Watched it now. I think your race reports were excellent. The way you focused on what's at stake, plus the "fate" of single drivers, made it interesting to watch.
One question though Michael -- you said the LFS Beginners Cup was open for anyone who's done 1200 miles or more. Shouldn't it be less..? I could be wrong though.
That's funny.. :/ I think all you're supposed to do is insert the DVD and select "boot from DVD" by pressing F10 or something on startup. Is that what you tried?
I think I/0 errors means that it can't read the DVD. But I'm on very very thin ice here.. I think you'd be better off asking in some tech forum or something. Sorry!
I bet you could find the original dlls somewhere online. I recommend booting off an Ubuntu DVD or something (you can download and burn an image on another PC), which will AFAIK give you access to your hard drive, so you can replace the .dll files.
**Gnomie takes no responsibility in case the PC explodes and green monkeys emerge from your DVD **
I'm amazed at how good the demoers are at digging up old threads.. well, props for using the search button before making a new topic, but still.. this one was hilariuos!
The Nixim mod is indeed "just a piece of rubber". Here you can see the detailed instructions. I'm sure it's possible to make your own, but be careful not to use something too stiff. The Nixim mod about halves the effective pedal range (by introducing a 50% deadzone before the rubber starts getting squished), but in return the feeling is MUCH better. However one of the main reasons why I'm considering to invert the pedals and extend the pedal arc is to get a longer range of travel to compensate for the large deadzone.
Watched it and liked it! Good job. Maybe some of the abbreviations (UKCT, CTRA ++) weren't so easy to grasp for non-LFSers, but that wasn't really essential either. I think the message about the V1 Championship was conveyed very well.
Actually the reason I asked was because I heard you mention it in a live broadcast a while ago, asking someone to turn it off. Cheers for clearing it up for me.
Thanks Turbo Dad! I'll try to contact him and see what he says.
In the meantime I've done some minor modifications to the non-inverted setup. I've moved the gas pedal a little closer to the brake, and elevated the brake again using washers. (the nixim mod is of course still installed) I haven't used it enough yet to make a final verdict, but my first impression is that heel&toe is much easier now, because when I depress the brake my foot is almost precisely level with the gas pedal, so I just have to twist my ankle slightly to heel&toe.
Here's a few pictures:
The block I used to move the gas pedal:
Seen from the front:
Seen from above:
I'll keep it this way until my Rinoseat arrives, and then I'll decide on whether I want to invert the pedals or not.
What does VATSIM do? Is it an automatic voice-regognition system that can be used to control your own airplane, or do you use it to communicate with other pilots/towers?
Good news about both the netcode and the system requirements! The demo runs smoothly at 1920x1200 on my shabby old laptop, with at least some eye candy.
Yeah, I had a weird issue with the clutch in the demo.. dunno if it was just a driver mistake or what, but I simply couldn't manage to not stall.. So for now I've been using autoclutch.
By the way: what would you say would be classified as a decent laptime in the demo? I feel I've "got the flow" now, but I have no idea how fast I am or what target I should aim for.
Oh, and one more thing: what exactly is Jaap's role in nKP? I thought there was this other guy coding mostly the whole thing by himself..
Wow, dude.. my uncle is in exactly the same situation..!:twirl: he always wanted to be a pilot, but he lost his eye in an accident when he was a kid. He hasn't built a cockpit though, but he does play flightsims quite a lot. Plus, he's from Northern Norway too.
Good thoughts. I'll have to consider this some more.. maybe I'll pop by the metal workshop at campus and ask them if they could machine something for me in return for a sixpack of beer or something. But before I go into construction I'll have to wait for the Rinoseat to arrive so I can get some precise measurements. (I've been waiting for 6 weeks now..)
Very nice mod! I'm thinking about maybe doing something similar when I get my Rinoseat. However I was thinking about maybe extending the pedal a little to get a longer "arc of travel". I think the pedal travel is too low with the original configuration, especially when using the nixim mod. Here's a rough sketch of what I was thinking. (the black thingy is the piece of iron that I'd add)
Any thoughts? What I'm mostly worried about is that it would of course induce more stress on the pedal mechanism. Especially since I'm using the nixim mod... has anyone tried using the Nixim mod in an upside-down arrangement like the original poster?