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S2 licensed
Very nice battle for third ATM.
S2 licensed
Hey nice progress since the first version! Doriftooooo!!!
S2 licensed
OK, my bad then. I just thought it sounded a little weird to have a lower limit on the total driven distance in a beginners' league.
S2 licensed
Watched it now. I think your race reports were excellent. The way you focused on what's at stake, plus the "fate" of single drivers, made it interesting to watch.

One question though Michael -- you said the LFS Beginners Cup was open for anyone who's done 1200 miles or more. Shouldn't it be less..? I could be wrong though.
S2 licensed
Quote from kingfag :ah. infinite acceleration ftw.

Indeed! I kept going in circles until there I could only see two cars flickering. Didn't take too long, and it looked pretty damn psychedelic.
S2 licensed
Glad to hear you got it working again!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :tried to run/install ubunto... get an error: Bugger I/0 error on device fd0 logical block 0

That's funny.. :/ I think all you're supposed to do is insert the DVD and select "boot from DVD" by pressing F10 or something on startup. Is that what you tried?

I think I/0 errors means that it can't read the DVD. But I'm on very very thin ice here.. I think you'd be better off asking in some tech forum or something. Sorry!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :well, i tried the recovery via the cd, but what option do i need to select? the one that i remove all my files and programs, and restore from a back-up

I bet you could find the original dlls somewhere online. I recommend booting off an Ubuntu DVD or something (you can download and burn an image on another PC), which will AFAIK give you access to your hard drive, so you can replace the .dll files.

**Gnomie takes no responsibility in case the PC explodes and green monkeys emerge from your DVD **
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Oh dear...

Thats bump of the year award

At least he searched

I'm amazed at how good the demoers are at digging up old threads.. well, props for using the search button before making a new topic, but still.. this one was hilariuos!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :Not bad... I have access to a huge workshop where I work, I may design some parts for modifications and have them machined out of aluminum some day (when I reach the limits of the pedal set, now struggling to apply correct brake pressure - is the nixim mod ONLY a rubber pad? What thickness / stroke left on brake pedal? I have many samples of rubber and could try a few different hardnesses.
Any chance to get measurements of your spacers if they feel comfortable?


The Nixim mod is indeed "just a piece of rubber". Here you can see the detailed instructions. I'm sure it's possible to make your own, but be careful not to use something too stiff. The Nixim mod about halves the effective pedal range (by introducing a 50% deadzone before the rubber starts getting squished), but in return the feeling is MUCH better. However one of the main reasons why I'm considering to invert the pedals and extend the pedal arc is to get a longer range of travel to compensate for the large deadzone.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :
I'll keep the wheel for a while, it cost me 210€ plus nearly the same for a handbag and a purse already, maybe more to come...
Damn that's an expensive wheel.

:lol So you had to "buy" peace in the house, I see? Well it's worth it, I assure you.
S2 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :I'll see the third effect tonight when the wife and kids get back from vacation and find out :arge:

Hehehehe , if anything happens to you , can i get your G25 for free ? [/QUOTE]

Well he hasn't posted for a while.. maybe his wife threw the G25 out the window and locked Mille in the basement for a week or something..
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Watch episode 29 for my interview with SamH about V1 Championship.

Watched it and liked it! Good job. Maybe some of the abbreviations (UKCT, CTRA ++) weren't so easy to grasp for non-LFSers, but that wasn't really essential either. I think the message about the V1 Championship was conveyed very well.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :I think that option is for PC performace. It hides cars that you don't need to see, to increase FPS. I have it turned off because when making movies, having cars randomly appearing does not look good.

Actually the reason I asked was because I heard you mention it in a live broadcast a while ago, asking someone to turn it off. Cheers for clearing it up for me.
S2 licensed
Thanks Turbo Dad! I'll try to contact him and see what he says.

In the meantime I've done some minor modifications to the non-inverted setup. I've moved the gas pedal a little closer to the brake, and elevated the brake again using washers. (the nixim mod is of course still installed) I haven't used it enough yet to make a final verdict, but my first impression is that heel&toe is much easier now, because when I depress the brake my foot is almost precisely level with the gas pedal, so I just have to twist my ankle slightly to heel&toe.

