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S3 licensed
I'd lay off the coffee when racing mate.
S3 licensed
Your in 2? The're two 'We're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now' Clubs? Where's the other one?
S3 licensed
What you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business, but these things have a tendancy to spread into the wider populace. It's the use of these 'mods' online that cause's consternation. Prehaps there should be a 'Mod users register' or something.
S3 licensed
I have magic pixies. They help me all the time. They sit on my desk and tell me where to go and all my PB's are made when I'm asleep . . . . Generally at the wheel.
S3 licensed
My god. Where the hell did this come from? I thought this thread died a long time ago . . . .

Entertaining reading though.

Although I have spotted an overwhelming Crotch theme going on, mainly involving scratching, rearranging, picking, looking at, changing dressings etc etc.

Although those activities are speeded up somewhat whilst driving the BF1.

Good work Community.
S3 licensed
Quote from FlintFredstone :Hi Guys,

Just to let you know, now that i have stopped using it and have modified my pedal for shorter travel, i have beat pb's on the two different types of track i have run on since (AS North, FE Green), so as i thought on the fbm it makes you slower, argument for H shifters is still valid though.


This is kinda a case of th proverbial band wagon jumping. Not saying that that was what you where doing Fred when using the macro. My point being that people see this macro/exploit usage as an advantage and immediately start using it. As Fred has just demonstrated, not using the exploit is actually faster . . . .

Now I'm sure fred is actually a very good driver with or without the Exploit, but this does go to show that just because the cheat is there in the community does not necessarily mean that you should use it. So a lesson for those of you who are easily swayed, cheating isn't always the fastest way . . . . .

Now I don't really know enough about all this. I get the impression that I can set my G25 and the FZR to shift faster on the paddles than I can with the H shifter. But, the Spec for the FZR say's it operates a H Shifter. In my mind, that is all part of the balancing act of the GTR class so I wouldn't dream of using my paddles whilst driving the FZR. But were i (heaven forbid) to switch to the FXO with it's sequential box, then I would use that because that is the spec of the car . . .

I Don't really mind people using these 'advantages' so long as it has full disclosure. If you feel the need to hide your advantage (particularly in this area) then you know what you are doing is morally dubious. Like doping in the olympics there are many grey areas, many methods that might look like cheating but on closer inspection arn't actually 'wrong' if only pushing boundaries. Which is what competition is all about.

But at the end of the days any sport is governed by rules, and in effect racing and hotlapping are sports. And as such need a level playing field to allow a fair competition. I know that I will never be the fastest out there but I like to think I'm one of the best of the rest. But any accomplishment I feel is completely negated by the fact that people use exploits . . . .

In fact, on the flip side I think the use of such things should also be allowed in a controlled mannner. Like I have mentioned, full disclosure is key. Any sport needs the 'F1' side of it. The skunk works, The Black Ops that push limits and envelopes and get faster, higher, quicker than anything else. The Devs nees such things to highlight holes in their systems. We all know there are plenty of people out there that really really get of on finding exploits and the like. Let them. But let the community know who they are and have times flagged as such. Don't call it cheating, but don't let the processes into the general racing community unless thoughally vetted by said community.

But at the end of the day. The only person who can really hold you accountable is yourself. If you can't come on here and say what you use then you most probable should not be using it . . . .
S3 licensed
Didn't even know this sort of thing existed . . . .Although I'm not surprised.

Kinda makes me look at the false aliens (apart from real aliens, who do exist. I have some faith left) in a kind of sympathetic light. I can see why some people would use it, like I can see why ferrari give huge amounts of money to Bernie's special yacht fund in the Bahama's. Not technically illegal in so many ways, but certainly not really in the spirit of things.

Maybe I shall have to add a new insult to my hot keys . . . 'Scripter!!' then maybe if we as a community ostracize these people then we can make the use of scripts so 'uncool' it fixes itself as a problem.
S3 licensed
If you want some English help and input look me up . . . .

Looks good and professional.

I do wonder if it stand the test of time. But well done all the same.
S3 licensed
Quote from apollo1600 :i need to know how to drift with this wheel and which track is a good place to learn

You don't need to learn, you just want to learn. But your not really making yourself appealing for people to help you. Why you want to learn to drift anyway is beyond me. Try racing. Thats where the fun is.

But to help you help us help you, try and be a little more descriptive. But help yourself first and foremost. If your into your drifting then you know what kind of car real drifters use, you know like FWD, Front Engined, low powered cars. So have a look what they race and see if there is a car that is similar in power and layout. Then go and take that car out for a few laps. Learn to control it without trying to get the rear end stepping out. This will learn you control and technique. A bit like Wax on, Wax off. Then find a banzai tree and bring it too me and we shall talk further young padawan.
S3 licensed
Thats like totally Leet man. B1G ONES!
S3 licensed
I do some of my most productive testing and setup changes after pickup races. Am I to be peanalised for working through ideas that occur to me during racing? Yes, the jumbled mess of a carpark and rammers at the end of a race is annoying but I don't want to be peanalised in my setup manipulation just because you can't pit yourself to get yourself out of the way.

