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S3 licensed
The beta wasn't a beta. That was just a glorified marketing strategy. They got nothing new out of the beta that they didn't know already.

Some poor coder or programmer are sat their coding their arses of all the while telling anyone who would listen that such and such isn't ready, or won't work, or we're fundamentally broken or 'I can't get that to work with that, it's impossible'.

I feel sorry for those guys, and up against corporate twattage, they've done their best. The fault lies with those at the top who make the desicions to chase the short term profit and not the long term growth. They are effectively asset stripping these franchises. We are the assets, and they are stripping us for as much as they can get before patience finally runs out.
S3 licensed
I'm up to about 15 odd map changes now. But it's far from perfect. A company this big must have some element of playtesting where they get a bog standard street PC and try running the game for more than 30mins.

Or am I getting it all wrong again.
S3 licensed
I actually own an e30. Absolutly love it. I've been reading about this game on steam. Is it worth a punt?

I don't want no ISI false sim. I want something that I can take as a spiritual succesor to LFS.

Is this that one?

I am sorely tempted.
S3 licensed
I've given up on it. I'm actually disgusted in that they can release new content on a game that isn't even working properly yet. Amazes me.

Goes to show just how much EA are in dire straights. By the sounds of it, they might not be here next year.

Not a moment too soon, we might get the franchises sold off to someone who actually gives a shit. I've been pretty disgusted with every release I've bought from them in recent years, and that ain't many. I went for what I thought where 'safe' bets, namely the Battlefield series and Simcity, and lets not even get me started on Simcity. Thats a whole other thread in it's own right that is.

Goes to show that even in this modern age you can't keep releasing shoddy titles rehashing old but trusted themes and get away with it.
S3 licensed
It's arcady, but in a good way. It's about the tactics and knowing your enemy.

I've heard that using a joystick isn't the best way to control the planes as with the mouse you can set it up to 'lead' the plane. Whilst a joystick is direct input only. Which means you can follow the target better with the gunsights than trying to second guess with a joystick. But thats only what I've read on the forums.

The only issue I have with the mouse is that you can't set up the camera to follow the plane properly which is only a real pain when you go inverted or follow someone in a dive, you get used to it but the camera sometimes takes a fraction to long to 'snap' back to the planes orientation. Apparently thats being adjusted in the next update.

I've not even played WoT since WoWP came out. It's that good. And I loved WoT's.

At the end of the day mate, it is free to play. So if you don't get into it, you've not lost anything. But I think if you like old warbirds and a good fight and can work out some coping tactics for the premium PTW's (it can be done once you've worked out who you can go up against and how, thats why I like it.) then you will like WoWP's. Even just to watch all the control surfaces move about. The old geek in me loves watching planes move about that I used make the models of as a kid. Love it.

Get into it. You won't be disappointed. And if you ever see me (Funnybear there as well) then say hello.
S3 licensed
It's one of the things I like about the 'World of' series. Yea, there is the premium element to it, but that doesn't stop skinflints like me from enjoying a game that doesn't feel unbalanced by PTW. So long as your putting the time and the grind into it you get a good game that just takes you a bit longer to work your way up the tiers than someone who's willing to splash the cash. But I'm cool with that. It's a good game. I don't mind putting in a few extra rounds.

Just been on it in fact. Got my Spitfire IX and nearly at my Mosquito. Thats Beta level that is so it ain't taken me that long really.
S3 licensed
Tried war thunder. Just could not get it to work for me. Just didn't like it from the get go.

Have really got into WoWp though. The look, the feel (it may be a bit arcady, but it never proclaims to be anything else.) and the fact that I can marry it up to my WoT account.

But in all truthfulness, WoWp is by far better than War thunder if you just want a well crafted, reasonably well balanced game where you get to throw old war birds around the sky.

I sometimes find myself so engrossed in looking at the model that I don't even realise the game is starting.
S3 licensed
How hard is it to get a game that is stable on release nowadays?

I know many people have many different hardware configs but for gods sake, it's ridiculous. And from what I can gather most of the issues are server side anyway. For a game that predominatly uses the internet to make it what it is, the fact that they can't even get the netcode nailed down speaks volumes about the gremlins in the machine.

Some of the maps really do leave a lot to be desired, whilst others are genius. Could almost do with less 'levelution' and more map assets though. Some of them feel very bare.

They don't feel quite as 'real' as some of the BF3 settings. I don't know whether thats art direction, colour schemes or what. But I look at the BF3 maps in comparision and I think, personally, they stand up very very well against their newer counterparts.

But, I'm playing it. It's fun if a little unbalanced, but it's the same with any major release, once you get to learn where the ****ing snipers twat about from, you can have some good games.
S3 licensed
old'un, but a good'un.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :you realize origin doesn't push the payment until after game release right?

There's probably a legal reason for that. I didn't know that, but I still don't want to be counted as 'supporting' EA with pre-release. Not with their recent string of 'hits'.

And it don't take long to learn maps. If your into your shooters you get to grips with these things pretty quickly.

I'll still be giving it while before purchase though. We'll see how the reviews go.
S3 licensed
I bought BF3 pre-release. I bought Simcity Pre-release. I bought Diablo 3 pre-release. I bought Xcom pre-release.

I have been continuously disappointed with the publishers approach to tried and tested formula's and franchises.

I've learnt my lesson. No more pre-release buys for broken games. I'm sure BF4 will end up being brilliant (I have put in alot of hours into BF3) but I can sit on my hands for a few months first.

EA especially will not have my money anymore untill I'm especially sure that they've released a fully functioning and above all working game. Simcity was just a complete debarcle. And I'm quite honestly gutted in the way it was implemented. More fool me for believing the hype.

I rode the pre-release fad for a few high profile launches. But no more. I'll keep my money in my account earning interest for me, rather than giving it away for broken games.

But don't worry, if BF4 is the kick arse game it's supposed to be, I'll be there. Eventually.
S3 licensed
I gave it a go. Although I don't seem to be able to access beta anymore. But I ain't missing it tbh.

I have to say I was dissapointed. Apart from obvious lag issues, i just felt that the map felt alot like a load of set pieces linked together by concrete roads and bridges. It just didn't seem to have any depth. And as with this 'levolution' crap. I'd rather they spent more resources on the 'ground work' than on big show piece settings. I don't know whether it's the colour, drivers, video card or what, but I really don't think it looks any better than BF3. Not at the moment anyway.

I'm a BF fanboy, have been for years. But I got my fingers burnt with BF3 and won't be shelling out pre-release for this. Not as it stand atm. In fact, I think I'll be waiting a few months whilst all the release nonsense gets dealt with first. Then I might give it a go.
S3 licensed
My pc is the gaming/front room entertainment centre in my house. In fact we don't actually have a tv to speak of. And I think steam are seeing that this will be more and more the case as the gaming youth grow up and have families themselves, they know what they got up to as kids, they want to see what their kids are doing on the computer.

So yea, I am looking at this Steam OS with interest. Let's see what it can do.

At least it's not microsoft or Apple.
S3 licensed
Quote from troy :So Webber is below average then?

Disclaimer, neither do I like Vettel nor do I rate Webber that low, it's just funny how they keep calling Vettel an average driver when he was clearly showing he has what it takes in his first races with bmw sauber and torro rosso

Vettel and Webber don't have the same car. Red Bull aren't part of the constructors Union, they don't subscribe to the same rule set that the rest of the field do. Vettel doesn't care about that, Webber does. Webber is a world class racer who not only races in F1 but races in many other race forums. Vettel, is a Red Bull brat who just wants the glory. (I'm sure we all would, but there are way's and means) But too reiterate, Red Bull don't race the same cars. To be fair, Vettel has to have some skill as he is, at the end of the day, racing an F1 car. But it is by far NOT a level playing field. You can see where the level playing field starts by comparing the timings further down the field. And in Singapore that started with the Mclarens. Vettel was 30 secs. 30 SECONDS faster than the next fastest man. Maybe in other racing sports thats acceptable. But this is F1. If these guys are not racing to the wire, then there is something serioulsy wrong with the sport. If they are truly racing with a given rule set then you would get far closer racing than this.

