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S3 licensed
Dammit man. I wanna give you a lift. '89 2.5 straight six Alpina convertable lowered, stiffened and very very lovely.<-- Leave that at home!! No way. Tell you what. I'll meet you at the Peartree interchange and i'll race yeh! (actually, mine ain't no speed demon. It's a cruiser, not a racer. But regardless, I need to get back for a gig that night, so It's probs for the best that I remain a free agent.
S3 licensed
If you don't like it you shouldn't have said it. And if it really was that important, you wouldn't have said anything anyway. And, your story ain't the worst, the funniest, the most tragic, the most law breaking 'ain't allowed on public transport anymore because I fare jumped from Oxford to Didcot' Story on here anyway. Stop playing the matyr.
S3 licensed
Gills, your bloody miles away as i've already said. Chris lives pretty much around the corner from me. And like I said, horses heads. People's beds. Mob bosses. I've already said too much.
S3 licensed
Chris. What do you mean you got transport issues? Your only just up the road from me. Need a liftski?
S3 licensed
Sorry Gills, but I found a horses head in my bed this morning. It's too dangerous to be seen with you. Plus you live bloody miles away.

-edit- So I can say Bloody. But I can't say s****** . . . . . What the 4 star is going on around here?
S3 licensed
Right. Thats it. Step me up to the deffo coming category. I'll just have to be responsible on saturday night. Which is really going to be a struggle. I mean, really a struggle. I am going out with two sets of guys who make heavy drinking look like something Nuns do to make gentile converstation.

And I just want to show of my new car. In fact thats the only reason I want to come if I'm honest. That, and s****** at Becky's roots.

Edit - What a bizarre auto edit. I certainly wasn't refering to anyone of a coloured ethnic origin. I was actually trying to spell a proper word. Political correctness gone nuts.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Mate. Only taking the mickey. It's scary enough driving in those conditions let alone riding something that most people seem to forget is there.
S3 licensed
Ah. The beauty of two wheels. Scares you to shit, freezes your nuts off, fills yer boots with water and you can only ride 2 months out of any british year. And you ride because . . . . . . ?
S3 licensed
It really does depend on your definition of 'better' doesn't it really.
S3 licensed
If your coming from anywhere near oxford then I can offer lift services. If I know I gotta pick someone up then it means I have to repsonible and not get crucified on Cheeky Vimto's again.
S3 licensed
LFS sounds are information. From the tyre squeal to the engine revs and even to some extent the wind noise. They communicate just as much to you about the handling of the car as the FFB does in the steering wheel.

They ain't there for ear candy. If you want ear candy then feel free to drive (Drive? I'm sorry, I meant play) NFS.
S3 licensed
Ok. As Winnie The Pooh would say Whilst tapping his forehead 'Tinks!'

Man. I got a monster weekend that weekend. Birthday night out fri. Leaving drinks and then a stag do on Saturday. And then down to see you guys if I'm fully compus mentus on Sunday. Tristan. I notice that you don't have all the places filled and also not enough in reserve to fill them all. Could i possibly be really cheeky and say if i'm there I'm there and of I'm not I'm lying in a gutter somewhere please? No worries if you can't, it just means I'll have to make a concrete decision. But even if I did say yes there would be a strong possibility of me not being conscious at that time. Arg! Why is life so complicated.
S3 licensed
The thing about LFS sounds is that they are linked directly to the mechanicals of the car. Unlike the 'nicer' sounds in NFS which are just that, sounds. They don't confere and infomation about the state of acceleration or give any 'real time' feedback of throttle positions and the like.

LFS sounds will, I am sure, get better as the programming progress's towards S3 but you do know that you can edit the sounds yourself within LFS don't you? I can give my FZR a very boxery bark which sounds very throaty with just a little bit of tweaking. Explore LFS and the possibilties it offers you before falling head over heels in love with 'looks but no substance' sounds. LFS may not have the looks of a catwalk model, but by god it can out think one. And I know which one I'd rather take down the pub.
S3 licensed
There is a life outside this forum? Damn!
S3 licensed
Hey. I liked that place the last we went there. Is he willing to load up LFS again? Tristan, if you get any pullouts and I have the weekend free from daughter and work, let me know. I'll pop down for a day's worth of racing against you nutters.

*edit -

Just read up on the dates. That sat 25th looks promising. But i do need to check with mother of child. We havn't sorted out the rota for next year yet. I know your full atm, but if you coul put me on the reserve list that would be great.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Are you having an arguemement with yourself here Blakey?
S3 licensed
Some of us like that sort of thing. You'll be racing it once people gave you a setup that was fast enough though wouldn't you.
S3 licensed
IMO with regards to this endless setup debate, prehaps 2version of the scirroco could be made available. A road going, limited setup options, version for the trackday VeeWubbyu fanboys who want to keep it real. (Nothing wrong with that, garanteed close racing.) and then a fully race prepared GT version with extensive (but prehaps not infinite) setup options. That way you get the best of both worlds, the experiance of driving the base model very fast and the enjoyment of pushing a design to it's envelope, (which I quite like doing). For me it's not the fact that the car is real, it's more the platform and design that that car brings that I can play around with a 'feel' the difference from say a similar horsepower rear wheel drive car. LFS is a simulation, and when it comes to simulations it's not necessarily the make, model or shape that your simulating but the concept behind it. Get that right and whatever you bolt on top will be perfect (almost).

I also just want to take this moment to say to the holy trinity that you guys are doing a great job with a great ethos behind it.

To all those naysayers and ubercritics out there;
A:There is such a thing as real life. It happens, it gets in the way, and it makes damn sure that nothing ever goes to plan.
B:I don't know of any other game, simulation or online community that has this level of contact with the developers. We are kept informed, we are asked our opinion and the responces to the community is palpable on so many levels within LFS. I get the impression that most of the whining is coming from the younger audience, the 'instant gratification' generation. Guys. Chill. It doesn't work that way.
C:If this was me designing and releasing LFS I think I would have given up years ago in the face of such criticism and in some cases open hostility. If you guys think you can do better, go and do it. If you know, like me, that you can't and just want to enjoy a progressive racing simulation with support and regular updates from the the devs then stick around and enjoy. Yes we've payed money. Yes, the devs have a certain obligation to fulfill having received our money. But how many poeple here have shelled out 40-50 quid, found they have brought an ill prepared and underdeveloped, overly hyped game that barely runs and has more bugs in it than my dustbin and just thrown it on the shelf never to touch it again. Do you get recompense from EA? or Microsoft? Do you get the same level of Community support from the big dev houses? I don't think so. LFS is the rare diamond in the coal field. Its the lone flower in a desolate waste land. Don't loose it. Cultivate it, support it. Suggest things, point out things, be helpful. But if your not happy, go somewhere else and stop trying to
destroy what so many of us cherish and love for not only the thrill of the race but the backstory as well.

Nuf Sed. Peace.
Last edited by Funnybear, .
S3 licensed
Don't you dare take away my Stereo. It's the only thing that keeps me going through endurance thursdays. And also the leather steering wheel feels nice on my hands.
S3 licensed

The vid wasn't that bad. Yea it was about drifting, but it had drama, movement and a sense of excitement. It was fine as a video.
S3 licensed
You don't want to be flatshifting in the FZR. You'll be in the red in 26 seconds let alone 26 laps . . . . Plus for quick changes in the higher powered cars (especially if your cheatin' and using the flappy paddle gearbox) you need close knit ratios as well . . . . I don't know about the S/S's but for the GT's you deffinatly want to perfect your clutching if you want any hope of preserving your clutch for any distances.
S3 licensed
My experiance of S2 is that there is always a good race to be had. You do of course get the idiots, the young'uns and the numpty's but you get them anywhere. What you do have in S2 servers are well attended admin run servers that are well maintained. It doesn't take long for a known or new crasher to get the boot and banned.

Toleration of bad driving is far less lenient on the higher ranked servers. I race the GT's mostly, and the CTRA system is a great way to get your racing up to code and progress through the cars. Redline racing are another good server system and is Conedodgers. There is some great clean racing to be had out there, even if the occasional Nooblet ruins your day every once in a while.
S3 licensed
I thought the yellow flag system contained some inconsistency's in the flagging of situations. Where Yellows will be thrown, not for crashing or low speed, but for liberal and imaginative use of the track. There was quite a yellow flag discussion in CTRA I think. Which resulted in them not using the flag system in any points based judgements. I think. I might be completly wrong there.

But if you feel you have it nailed and are happy with the system I am extremly interested about how this will work. Sounds like it could be a winner. No T1 turf outs sounds promising.
S3 licensed
You just need to sit on the CTRA, Conedodgers or Red line servers for any amount of time to see that the XRR is out of fashion atm. Now, I don't know whether thats because people havn't been bothered to put in the testing to get it back up to speed or that it's been nerfed out of being competative. My feeling is that the Community generally drive what they feel is the fastest regardless whether it's better or not. Obviously the FXR stills holds its crown as the noob/bullyboy racer car of choice whilst the FZR is raced by far more decerning drivers such as myself. But then i've always driven the FZR so I can't really give an indepth and fair balancing discussion between all the cars.
S3 licensed
Ah yes. Leet speak. Damn yoof.