They will have to be of extreme quality to be of any value. There are loads of us ameteur photographers who enjoy motorsport. Best bet is to set up a website to put them on and then add some Adsense advertising but the earnings will be tiny tbh.
When setting up cars for FE Gold I found that if I generated the majority of stiffness with ARBs instead of springs and dampers it lessened the effect of the car flipping up onto two wheels over the kerbs. Not sure why this worked though.
Spot on. And it's a problem in real life too. Many track day organisers do not allow cars to run on slicks unless they have rollover protection.
I had my Golf well and truly up on two wheels after catching the kerb at St. Marys corner Goodwood. I was running Yoko AO48s which don't offer anywhere near as much grip as proper slicks. If I had super soft slicks on there in their correct temparature range I would probably have gone over.
I don't have so much time for LFS these days and for me at least, you get out what you put in. I enjoy competitive races but the most enjoyable races are those where I have put a lot of time and effort into my preparation. I just don't have the time or inclination to do this anymore. A new car or track isn't going to change that.
I think to encourage me back to LFS would need significant changes to the current game. I still think the sound could be improved, the lack of prototype LMP style cars is a big shame for me, changeable weather conditions with rain would make longer races really exciting and the biggest thing for me is still the crash detection problems.
But to be honest, even then I doubt I would ever play LFS to the level I was at a year or two ago. I tried a long race a couple of weeks ago and I just found myself slightly bored after 20 odd laps.
I think for me LFS is reaching the end of its product life cycle.
Something odd going on there. That spec of machine should have no problem with LFS even at the highest res with max lod etc.
What else is running while you are playing LFS? Might be worth running the performance manager and seeing what processor usage you are experiencing when the problem occurs.
S2 servers are generally better than demo servers in terms of quality of racing. Some S2 servers are better than others. You need to get to know racers who you know you can trust and race fairly with and add them to your mates list in LFS world and join them when you see they are on.
However, there will always be idiots in LFS and any online racing game because there are no licence requirements, no global system for penalising poor driving, no age limits and no risk of personal injury.
So anyone who expects to race against exclusively clean racers in public servers is fooling themselves.
The best way to ensure clean racing is to join a league with clear rules and a system for penalising bad driving.
If you are rammed off by someone at T1 in a race don't let it get to you. Often you don't really know the full circumstances of the incident so it's best not to say anything to the driver either. He may have been rammed himself before he hit you. Unless you watch a replay and can see someone has actually rammed you intentionaly it's probably best not to say anything.
Nice report De Souza. I enjoyed the race for 30 laps but I haven't done any LFS for a while and am not used to it. My wrists and shoulders started to ache and my eys were going funny and after 35 odd laps I parked it in the garage after spinning and cooking my rears. I really couldn't face all that oversteer for 2 laps while they cooled. Sorry guys - I know it's bad form to quit like that. Set was a bit oversteery too which didn't help.
Still had a lot of fun in the first few laps until I touched the grass at entry to the chicane and spun and just after that me and Al got stuck into each other. So I tried to chase down the MF1 guys and was making progress when I slid and cooked the rears again with too much width on entry to the second to last corner after putting the rears on the grass,
That's my most common mistake - should remember to leave a bit of margin at entry in these long races.
Good fun though and I will organise another one in a few months. Some drivers seemed to have developed well since that last GFC race. You could tell who's been racing and who hasn't.
Alain, is there a server available for us today? What's it called?
Can you PM me the password for it, thanks mate.
I will post the password in the members section of the forum as usual and if any of you guys don't have an account then PM me here and I'll send it to you.
The race will be 53 laps in length. Looks like there are not enough FO8s for a decent race so I would recommend those drivers switch to FOX but ofcourse it is up to you. Qualifying will be the same as usual accept if there are no FO8s then it will only be 15 mins instead of 20.
As for start time, it is 20:00 UK Local Time. Please use the world clock if you are unsure what that is in your local time zone.
I would actually do it a different way from that. Just simply read through the HTML as text looking for TD tags and other info to find what I want and loop through.
LFSStats will do the job. It generates race summary information and also lap by lap times. You could then write some PHP to read the results pages and extract the info you want. Then you can do whatever you want with it - stick it in a database and write all sorts of queries.
LFSWorld also stores all you lap times from every single race you ever complete.