Yea. There are rules around somewhere. But god knows where, I'm a learn from being told off kinda guy. Plus I can't read.
But starts with the XFG, copper licence. Then the XRG with the Silver licence then on to the FXO with Gold . . .no, thats wrong. Cocked that up.
Ah, Copper XFG. Bronze, XRG. Silver, FXO. Gold XRT and RB4 then platinum get you into the league.
Or something like that. I'm sure someone around here can tell you proper like.
I was really struggling with the XRT untill I learnt that you have to sloooowwww iiitttttt dooooowwwwwnnnnn. Which came as a bit of a surprise after racing FZR's for years. But once I relearned my braking points I'm really getting the hang of it . . .
With Bob on this one. The open wheelers just don't cut for me. I was an FZR man up to the STCC Licence thing and now I'm hooked on the XRT, which is an absolute son of a bitch to get right. But when you get it right it don't half feel good.
Oh, that would be playing right into your hands wouldn't it. As it happens Chapter 1 and 2 up to verse 16 is just complicated netcode descriptions. You wouldn't understand and I won't bore you with the details.
Yea. I can see that. But surely it's political and it depends on the editorial viewpoint. If you are wanting your magazine to be top flight, get all the games first, snappy, glossy and selling like hotcakes you gotta play the game. Your not going to get Devs sending you prerealeases if all your going to do everytime is tell it how it is. Sure, us higher decerning mortals can differenciate good, thoughtful criticism from an out right slagging from the sacarine, sick inducing diatribes of paid off hacks but alot of people out there can't. They take what they see on a page as black and white when all it is is the entire spectrum of greys. If 'Matey' here is serious in his intent to get LFS writers and contributers onto his staff then by god boys, jump at the chance. Change it from the inside. It never happens and 99 out of a 100 of us won't make the grade, but it's what was wanted.
Now don't get me wrong. I am all for truthfulness and constructive criticism but if you want big Development houses to take a fairly inocouse E-zine seriously they need to 'suck up' a bit. I'm sure they won't appreaciate me saying that and value thier journalistic individuality but I'm sure an element of that is still present. Either from an editorial standpoint or individual contributors.
But hey. I'm the worst of them. Taking a moral highground I have no right have. Maybe I'll have a look at this E-zine and see if I can take the bull by the horns and become a contributor. Then prehaps I can wax lyrical from firmer footing.
The God Scawen came down from the heavens and said, (In a Charlten Heston kinda stylee) 'And 'lo. Let there be a racing Sim to smite all other Racing Sims into the unholy dust.' And thus, LFS stepped blinking into the light. Lord Scawen together with his holy trinity brought forth the holy of holyness's's . . .'es that we see before us.
So sais the Gospel of Funnybear. Chapter 2 verse 16. I'll let you know what the preceding chapters and verses say when I can think of something witty and intelligent.
They still on strike?. They picked a good day for it didn't they.
I'm only fiesty 'cause I'm having a week off and my daughter is having a nap. It's nice to have an adult discussion for a change. (Ok, maybe not adult but at least it's using words of more than two sylables.)
Touche . . .I think thats French. For nice arse. Or something.
But it still kinda stands. I do see mateys viewpoint. They don't get paid, they do need to be fairly positive most of the time becuase otherwise they get jack shit from the Dev's and the reputation for being spoil sports.
You can't rip into something (Unless it's inflammitory, derogitory, liablous (God knows how you spell that) or something else thats long and hard to spell.) that you havn't paid for or don't have a moral highpoint on which to look down on your lesser plebians from your ivory towers on Mons olympous.
Matey said he has a full time job and still edits this e-zine thing. You where just saying that you don't have the time (I think). So I just shrug my shoulders at you really. What would you like? Pay, complain. Don't pay, you've lost nothing. Didnt' like the review or bought badly on the back of it then you've learnt a lesson and move on. Find some reviewer who shares your own viewpoints.
Still reckon your the man though. Step up friend. Step up and be counted. Shout to the centurians 'I'm Sparticus!' and see how many of us join you. . . . . . . Actually . . . . Never mind.
Then it comes down to the old adage, if you think you can do better, go do it better. I don't know how professional these guys are or whether they take a stipend or salary from this magazine. I for one don't hugely rate reviews. I like entertaining reads, I like PCZone for that reason. I think I can generally cut through the crap to get to the game but even then my perception will still be completly different from the reviewers. Thats human nature. The only person who can decide whether a game is any good or not is me. And I can only go and do that if I go out and buy it. But then I'm not particularily a games whore. I like what I likes and I get what I likes. If the game doesn't end up being all that then so be it. Such is life.
I don't think it's a bad idea to set up an LFS mag. But you need someone dedicated and reliable to keep it going and to pester contributers and to keep it lively, up to speed and interesting. I don't see LFS providing that month in month out. Other content would be needed. Prehaps an expansion into the community. There must be so many differenet lives out there. But you still need a figure head, a man in charge. Someone to shout and make it happen. anyone?
Alot of the sense of speed that you get from travelling in a real car comes from all the stimuli that a computer just can't offer you. Those little jiggles as you cross the white lines, that intimate connection you have with your buttocks as they tighten when you realise the front is sliding rather than griping. Those small incidental sounds, doppler effects, 3D stereo, the sound of your Rocker cover smashing as the piston makes a bid for freedom. That feeling of impending doom that if you get anything wrong (Or more scary I find is mechanical failure or something equally that you have no control over. Did anyone see Top Gear this week?) it's your life on the line. That alone tends to highten sensations and the 'sense of speed'. A computer can't deliver that. It's getting there. With motion rigs, stereo viewing, 3D sounds and the like but your bog standard issue PCWorld special offer ain't gunna give you all that. You can't expect it too. But when you've been driving a while you realise where LFS does get it right and it's all the better for those little things rather than a generic 'feel' of speed.
I do have a solution for you though. Set up your PC in your car. Get your mate to drive and shout out what you are doing at any given moment. Eveytime you shout 'Brake!' He brakes. Everytime you turn left he turns left. That should give a fairly good simulation of 'speed' for you. Plus a fairly hefty insurance bill too.
I might even take him up on his offer. How about "Notes from a Laptop racer" Although I would be hideously biased towards LFS because it's the only thing that will run on an ageing laptop and a half inched wireless connection.
He laid down the gaunlet gents. I think it's only fair that we step up and show him just how organized, witty, clever, eloquent, and savvy us LFS'ers are.
*Edit* Bum. Not Gunns reply. Although quite good and has it's value in it's own way, I meant from matey boy above Gunn. That was a good reply. Sigh.
Dewd . . I mean Sir! Surparsed even my wildest expectations. Thankyou very much. My soul, my babies, muchos kudos and name checks galore . . . .Thanks again. Stunning job.
I don't think Cute and Fluffy are the adjectives I would use . . . Hence why I'm trying to give them away . . .
If it is too headachy don't worry mate. Like I said, It's only because I can't do it. I was just trying the cheek factor and seeing where it got me. Thanks again though. The FZR looks great.
Good work again. Good viewing. That shot of Eau Rouge really shows of the physics and just looked brilliant. Your camera angles where impecable again. You really know how to cover the angles and the action.
All you need is a few picnic tables don't you Becs. Laughed out loud when you said that.
Strange start though. I didn't listen to the Qualy 'cast'. But you just seemed to jump straight into it. I almost felt that the highlights at the end could have gone at the start just for a little introduction. Maybe a similar upbeat, fast 2 minute qualy action surmise could have segued into the race. Don't get me wrong, you are doing far more than I could ever do, but as a viewer it just felt a bit like 'oh right, we're off then.'
And as a 'technical' viewer I like hearing about the cars and how you get best out of them. You starting talking about the cars and the way you drive them but you kinda drifted off. I mean, like, why the RB4 was particularily effective on this track or why the XRT could never be competative. Having raced in your Licence system I kinda look to these broadcasts to learn how to improve my own racing and setups. What are the chances of getting more technical in your runup or general commentary. It was good to hear from a league racerabout the inns and outs of racing but he didn't say enough!!
Ok. It's a team of one. Me. And me can't work out how to skin, cause I is thick and don't have the time to try and work it out. But I know some of you damn sexy, fine body of men and women out there can bash these things out in seconds and actually take some enjoyment from doing so . . . So good people step forward. Funnybear would like some skin sets if he could be so bold as to ask. As the saying goes, if you don't ask you don't gets.
They would be really simple (But if you like go complicated. So long as it's pretty. I was only going for simple for simplicity's sake) Purple base with my User Logo as the team badge either blazened across the bonnet or some such thing.
I do actually think it's slightly cheeky for me to ask other people to do this for me. But I just can't get my head around photoshop and the like. Just not up my ally. But if anyone is up for it, let me know. I would like a fairly comprehensive set for all cars, but that surely is a lot of work. I only really drive a few of the cars in all honesty.
Well. Cheers anyway. I'll hear from yer if I hear from yer . . .
I'm like the proverbial Deaf elderly relative here. You know, that grandad that everyone has who starts laughing at the joke that was told three converstations ago and then won't stop. Thats me that is. Anyway, a few questions. And an Exlamation.
'When was it again?'
'Whats going on?'
'Who are you?'
'I know you!'
Ignore that last one. And as for the others I can find out I know. Just being slow.
Ummm. what was I going to say. Oh yes, Back on topic.
I couldn't give a monkeys about the timetable. You guys seem more than in control. I will just turn up and go where I'm put. Or qualify. Which will be somehwere towards the rear . . .Should be getting a new car this week so if anyone is Oxford based or A34 corridor let me know and we can come to some arrangement . . .
As per usual I come late to the fray but my offerings are always worthy . . . of discarding as utter drivel . . .
I have never, ever, played GPL, GFL, GPS or whatever it is. Not meaning that I don't want to play it, I think anything rigged up to a mover and shaker and linked to other nutters within shouting distance is gunna be a bit of a larf. I voted for no preference. I'm still up for it but if I'm called in to work I will have too pull out so Bobby boy, put me down but you can't rely on me. I can firm up closer to the time, I can tell you whether I can make it too. Get it, see what I did there . . Firm up and telll you. No? Hmmm. My humour chip must be malfunctioning again. Theres only so much overclocking you can do.
But I digress. I would prefer LFS because I know it and would love to see how it behaves on linked up rigs but it would a great day out whatever you decided to run with.
Da Beer. . . Bear. Sorry.
*Edit* And could someone please tell how to get rid of that damn welsh flag from my Username. Unless someone moved Oxford when I wasn't looking I need the Ingerland standard. But for the life of me I can't find out where to do it. Probs just being very dense again. Which will come as no surprise to any of you.