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And it looks like it will be like that for a while yet.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Heres one:

I am single (as of a few months ago)
I am sometimes funny
Women claim to like humor

Ergo i am a sex god

you see?

Funnybear - please explain the be-your-own-father one to me! as i see it then maybe you could sleep with your own mother and make a brother (as sick as that is!), however to sleep with your mother and create you would imply that before you went the child you created (you) did not exist before, if that is true then you didnt exist when you traveled back to a time when you didnt exist

Oww, my head hurts!

If you go back in time and meet your mother right. Nine months before you are born. Have sex (Yes, that is how it works) then travel back to your own time. Can you be your own father. And if you are then you are caught in a paradixical time loop in that you have to travel back in time to become your own father, if you didn't travel back in time then you wold cease to exist. But if you are your own father, who is your fathers father? and on untill your head hurts more.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Who are humans to say what is and isn't a planet? If you look at the big picture, we're just a tiny speck of dust next to some of the monesters around us.

There is a very famous book that begins with the following . . .

'Space,' It says, 'is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may thinks it's a long down the road to the chemist, but thats just peanuts to space. Listen . . . . '

And so on.

The Universe - Some information to help you live in it.

1 Area: Infinite.
Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that, in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real 'wow, that's big', time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.

2 Imports: None.
It is impossible to import things into an infinite area, there being no outside to import things from.

3 Exports: None.
See imports.

4 Population: None.
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply beacuse there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabitated. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabitated worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the universe can be said to be zero. From this is follows that the population of the universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.

5 Monetary units: None.
In fact there are three freeely convertable currencies in the Galaxy, but none of them count. The Alterian dollar has recently collapsed, the Flainian Pobble Bead is only exchangeable for other Flainian Pobble Beads, zand the Triganic Pu has it's own very special problems. It's exchange rate of eight Ningi's to one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningi is a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles along each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency, because the Galactic banks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this basic premise it is very simple to prove that the Galactibanks are also the product of a deranged imagination.

6 Art: None
The function of art is to hold a mirror up to nature and there simply isn't a mirror big enough - see point one.

7 Sex: None.
Well, in fact there is an awful lot of this, largly because of the total lack of money, trade, banks, art, or anything else that might keep all the non-existent people of the Universe occupied.
However, it is not worth embarking on a long discussion of it now because it really is terribly complicated. And we would end up being here all night.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Thats not paradoxical. . Thats a blatent lie . . .

-edit- Now my psot don't make sense . . . cold you enter in the -edit- point so people can at least see that I'm not going mad . . .

No need to rise to that lads. Far to easy.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :"Had a quick search could ... nything about this." ?


I did. Honest.

I put in Physics cards. Physx cards, physx.

I really did. Maybe I got some wierd search options set or something.

Cheers for the input anyway . . .
Physx cards.
S3 licensed
Had a quick search couldn't find anything about this.

I'm thinking of doing a Dell once I got some cash coming in and they could supply a physx card. Is it worth it? Are next Gen games really making the most of specific cards like this?

It's and extra 120 quid or something like that. Is it worth lumping it in or wait for a few months and get one if I think I need one.

Have I just answered my own question.


Anyway, any thoughts appreaciated. Especially about the Dell way of doing things. It just seems easy for me. And the name don't seem to be all that bd.
S3 licensed
I used to drink shedloads of coffee, I mean silly amounts . . . Then my liver exploded and I kinda had to stop.
S3 licensed
Quote from STROBE :Funnybear, your stance on this issue is somewhat tempered by your repeated comparison of an FXO to an FZR. Yes, an FZR is faster than an FXO. I should bloody hope so. An FZR is also far faster than an FXR, which shouldn't always be the case. It should depend on the track.

You know what I mean. All these abbreaviations are just designed to confuse less cerebral members of the community like myself.
S3 licensed
£2.50? Had a pay rise?
S3 licensed
I love women.

Just thought I'd share that with the group.

I love thier company, I love that great feeling you get when your having a really good flirt but in an innocent way.. .

I love it when a girl is phoning you to see what you are up too . . .

I just love women.


Oh. Weather . . Overcast, drizzle. Slight wind. It's gunna be grey all day. Grrrr. And I had to tell JW's to bugger off this morning. There was a gang of them, like their trying to bully you into going to church, or kingdon hall or whatever their calling their palace of blind faith.

S3 licensed
Quote from Blowtus :all of this is likely very valid on public servers - it doesn't hold up for league racing in the slightest.

Thats fair enough, but in league racing people generally know what they are doing and wouldn't be trying to run an FXR anyway.

The cars we got are the cars we got. You balance the cars in what ever way other than a real world solution, ballast etc., then you have destroyed that car. Balancing anuthing won't make you happy because you are never going to be happy. You may as well (as mentioned somewhere up there) give each car the same chassis and engine and just change the body shell like every other piece of crap out there . . .

If you really are so competetative (Which is the only reason you want the cars balanced) then you will be racing the fastest car anyway. I have said that I don't. For me it's a particular challenge to setup the car of my choice to become competative.

To answer some accusations here I started racing the FZR before I knew it was the fastest car out there . . . For me it had the best layout, RWD, Engine at the back. As and when we get a mid engined layout I shall be mainly driving that. But I remember racing Cropsy in his FXR and he could make that car rotate the track excedingly fast. There are XRR xrivers out there that a mockery out of the FZR and are extremly enjoyable to race. I make no bones about it that I am an FZR racer but I won't use that as a reason to go against balancing.

The physical attributes of these cars are as close to the real thing as we are going to see anytime soon and in a way I include the apparent discrepancies in performance as part of the package.

The website is teh official website for LFS. If the gumpf on there says that the classes are the way they are then . . . . . And I'm going over old ground again . . . . . thats the way they are.
S3 licensed
Ok. Kinda works but any body generates a grvitational force.

Doesn't matter what size it is (apart from getting into atomic and quantum, but then it just gets confusing) it still generates gravity.
S3 licensed

Watching some stargate on sky.
Finsished my buiscuit.
Drinking a beer.
Contemplating going to bed.
Might do in a minute.
Damnit, got another beer from the fridge.
Have been drinking most of the night.
Been recording so had a smoke too.
So, now 1:12am. Drinking more beer.
See you in the morning.
S3 licensed
I was expecting that.

The FZR is the faster car. Scawen even promotes the fact that it is the faster car. But, In the general racing melee that 1 second difference (And we're including the FXO here) effectily boils down to nothing. It means that you can race the FXO competativly against most FZR drivers. If you can't then you know your up against a truly well setup and raced car.

These cars require work to get the best from them. And I stand by my comment that I will point the fingure at the drivers thant he actual cars for any pronounced discrepancy between cars . . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Sure people swear, but not as much as they do in LFS.

Typical Real world conversation:
Mechanic: Ah me ****ing foot
Crew: LOL

Ok. You've been racing since eight. So. Can you remember when you where first exposed to 'foul' language. Where did you learn these words from?

I can't remember. Schoo, scouts, judo, grownups. . . . I learn't words from all over the place. You do as a child, you absorb. The important thing is is to teach you children what are good words and what are bad. My daughter will be using the word '****' at aged three, at least. It's my jpb to then explain to her that the word **** is a bad word and not to be used. She will get the word **** from anywhere. I can almost garantee that she won't get it from the internet or any game that she see's me playing. Where she will get it from is either from her older brother, playgroup, or from hearing it from someone walking down the street.

Language changes and mutates through the ages. TBH if the continued usage of extreme foul language continues on the 'net' then the actual potency is lost. I use language now that my parents (Apart from the fact they are christian) would never have deampt of using. They would have used ****** as a everydaqy term. But they wouldn't have used Gay. Now, I use Gay within everyday speech but will not use ******.

It's up to us, the parent, guardian, awe inspirer, to educate our youngsters in what lanhuage is appropiate.

I can't see how you can call LFS a simulation and not simulate everyday speech. I am sure tha language used by real racers is just as colourful, ifnot more, than what we are exposed to in LFS. If you don't want your nephews exposed to foul language then don't expose them to LFS....

It's part and parcel. You can't seperate the racing from the humanity. You can't use that as an escuse, 'Why can't my nephew watch racing without having to cope with the language' well, why should LFS have to deal with the language just so your nephew can watch?
S3 licensed
I'm eating a biscuit . .
S3 licensed
I'm going with impotent . . .

I did read that Geologists are argueing that any large bodies founs out by pluto and beyond should not be called plutons(I think) because Plutons are a geological formation made by lava solidifying under ground and rising to the surface. So you could theoretically have plutons on a pluton...

Geologists Vs Astronimers . . No thats a naked greco roman moment I would pay to see . . .
S3 licensed
No problem.

We aim to please.
S3 licensed
I was having a look at LFSW hotlaps (even though I said I wouldn't) and wasa actually surprised to note that the FXR actually holds a few records over the XRR and the although the FZR is faster it's rarely more than a second faster and on a number of track combo's it's less than that.

So whilst the cars do fall into a 'graduated' series the margins are not as large as some people seem to make out they are. In my eyes the margins are close enough to say that they are pretty much perfectly balanced. I'm going of to check the tbo now . . . .
S3 licensed
I am trying to search LFSW to get som eonline stats for the different classes. Obviously the majority of the community race FZR at AST/NAT. I have been known to circulate that track myself on a occasion. On Astons open corners and long straights the FZR is the better car for the track. But what about the others.

South City is a bumpy, twisty turny enviroment. Racing on that course the XRR can very compitently hold it's own against the FZR and the FXO is also competative there.

Does anyone know or can show that the FZR is the fastest car on every track. As well as showing that the FXO is the slowest. I'm not after hotlaps. I don't think they are usefull in this excersice. But over a season of races with competent drivers racing a mix of vehicles does the arguement for balancing still hold water?

I'm just throwing this out there. I will continue to try and glean the information myself.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Mate. Young drivers will always be stung by insurance. Paricularily young men. And for reasonably good reasons. Young drivers are a risk. hence the exorborant prices.

Best advice, buy a cheap crappy 1 litre or something. Just drive that for a few years untill the premiums come down and you can afford something bigger and better. Boys and powerful motors don't mix. And yes I know this for a fact. Boys and crap motors don't mix. And I know that for a fact too. The number of cars I've written off is silly. No accident for a good few years now though. Touch wood.
S3 licensed
Yea moaning will really help.

I am sure Lord Scavier is aware of the issue (If there is an issue) and as you so rightly pointed out by saying that this is more a benign Dictatorship he will introduce balancing as and when he see's fit. There could be any number of reasons why he either hasn't done anything or won't do anything.

I for one though am quite happy racing one make series or the like. If I really was uber competative then I would plum for the fastest car in whichever class I was driving. But I'm not, I can still have the best races even if I'm driving the slowest. each car offers me something different and I'm all the more happier for that.

-edit- bugger. Missed my slot . . .
S3 licensed
Yea. I can see that. But I would have thought that would be more important in accoustics as with the electric you just have the electrical pickups and no tonal input. But seeing as I have not either made nore paid any particular attention to whether body fixing or surface anchors on electrics makes any difference what would I know.

You are peaking my interest though. Prehaps I have a new winter project once I get settled in my new job.
S3 licensed
Yea. Kinda of a nasty habit I got.

I also suffer from Footinmouthitus, Crashandburn syndrome, Carriedawayinthemoment desease and the worst of all, in the precense of females, complete loss of all bodily functions.

But, I soldier on. Bravely.
S3 licensed
But it doesn't go without saying that the FZR is the fastest car? And that the FXO just can't cut the mustard?

I know I'm being slighty obstreperous. I too would love to see close racing from a mixed field. But I just don't see the benefit of making adjustements when we just don't know what is coming up in the future.

You could be right. Prehaps balancing is needed but without a Decree Absolute from the Holy Trinity I can't see why it is such a contested topic at this point in development.

It's just not something I see as hugly beneficial at this moment in time.