Sure, in league or compitition races a cool down lap and pit entry is in the rules, thats more than fair. But not for just saturday night racing. Prehaps a server side option to auto controlled cars or something, but I prefer the freeform finish myself. And some of the best racing I've had is when the pressure is off and the race is over and a few of you are still going for it just for one. More. Lap!

If it's server rules then obviously this would be self policing, anyone not addearing to the cool down lap rules would not be welcome anyway. So an actual enforced option isn't needed.

No, I don't like this idea. Let the chaos reign.
S3 licensed
Nice friends
S3 licensed
Plenty of setup advice in the setup section of the forum, especially if you're looking to drift. Why you would want to is beyond me . . .
S3 licensed
Quote from ProDemoDrifter :Upload a video on youtube plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think there are some mad men in an asylum some where missing some exclamation marks . . . .

Say what? . . . . . Your what? . . . . . Oh, you are in an asylum. Well done, great. Thanks for sharing . . . . . . Erm, where's the nearest exit again?
S3 licensed
It's just so slow man. I mean I got time to fit in making a coffee, going for a number one. ( I could try fitting in a number 2 but I was on the guiness last night so I might pushing boundaries there, not withstanding pushing cloth) I've even got time to pick up the guitar and have a jingle jangle. It's just not on. It should be directly ported to my head in full 3d smellorama and Dolby 53.98 surround sound with the mulitsensory add on pack.

I mean come on guys. 413kb/s, thats just so last centuary.
S3 licensed
413kb/s. *yawn*
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :
Supose next time I should listen to my QB so I know where my blockers are going to run, and not as I did, leave my self open for a three man hit.

That'll learn yer. Next time dump the ball and run!
S3 licensed
I'm reiterating my interest and intent for attendance.

Anyone fancy a lift from Oxford? Help share the load? Plus anyone staying in any of the hotels and if so which one?

Ben, I think I've still got your bank details and depending on the responce to the above questions You'll get ma money just as soon as.
S3 licensed
loving your work . . . overkill on the split screen though .. . . . this is constructive crytisism. Love it, but try mixing it in with other shots . . . . Goiod though
S3 licensed
hehe . . . *giggle* . . . . . Oh and an 'Oh bless' as well. You guys know which side I fall on.
S3 licensed
I with the others here. WR laps are something far apart from normal everyday racing. Their setups are designed to be destroyed after just one lap, from one the suspension to the tyres . . . You might find that you do actually get close but when you try to race with that setup you die after two laps.

Better to get online and find a racing server with that combo. That way you will find out what the racing speed is, then you have an (almost) attainable target. You might find that the fastest guys on that track on on that session actually take that corner slower than you, but becuase of a quirk in the setup can take another corner 20k's faster . . .you just don't know. Best just to see what (as had been said) see where the majority of racers sit, at least that gives you something attainaible. And remember, just because your fast in qualy doesn't mean you can last the race. Play the long game.
S3 licensed
Aw. Bless. This makes a refreshing change from the constant flaming I seem to see around here atm.

LFS Rocks. Bottom line. Trek, thats a nice, gente, thoughtful appraisal of what LFS has given you to date. Please imagine me giving you a dignified clap and a knowing nod of the head.

There seems to be quite a bit of nastyness around here atm. I think we should take a leaf out of Treks book and refocus on where LFS is in development and what we get from it. And just be a lot nicer to each other. Apart from that Reviewer bloke, he kinda deserves what he got for writing the utter drivel he did.

Share the love fellow LFS's. Peace out.
S3 licensed
Mate. You know what this cyber crowd are like.

They'll critique a brick if it stood still for long enough.
S3 licensed
Quote from migf1 :
A "forced equal setups" option wouldn't harm though (rfactor already has such an option) but it would be equally 'unfair', since not everyone uses the same controllers nor has the same driving style

I think the whole point behind LFS is to learn about car handling, wieght transfer, roll, pitch, understeer under braking . For me alot of the pleasure gained from racing in LFS is shifting DF sliders about untill I get it just right and taking ages over RARB to never get it right. Then when you do get within three seconds of the leader it means all the more. Prehaps there are a few too many settings to be realistic but the ability to mess around with your car is paramount to the ethos of LFS. I am sure that the option list will be honed and streamlined for each model as LFS nears completion. The amount of options available is just as much there to highlight Physics flaws as it is to give you playability atm.
S3 licensed
Hit it hard. Real hard.