Yep. Put in the laps. Different setups are more applicable on different tracks as well and if you learn what does what and how then once you have got yourself a good setup you can adjust it accordingly for different tracks whilst still maintaining a comfortable car.
But it does take a bit of time. Don't expect any immeadiate results. LFS don't work like that. You will get frustrated, you will think your too slow, you won't be able to race cometativly with the fast guys. But one day, maybe not today, mayeb not tomorrow, but some day soon. It will all change. Everything will slot into place and you'll be top of the pack everytime.
A women can only have a certain amount of testosterone. Otherwise they stop being women.
I like my women with a bit of spunk, but not so much as to be giving it back to me. (Looks like I'm staying in the gutter for a while. I quite like it down here. You get an a very good view of the world from down here, you can fit it all in without turning your head and you can watch it whilst lying down. Very healty perspective if you ask me. Come, join me. Plenty of room down here and I'm very friendly.)
If Scawen hadn't beaten me to the punch I would have suggested the secret forum section. If Mr Scawen is going to get as involved and effected as he is (I'm not slagging that off, I think it's a refreshing change) by interaction with the userbase then there needs to be a quality control. I must admit on a personal note I feel that as LFS is a paid for by consumers for Scawen to react like he has in a public, open, forum shows to me that he (you, if your reading. I'm not writing anything I wouldn't say to you . . . my lord.) doesn't really recognise what he has here. LFS has grown. It has become a beast that just can't be governed by a gentile forum anymore. The kids have got involved and they are here to stay. Some will get the idea and fall into the LFS ethos but as popularity grows more and more people will be posting random remarks about a subject they really know nothing about.
It's not going to stop happeing just because Scawen has come on and talked about banning. Yes, its his Forum. Yes, he has ultimate power and control over LFS and it's affiliates. But reading Scawens post in this thread about the banning (Bearing in mind the pressure, scale of pissed off'ness, constant badgering. I would find it difficult not to react.) one of my first thoughts was that it was a bit unprofessional. I get the inpression that if a developer came on in one of the BF2 forums as much as Scawen did here then that developer would be open to so much abuse, random comments, stupid suggestions, crazy randomness that it would drive them crazy. Which is why many developers don't interact with their userbase, or if they do it's via 'news' releases and like. Certainly not through continued discussion like Scawen participates in.
But it's only going to get worse. Scawens market is us idiots here. Us that make the stupid suggestions. Us that wind him up. Us, all of us that make him wonder why he is doing it for because we are never happy. It's ain't going to get any better mate. I wish I could say it would. But it ain't.
So unless Scawen can gain the ability to step back from the drivel he reads and cherry pick what he can, but he appears to be an involved kinda chap; and wants to be, then prehaps the only way to go is a private forum and for Scawen to surround himself with dedicated luetenants.
Personally. I have paid for this product and I wouldn't want to be excluded. But, I also feel quite lucky to have the involvement witht eh developer that this community enjoys. It's not the done thing. And I think Scawen is beginning to see why it's not the done thing.
Prehaps another solution is for the community to really pull together and to protect the devs to some degree. Maybe indoctrinate more Mods, get the mods more involved. (I don't subscribe to censorship but for the protection of our Dev/player relaisionship I'm willing to seperate the wheat from the chaff).
If we cherish what we have here to any degree then we also need to take on the responsibilty to protect Scawen from the idiots out there.
But I stll think banning people is a little harsh. Pat them on the head and say bless, yes. Ban them, don't think so.
Edit - I just read through the Patch Thread. And that last comment by Steve about not reading throught the thread made laugh out loud. The preverbial straw that broke the camels back me thinks.
Met my ex on t'internet. (Take note Bear fans of the 'Ex'). Got to know her on the Tenacious D Forums. She had a kid so I gave some tickets for the Panto we where putting on. Met up, kid had a great time, we had a good chat about life, the universe and everything so we continued to meet up quite a bit. She decided that she really liked me, I'm the kinda guy who goes with the flow, push came to shove and I moved to Cardiff from Oxford.
Two years later . . . .
