Next to where it says 'In Car' you can choose 'custom' as an alternative. Then there are various sliders to move the camera left/right/forward/back/up/down change pitch, FOV and rotation all while being attached to the car.
Spectate another driver in in-car view then go to options and choose custom view. You can position the camera anywhere and point it in any direction you like. Is that what you meant?
There's now only 1 guaranteed slot left for race 1. I will accept up to 10 reserves as there are usually several no shows. 7 failed to turn up last time from an entry list of 26. This grid will have 32 cars on it so I expect at least as many no shows as at FE Club.
There's now only 1 guaranteed slot left for race 1. I will accept up to 10 reserves as there are usually several no shows. 7 failed to turn up last time from an entry list of 26. This grid will have 32 cars on it so I expect at least as many no shows as at FE Club.
As I said before - racing is not just about lap time.
You are far more likely to have a big accident in an FO8 than a FOX. They require much more throttle control and this means concentration becomes even more important (especially over 75 mins). For this reason I am confident that I will continue to beat FO8s as the season goes on.
Yes but I also made 4 pitstops myself - three of which were unsceduled and in the first 50 laps of the race following accidents. So I could have been about 2 or 3 minutes faster!
We had a lot of discussion with all entrants in the forum about this. Initially I had a system a bit like yours but I changed it because of majority rule. The way we have it now encourages people to race and also encourages people to finish the race even if they are in last place with no hope of coming 2nd to last.
I don't want to separate the classes because I want to finish above some FO8s at the end of the season so separate points would make comparision impossible.
Couldn't work out how to block the race messages. Blocked chat easy enough but couldn't find the config for other messages.
Didn't want to go bigger on the res cos of file size. It's 640x480 which looks fine on my machine even in full screen view. You did watch the wmv and not the flash video didn't you?
I personally couldn't car less about real cars. I would like real world tracks but for me UK circuits would be most beneficial and I'm sure real world tracks would be from all around the world.
So really I'm not bothered either way and the effort involved in modelling real circuits to the level needed is just way too much. I would prefer the efforts to be put into constantly improving the race experience by tweaking the collision physics and stuff.
I think it vary's from situation to situation. Sometimes stay on line - i.e. going onto s straight, sometime move of it - mid corner you might skirt round the outside to give them the line.
This is racecraft at the end of the day and you learn it with experience. Drivers begin to understand one another too after racing in a series together.
The GFC is the competition for you mate. We have dual classes so blue flag rules a slightly different and it is really the driver behind's responsibility to lap the driver cleanly.