South City is very bumpy. I managed to trounce my PB's there in my FZR just by loosening the suspension.
If you set it too stiff if bounces of the end stops and makes the car go nuts. I think you can see if you are bottoming out the suspension by f10'ing it and watching the suspension ratings. If you get alot of red (It's been a while. But I'm in the general ball park) then your bouncing the end stops.
Just play around with stuff mate. It'll be frustrating but eventually you will find something that works. I tried to think logically through problems but the bumpiness of teh track eluded me for so long because I'd forgotten just how in depth LFS was. You just can't take LFS for granted (Which is a good thing).
In real world Physics (Very applicable within LFS) Speed through corners is gained by downforce. But then increase down force too much and you loose straight line speed. But if you keep the speed throught the bendy stuff then you'll have a faster exit speed and you might be able to maintain a faster straight speed with just a few clicks more of downforce.
Oh, the quandries life throes at us.
Also have a look at tyre camber. By pushing the bottom of the tyre out then you allow yourself more lateral force before the tyre looses grip. This could allow you a faster speed throught the 'S's. I wasn't much of a open wheeler so I don't have a definative answer. Just processes that I would use.
Maybe also, your tyre pressure might be a bit on the high side. Too high and you loose mechanical grip, too low and you loose straight line speed.
Do you have and over steer or understeer going through the S's. You might find you can tailor the suspension somewhat to give you the right amount of both to get you through.
And finally but by no means least. Practice. Watch some of the leaders lines through any problem areas you have. You might actually find that some of them are actually slower into a complex than you are, but due to that they can hold a line and power out with a much greater speed defferential. But that also might be a setup issue.
My utmost respect for doing the Setups the fun way instead of 'cheating'. But sometimes you just gotta ask someone. Get to know a fast guy and just ask some advice. Explain you prefer to do it the hard way and make your own sets (A far more satisfactory method. Plus you learn so much that you can take that knowledge to any track/car combo)He may well send you his setup but use it for reference. Adjust a few things that you feel have promise or that you just hadn't thought of and take it from there.
Old ABS fo'shaw wouldn't be much cop. But you look at the Merc C-class which has been running ABS (Or braking assists, aids, whatever. All adds up the same way.) for well over 30 years. Are you telling me that the new Merc can't out break a human? On virtually any road condition? Granted, humans can react to the unknown very well, but they very rarely react in the correct manner. I have the reaction times of Nigel Mansell if what you want during an accident is a stream of imaginative explietives. If you want controlled cadence braking you'll be lucky to get it from me.
Modern ABS with all it's wheel sensors, suspension settings, et al is far more comprehensive than pure man power. ABS allows the lowest common denominator, the school run house wife in the chelsea tractor, to blithly jam the brake pedal to the ground and the AB . . . 'The all wheel control centre' will allow her to make the red light that she so nearly missed without even spilling her coffee or upsetting her minature Dachshund. She doesn't have a clue about the physics involved and wouldn't know what Cadence braking was even if it came up and repeatedle smacked her around the head.
Modern ABS will not treat the car as a generic entity to stop the fastest way possibe. Modern ABS looks at each wheel, yaw factors, steering imputs, G force, Braking input, decibel level of the occupants screams and a myriad of other things that I have no comprehension of. I'll wager that ABS stops faster than me any day. Even old ABS.
When a tyre locks up it looses grip. No grip, no braking. Same as it does laterally when going around a corner though with braking rather than inducing lateral G through cornering, which can be helped by thicker tyres; greater contact patch, with braking you have a longitudinal force. Treat braking like you would be going around a corner. The tyre will loose grip, start skidding, at some stage of the braking process. Once it does it looses maximum decelleration. Similar to the way a car drifts when it's looses lateral grip in a corner. Maximum braking ability is found right at the boundary between grip and skid. This is where the wheel is actually mechanically slowing the car down by applying controlled friction to the axle, once entering a skid the cars momentum easily overcomes any braking friction that the rubber has with the road surface. This is not a good scenario as it is un controllabel exept in a few circumstances.
Rally drivers obviously use loss of grip to increase rotation through the bendy stuff. Rally cars can develop more forward traction than they can by braking so by getting all four (Or two) driven wheels facing the direction of intended travel as fast as possible the better. You couldn't do this without letting the arse have a good 'ol slide around.
Someone mentioned the Nascars locking up the fronts in an effort to regain control. The only way I can see that working is that the brake bias must be such that the rear virtually gets no braking other than a token amount. Resulting in what can be lickened to a trailing anchor on a ship riding storm. The anchor (Rear brakes) trails behind in the current keeping the ship facing into the storm. With the front wheels locked the rear has more braking potential thus slowing the rear down faster than the front. This means that with a bit of careful steerage you can regain control of the front end because it naturally wants to point in the direction of travel.
But other than a few specialised techniques there is no advantage to locking up your tyres under braking.
If you have discounted technical issues with your pedals and what not (Have you tried a spell using the keyboard or mouse. If you get the same result then it's your driving. If the mouse or keys are better then it's your pedals.) then try looking at your driving. The old adage of slow in fast out counts for alot.
This may sound backwards but slow down a bit. Take your time going throught the bandy stuff and work on getting your exit speed up. The faster you leave a corner the faster you will be down the straight. Just back off on your entry speed, try and be more technical throught bends rather than hammering on the brake and throwing it through the bends. Throwing the car around will not get you your ideal exit speed.
Also tyre pressures can effect your top speed by some considerable degree too. The higher the pressure the faster your straight line speed but the less mechanical grip you have. The lower the pressure the more mechanical grip but the lower high speed.
So prehaps you need to work on technique and also your setups. It's all about balancing a setup against the track requirements. You might think that Blackwood would be a low downforce circuit with that big long straight but my best times on BW have always been higher downforce to get through the bendy stuff. It's all about balancing everything against the need for speed against the need for mechanical grip.
A couple of points I'd thought I would share with group.
Hp. I feel that you feel you have religious freedom because you are a christian in a christian nation. (A particularily fundimentally puritanical one because it's founding fathers where . . . oh lookee here, fundimentally puritanical.) Prehaps if you where a hindu, jew or 'gasp', god forbid a Muslim then prehaps you might be viewing America's religious freedom with slightly different eyes.
If a constition or the bill of rights or whatever you use 'screams out chrisianity' then surely you do not live in a state that operates religious freedom. For gods sake man, you havn't even had a black president yet. And it's more likely you will have a woman before a black gets into power. If you did have religious freedom then there would be no religious overtones to any of your constitution. No swearing unto god, no placing your hand on the bible, no sabbath day, no saints days, no teaching ID in schools (Which is, quite frankly, appalling), no churchs, sunday schools, bible classes, coffee mornings, crosses, nuns, monks, catherdrals or convent schools. There would be no mosks, turbans, beards, kosha meat, circumsision, silly little caps, Ji had's, vestal virgins (Or raisins, depending on how your translating it), martardom. No anti abortion, no anti sexual precautions. No strange men in frocks throwing incense around the place.
If you didn't have any of that, then. And only then would you live in a state completly free from religion. Now that would be religious freedom.
But you don't. You live in a Christian country (Could you remind you president please. He seems to have lost his way a bit. He's kinda lingering in the valley of the shadow of death for a bit too long. You tell him and I'll tell our Prime minister. He's another supposed bible basher. But then his judgement rests with god. Which is fare enough but does that give him the excuse to **** everything else up for the rest of us?). England is a christian country. It's laws are based on the 10 commandments. Iraq is Muslim. And yet they (before the wars at least) had a christian community that in percentage terms out wieghed out Muslim community. The very essense of the Islamic faith is of understanding, acceptance and peace. It's us christians that seem to have the biggest problems when it comes to the teachings of Jesus or Mohammid, take your pick.
The middle East is a ****ed up as it is because we have been raping and pillaging them for millenia and it doesn't look to be stopping any time soon.
Hp, you seem to be under the impression that the Middle East is a very bad place to be. Well the Middle East is a very big place for a start and most of the problems are coming from us at the moment.
