Yay, finally! I was wondering when you'd get one. As they say, it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
I have no experience with this wheel, but I hear the Fanatec 911 is very silent, at least compared to the G25, due to its belt drive. If that fits within your budget I'd recommend looking into it. IMO a manual shifter and clutch adds a whole ton to the gaming experience and immersion (I'm a G25 user)
I'm really excited about this! I recently downloaded the 1.02 demo and I'm still having a blast just driving around on my own. The physics and FFB are totally awesome in my opinion. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the online code is good and that people start playing regularly!
By the way, have the system requirements changed since 1.02?
I was looking for another camera mod. Does anyone remember that mod released a while ago where the head movement inside the car was improved a lot? It looked great when driving over bumps and stuff.
If anyone has a link or remember the name, please PM me or post here.
Did you manage to fix the problem? My throttle has started acting up as well.
EDIT: fixed it. I had to open my pedal case anyway to slice off a few mm from the nixim brake mod. While I was in there I removed a whole lot of dust and crap from the pots, although I didn't unscrew and properly clean them. However now it's working as new again!
Or wait a minute.. would the force feedback be stronger if you set it to 540 in the profiler rather than using the method I described above, for the GTR cars for instance..? I've never tried, so I wouldn't know...
You don' have to do that, though. Just set it to 720 degrees both in Profiler and LFS, and wheel turn compensation to 1.0, and it will automatically set it self up correctly for any car.
But seriuosly, I think this was another great instalment. I also like the way they are going with hiring special reporters for the different games. If they do this for other games as well (rFactor, iRacing ++) then Darin and Shaun could have more time to focus on reviews and (maybe) even have time to resurrect the live broadcasts..
This is "full coverage" insurance I presume? Normally that's not worth it unless you have a pretty expensive car..
But yeah, insurance prices are ridiculous in Norway too. I want a RWD car with decent power-to-weight ratio. Since a big engine --> expensive insurance, that means I'm looking for a small, sporty RWD car. Yet all those cars are way too tiny for me to fit in. (I'm 200cm) So no car for me.
Or you could say that Scavier has saved the planet from approximately 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, which is about 1% of Norway's total annual emissions.
(Using the simplification that 1 liter fuel ~ 1 kg fuel --> 2 kg CO2)