Here's a few pictures:
The block I used to move the gas pedal:
Seen from the front:
Seen from above:

I'll keep it this way until my Rinoseat arrives, and then I'll decide on whether I want to invert the pedals or not.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :Forget it...
I got the G25 in the end, and buying this made me feel like a teenager, with a mixed feeling of shame and joy common during this period.
So I can say the first G25 effect is to make me feel 20 odd years younger

Second effect is my lap times dropped 2-4 seconds/minute
I'll see the third effect tonight when the wife and kids get back from vacation and find out :arge:

Wow, you're already that much faster? Impressive! I'd have thougth it would take longer to get used to.

I don't really understand why your wife would get angry, though.. what does it matter if you play with a mouse or a wheel? You're playing LFS anyway..

See you on the DmR server tonight..?
S2 licensed
While on the topic -- what exactly does "multiplayer optimization" or whatever it's called actually do? Does that affect lag?
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :To get around this time zone problem, I simply cheat the system. I live my life according to London time (GMT). That way, I can see the most number of people online at any given time. It has it's downsides, such as girls looking at you weird when you tell them your bedtime is midnight (7pm local time), and it doesn't allow you to work a normal job, maybe newspaper deliveryman at best cause they always deliver before sunrise. All in all, it's worth it for a die-hard LFS fan on the wrong side of the planet.

Now that's what I call dedication!
S2 licensed
What does VATSIM do? Is it an automatic voice-regognition system that can be used to control your own airplane, or do you use it to communicate with other pilots/towers?
S2 licensed
Good news about both the netcode and the system requirements! The demo runs smoothly at 1920x1200 on my shabby old laptop, with at least some eye candy.

Quote from AlienT. :I've just re-installed but I can't get the pedals to work properly Got Leo Bednars Pedal mod and my axis are all nincompooped.....I shall persevere.

Yeah, I had a weird issue with the clutch in the demo.. dunno if it was just a driver mistake or what, but I simply couldn't manage to not stall.. So for now I've been using autoclutch.

By the way: what would you say would be classified as a decent laptime in the demo? I feel I've "got the flow" now, but I have no idea how fast I am or what target I should aim for.

Oh, and one more thing: what exactly is Jaap's role in nKP? I thought there was this other guy coding mostly the whole thing by himself..
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :My uncle has been interested in airplanes his whole life, and if it hadn't been for a car accident in his youth, where he lost an eye, he probably would have been a real pilot now.

Wow, dude.. my uncle is in exactly the same situation..!:twirl: he always wanted to be a pilot, but he lost his eye in an accident when he was a kid. He hasn't built a cockpit though, but he does play flightsims quite a lot. Plus, he's from Northern Norway too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :That would indeed put a lot of stress on the pedal, especially if I get it correctly the nixim mod involves having the pedal travel limited with a hard rubber pad to simulate RL brakes.
If the added part is bolted (sandwich like to prevent damage) and "bendable", i.e. with lower mechanical resistance that the rest of the assembly, that would bend (and eventually break) before you damage the pedal itself. 1mm sheet metal maybe?

Good thoughts. I'll have to consider this some more.. maybe I'll pop by the metal workshop at campus and ask them if they could machine something for me in return for a sixpack of beer or something. But before I go into construction I'll have to wait for the Rinoseat to arrive so I can get some precise measurements. (I've been waiting for 6 weeks now..)
S2 licensed
Very nice mod! I'm thinking about maybe doing something similar when I get my Rinoseat. However I was thinking about maybe extending the pedal a little to get a longer "arc of travel". I think the pedal travel is too low with the original configuration, especially when using the nixim mod. Here's a rough sketch of what I was thinking. (the black thingy is the piece of iron that I'd add)

Any thoughts? What I'm mostly worried about is that it would of course induce more stress on the pedal mechanism. Especially since I'm using the nixim mod... has anyone tried using the Nixim mod in an upside-down arrangement like the original poster?
S2 licensed
Yes, I also remember seeing a thread about your incident. So although I've never raced against you, it's good to see you're back!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :I would not push it too far, time is on my side with LFS developpement speed
I'm looking for an off the shelf product to buy in a nearby store, so that I get at least a few days use before retaliation... Being in Switzerland it looks like logitech / PS2, 3 products are more likely to be found.
My budget could be higher but what is important is how much I spend cowardly now.
Fanatec as I read is 300€, too big to sneak in even if I will most certainly miss a clutch + shifter. One step at a time... maybe FFB off to start with.
Do these things rumble under use? How loud (never seen one) - dishwasher, fridge or blender?

Here's SRT's review of the Logitech Driving Force GT. Apparently it's not too noisy. He says the wheel "loves LFS".