Thats giving your hands a lot too do. Try reducing the brake power,the front tyre pressures and giving the front more 'bounce'. That should help you weight the anchor without destroying the tyres and 'tapping' for all your worth.
Yea, just sounds like the ball valve is going. . . The valve won't shut off is the only reason for the overflow dripping, or running, or gushing.
S'not a huge deal to replace it (well, actually, it can be) , just turn off the water at the stopcock first, otherwise your gunna get wet. Very wet . . .
Of course it's legal . . You bought it, you can sell it. I wouldn't though. whats £24 in the long term. LFS is only going to get better. Hang on to it, you'll come back. I garantee it.
Well inkeeping witht the topic pleae let us know what the day after is like. . . . Especially with a mexican, I can imagine all sorts of fun being had with that one. You'll be on the throne all day . .
I think, that prehaps rather than comparing LFS to real life, which is next to impossible because real life is real life and LFS resides in a computer, prehaps what you need to look at is the Principle involved.
If the principles are the same for LFS as they are in RL then what else can LFS do. For me, a car in LFS handles the way I would expect but also doesn't handle in the way I expect. Slighty counter-intuituve but lets see if I can quantify that statement.
I have been driving for nearly 13 years. In that time I have driven anything from big v8's RWD's (Not owned) to my general FWD small engine run about. I've owned a Semi high, semi long RWD transit (Which is great fun btw. I really reccomemd it to anyone. Great eduactor in car control that was) a BMW 5 series (RWD again.) to a triumph Spitfire to a Lotus Elise and up to articulated lorries. Each vehicle give you something to learn, but the general principle will always be the same, you have a finite amount of grip and a finite amount of power which sometimes is at the rear, sometimes at the front and sometimes split both front and back. You learn how to cope with doiffering situations in different ways, my way was generally the crashing way. Which is seriously scary and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
What LFS allows me to do is drive like I know I can drive like but without the recourse of serious injury, death or an expensive insurance claim. LFS allows me to do that because it operates along the same principles that real life does and for me it's that that makes it realistic.
I know that a car taken beyond the limit will turn around and nbite you on the arse and leave your kids with a healthy Life insurance payout. Thats what real life does. In fact, I don't want LFS to be realistic. because real is scary, really scary. And expensive.
So LFS . . keep the principle just don't get anymore realistic . . .Thankyou.
Ok. Fine. If you really insist on using real names then my real name is Norris. Chuck Norris. And you don't need to know where I live because I will find you first . . .
I had quite a good movement this morning. A solid initial burst followed by a more relaxed passing that went on for a while. Most satisfiying. Need to cut down on the lager I think, drink more guiness for a while. Although with guiness it is a fine balance between getting it right and over doing it. And boy, do you know you've overdone the guiness the night before.
Although a good kepbab does firm things up somewhat, unless you go to the one by the rail station and then the whole world makes an apperance the next day. Usually quite rapidly and with added sound effects.
I've seen some novel things happen with ping pong balls and a bucket. Ahhh. Those where the days . . The filth, the mud, the smoke filled bars, those hedonistic nights getting blasted on cheap homemade gutrot watching 17 year old Thai Lady Boys working their magic on stage . . .
I used to runbars and the like and alot of the time we would have to wear nametags. . . I never used my real name. I hated complete strangers calling me by my name it's like 'Do you know me? Then why are you using my name?'. I was using 'Charlie' for years. And anyway. What is to stop me using a real sounding name on these 'real name' required races and servers. I could use Tony Robinson and you wouldn't know any differenct. It's still not my real name and it won't make be behave any different from how I would normally.
Oh. I'm in heaven . . . Toilet humour. The best there ever is.
Whats wrong with talking about it? It's just another bodily function. We all do it, except maybe the queen, I think she has someone to do it for her.
Although I'm really not up for this shelf thing, no no no no. I rely on the water impact to tell me how well I'm eating. You can get massive amount of information by the volume and extent of the 'splash'. Although if they could think of a system to limit splashback, that would be great. And I do enjoy a good shit. At least two chapters worth. A worthwhile movement is worth it's wieght in what you lost.
And as for this sittendownunpissingunthingy. No. That will never do. As a man I reserve the right to piss standing up. It's consitutional. A basic human right. How else can you get rid of the skidmarks that you left from your earlier evacuation.
Oh, I feel so at home now.
Now if only we could really get into the gutter and talk about sex I would be on cloud nine. . . . .
My Name is Mr F. Bear. I have a body hair problem and frighten small children. My hobbies include platting my beard and scaring small children. I drink large quantities of methylated spirits and chew rats. I have a good sense of humour as I've heard women like that and I have been known to cry to some episodes of Lassie.
To be honest all of my Internet dealing involve Mr F. Bear in one way or another. It started with Funnylookingteddybear when I was a kid looking around my room searching for a name to use that soon got shortened to Funnybear as time whent on. But you'll still see FLTB around from time to time. Depends if the browsers let me use the full length or not.
I would feel a bit odd using my real name. Computer land isn't for that. Computer land is for escaping into, to be someone your not. Sure, in computer land I'm still the marverlously witty, intelligent, good natured honest kinda guy I am in real life. But In computer land I'm all those things and a Mr Funnybear too. You don't need to know my real name. This is not the droids you are looking for . . . .
Sorry, went of on a bit of a tangent . . . Even if sim'ing it's still a computer generated world, paid for by me and I shall be whomever I choose to be in the computer generated world. You could say that WoW was a simulation of the fantasy genre. (It is a simulation of something at least and I'mnot entirley sure that this arguement will hold water but we'll see, in for a penny in for a pound.) but you don't find them using their real names in that. But if I played Wow, which I don't, I would still be Funnybear.
So remember kids, I have never seen another Funnybear, so if you see one around then it's usually me. BF2 was Funnybear. LFS it's Funnybear. The only one I don't have set at Funnybear is Eve:Online. It would look a wee bit silly in that universe to cruise around calling yourself Funnybear.
And do be honest if I was forced to use my own name in something then I would have too say that I probable wouldn't go there . . .Just me.
No it's not . . .I've never seen it and having read that it's gunna be nothing like it. You've read the first two introductions, I've written over 60,000 words to the book and trust me, it is all my own work from my own head.
But, at the end of the day what are your own ideas if not a mix, rehash and regurgitation of someone elses.
You've pissed me off now. Thats the thing about being open to the community, your not always going to like what you hear but I do think your slightly wide of the mark.
And another thing . . I can't try not to copy anything. If I'm writing then I take styles, experiances, constructs and syntax from many sources and inspiriations. But when your writing you don't stop to think whether you are copying something or not. That comes later when you realise that entire passage you have just lifted out of someone elses work. You havn't done it intentionally, it's just how the mind works. But once you've realised it you go back and have another look at it. Maybe you can change it, maybe you say hang it and leave it in the hope that nobody notices. But then what is one mans plagerism is another mans sign of respect . . .
Everything you see around you, everything you read, everything you hear has been done one way or another before. There are only so many letters in the alphabet, so many notes in an octave, so many ways to put bricks, glass, wood or celluloid together.
I have a story in my head. And it may transpire that I have indeed taken it from elseware ot an editor might look at it and go 'been done before' but thats the way of it. But it doesn't detract from my writing because untill I actually finish the damn thing it doesn't mean a thing . . .
What qualifies you for alien status? Do you have to be just shit hot fast in LFS or can you be from another planet too, because I deserve an honourific at least for the being the latter.
I was about to correct you about your car identification, but then I reread your post and would have only have made myself look stupid. So I won't now.
Let us know how your getting on dude . . . It would be nice to know what your changing and what is effecting what as you go . . .Keep talking bud. It's good to talk.