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S3 licensed
No odss really, I'm either working or I ain't . . . .
S3 licensed
Who's bringing the cheese?
S3 licensed
You got me buddy. If I can get my car going. (Should do by then. If I can't then my life skills are really shit!). Hell, even if I can't get my car going Southhampton is but a mere hour by train.

Keep me posted.

Edit - Oxford?

Thats my stomp. I'll buddy up with yer . . .

Ands it only an hour . . and a bit on a bad day., I know 'cause I've just finished some training down there. Well I say an hour. It's an hour omce on the A34 and I wasn't going right into Southhampton but around to Melwood instead. But's defianatly less than a couple of hours, unless you factor in finding the place and fellow travellers then it might run into a few hours. Hell, it could even up the ante to three . . . jeez, I'll be talking myself out of coming soon . . .
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
You get three a month I think . . . . And for anyone to give you one is a touch dodgy to say the least . . . .

But you should have more than enough Unlocks to sort yourself out again.
S3 licensed
LFS is time consuming. You might just fancy a quick blast here and there but you will find and you will probable get frustrated with the fact that you will be slow, whatever car you choose.

I'm fairly standard with my approach, I drive the FZR. I've learnt it, I know it's limitations and how it should be driven. With that I have developed a setup that takes into account the handling characturisitcs and my own driving approach. I might dip into something else every once in a while but I always return to the FZR. I can drive the beast.

So, I dunno what you should do. Just pick a car, drive it for a while. Think you like it? Then carry on driving and start getting your laptimes down. Don't like it? then try a different flavour.
S3 licensed
Funnybear. Means a Bear that is Funny.

The meaning slightly changes when my full name is used . . .


Which means the teddy Bear is slightly Funny looking in a very self depricating kinda way. With conetations of cuddlyness with the usage of 'Teddybear'. But it can also be used with overtones of ferociousness with the 'Bear'. I like ambiguity. Means I don't have to rely on my own personality, I can just rely on what other people think I am . . . Much more interesting.
S3 licensed
If the community wants it . . . thats what the community wants. And anyway, although extremely well done, the site isn't exactly official is it. One thing though, prehaps the list of names could be a bit longer, just seeing the top five doesn't leave much scope for a quick vote.
S3 licensed
You sound like you've got your heart in exactly the right place for online racing Convict my Across Pond cousin. But you have to remember that at the end of the day it's not always going to be your fault. You obviously understand that your not the fastest and that you don't have all the answers, unfortuantly a number of folks out there think they do when really they don't. Thats just racing. Experiance will be able to give you more of an ability to watch for those people and understand (By car placement, agressiveness, general 'feeling'and historical context) who you can race well against and who needs to be watched and possible given a wide berth.

Just keep up the practice, try out some other car\track combo's, learn how to do some basic setup procedures and you'll soon develop some racing savvy.

You will get Tossers wherever you race but if you enjoy LFS for what it can give you then you will always find those golden moments that make the odd Tossership worth it.

Just keep racing and loving. You won't go too wrong.
S3 licensed
Untill you qualified that statement MrRogers I was getting really worried that you where being serious . . . . Damn, forgot these again ---> [Sarcasm][\Sarcasm]
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Where have you been funnybear, haven't seen you post here in long time!

No internet access, no computer, no LFS'ing. Still not on too a regular thing but it's getting there. So I'm poking my nose around and seeing whats up.

So . . .

S3 licensed
good design lads . . . . Been through and made a few sudgestions.
S3 licensed
I hate it when cute girls can get away with wearing a cap three sizes too big for them . . . . Oh, and did you notice LFS up in the background. Took me ages to see that, my eyes just wouldn't leave the centre portion of the picture . . . . Oh. [Sarcasm] [\sarcasm]
S3 licensed
I was always getting pawned in my Cat whilst flying lvl 2 missions . . . . And the last time I played it my new cruiser (Next one up from a Catalyst, Imitar? No, Damnit. I can't remember, looks like a a big . . . something. Anyway.) got sniped by pirates on a lvl 1 security gate. Harsh realities of the Eve Universe that bastard Pirate tactic when they travel in groups, pawn you with a heavier ship then the others loot you once the security guns have taken out the aggresor. . . . Got pissed of then as I had run our of money so I've cancelled my subscription untill my patience has returned . . . .

But at least my characture will always be there . . . Klyborn, if anyone is interested. I was a . . . . . thingy race. You know . . . Caldari? Think thats right . . .

I'll see you Eve'ers when I can be bothered to get back on line . . .
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
I was playing EVE quite a bit a while back. As far as actual Role playing goes I think it's one of the best. But it does take some getting into and the learning curve is quite steep. But it can be very rewarding given some time and effort. It's a single server system so everyone playing (Which is quite an astronomicl amount) is right there in the same universe as you. It's comminity system is great and the job creation process is incredable detailed and involving.

I won't play WoW on Principle.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sp3cTr3 :Is that U2 song the new official slow motion lfs video theme?

Anyways, I dont know if it was my player or youtube but there seemed to be a lot of stuttering. Also, imo, a slowmotion video is to show off the suspension while its working. You have none of that, so it just seemed you drove really slow.

