Nice episode! (as usual) I'm looking forward to the piece about iRacing too.
Some pieces of the interviews were a little hard to hear, though. (too low "angle of acceptance" on your mic perhaps?) Might want to see what you can do about that.
I'd like to know this too. I watched season 1 (which was great), but halfway through season 2 I gave up.. I just realised that this show could go on for ever, with more questions popping up all the time. Besides, the irrational behaviour of many of the characters bugged me to no end.
I think I'll have to go with a NA too. Probably a 1,6 liter 1991 model. In fact I was thinking that maybe tomorrow after my final exam I'll pop by a car dealer to take one for a spin. (i've seen they have one for sale).
But insurance is not the only thing that costs money.. there's annual services, fuel +++. I think that in total I'd probably be looking at close to £3000 a year, which is a lot for a poor student like me. So for now it's only day dreaming. But when I finally do get a car, whenever that might be, it will be an MX-5.
This is exactly what I'm planning to do. I've been dreaming about those cars for as long as I can remember, and my LFS experience with RWD cars just put more fuel on the fire. (I was hoping LFS would help fight my desire for a car, but it seems to work opposite. ) However I'm only 21, so insurance would be pretty expensive.
In Norway the insurance companies offer either "full coverage" (which covers everything, even if it's obviously your fault) and "partial coverage" (which covers stuff like fires and theft). The latter is of course much cheaper. In my case full coverage would cost about £1900 a year, while partial coverage is about half that. So if I get partial coverage and drive without error for 5-6 years the money I'd have saved would be about the same as the value of the car.. which is pretty silly.
I think it's all about finding the "sweet spot" in terms of car value vs insurance cost. But I think in general you'd be better off the sooner you start paying for your own insurance instead of using your parents' insurance. If you don't, you might be facing some ridiculously expensive insurance once you're 26 or whatever and want to buy a brand new car.
Sometimes if I plug in my wheel after starting LFS my wheel behaves erratically too, since it appears to loose calibration. All I need to do is turn it from lock to lock in game (after starting the race) and it will recalibrate itself.
Generally for quali you can use more agressive cambers, too, since you don't have to worry about tyre wear. I find that this can be very effective: it gives you little rolling resistance on high speed straights (since basically only the inside of the tire is in contact with the ground). If you use this together with quite low pressures you get plenty of traction in the corners because the tires flex.
A side note: I find it much more difficult to tweak pressures/cambers on cars with wide tires, such as the FZ5. Too much camber and pressure --> outside doesn't get warm. Too high pressure, less camber --> middle gets too warm. Lower pressure and camber --> better (and this is what I use) but I get more friction.
I hope the workshops that customize bikes also take the structural integrity into account.. just putting on a bigger engine and stronger brakes won't be enough to ensure safe travel at those speeds.
I've always been very attracted to racing and cars in general. My first car will be an MX-5, of that I'm sure. But my student economy won't allow it. (well, technically I guess I could find a way, but I have absolutely no use for a car in my everyday life, so for now I manage to restrain myself). For now LFS provides my "speed fix".
The fastest I've gone was 180 kp/h. But that was with my snowmobile, not a car. I lived at Svalbard (Spitzbergen) last spring, so of course owning a snowmobile was pretty much a mandatory thing. I bought an Arctic Cat Jaguar Z1 1100cc 123 HP four-stroke snowmobile. Even though it did make a quite significant dent in my economy (those things drop in value like a stone..) it was definitely worth it. A life time experience. I can tell you, it's quite an adrenaline rush to go full speed on the sea ice or in the long, flat valleys.. one little bump and you're dead.
If you have selected manual clutch, you need to engage it to put the engine into first gear as the race starts. Otherwise it just stands still and you can't shift.
Have the devs ever mentioned going over to DX9? Would that even be technically possible (that is, keeping today's content but just making it look nicer) Do you reckon DX8 would allow the features you mention in a satisfactory manner, such as dynamic weather and that?
I'm asking because I don't know the limitations of DX8 vs DX9/10.
Got the game last autumn, but it took some time before I got my wheel and everything set up right, so I only really started playing after Christmas (when I discovered CTRA).
Nowadays I have to force myself to not play as much though, because of exams. And then I'm going home for the summer, so I won't be able to play for over two months. That's going to hurt badly..