This isn't racing, it's commercialism. **** it, I've just talked myself out of giving a shit. Call me when it doesn't cost a billion dollars to run a team anymore.
S3 licensed
No they don't. In fact, I would say it's the other way around. None of them can truly race untill the final laps. They now what times they cannot go over to get to the end of the race with the optimum fuel load. If they use under that during the race distance then they can turn the heat up a tad for the last laps if they need too.

They would run full burn fuel loads if the weight penalty didn't mean that would actually be slower over the full race distance. More weight, more power needed to shift it, more fuel will be burnt, more fuel will be needed. Less weight, less power, less fuel, faster race distance time.

It's counter intuitive, but thats actually how it works. I don't think it's right personally. I think you should have these motors running at thier peak with all power available at all time. None of this push to pass bollocks and adaptive air flow body work shit.

Just let the drivers press the loud pedal as hard as they can. That's racing.
S3 licensed
Due to the unique way the Beeb is funded and the completely ****ish way Bernie runs his empire, The qualy's, and therefore I guess the race, are not yet available in the uk unless you subscribe to an Australian owned broadcasting network. The buggers.
S3 licensed
BF3 is epic if you can actually get it too run. Try 'fixing' the download. I had to do it on more than one occasion after updates. Same as verify cache on steam, but you do it from the BF3 startup browser page.

I've just tried accessing Origin, but I can't remember my login details. Big loss. Not.
S3 licensed
Ea realising that they need to make some serious marketing inroads to try and recover their reputation after the debarcle of Simcity. Looks like their marketing department hit the nail on the head for a change judging on you guys reactions. I might even be tempted to boot up Origin to have a look. First time I'd have done so since I packed it in after I lost 60 quid buying a game I made the gross assumption that worked.
S3 licensed
I'm still here. Silently watching from the shadows. A strange, funny looking teddy bear shaped outline that s******s to itself every once in a while.

Come on Scavier, I need an excuse to piss off the Girlfriend and get the ol' G25 out the cupboard.

-Edit. Apparently I can't use a word that means to chortle, or to laugh to oneself at something that is possible an in joke. It's a word that has two 'g's, an 'e', an 'r', a 'i', and a 'n'. That's right, I got censored for using the word 'Ginger'.
S3 licensed
It's going to be a while before it's out though. Ambitious, I think I pledged 60 odd quid. Might throw a bit more at it . . .
Satelite Reign.
S3 licensed
Check out the kickstarter for these guys. Sounds like a spiritual successor to Syndicate.

What sold it for me was the amout of EA bashing the main man does in his interview for Rock, paper, shotgun. I am more than happy to support anyone who'll stick it too EA.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 : ... FCSw&

From this weekend

please share and like if desired!

Did you need any other gears apart from second that weekend? Hehe.
S3 licensed
How that car did not flip . . . . . . If he had dug in he would have been on tape as having the barrel roll record. Not a good off.

Still wasn't blatently his fault. When you watch it closely Tander moved out quite a way, and combined with Pye closing in a bit the JD car had nothing else to do. But again. Hard to really pass a judgement (not that we should) without seeing the run up as well.
S3 licensed
I've always used CC cleaner. Yea, just check the settings first but it works well.
S3 licensed
Saying he squeezed is a bit impudent. There where three cars involved in that crash. He ran wide anyway, and you know what it's like, if the middle car was pushing him off the exit anyway, then he was just going to get sucked into the middle with nothing else to do but be a passenger.

Arguable it was the Jack Daniels car that actually caused it by trying to run between two others on the exit, he nerfed the left front on the rear of Whatsisname and at full power, what else was going to happen. Tander was just following his line.

Without seeing the run into that corner, or even the race though it's difficult to judge from just one clip like that.

Edit. I've watched it again. It was Tander that ran wide and pushed the JD car into Scott Pye. So no, Not really Scotts fault.