Try going over some more bumps and take turns, so the weightshifting in the vehicle is more noticable

S'not U2. The Verve (Bitter Sweet Symphony) covered the riff which was originally the Rolling Stones unless I am mistaken and they probs got it from some classical influence somewhere . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :The FXO doesn't need to be slower, the XRT and RB4 don't need to be faster. Pick the car you want to drive and drive it. If it's not fast enough and you want to win, choose a faster one.

/me puts on flamesuit

+ 1,000,000.

*Dives into the nearest lake*
S3 licensed
The're there to give you an idea of the cars and the different handling traits. You can use LFS just as much without completing the training, but it does no harm to complete them. Even if just to say you have.

Edit- Got my their, there and the're's mixed up. Got it right now.
S3 licensed
May I add in another plus point. The fact that you kept the same camera angles throughout. I didn't really like the cut's to the chase view o rthe internal view, they have promise and fully utilised could be a good addition to your camera POV's, but overall the camera positions where spot on. Allowed continuity and allowed the viewer to keep track of the action. A good note was made that you felt at times the camera moved away from the action. Something Tristan actually mentioned once or twice during the commentary. It's not something huge as we all have to deal with that in the real life coverage as the director and the commentators (In F1 for example) are rarely in cahouts so you could say that it added to the realism as mistakes are all part of being 'real'.

Again, let me reiterate, a top notch job. And I will be wanting to be racing myself in the league pretty soon just so I can hear Tristan say 'Funnybear' over the T'interweb.

Again, top rate job that can only get better as y'all find your feet and confidence. I hope you get some greater reward out of this other then just community kudos, which you have in bucket loads by the sounds of it. If you want a scripter or copywriter just let me know, I'm sure I can find some knuckets of uselessness around here somewhere . . . .

Go you guys . . . . .
S3 licensed
Well done guys and Gal! . . .

Great watch. Makes me so wish I was racing with 'em.

Thoroughly well presented and well implemented. Can't wait for the next one.

You should get some adverts in there for the 'break' you had. You know, get some shit hot vid makers we got around here to crank out some LFS adverts and the like. Spoof or otherwise. Think of the future Becks, I am sure other people (None LFSers) will watch this and selling LFS through it can't be bad. And the more popular your enterprise becomes you might even get sponsers and the like . . . Wow, I can see it now. Becky and Tristan international racing commentators, big name sponsers advertising during the add break. Virtual Race drivers being profiled. Keep up the good work!!

A thing I noted from an earlier comment about the lad loosing his connection, I don't think you should shy away from the fact that this is computer based. And I think that as commentators you can be quite a bit more technical (When your more confident . . lol) and talk about the car setups and what wheels people are using, sad stuff like that . . . .

But hey, it's your projuect. Jolly good work. Top marks.
S3 licensed
If someone isfaster with the same set it could well be that you just need to practice some more. Just go do plenty of racing and watch other's approaches to corners and the like and learn from them . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ :Man, ok so i am back and reporting in after that saturday night out with Bob and co. Sunday was a helish day, not only were the beers making me all gasy inside and turning my room into a methane den, the spicy (very spicy) mexican that i had wasnt doing me good either.

When the time came it came fast and on 3 occasions and each one was felt. First one wasnt too bad, little spicy around the edges and the recycled bog role didnt help the matters but by the third later in the day the bog role felt like sandpaper... not to mention it was painful to be in teh sitting position..

my god if i have learnt anything from this.. is dont drink too much beer and each a spicy mexican the same night. It makes your arse BURN!


Awwww, Dewd!!!. You knows it . . .

I had guiness arse again the other night. I know when I'm getting past the sixth pint that it's going to be a fun day tomorrow. I can tell it's coming and I gotta wait for it to back up so I can get it all out at the same time with no going back for a replay. And when it comes, oh boy, does it come. WHAM! BAM! Thankyou mam . .

Phew, guiness mate, doesn't burn but it sure does have some force behind it . . .
S3 licensed
Noooo, don't use brake help . . .


Learn your setup procedure. There is a way to get cars mouse friendly it's just a case of learning and experimenting.
S3 licensed
Which is actually really difiicult to do in a road car because the pedals are too far apart . . . and it's actually using the two sides of your foot to do two different things. It takes quite a bit of practice to get right.

And Brake help. . . .Don't use it. There is nothing you can't do in the setting up of the car which means you have to resort to using brake help. If your using pedals you just need to adjust your braking power and your own right foot untill you get it right. Using brake help just puts another barrier between you and the behavioural limit of the car. Best you do it the hard way untill you get it right.
S3 licensed
It's entirley up to you . . .

The gear change type is

A)Normal, typical H box stick shift. What you get in your normal everyday motor.

B)Sequential. Changes gear one after the other in order. . . .Normally associated with paddle's on the steering wheel. Most modern high performance cars and bikes use sequential boxes. This is probable what you would want to use.)

C) Auto. Nooooo, don't go there. Learn to use the box. It's faster.

Throttle blip on upshift. Normally faster. But again, alot of this is down to personal preference. It means that every time you change gear the engine will climb in revs to allow the gear change to be smoother. It's a replacement for you 'manually' heel toeing. A bit of a cheat but no more than auto clutch which nearly everyone uses. Same goes for throttle blip on downshift, it eases the gear transistions. Just play with the settings mate, find out what is best for you . . .
S3 licensed
White chocolate chip please. And we can't be held responsible . . .For anything. At all. Never.