She don't want me around no more, gained a daughter (Which I have no regrets about whatsoever other than the timing, but hey. Life gives you what life gives you.) and moved back to Oxford. Now scraping whatever living I can trying to get some direction back in my life.
Internet romances. Can be good, certainly started out that way for me. But can be bad, me and my ex had no RL history. Nothing to ground ourselves in other than first reactions. Which arn't always the best ones.
Ironically one of the things she cited against me was that I was a computer geek. (I'm not a major geek, but I do like my games. Maybe I should make that a lesson learned.) We met on the intraweb for ffs! What did she expect!
It works for some people. Me, I'm gunna be a bit more cautious in the future. So any smutty talk from me is just that. Smutty, plain and simple. Dirty as dirt is. Filthy, gutter dwelling, say it like I think it, honest to goodness smut.
So whos for some hanky panky? How's yer father? Duvet double team? The saucy Samba? The Mardi Gra Marimba? Head Board Bashing?
If it's a gear change indicator then you depressing the clutch is indicating that you are about to change gear. I don't think that it's a rev limiter, which is what you are intumating, if it was then the engine would stop revving at that point. If my memory serves me correctly you can over rev from the point the light comes on.
So what do you want? A rev limiter set at the change gear point. (Not ideal as it forces you to change regardless of situation) or an indicator of ideal gear change (Which is what you have). The engine still has revs in it with power, just not peak power. Maybe in RL the gear change light would stay on untill the revs dropped the maximum rev limit being governed by an engine management system but LFS obviously uses the clutch as a trigger for the light to go out.
Also see what inferno setups can do for you, but I would suggest doing your best to learn how to make your own setups. It's as much a part of the simulation as the racing is. If you have found a favorite car stick with it whilst you get the basics sorted. If you chop and change cars all the time you will always be playing catchup with yourself to get your self comfortable again.
Don't be afraid in messing with the setups. You will only learn by the mistakes you make, learn what each component does and how changes effect the car. Pretty soon you'll be getting competative.
So welcome to the LFS family. Prepare for your social life to be right out the window.
I totally agree. And I for one will never be seen on the racetrack trying to hASLe a girl.(Did you see what I did there. a.s.l. Hassle. Hasle. Get it?)
I save up all my frustrations and do it here in stead.
I'm not that bad honest. I hope noone takes me too serously.
Ok. Honey, if your Night time visiting pussy wants to . . . you get the idea.
Anyway. Whats up with twice nightly Whitey up there. Why is his knickers in such a twist. Don't take no shit like that Becky. You is what you is. Kids just have no respect anymore. I blame the lack of discapline and the eradication of Caning. I think eveyone should be caned at least once in their lives. Espeacially at school. Everyone should be caned at school. I know I was. It was the only way I could get through my day. Maybe thats why I'm not doing so well in life. Anyway, what was I talking about?
Oh yes. Discapline and respect. There's none of it anymore. Damn kids. I would have got away with it if it wasn't for them pesky kids.
I think sound generation is still to be optimised fully. I think the Devs ethos with sound is to generate it at source rather than just play generic wav's to veover any eventuality.
The simulation side of LFS wants to giver the driver as much aural info as possible as you would get in RL, but I think it's actually quite difficult to code in all the sound q's and continous sound updates. Give the devs a bit longer and you might get more of an accurate sound coming from your situation.
But you can use this just this once. I'll let yer.
Hey Tiny. Any time you want your night visiting pussy to have a trip to Blighty it can come visit me anytime. I have a large Snake that would make great friends with your Pussy.
(Is that going to far? Probable. Oh well. Wouldn't be me if I wasn't pushing the bounds of decency.)
30+ heat here today lads and lasses. Who would be couped up in a racing suit and a helmet with a hot engine right behind you on a track temperature of over 60. Ok. I would like to be. But I ain't. Boooo.
Ther're a few women out there ain't there. (Apart from your fair fast self) I don't know who and where but I have seen a few dotted around the MotorsTV channel. Fair play. Don't matter what sex you are, it's how fast you drive . . .VVVRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm