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S3 licensed
Awww, get out of those open wheelers and into some proper race cars . . . The GT's are top notch racing machine's with none of those open wheel shenagins going on . . . . They got downforce too you know, lol.

But whatever you drive, welcome and have fun. Tis a good crack, as the irish say . ..
S3 licensed
Keep at it Bobby boy.

If you are a fan of racing then LFS will really come into it's own if you give it some time and learn about the cars/tracks/setups. The racing is second to none, which is what most of us are here for. Don't worry about times and the like, it's the racing that counts.

Even if you are a bit new, if you are courteous online and are willing to learn then many of us will have a lot of time for you.

Avoid the crash fests of teh moew popular Combo's and try something a bit different. Spend some time getting to know a car/track combo and developing a setup system and you'll soon be getting the most from LFS.

We are (mostly) all here to help you. So please don't run away yet. The learning curve maybe a bit steeper than most online racing games, LFS makes no bones about being a simulator and not a racing game, but the community is great and the racing better . . . .
S3 licensed
Rather than taking the WR sets and Inferno et al (don't get me wrong, these are very good sets) try and develope your own. Read a bit of the manuals around and learn what the components do, then you can adjust the car to your own driving style. Just because the WR has a particular set working for him don't mean you are gunna get the same speed out of it. Especially if you are not using a wheel.

Don't be afraid to experiment, it'll be frustrating at times when you just can't get the times in, but you'll learn so much more and eventually you will be able to knock up Setups for any given situation.

There are so many things you can do with a car to make it 'just so'. You might find you find something that just suits your driving style and you'll be knocking out the PB's in no time . . . .
S3 licensed
If you have a problem with wreckers it's time to take a look around . . .

The're are other car/track combo's that offer so much more than the AS-Nat/GTR and the BW/BF1. Yea, sure. You might enjoy the amount of people and the tracks and car, I sometimes do too, but there are sooooo many other combo's out there. And with those other combo's you will find cleaner, closer, better racing than the crash fests on the 'usual' suspects.

Unfornuatly we are never gunna be rid of Loosers Of Over-the-top Wrecking (Or LOOW's) but get on some of the lesser known tracks (Or more technical so therefore needing better setup understanding and driving ability, meaning you won't get the usual bunch of sunday drivers.) and your racing will only get better . . . .
S3 licensed
Reading this thread and thinking over somoe of the comments again I can't help but think that some people want the cake and too eat it too.

I mean, maybe LFS is ALOT more like real life than anyone suspects. You can't expect any car, even a F1 car to corner like it's attached to rails at greater and greater speeds. There will be a limit at some point. But it's the nature of cars and tracks that nothing will ever be perfect. They may be trying with the new F1 tracks to give them Snooker table surfaces and huge run off areas but even those tracks still have imperfections. Ripples, bumps, huge **** off holes, barriers, change in tarmac, off cambers, blind corners, bad setups, bad driving; The list is endless. All these things conspire to make driving, let alone racing driving, difficulty at the best of times. Driving a car is an insanly complicated thing, that even the most experianced get wrong sometimes.

So when people critizise the handling of the BF1, or any car in LFS for that matter, they need to take into account so many factors before berating the cars physics and aero. Take that double apex hairpin in Kyoto GP. Maybe it's difficult to control a car through there because it's difficult to control a car throught there. The problem is as simple as that, it's up to you to come up with a fix. Test and test some more. Prehaps lay off the critism untill you can drive and setup the car properly.

In regards to the comparision of Flight sim (Xplane was it?) aero and the aero needed for something like LFS, they are very different things. A car has so many things to deal with than just 'air'. Air behaves differently at ground level than it does 'up there' espeacially when you add in some serious F1 speed. You also have ground effect, lateral movements, rapid changes in direction, vertical movements, rapid decceleration and raped acceleration and basic mechanical grip.

Anyway with this new patch, although not perfect, it's still such an improvement and the theory behind everything so evident that how anyone can seriously critisize at this moment in time is beyond me.
S3 licensed
lol . . . Can't remember what time of day I did it. Maybe if I tried again late at night I might get better pings
S3 licensed
We try. Some need to try harder than others, but at least we try . . .
S3 licensed
Then use that setup you have for fast tracks and find another more suitable setup for slow corners . . . .

I don't see how you can get anything more accurate out of LFS. After all, hace you driven an F1 car to corroborate your supposed discrepancies?
S3 licensed
Sometimes my own genuis disturbs me . . . he keeps prodding in the back when I'm trying to sleep.
S3 licensed
Lost one packet out of 100, 37ms average . . . .

That using NTL 1MB Broadband in the middle of Cardiff . . . So I' assume I'm failry close to a major pipe . . . .
S3 licensed
Mate, get onto a mouse and off the game pad, you'll get more speed out of that as an interim before you get your wheel.

And welcome by the way.

Feel free to ask for advice, we will help in any way we can . . .
S3 licensed
Yea. 'Cause I didn't. And now I'm stoopid. Or somink.
S3 licensed
Ah the plan. I like a good plan. Tell me more about the plan. Does it involve world domination and a furry white cat?
S3 licensed
Ah. 'Suppose there is very little good footage of the new patch yet, innit.
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Could you test like in 10 minutes if you loose any packets?This might the possibility as well.Its not always about the speed of your connection but the quality it have.

I wouldn't even know how to test . . . LFS works fine for me online, with good FPS and good pings. My machine ain't ninja nore is my connection. It just works. If it didn't I wouldn't be here . . . If it works, don't break it . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from Pegasus :Quite often when I'm driving along the straights of circuits completely flat out I've noticed people driving the same car are faster than me and easily overtake.

Can someone explain why this is so? I've tried using different setups but I'm still slower.

Pedal harder . . . .
S3 licensed
I thought we where being quite posotive towards what was, originally, quite a negative post in the first place . . .

Shame. But then maybe LFS just isn't for you.
S3 licensed
Unfortuantly my friend you have opened the proverbial hornets nest. I can feel the flames rising already . . . .

I think what the devsa have done here with LFS is unique and commendable. They have taken a gamble in way in that by getting the community to support them they are able to give the afformentioned community a sim that they hanker for.

As you get into LFS more (And I hope you do, give it time. It will grow on you) the good points far out weight the bad. The fact that I have only paid £24 quid for what in actuality, a perfectly servicable and usable simulator and that I am garanteed a whole lot more before I will have to pay the final installment can only be a good thing.

LFS is incomplete and it sais all that in the payment small print. You have paid your money and subscribed to an incomplete product. Prehaps more fool you for doing so as you obvioulsy didn't get the 'product' in the first place.

Some of the guys here have been here from the start, I have been here since Patch Q. And I plan to be here for Patch U, V, W, X, Y and Z. WE have seen some MASSIVE improvements in this new Patch T and it can only get better. You have subscribed to a game development, not a finished product.

Try and understand that before you rant about the unfinished'ness of it all. To me, thats part of the attraction.

All your points are easily answered if you punt around the forum for a bit. You will also see the involvment and the love that the Community already has for LFS already and it's not even finished yet.

So Go LFS. Rar, rar, rar.
S3 licensed
Is that using the new patch? Didn't look like the LX's tyres where deforming . . .

But good vid though.
S3 licensed
I'm assuming that LFS doesn't exactly model air flow over a car more rather it tells a car how it should react in any given situation. Each car as an 'air flow' box around it that will shrink or grow exponentially as the car accelerates or deccelerates. Thus giving the car and the surrounding vehicles something to reference against to indicate proper behavour. A fairly complitcated bit of programming without adding in lateral slide movement through air. I'm alos assuming that LFS has 'attack' fronts from which the air will be travelling. I can only assume that this doesn't take into account a vehicle travelling sideways or backwards at very high speeds. So what it does do is give teh vehicle a general effect which ever way it is pointing at what ever speed, thus you will have the same downforce acting ont he car going sideways at 150mph as you would going the conventional way at 150mph. Meaning, and this is my point, that slides and out of control situations are easier to catch and control.

The real F1 car doesn't have the luxory of having uniform Downforce. Once a F1 car goes squirly at nearly 200 mph the lateral forces acting on it are immense. Most of the time, if an F1 car goes lateral at these speed even someone like Schumey is just a passenger.

Until LFS can fully model airflow from any direction in any circumstance at any speed you will never get the BF1 to handle exactly like a F1 car. There is to much design and effect going on to really get a true handle on it. Not unless you could download wind tunnel test info and implement them. But to do that you would need the entire LFS community computing power to simulate real world airflow.

I think LFS is as good as it can get for now. Scawen might get tighter on the code and implement more ideas but it's never gunna be any better than a best guess untill we have computers on our desks that can accuratly model and simulate real air flowing over a real car . . . . in Real time.
S3 licensed
Hyyyyeeeeee thankyou . . . . .

It accoured to me after watching that Slow Mo BF1 movie. I couldn't help but think that that movie could be sexed up to the supreme if you could get the camera right into the curb or get some movement from the camera. There is so much scope with LFS's physics already looking the Bee's Knee's to really make some terrific movies. (Proof being that there already are some terrific movies.)

I been trying to practice a lead car camera with the POV facing backwards watching the car behind trying to make it look like a battle for the lead or whathaveyou. But I just can't ge the camera to follow the track well enough to look realistic.

Just the ability to 'Bolt' the camera to a car would be major step.

Would this be Scawens programming domain? Or is it something we can do? Ignorance is my fourte, but I'm always willing to learn.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Vain :Not necessarily.


helpful as ever . . . . .

Sorry. [sarcasm] [/sarcasm]
S3 licensed
Couldn't work out that last one . . . .Kinda know what I had to too, but It ain't happenening for me. . . . story of my life really . . .
S3 licensed
I laughed and laughed and laughed. That vid is a gem. A bit of reediting and that could be down in the hall of fame od all time great LFS vids.

Wouldn't have been half as gooid without that music though. Great choice.

Shame he obvioulsy wrecked a few racers race though. A really hate bastards like that, but if you can make a mockery of it then at least we can laugh about it. I can see it now . . . . A wrecker on server. The ban vote goes up . . . 'No don't ban him, let him play, we'll get a good vid out of this . . . . ' Lol.

I loved that bit in the middle . . . 'where is he? Oh, here he is . . . '

Great stuff.

Hope the bastard was banned from all servers under the sun . . ..
S3 licensed
God. I was a lad on a Milkround at 15/16. I'd been doing a paper round since I was 14. I had sex at 12 and I was driving at 11. Ok, the last two are blatent lies. I didn't start driving till I was 13.

But my point being is that there are ways and means. If you show keen and eager then somebody somehwhere will give you money for doind a job.

One thing my mate did when we where bashing around in teenage hell was get is parents and their friends with cars to come to a supermarket carpark where he set up a car washing and valet stall. He even got a few of us in on the act to help out. For a fee of course. Poeple saw all these cars lining up to be washed and wanted in on it. Worked like a treat until the Supermarket realised it was loosing to much from it's own carwash.

Show a bit of initiative. FFS, your sixteen. You got nothing to loose.