The Islam umbrella does not hate christianty. In fact Islam and christianity can, have done and do sit very comfortable together with a lot of familiar precepts and teachings that each side would find similarities with. The feeling I get is that Islam feels it has been under attack for many years by the christians. And quite rightly so. I am not saying it's right but I am possible saying that the attack on 9/11 and 7/7 where justified. The nation of islam have no other ways of fighting back for what they see as encrouchment and degrading of their nationality and countries. We, as chirstians, have made sure they have no other ways of fighting back.
But as i have mentioned before. I am not and would not like to be in a position of power and would probable be seeing things from a very different angle if I was.
I live by my own personal faith with my own personal God. My god is not the same as your god and neither is my faith the same as your faith. All I can do as a country boy from Oxfordshire is live the best I can with the means I have. Which ain't a hell of a lot I can tell you.
edit - I have just reread my 9/11, 7/7 'justified' comment. I don't wnat anyone to think that I find the actions of those few desperate men at all commendable. It was wrong, very wrong. And I might revisit my prhasing of that comment in a bit once I've had a think about what I 'm trying to say. But thinking about it, are their actions more justified than the actions of Bush and Blair. The killing of thousands upon thouasands of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan. At least the desperate few had the guts die for their cause. I doubt if I will see Bush or Blair placing their lives on the line in quite the same way.
Used to race with a guy called Simba alot (My hours of working means I was normally playing very early in the morning. Never worked out where he was from but he was a shit hot racer. Some very good races with him) and I ranout of the fuel onthe last lap of Ast. Nat. coming up to the dodgy chicane. Was the first time I had ever got a decent lead on him, I was dropping PB's on every lap and we had been racing like bastards. I managed to coast through the chicane and decided to punt for the finish rather than coast through the pits. (This was before I worked out you can pit and cross the line through the pits.
My mate Simba foregoed his win by bumping me across the line so we got a 1st and 2nd. He was a nice racer. I miss racing.
If you reduce your Mouse sensitivity in windows LFS takes it's mouse speed from that and take of any acceleration you may have within the windows control panel. That should give you back some control. Also, reduce your dead zone as much as you can in the control options within LFS (I can't remember what figure I was using off the top of my head).
Reducing the Steering degree (Once your racing) will give you even more control of your steering inputs.
Hope that helps you in some way. The community doesnt really support trying to 'cheat' through anything. So we'd rather help you as much as we can to enable you to get better by yourself. But in answer to your question there are no saved games for you to use. You don't particularily need to do the lessons, they don't unlock anything or give you hidden features. So other than the teaching they arn't nessesary to progress in LFS. It's all about the racing.
Hey. I did resist yesterday after I overstepped the mark. And appologised for it.
But now. S'ok.
Why is everyone so anti political or even anti arguement. Mayeb I am making a political statement. But along with a constructive arguement. I'm not lowering the tone here, or trying to be too funny or insulting. I am giving an alternative viewpoint. Prehaps here was not the place, but I'd rather tac one in here than start a whole 'anti' 4th of july thread. I'd get complelty flamed for that.
This is a Forum and the very reason d'etre of a Forum is to discuss, disagree and debate.
I mean. Would you like me to start a new thread? 'A further discussion on the true meaning of Independance Day - Can Will Smith really fly a space ship?'
Or should it stay nicely contained in here?
And another thing.
You obviously are interested in contributing to the thread otherwise you wouldn't have . . . contributed.
Mate. Don't worry. I won't get offended. I rather enjoy a discussion with a little more substance. As I hope that you will not take my comments as a malicious attack in any way. These are my views and my views alone, you are more than welcome to rip them apart.
But I am still struggling somewhat to get your jist in the matter. Are you . . . Is it that . . . . Should I . . . Nope, sorry. I really can't get your meanings.
AS regards to your sign off. I have no problem with it as a decleration of your belief I myself are from a very religious background. Although independance day is not a religious celebration, its a political statement. Celebrating the fact that you triumphed against the oppressor, that you sunk their ships, burnt thier buildings and murdered the infidel in their thousands (As did we, we have no moral high ground here. I do, but then I wasn't there and I always claim the moral high ground) Does all that sound familiar?
