There should be a 'both' option. These days I mainly drive single seater so it's irrelevant but in the old days when I drove in ESL I used to switch sides depending on the track. Clockwise tracks I would sit on the right and anti-clockwise the left.
Yeah - just haven't come up with the colours I need for the <a tag. It's set in the stylesheet so can be changed quickly. Can't use red, white or black as there is already text on the site in those colours. Might try a blue colour and leave the yellow as the hover over colour.
Yeah - this is the first GFC season and the F stands for Formula. It's FOX's and FO8s.
I have discussed starting a GTTC competition which will be the same thing for Tin Tops but there hasn't been huge interest compared with when I started the GFC so it may not happen.
Give the FOX a try. You might find after getting used to it you like it. To me it feels the most realistic of all the LFS cars (once you have a good setup) but I'm sure lots of people would disagree.
I read once that the lower roll centre should be at the lighter end of the vehicle.
At the end of the day there are lots of ways of achieving a particular handling balance and in my view there are no simple rules and no subsititute for hours and hours of on-track testing. Still it's all good fun you lucky bugger
You'd be welcome to join the GFC. All standards catered for. At the start of the season many of the guys were rookies but all have pretty good skills now.
We are all very open in the community and share sets and practice together. Come along to the GFC server some time. Should be a few of us about this week as there is a race in Sunday.
But ofcourse You think I'd put all the effort of running a league if I didn't plan to race in it? hehe. OK I might not put too much effort into it. I'm hoping to be defending my crown in the GFC