The GFC community boasts some of the fastest drivers in the world. For the upcoming event at Aston Grand Prix Reverse the FO8 class has the top two times in the world on the FO8 hotlap rank and FOX drivers have the 1st and 3rd fastest times in the world in the FOX rank.
btw - we will be fast around this track. FO8 class has the top two times in the world on the FO8 hotlap rank and FOX drivers have the 1st and 3rd fastest times in the world in the FOX rank.
come join me on the GFC servers and I'll give you a few pointers. I've got plenty of top quality sets too. Ones that are driveable and able to run WRE pace.
Should be in there tonight at some point. If I'm not there I'm sure some other GFC community members will be about to help you.
A polling system has now been introduced so the GFC community are the jurers. This has been introduced for the first time in round 3. Visit the members only area of the forum top see how this system works.
The grid for race 3 of the GFC is now full. However there are always several dropouts and there are 15 reserve spaces available for anyone who is interested in trying this extremely challenging format.
Great race last night. Everyone was pretty sensible if they had accidents and didn't move back onto line or anything. Quite a buzz passing 3 stricken cars in the fast section down from hilltop to the tram line.
I had a great race and even got into the lead of the FOX class, 3rd behind Huppis and Stormy, after define made a small error and outbraked himself I think at the end of the tram line. Then had pressure from him for about 15 laps as he made up the 3 seconds he'd lost to me there.
Really exciting. Just a shame the way it ended. Must have been the last lap for us FOXs. Loose barrel at the chicane sat right in front of me and swerving at that moment wasn't really an option. I hoped if I hit it dead straight-on with no lock at all I might get away with it but it spun me out and onto the grass. Then I hit something very gently, think it may have been define as he came past and the car did the old 'boing' thing and flipped me over. Typical!
Two issues with LFS here. Firstly, why aren't the barrels tied together like in real life? Second is the well known issue of the 'boing' crash detection.
No rules on numbers of each cars - generally its pretty close to 50/50. And trust me, you wouldn't get bored in the FOX in this format. It is extremely challenging trying to be fast while FO8s are suddenly appearing behind you all the time.
Have a read of some of the post race chat in the forum and you'll see what it's all about.
There will be a 34 Lap Race around Fern Bay Gold on the GFC server tonight at 21:00 UK Time. This is a dual class race featuring the FOX and FO8. This is an extremely intense form of competition. As a FOX you have one eye on your mirrors and as an FO8 you are constantly having to lap FOXs cleanly.
There will be an hours practice before the race. If you intend to take part and have not competed in this format before then some practice before hand is highly recomended.
You should also read the rules for this format at before you join the server. Rules can be found in the forum. Anyone not following the rules will be issued with a 24 hour ban.
Yep - I can confirm a test session will start at 20:00GMT tonight on the GFC Server. This will be a public session. An hours practice will be followed by a 34 lap race.
Yeah - R1s all the way. They go through a hot stage but then as they get thin they cool nicely. While they are hot you just have to be careful not to use more lock than absolutely necesary.
audimasta has very kindly produced a little video of the closing laps of the GFC. Shows how close a 52 lap race can be and you get a good feel for the dual class format in it.
I have created a forum section for all members to add any videos they happen to produce. It's located here: