bankers where doing with the current fiscal crisis, he'd be spinning in his grave. We are not using Keynesian economics, we are using a bastardized version of it that has been manipulated and twisted beyond anything Keynes would recognise. Or rather he did recognise it and pushed away from it knowing it for what it is.

I learnt that this morning on Radio 4.

And the circle is complete.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :Keynesian economics, should never be questioned, as its bulletproof and that's fact(i mean look at the world economys now).

The only people that BBC looks impartial to are the ones that agree with their way of expressing their own opinion, which in a the leftist world of UK isn't hard to take a majority.

Sorry, your post is rather vague. Are you taking the mickey out of Keynesian poitics? Or are you for it?

And a leftist broadcaster for a leftish country. Sounds like the bias is following popular trends of the population. The people. The demos. The democracy. If it was left to the governement we'd have a 'free' and open broadcasting market, with no true public broadcaster, and with compition brings right wing politics.

So yea, I'm pretty happy with my lefish telly as it fits my leftish view of the world.
S3 licensed
Oh Intrepid. How we wish for well constructed view points and researched opinion, and yet again you fail to deliever on both points.

You do seem to pick some very obtuse examples of the Beebs bias. Let's take another look at the 'marketplace' that you so desperatly desire to have.

Can you name the biggest grossing viewer/listener shows in the uk? Now I ain't done any research here, but as a shot in the dark I'm going to say that the majority of them will be from the BBC.

It is generally known that the BBC News channel is pretty crap. Sky have that covered, I'll let you have that point. But your missing a HUGE amount of content and tarneshing it all with the same brush.

I live by the radio, I have it pretty much on all day. And when you've done the same for a number of years and taken inthe many current affairs and news programmes on air from the beeb, as well as on catchup, then you will realise that the Bias you speak off, is really non existent. There is no other broadcaster more self critical than the Beebs very own employees. And you know what, they don't get fired for it. Due to the unique way they are funded.

I begrudge you this, that you are on the side of a sensible arguement. Unfornuantly, you are not providing a sensible arguement. As even this thread has proven, people like the BBC. And they are very loyal to the 'brand' and many of them understand the true nature of what we are privalidged to have.

Because the alternative is Fox.
S3 licensed
Quote from simme181 :A new movie is out, a bit different this time, any comments?

Doesn't your helmet effect the airflow into the cooling duct?
S3 licensed
Out of interest. How is ABC funded? And just how much is it's yearly 'appropriation?' And just how much is that in percentage terms against your annual tax bill? And how much does it bring in through commercial revenue and how much is your 'tax' bill off set by that?

Erm, how much do you pay for your own public broadcaster?

the BBC is a trust. It has a board of trustee's. And whilst it mayt adear to government guidelines, I think you'll find ALL the broadcasters in the UK have to adere to Gevernment guidelines so therefore all programming is state TV.

The BBC has very strict editorial procedural guidelines. It can't just go around willy nilly making porno movies becuase they get the most Bang for your buck. It is beholden to the public purse and I think they do actually do a reasonably good job at it. Old boy networks aside, it's stil the most popular broadcaster in the the UK taking all formats into account. So they gotta be doing something right.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
S'fine mate. I understand where your coming from. And Actually, I quite like Miranda, and wouldn't mind showing Mz Hart and interesting time down the Cowley Rd. But that aside, I still think you miss a pretty fundemental point. Remove the 'unique way the BBC is funded' and what are you left with. Competition. Which, some may argue is fine, Competition breeds better and better viewing.

No, I argue. Competition, doesn't, and never will give society a better way of living. I don't want to be sold stuff ok. I don't want my children to be sold stuff through a medium that they have no 'editorial' control over. I can decide when I'm being sold too. My children can't. So I end up being surprised when my kid can point out every fast food outlet imaginable because she's been watching Disney TV for the last six months.

I really really think you should get past the 'programme' as such, and really examine the content of those programmes, and then onto the employment practices of those programmes, the etitorial breif of those programmes, and then (and herein lies the rub) where the money comes from. Why do you get to see more Coka Cola bottles in Disney Shows. There is a very good reason. Quite frankly, and this might shoke you, I would be more than happy at this moment in time to just pay for the BBC and it's content. I don't subscribe to sky, I just have freeview and that really offers me all I need to bum out on the sofa on a saturday night.

I can tell by the way you talk and argue, that you are of a cetain age and a certain personality. I can't change that and I have no desire too. But lets revisit this debate in 20 years time and then we'll see what your attitudes are. And if you dare say they will be the same as they are now, I'll shall come around your house and Tut very very loudly.