I shall see if I can go through this bit by bit and make some sense of it . . .
You are. Sorry. Your administraion is.
No Middle east state has that on their foriegn aggender. Al Qaeda does, or at least did. But they are not a Middle east state.
Nope. I tried. Sorry. Still can't get it.
And did you know that American actually sent an invasion force to Britain. Only one ship made it and landed at Dartmouth or something like that. Needless to say they wern't particularily succesful.
Met my American mate yesterday and we are still the best of friends. Even he wasn't particularily bothered about I.D. We've trained him well. In fact he kinda said to me what I said at the start (Without prompting I hasten to add) that it was a bit sucky to shout out that America is celebrating it's independance from a country that is now it's partner in crime whilst it's holding most of the rest of the world to ransom by fair means of foul. (He's at law school atm so he's a bit up on his foriegn policy.) I think there is alot of Irony in this whole thing somewhere.
I'm not going to rain on your parade, have your celebration. Chink your glasses, throw some firecrackers, drink your beer. Just don't shout it out to the rest of the world. Because the rest of the world doesn't need any more escuses to hate america.
I figure I'm allowed to say stuff again as it's now July 5th and nobody really got on the celebration thing.
And if you lock the fridge in another room then they won't bother you . . . ;o). It could be your special drinks fridge with only your special drinks in. That need to be kept in the dark untill they are ready. And only your friends know where the fridge is, and they give you a nod and a wink as they pass the counter and you slip them the key to the door. They drink from the fridge then slip you a note saying thankyou as they leave. Then noone bothers you about the light in the fridge. Either that or just lock the door and bugger off down the pub, which is what I would do.
I don't think there is anything wrong with treating them like idiots, if idiots are what they are. I'm an idiot, people treat me like one all the time. It's a great place to be. Get such a wonderful veiwpoint on the world if your in the idiot corner.
I can understand why people post suggestions and the like ina thread such as the patch thread. It's actually a fairly natural thing to happen and somewhat ineviatable.
Thus if true, educated and considered feedback is requiered then a secure forum is needed. Otherwise this kinda of thing will just keep repeating itself over and over again.
If they where truly patriotic they would care more about what their government was up too and who they voted for.
Sorry, thats not fair.
But you can't really compare celebrating an independance day which is known throughout the world to celebrating a saints day. It's kinda like me taking your computer then letting you watch while I play your favorite game. Way back when Americans where insurgents, they where terrorists, tehy where gurillas. The difference is, they won. (With the help of the French.) Imagine being in Baghdad being a Sunni Muslim watching American soldiers flying thier flags high and listening to their celebrations of independance. Clapping each other on the back and going yeehaww. If I was the Sunni Mulsim, I would would be getting a bit frustrated and a bit hot under the collar.
Edit - And I appologise for hijacking an innocent thread. I shall comment no more.
Celebrating the fact that our country was taken away from us? I find that insulting!!
If not hypocritical.
(I know, I know. It was an innocent July the 4th comment. But on an international forum it's bound to stir some sentiment anti or pro. He's celebrating, I'm offering an alternative view point. And before any one beats me for being anti american I am this very day going to meet my good american buddy whos come all the way from Virginia just to see me and we will discuss the anglo-american V the world standing till the cows come home and still walk away as friends.)
Edit - And I know that as a brit I can also be labelled as being hypocritical. But I will be the first to blast Blair and out foriegn policy atm too.
I actually don't think it's my place to make suggestions per se. I think I have made one since I joined and even that was a bit half hearted.
I've payed for a product because I can't do it myself. If I really want my speedo to look a certain way or for my skidmarks to show then I will go and make a game myself. But I can't, so I pay for someone else to do it. And I'm very happy with the result. If I wasn't, I'de go somewhere else.
Scawen talks about lots of stuff I have no comprehension about, I play the game ( Or will when I get a rig again) and I'm over the moon with it, s'not my place to tell him how to make his game. (Although I am still an opionated bastard)