Guys, guys guys guys. Guys.
It'll take you years to learn what I have learnt. And that is. . . .
You'll never learn what it is you think you need to learn. The rule book always changes, the boundaries are continously shifting, the horizon is never as close as it seems.
When it comes to women just be yourselves and don't get hung up about it. It's easier said than done I know and you have to learn your lessons your own way.
But. If I have learnt anything from anywhere and anyone is that being yourself is the best way you can ever get through life. There is always someone out there for you it might take a while but hey it's a pleasant enough journey so enjoy the rides that come along. It's amazing when the old adage of 'when you least expect it' comes true. Try new stuff, don't confine yourself to the same routine day in day out. Grow some balls and get out there and do things you have never concidered before. AmDram or fencing. Chess Clubs or horse riding. Turn of the computer and try makingsome real friends in the real world. Working somewhere is great. Get a bar job or restuarant work. Too young then do kitchen duties. Lot's of young waitress's there. But then they are all after the older bar staff. But hey, thats just another lesson you gotta learn. Are those kinda girls who you really want or can you make yourself see that the quiet girl with no makeup and wearing glasses has just as much, if not more, to offer than the pretty pretty girls who know they are.
Just be yourselves guys and you'll be amazed what can happen.